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  • Oct 16, 2011, 08:50 PM
    My friend at work knows the situation, she is my best friend, and think he is really into me and that sshe can see it ins his eyes. Also other girls at work asked me if he was in love with me or something because he looked like that.
  • Oct 16, 2011, 08:54 PM
    You're language has been fine to me. Translate away. Google, whatever.

    Ive already got it. Understood you the whole time.

    You haven't.

    This has nothing but disaster written all over it.


    Just because someone flirts & wants, well... doesn't mean anything.
    Its all about what you want. Are you that desperate?

    I would stop right now.

    Get with a cool guy that has better qualities & isn't married, or trying to rebound & get laid.
  • Oct 16, 2011, 09:00 PM
    I'm not desperate but I do have feelings for him. We are very compatible. Anyway, when we women are in love we tend to act very stupid! I must say I am being stupid... I know it.. but can't help it... Also things get worse since I have a relationship with my boyfriend of 10 years and everyday of my life I feel bored meaningless and like I need something new. We have a lot of issues and seems like it is not going to last more than 6 months. I don't know what to do.
  • Oct 16, 2011, 09:04 PM
    It sounds to me like you should break everything off. You are not happy in your current relationship, the relationship that DOES make you happy has no real hope for the future.

    Wipe every slate clean, break it all off, move if you have to... but start fresh, start new, and build the life that you want, rather than being stuck in situations that will never bring you the happiness you are searching for.
  • Oct 16, 2011, 09:19 PM
    Very true. I do love him but I'm not in love with him anymore. We are more friends and I don't like to have with him since we are always arguing. I need a man, not a baby. My boyfriend always depends on me and I got tired of it! I need some that I can depend on!

  • Oct 16, 2011, 09:28 PM

    Glad you finally boiled it down.

    Stay away from married guys.
    "I do love him but I'm not in love with him anymore"

    Be conscious of love.
    What love means.

    Its in the same in every language.

    "I need a man, not a baby"

    You don't "need" anything.
    Just you.

  • Oct 16, 2011, 09:38 PM
    What to do with a relationship of 10 years that don't fulfills me anymore?
    I do care about my boyfriend but I think it is over. We have changed both our personalities and interests.. I feel we are only friends. I don't want to live like that, I want excitement in my life and I do need to stay alone for some time. I've only had this relationship since I was 15, now I'm 25 and feel like I have not lived. What can I do?
  • Oct 17, 2011, 03:40 AM
    Yes, its sad when you feel like this but can't you two put things right on the table and talk it out. After all you have been together for l0 years so what has happened, you are too used to each other, do the same old things and you have matured and maybe he hasn't.

    Maybe you just need time off and not an entire split, to see just what and who you are now and where you are going with him. I hope he doesn't take it personally, men don't seem to put two and two together when a woman wants time off.

  • Oct 17, 2011, 08:47 PM
    You are very right. But I do feel like we don't like the same things anymore, this is the only boyfriend I've had... I haven't lived at all! :( Also, our sex life sucks.. we always end fighting.
  • Oct 17, 2011, 08:54 PM
    How can I have a fling without having any feelings?
    Hi. I've had sex with this guy, he is married. At first I thought it was only going to be a fling just to have fun but after that I really fell for him and I do have feelings for him. I want to continuee seeing him although 6 months have passed and we haven't go out anymore. I understand the "without compromise" thing. I don't want to cause him problems or anything. He always sees me where I work, flirts with me and all that but seems like he is avoiding the sex situation... and it is very strange in a man and more when I do know I really like him. I don't pursue him at all, it was just one night, but I think there is something more and maybe he don't want to do it again after he said he wanted so we don't develop feelings for each other since we are very compatible in our personalities.
  • Oct 17, 2011, 10:20 PM
    Your threads were put together as one and edited/T

    What a mess of a situation to be in. You cheat on a long time boyfriend, with a married guy, who you have fallen for and you think because he has a rocky marriage, he has feelings for you?

    That's what all the liars and cheaters go through. None can be honest enough with there partners, or make honest changes.

    They just put all hope into any kind of attention that makes them feel good in their miserable lives, and the hell with the consequences. Heck, the only reason you are still with this old boyfriend is because you haven't found a place to go and get love on a regular basis, because married guy has a family to tend to, plus he only likes you for sex anyway. As miserable as he says his life is to you or others, he ain't going no where soon.

    Probably has a couple of booty calls besides you.

    Be honest with your boyfriend and just tell him the thrill is gone, and get your life together and stop being a silly piece of meat and get some dignity, and self respect about yourself.

    That's the path to happiness since all a fling does is confuse your already addled head. Not to insult you or be cruel, just pointing out the utter stupidity of sharing your body with a few men and none of them are doing you any good at all.

    You can do better for yourself.
  • Oct 17, 2011, 10:37 PM
    The thing is that he is not a liar to me. Before all happened he told me it was going to be without any comprosime and I accepted. He's been trying to stay away but I noticed it is hard for him. He had all this time to play with me and ask for sex and he haven't done that. I think that he don't want to hurt my feelings. Sorry for my english.. is not my first language. He looks sad too. I don't know..
  • Oct 17, 2011, 10:41 PM
    Also I have not shre my body with a lot of men... just my boyfriend of 10 years and the married guy.. He is not the type that gets a lot of booty calls.. if he can't go out with me since he is alays scared of the situation and Im 24... hes 36... what makes you think he is going out with other women? I don't think so and that's why I accepted to have the fling with him... he said yes to me because I like him too much, the same as I like him a lot.
  • Oct 17, 2011, 10:48 PM
    I do know, like all married men who cheat, he loves his booty calls, they make him feel good when he needs to feel good, but FACT is if he would cheat on his wife, he probably cheats on you too. How would you know? He would never tell you because then you wouldn't feel for him, or feel used, like you obviously are.

    He has to make you feel like you are special to him doesn't he? But like most who help him a lying cheater to cheat, you think he feels true for you.

    Stop having sex and I bet he disappears, and will come back when he has your body again.

    Like I say, what good are you getting from this? Love? No this doesn't resemble love, or happiness. It's a booty call, free and easy sex, that's all there is.

    You better listen, or you will never know what love and happiness is. Don't you deserve to know what happiness is? What real love is? What a happy, healthy love is?
  • Oct 17, 2011, 10:59 PM
    He just had sex with me 1 time... what if I want to have sex too? And not love!
  • Oct 17, 2011, 11:15 PM
    If that's the best you can do for yourself, have at it and stop wondering about feelings. Its sex, that's all right?

    What do you expect from just sex but a nut, and then back to the shop until next time, when he has time. If its just sex, then feelings don't matter, nor does the guy, and they are every where. They will have sex with you, they all will. What's the point? Its just sex, if that's what you want, hardly a path to happiness. Your choice.
  • Oct 17, 2011, 11:17 PM
    At least I can have him that way! :( I don't know how to get out of this...
  • Oct 18, 2011, 10:45 AM
    Think of yourself as more than a piece of meat, and see there is more to life than just sex. A lot more. Just as he found you, he can find others. Probably has. No doubt.

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