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  • Sep 1, 2021, 08:27 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Sample item. "If someone foolishly tries to represent this as a quote, "(I) would belittle any answer (you) would come up with," but then can't show where the quoted material occurred or can't explain why he had to supply words to make the supposed quote make sense, then can that person claim to understand anything at all about direct quotations?

    a. Nope
    b. Hardly
    c. Nada
    d. Nein
    e. No way
    f. All of the above.

    I missed your edit first time around.

    Many thanks for posting this. Anyone confused by your discombobulation can now see the problem. Ordinarily, it wouldn't be remarkable, but for a self-proclaimed teacher, it makes us all wonder about your self-proclamation.
  • Sep 1, 2021, 08:31 PM
    Well, enough of this. Your lie (or whatever the motive or cause is) is out there for everyone to see. I tried to let you correct yourself, but you are just too stubborn or ignorant to do it. Rest assured that of the seven billion people on the planet, you are the only one unable to see your plain error. I'll let you prattle on by yourself. I'll use your error to help fourth graders learn about direct quotes. It'll be a fame of sorts for you. But man do I feel sorry for you. It must be terrible to be so ignorant.

    It's just this simple. "If someone foolishly tries to represent this as a quote, "(I) would belittle any answer (you) would come up with," but then can't show where the quoted material occurred or can't explain why he had to supply words to make the supposed quote make sense, then can that person claim to understand anything at all about direct quotations?"

    It's really difficult for me to imagine what level of ignorance, stubbornness, or even hatred would prevent a person from simply saying, "What I represented as a direct quote was, in fact, not a direct quote." It's just amazing to me. I don't know that I've ever seen anything quite like this in my lifetime. To be so ignorant and yet be unwilling to move beyond it is just stunning. Again, it has been a truly unique experience. Just incredible.

    And over what basically amounts to nothing! Let it go, for goodness sake. Get a life.
  • Sep 1, 2021, 08:47 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Well, enough of this.

    About time you gave up. Some day you will learn that repeating your errors (not excluding talking snakes and killer Gods) is in exercise in futility.

    Every so often you give hints of coming around, but then you soon revert to your old ways. Sort of like a bi-polar poster. Not the best analogy, but until a better one comes along, it will have to do.
  • Sep 1, 2021, 09:23 PM
    Another edit I missed first time around.


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Rest assured that of the seven billion people on the planet, you are the only one unable to see your plain error.

    WOW! You seem upset. Seven billion? Really?


    It's really difficult for me to imagine what level of ignorance, stubbornness, or even hatred would prevent a person from simply saying,
    WOW! Getting upset-er. Smoke coming out of his ears and nose in great long streams.


    I don't know that I've ever seen anything quite like this in my lifetime.
    WOW! You are sure having a boring life.


    To be so ignorant and yet be unwilling to move beyond it is just stunning.
    WOW! He's stunned!


    it has been a truly unique experience.
    WOW! Does that mean you're enjoying it? (There's that bi-polar stuff again).


    Just incredible.
    WOW! Sorry to put you in such a rage. Try to understand it's self-inflicted. You'll feel better.


    And over what basically amounts to nothing!
    The obsession has been all yours, my friend. I'm just along for the ride.


    Let it go, for goodness sake. Get a life.
    Physician, heal thyself! (That means - take your own advice).

    Jl, you really, really need to calm yourself. A lot of people are reading this thread. This post of yours with all its over the top hysteria is marking you as a crazy person.

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