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  • Feb 12, 2012, 10:00 PM
    I hope I could find the right for her we spend a lot of money in bottles and nipples she won't able to use after we tried
  • Feb 12, 2012, 10:08 PM
    You will be able to use them eventually, it just takes time. I commend you for breast feeding as long as you have, many women don't have the time or patience for that. Remember that she will not starve, she will eventually get the hang of it. She will not die if you take the breast away.
  • Feb 12, 2012, 10:14 PM
    I still breastfeed after work and sundays my day off... I love breastfeeding.. right now my baby had her first tooth.. I hope she will be okay always.. I just want her to feed in bottle by day
  • Feb 14, 2012, 06:56 PM
    If you are comfortable with the other woman nursing her, than go ahead. As long as you know this woman is in good health, then your child will benefit. If you prefer, you can pump your own milk and have them offer it to her in a training cup. At seven months old, she would be able to take it from a cup. Plenty of babies never take a bottle as they go straight from breast to cup feeds.

    What other foods does she take during the day? Another option that works for some mothers and babies is to nurse her in the morning, let her take what she will in a cup during the day, and then nurse more often later in the day when you are home and at night if necessary.
  • Feb 14, 2012, 07:11 PM
    My baby prefers to eat rice than a cerelac. Every time I got home and have my dinner she always around and ask for food.. but I breast fed her during night... is it okay if she eats rice more often than milk.. she refuse any types of bottles... she always knows what's the difference between bottles and breast... somteimes she having hard time to pooop...
  • Feb 14, 2012, 07:26 PM
    Always best to offer the breast first as the breastmilk will be her main source of nutrition in the first year. After she has had her fill of milk, then offer some rice or cerelac.

    You could also introduce some fruits and vegetables mashed smoothly if she is not already having a bit. These should also come after breastfeeding. Too much of the rice, especially if she is having more of that than the milk, can cause her to become constipated.
  • Feb 14, 2012, 08:35 PM
    She is breastfeed by the wife of my husband brother while I'm on work.. but sometimes she preferred more riced of smashed vegetable.. before she drink milk...
  • Feb 15, 2012, 04:12 AM
    Again... better to offer the milk first so that you can be sure she is getting the nutrition that she needs. If that's not possible, you can offer a small amount of the food first and then have most of the meal be her milk. The breastmilk will offer more nutrition for her than the rice will. Think of the milk as her main meal with the food as a compliment.
  • Feb 16, 2012, 10:02 PM
    Thank you doula for your advices.. I will always keep that.. now the grandparents of my baby try to feed her milk firtst before rice and they fill her with water
  • Feb 16, 2012, 11:31 PM
    If you and your husband is comfortable with this and your SIL and her spouse are also comfortable with this arrangement than I believe it is OK even if I wouldn't personally feel comfortable with doing this. I would consider a couple of things when making this decision.
    The most important thing is to make sure your SIL is healthy and free from any diseases that she could pass to your baby through her milk. The other issue I would think about is if this might be confusing to your baby since when a baby nurses it forms a bond with the mother. When you nurse your baby yourself I would make that time a quite special time to interact with your baby so you can maintain the special infant-mother bond. After all is considered if everyone is comfortable with the nursing arrangement I do not see any harm.
  • Feb 17, 2012, 04:34 AM

    Originally Posted by pearl_mysty7 View Post
    thank you doula for your advices.. i will always keep that .. now the grandparents of my baby try to feed her milk firtst before rice and they fill her with water

    I know there are often cultural differences, but if she is mostly breastfed, she does not require any water. If they feel she needs more to "drink" better to just offer more breastmilk. Breastmilk already has a high water content but also would include the nutrients, calories, and fats that she needs.

    By filling her up with water, she will take in less milk and that will cause her not to get the nutrients that she could be getting. Too much water, in fact, can be harmful.
  • Feb 17, 2012, 05:46 PM
    I like to breastfeed my child on my own but while I'm at work she's starve herself because she don't want to drink in bottles that's why I only breastfeed her during at night.. but the wife of my husband brother nurse her vwhile I'm at work... I'm also frightened that maybe after months she will not recognized me as her mom.. because it might confuse her so much... but I'm also thankful right now because whenever I got home she was always happy to see me she cries when she sees me because she want to come to me.. my daughter loss 1 kilo since I've got to work... now my husband and I agreed that we should try to give her bottle at night if my baby would not resist it...
  • Feb 17, 2012, 06:11 PM
    Don't worry, she won't stop recognizing you as her mom... :) Babies know their mother by sight, smell, and voice. Even by the taste of your milk.

    You can transition to a bottle or cup without having to stop breastfeeding entirely. It can take some time, but she will get used to it.
  • Feb 17, 2012, 07:42 PM
    I will try ma'am doula... I hope she won't resist it...

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