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  • Sep 10, 2019, 08:18 PM
    Ace pitchers getting bombed in the first inning makes my head explode. Dufus picks, not so much! Repubs finally filling a congressional seat where they got caught cheating was amusing though.
  • Sep 11, 2019, 09:14 AM
    or losing my stud MVP candidate to a season ending fractured knee cap
  • Sep 11, 2019, 09:27 AM
    Better you than me (KNOCKING ON WOOD!!), since it could be an important difference maker in a week or so. I could only look at it once. Yo' boy was on the maybe list, though hard to see an aide replace the primary in this regime. Hard to believe, but the dufus is acting more like Carter without the big mouth drama.
  • Sep 11, 2019, 04:58 PM
    It was the Taliban that gave safe harbor to OBL while he launched his terrorist attack on the US that killed 3,000 innocent Americans . It’s the Taliban that has killed and maimed thousands of our hero soldiers. These terrorist bass turds must never set foot in our country.
  • Sep 11, 2019, 05:13 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    It was the Taliban that gave safe harbor to OBL while he launched his terrorist attack on the US that killed 3,000 innocent Americans . It’s the Taliban that has killed and maimed thousands of our hero soldiers. These terrorist bass turds must never set foot in our country.

    Fully understand your fury, however, you have the capacity to forgive and move on, afterall, you are great mates with the Japanese, the Vietnamese, who killed and maimed far more of your people. You must remember that you are the invaders in Afghanistan and if they fight you it is because you are there. Al Qaeda attacked your nation if the narrative is to believed, but not before you had attacked them. You have the right to defend yourselves. However the Taliban are not Al Qaeda

    Tom, it is time for the world to move on. The war in Iraq has been resolved, the war in Syria all but over, Afghanistan must be allowed to move on. This may not be as a democracy, only time will tell. The US needs to remove itself from foriegn wars. Peace negotiations are far better carried out on neutral ground, who knows why the Taliban were invited, perhaps to wrong foot them, or give them a vision of what the future might look like
  • Sep 11, 2019, 06:31 PM
    Paraclete: The U.S. needs to get out of the business of NATION BUILDING and stop being concerned with establishing DEMOCRACIES.....these practices were ill advised from the very beginning and should cease. I saw a glimmer or hope yesterday when Trump fired Bolton, who was a hawk and wanted continuous U.S. involvement in every conflict around the globe....If Trump could wean us off this merry-go-round, he would go down as a hero! Now, my reasons for wanting the U.S. to abandon NATION BUILDING are a little different than most but, basically, they are: 1) I don't like seeing American Service Members killed for reasons that are clearly defined and of the utmost importance to national security, 2) I don't like seeing American Service Members killed...PERIOD!, and 3) When we aren't fighting foreign wars, the economic stability of the U.S. becomes incredibly strong. I really don't give much of a damn about foreign entities but I give one hell of a lot about the people of the U.S.!
  • Sep 11, 2019, 09:46 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Paraclete: The U.S. needs to get out of the business of NATION BUILDING and stop being concerned with establishing DEMOCRACIES.....these practices were ill advised from the very beginning and should cease. I saw a glimmer or hope yesterday when Trump fired Bolton, who was a hawk and wanted continuous U.S. involvement in every conflict around the globe....If Trump could wean us off this merry-go-round, he would go down as a hero! Now, my reasons for wanting the U.S. to abandon NATION BUILDING are a little different than most but, basically, they are: 1) I don't like seeing American Service Members killed for reasons that are clearly defined and of the utmost importance to national security, 2) I don't like seeing American Service Members killed...PERIOD!, and 3) When we aren't fighting foreign wars, the economic stability of the U.S. becomes incredibly strong. I really don't give much of a damn about foreign entities but I give one hell of a lot about the people of the U.S.!

    Ok well said, nation building is an exercise best left to internal necessities. There are more than enough nations on Earth, what is really needed is support of national development. Spreading the industries out so we don't have the dominance of nations like the US and China. You see I can reflect your comments in my comments. I don't give a damn about about the economic stability of the US. It has benefited enough from its domination of world trade and world military. I don't give a damn about foreign entities like the US, China, Russia or the EU, I want to see my people rise to be fully self sufficient, not needing to import someoneelse's cheap knockoffs, becuase those industries have been stolen or conveniently moved by multinationals
  • Sep 12, 2019, 07:38 AM
    I think you may be misguided as to what nation building really is, and why the spread of democratic principle is so important to the global economy, as everybody on the same page, with the same rules of the road, and economic opportunities, helps everybody and stops the bloodshed and these massive, disruptive migration flows we have seen.

    That especially goes for these endless wars we have gotten into using military might to chase our enemies and end up blowing everything up with no plan to clean up the mess we have made. Shame the gun is still the preferred tool of solving problems. Easy enough to see where the Taliban morphed from, and harder to put than genie back in the bottle. That's also the consequence of giving a lying cheating dufus the levers of power and authority, without the traditional checks and balances that come with it.

    Consensus is dead under this president, and some people like that kind of chaos, but I don't. We did see this coming though, as did the founders, but the process back to good orderly direction will be loud and contentious, as the small loud loonies ain't never gone quietly into the sunset.

    @Clete, your hate and bias shows once again.
  • Sep 12, 2019, 07:53 AM

    You must remember that you are the invaders ……..
    Al Qaeda attacked your nation if the narrative is to believed, but not before you had attacked them.

    Sorry ;can't take you seriously when you makes such a statement .
  • Sep 12, 2019, 03:15 PM
    Paraclete: You must be a Globalist, but I don't want to label you or anyone else if you are not one. When you talk about spreading the industries out more evenly all over the globe, that hints of Globalism. Remember: Industries don't spring up like so many mushrooms on dark, wet bovine come about when the people in those industrial settings are educated and demonstrate enough gumption to perform industrial tasks asked of them. The U.S. managed to become a industrial powerhouse because it focused on doing just that and it had a well laid out plan.....As in nature, NOTHING JUST OCCURS in economies: Healthy economies come about through the inertia in the collaboration of many forces working together and economic planning.

    Saying that you don't give a damn about the economy of the U.S. does not bode well for the economy of any country in the world! If the U.S. economy sneezes, the world catches a cold. The U.S. economy is the straw that stirs the drink for worldwide economic want your country to become stronger economically, you best hope that the U.S. continues to stay strong economically. And the U.S. didn't get strong economically because they stole anything from any nation or used military might to attain ill begotten fruits.....don't know what history you think you know but you have U.S. history fouled-up. THE ONLY REASON ANY NATION ON EARTH TODAY HAS ANY SEMBLANCE OF FREEDOM IS BECAUSE THE UNITED STATES EXISTS! If you are glad that Swastikas, meatballs, and hammer and sickles aren't flying all over the earth, well you best be proud that the U.S. is around. Hatred of the U.S. is ill advised and will lead to nothing.

    Talaniman: I am right there with you about the U.S. needing to stop getting involved with every war around the globe that it can....that needs to stop. However, it is unrealistic for the U.S. to insist that every nation becomes a "Democracy".....some nations have cultures that run counter to developing or adopting Democracy: The nations of the Middle East are not going to become a Democracies....and neither are many of them in Africa.....we can not expect that we can FORCE FEED DEMOCRACY upon the people of all nations....not happening.
  • Sep 12, 2019, 04:15 PM
    When you lead by a good example, others follow that good example, and maybe we don't need to get involved in every war, but if we do not, then we shirk the responsibility to help end them and keep them from spreading. It's just in our best interest to act responsibly of course, just for STABILITY, and stopping the mass migrations that always follow wars and conflicts.

    If we don't who will?

    "With great power comes great RESPONSIBILITY"/ Stan Lee in The Amazing Spiderman.

    We screwed up in Iraq, and Viet Nam, after making a difference in the world wars. The real lesson here is you don't know who wins and dominates our allies or what factions we are dealing with. I think it's understood we help our allies though.
  • Sep 12, 2019, 04:59 PM
    Talaniman: No arguments< I agree with most of what you said.....its just the first part about getting involved in foreign wars: From a historical perspective: Why did the U.S., effectively, abandon the Monroe Doctrine and pursue other conflicts that weren't nearly as beneficial to our national interests? I think we lost a little bit of the narrower focus we should have retained in certain affairs.....Like the song says, "You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them", at least sometimes.

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