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  • Oct 2, 2013, 02:51 AM
    Day two... looking at a beautiful sunrise on the horizon.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 03:55 AM
    The sun rises everyday on the just and the unjust, so nothing special there
  • Oct 2, 2013, 06:38 AM
    Is there anyone of Democrat persuasion out there?
  • Oct 2, 2013, 06:46 AM
    Very funny, fact is that dems have been calling for a sitdown to reconcile the house and senate bills since April. Now they shutdown the government and want to talk. Typical right wing delay tactic.

    How about a clean CR vote in the house, up or down? Bet many repubs would vote for it. But you know that, and so does the TPARTY.

    For the record, you were asked 18 ties by the senate to go to conference, but NOOOOOOOO, that's to hard for you guys. Let all the hostages go, and we talk.

    Your picture of the repubs is BS!!
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:00 AM
    Why did Reid deny a conference committee this weekend if he's so interested in a "sit down" ? More Dem lies .
    They've had at least 4 clean up or down votes on a CR .Haven't you been watching ? I think the way to go is to separate the CR into it's parts like they did with military pay. Next up Vets benefits... Go ahead Dems and vote against them .
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:02 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The VETS decided that no stinkin government shut down was going to keep them from seeing their memorial!

    Visiting veterans storm closed war memorials - The Washington Post

    Veterans break past World War II Memorial barricade | Politics - KHBS Home

    Worse, the White House knew of their request and rejected it, and as Rand Paul pointed out, "Some idiot in government sent goons out there to set up barricades, so they couldn’t see the monument. People had to spend hours setting up barricades where there are never barricades."

    Our vets aren't taking that too well.


    After a group of veterans broke down the barricades at the national World War II Memorial Tuesday afternoon, organizers of one Hero Flight Network group told BuzzFeed it wasn’t the last Washington would hear from them. Veterans are plotting another protest at the same place Wednesday, and expressed interest in staging similar events at sites across the nation’s capital, including the Lincoln Memorial — an act of civil disobedience that would likely pour fuel on the already highly flammable politics of the government shutdown.

    “We have people here that are 80 and 90 years old and they closed down all the bathrooms?” said Tony Nussbaum, a 25-year veteran of the Air Force from Iowa and a leader of the state’s Hero Flight group. “I’m about to just start pissing on the trees.”
    I know I'm supposed to hate Obama because he's black and so, so smart, but I'm beginning to dislike him because he's a childish, petulant prick. If you recall this is exactly what he did with the scarequester cuts he approved of, pulled stupid, uncaring stunts like this. And I'll tell you what, someone that would treat our vets that way deserves to get his a$$ kicked.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:19 AM
    The White House sent home 1,265 non-essential employees . That's 1,265 taxpayer-salaried federal workers. This represents 3/4 of the total WH staff. In other words the White House hires almost 1700 staffers . Yeah I know it's a big house and we have to keep up appearances... but come on! The Dems constantly say they've stripped the budget to the bone and no more cuts are possible .
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:41 AM
    So much BALONEY as a substitute for facts. The house hasn't voted on a clean CR bill at all. And Bonehead can call a vote anytime.

    The TParty got what they wanted, shrink or destroy the government and I heard they were looking for a bath tub to drown it in.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:47 AM
    What you mean is that the Repubs haven't caved to all the spending demands of the emperor and his flunkies in the Senate .
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:52 AM
    Are you crazy? The money has already been spent with the approval of YOUR house. Blaming others for what YOU have already done is typical right wing loony stuff.

    What would you expect for guys that listened to Ted Cruz holler and rant, and then couldn't deliver his end.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 07:55 AM
    Then Obama is redundent and non-essential (as well as useless which we've known for years) so we can send him home, wherever that is, until this is over then.

    I vote that Airforce one get mothballed for the next three years as a waste of taxpayer money. Make him fly commercial like everyone else. And make him pay for it himself. I bet the biweekly vacations end right away.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 08:00 AM

    Are you crazy? The money has already been spent with the approval of YOUR house. Blaming others for what YOU have already done is typical right wing loony stuff.

    What would you expect for guys that listened to Ted Cruz holler and rant, and then couldn't deliver his end
    No it hasn't . You are confusing your talking points. The CR is a short term funding fix to keep government operating under existing spending levels . It is NOT for money already spent .
  • Oct 2, 2013, 08:15 AM
    It requires a 60 day continuing resolution to keep the government open, the debt ceiling and 2014 budget is another issue. A simple up or down vote TODAY, Yes, or No is all it takes for the CR, and the government is open. Really simple!!

    The TParty faction won't let that happen for now, and that's the problem. You guys condone their sabotage for your own nefarious purposes.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 08:24 AM
    It don't work that way . It don't work when the emperor says he will not negotiate on it . It's he who is keeping the government shut down. There is plenty of common ground on this issue if he'd lose his dictatorial tendencies. Here's a few..
    1. delay the individual mandate as he did the corporate
    2. get rid of exemptions . If it's good for some Americans it should be good for all.
    3. end the medical device tax that is going to be the ruin of a uniquely American industry .

    He says he won't negotiate with a 'clenched fist ' when that is exactly what he's extending .
    And by the way he and you can stop with the inflamatory language equating your opponents views in a budget impass with terrorism ,anarchy , sabotage . I've had my fill of that and all it will accomplish is hardening my position.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 09:12 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    It requires a 60 day continuing resolution to keep the government open, the debt ceiling and 2014 budget is another issue. A simple up or down vote TODAY, Yes, or No is all it takes for the CR, and the government is open. Really simple!!!!!!!!!!!

    The TParty faction won't let that happen for now, and that's the problem. You guys condone their sabotage for your own nefarious purposes.

    NO... you are wrong... THe HOUSE has the constitutional RIGHT to originate all spending Bills, NOT the President and NOT the Senate... which they have done numerous times... its the lunatic fringe on the left that is holding the country hostage with their childish temper tantrums because they aren't getting everything their way.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 09:31 AM

    Even now, what the House of Representatives has done is a step removed from defunding — it's delaying it,” Cruz said. “Now that's the essence of a compromise. For all of us who want to see it repealed, simply delaying it for American families on the same terms as has been done for American corporations, that's a compromise.”
    As government shutdown looms, Cruz calls Dems 'absolutist' - The Hill's Video
  • Oct 2, 2013, 11:07 AM
    Cruz is an idiot who uses ignorance to combine two entirely different issues since the delay of reporting procedure only applies to limited number of businesses. Most of them already have a reporting procedure in place for part/full time worker, and have for years.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 11:40 AM
    Of course they do. The emperor did not want it to take effect until after the 2014 elections because of the employment disruption it's going to cause when implemented .
  • Oct 2, 2013, 12:10 PM
    3% tops.
  • Oct 2, 2013, 02:45 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    OK what is this, Berlin? After purposely rejecting their request and setting up barricades once, more were brought in today - with forklifts. And guarding the WWII memorial with mounted police to keep our vets out. Lincoln Memorial closed, and as Louie Gohmert asked, “What are they going to do next — hang a drapery over Mt. Rushmore?”

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