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  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:17 PM

    Then waltero continued with:

    ***The adjective- "unconditional love" can mean a whole lot of different is nonjudgmental. Example: You should be like the God you preach, God's love is unconditional, he loves everybody just as they are...therefore you shouldn't raise any problems about christening our baby, gay marriage, etc. That is how that phrase comes across to unbelievers.

    God's love is unconditional, which means he does not judge people, he loves them just as they are so come to him just as you are...what about repentance??? Isn't repentance the First step when coming to God?***
    Yes, and I also indicated that Preaching God's Love to unbelievers is like casting pearls among Swine...They don't understand or know God's love.

    In preaching the love of God, especially unconditionally to unbelievers, are we in fact doing what the Lord wanted us to do?
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:19 PM

    Originally Posted by waltero View Post
    Yes, and I also indicated that Preaching God's Love to unbelievers is like casting pearls among Swine...They don't understand or know God's love.

    Nor did we understand. What changes the human heart?
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:20 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Thank you for providing the evidence of your own deception! You claimed I wrote, "I) would belittle any answer (you) would come up with". Anyone looking at the quote below can clearly see I did not. Case closed by your own evidence.

    Jl, I know you have difficulty understanding the written word, but this is ridiculous. To keep repeating your failure to understand is pretty pathetic. I will repeat what you wrote and which you claim does not show you belittling my post on talking serpents.

    "I'm asking about the resurrection to point out that believing in that event while belittling the serpent in Genesis 3 strikes me as strange ."


    This is so funny.
    What is funny - more sad than funny - is you contradicting your own words even when they're quoted for you.


    It's all there except for these words. "would, belittle, any, answer, come, up, with" I mean other than those seven words, which is nearly ALL OF THEM, your quote is exactly right! It just doesn't get any funnier than this.
    Jl, I left this part in so others can see your confusion. I'm becoming uncomfortable pointing out your mental frailties but when you keep repeating the same thing over and over, you leave me no choice.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:23 PM

    God's love is unconditional, which means he does not judge people, he loves them just as they are so come to him just as you are...what about repentance??? Isn't repentance the First step when coming to God?***
    Why should people repent when God loves them just as they are?


    Jl, I know you have difficulty understanding the written word, but this is ridiculous. To keep repeating your failure to understand is pretty pathetic. I will repeat what you wrote and which you claim does not show you belittling my post on talking serpents.

    "I'm asking about the resurrection to point out that believing in that event while belittling the serpent in Genesis 3 strikes me as strange ."
    Naw. You're toast. Everyone can see that I did not say what you claimed I said. Everyone can see you don't understand quotes. It's over. Try honesty next time. If you claim I wrote, "(I) would belittle any answer (you) would come up with," then you need to find some place where I said those words. That you clearly don't understand that explains a lot of your problems. It is a weird as me claiming you said, "JL knows a lot more about quotations than I do." Now that's evidently true, but you never said that so I wouldn't post it.

    Now if you want to say I MEANT that, then we can discuss it, but those were not my words or my quote.

    I just can't get over you posting the conclusive evidence of your own deceit or, more likely, lack of understanding of how quotations work. Unbelievable!! And then reposting it! I've seen some wild things in my life, but you take the cake with that. I'm all for you and hope you do well, but this is like a man saying that black is white and then refusing to back off of it.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:25 PM

    Why should people repent when God loves them just as they are?
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:28 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Why should people repent when God loves them just as they are?

    I had asked you, do you love your children unconditionally? If yes, then why did they repent (say "I'm sorry") to you after doing something bad?
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:34 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Naw, you're toast. Everyone can see that I did not say what you claimed I said. Everyone can see you don't understand quotes. It's over. Try honesty next time.

    I just can't get over you posting the conclusive evidence of your own deceit. Unbelievable!!

    "Everyone" can make their own decision reading your words. That's fine with me.

    You're getting a bit hysterical with your words about me - "lack of honesty", "don't understand", "deceit", "Unbelievable!". All that is a dead giveaway.

    "The Lady doth protest too much!"


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    but those were not my words or my quote.

    Case closed.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:34 PM

    "Everyone" can make their own decision reading your words. That's fine with me.

    You're getting a bit hysterical with your words about me - "lack of honesty", "don't understand", "deceit", "Unbelievable!". All that is a dead giveaway.
    Now you're catching on with those quotation marks. Much better, my friend. There is hope for you. Makes me just downright proud of you.

    As to admitting to mistakes? Well, you have a ways to go there. We'll keep working on it.

    Oh wait! I wrote too soon. You do see it now!!


    but those were not my words or my quote.

    Case closed.
    We can take that as an admission of a mistake. Much better.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:41 PM

    I had asked you, do you love your children unconditionally? If yes, then why did they repent (say "I'm sorry") to you after doing something bad?
    To restore fellowship.

    Now my question. Are all children in your family, or just some children? And please give a serious answer.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:44 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Well done, Athos! You seem to now understand quotation marks.

    This is what Jl is referring to


    but those were not my words or my quote.

    Case closed.
    The reference is to Jl's words/quote, not mine. A good example of his dissembling - even in the face of so much contrary information publicly posted in this thread.

    This is why I'm feeling so uncomfortable about him. He digs it deeper and deeper with each post. I wish he would stop, so I could stop.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:45 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    To restore fellowship.

    If a neighbor's kid or your child's school friend did something bad to you or on your property, and said "I'm sorry", would fellowship be restored?

    Now my question. Are all children in your family, or just some children? And please give a serious answer.
    All children -- and adults -- are in God's family and in mine.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:46 PM
    You did not answer my question. I answered yours, but you bailed out. It just reminds me of how much I hate trying to have a discussion with you. If your beliefs get challenged, you just run to some other subject. Give an honest answer or talk with someone else.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:48 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You did not answer my question. I answered yours, but you bailed out. It just reminds me of how much I hate trying to have a discussion with you. If your beliefs get challenged, you just run to some other subject. Talk with someone else.

    Look again.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 12:56 PM

    All children -- and adults -- are in God's family and in mine.
    Neither answer is true. Your own children have privileges other children do not have. They live in your house. You are responsible for their clothing, school, food, and so forth. They have your name. They will inherit your wealth.

    The answer is "no" and you know it. If all children and adults are in your family, then why aren't you housing, feeding, and clothing all of them? Are they in your will? Do they sleep in your house? Did you send them through college? Your answer is an attempt to sound noble, but is in no way true. I'm sure you try to care for many of them, but they are not in your family.


    The reference is to Jl's words/quote, not mine. A good example of his dissembling - even in the face of so much contrary information publicly posted in this thread.

    This is why I'm feeling so uncomfortable about him. He digs it deeper and deeper with each post. I wish he would stop, so I could stop.
    Yes. Case closed since, as you admitted and pointed out, the words you posted were not mine.

    You got my hopes for you up and then squashed them. But I still have hope for you. You did manage to use quotation marks successfully on one occasion ("lack of honesty", "don't understand", "deceit", "Unbelievable!"), so I have hope you can do it again.

    At any rate, your quote of me was a deceitful mess and you got caught in it. Get over it and move on.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 01:45 PM

    Allegory of Jonah
    Does an allegory write a song?
  • Aug 31, 2021, 02:10 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Neither answer is true. Your own children have privileges other children do not have. They live in your house. You are responsible for their clothing, school, food, and so forth. They have your name. They will inherit your wealth.

    You have absolutely NO idea of how I'm spending my inherited (from my son) wealth and my influence to help as many adults and children as possible. My surviving son is almost 51 and doesn't have my name nor will he inherit wealth from me.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 02:16 PM

    Originally Posted by waltero View Post
    Does an allegory write a song?
  • Aug 31, 2021, 03:30 PM

    You have absolutely NO idea of how I'm spending my inherited (from my son) wealth and my influence to help as many adults and children as possible. My surviving son is almost 51 and doesn't have my name nor will he inherit wealth from me.
    I have no idea where your wealth came from and don't care. I do know that you will not go out and pick out the next twenty strangers you come across and put them in your will. Your family benefits from...being your family in many ways that strangers don't. And I can hardly believe we are even having such a discussion as this. The truth it is very plain.

    I do know this. You do not receive the benefits from being in God's family until you get in that family, and you get in that family by trusting Christ. Either that, or WG knows more than the Apostle John did. John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 03:36 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Your family benefits from...being your family in many ways that strangers don't.

    Yeah, my husband and son get to push my wheelchair when I leave the house for a hematologist visit.
  • Aug 31, 2021, 03:39 PM
    Yes. You benefit from being in your family. You don't go out to the street and try to enlist a stranger to do it. My wife benefits me in many ways. We benefit our children in many ways. We are helpful to strangers as well, and to other Christian brethren, but my wife does not fix them supper every night.

    What are you so mad about?

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