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  • Jul 22, 2015, 02:04 AM
    H crunch crunch
    Well for me, I research how rich the company is. Then I goggled what is the medium national salary for the position that I'm applying for. Then you have to see what kind of background education and experience that you have. Finally, you have to find out how well you did in the interview. So all these factors come into play when asking for your desire salary.
    For example, I have applied for one of the Fortune 500 companies so it's really big. I live in NYC and have a bachelor of science degree in computer science and minor in Math. Also have an associate degree in Mathematics. And when I got a screening call and an interview. I did really awesome and all the interviewers love me. Even though I did not have any experience, I did know exactly what I'm talking about and they knew right then and there I was great. Finally, the salary, I just ask them $85000 straight up. I really didn't really care about negotiable or being open. I just ask for what I wanted. Two weeks later I got the offer and got the job.
    So what I'm trying to say is if you really want your dream job with a great salary, just do work, apply yourself, know what kind of a job you are applying for, study for the interview, study the company, be on top of you game, be Lebron James! When you are Lebron Jame people just pay you whatever you want!!
  • Jul 22, 2015, 02:19 AM
    Closed, 8 year old question

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