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  • Sep 8, 2019, 07:43 PM
    Wondergirl: Well, he is an imperfect least give him some credit.....It appears that he has succeeded in reducing Unemployment #s and it looks like the economy is humming along.

    All I really want to say is that all of this constant attack cannot be value-added behavior.....there comes a time where we should get behind some cause that unites us.....there has to be at least one!
  • Sep 8, 2019, 08:54 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Wondergirl: Well, he is an imperfect least give him some credit.....It appears that he has succeeded in reducing Unemployment #s and it looks like the economy is humming along.

    Yes,I give him a lot of credit for being imperfect. I can't think of anyone lately who has done such a great job of being imperfect.

    All I really want to say is that all of this constant attack cannot be value-added behavior.....there comes a time where we should get behind some cause that unites us.....there has to be at least one!
    My hope is to elect a moral, honest, empathetic person as our next president. Certainly we can all get behind that idea.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 06:22 AM
    great ideal
  • Sep 9, 2019, 07:17 AM
    I think everybody hoped this rich business man outside the political system would bring good things to American governance. Instead we got the biggest drama and scandal ridden show on Earth. Must see TV, starring a lying cheating dufus. That's what we are paying for?
  • Sep 9, 2019, 08:11 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I think everybody hoped this rich business man outside the political system would bring good things to American governance.

    Not everybody! Those of us who knew him when he first emerged as a playboy in the 1970s gossip pages pegged him then for a fraud. His real estate "deals" had the touch of shadiness about them and he became known as a con-man from the outer boroughs. Nothing has changed.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 09:11 AM

    Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    Not everybody! Those of us who knew him when he first emerged as a playboy in the 1970s gossip pages pegged him then for a fraud. His real estate "deals" had the touch of shadiness about them and he became known as a con-man from the outer boroughs. Nothing has changed.

    I knew of him only from "The Apprentice," which I watched now and then. In the beginning of his presidential campaign, I had hopes, but then he regularly insulted others (in the language of a three-year-old) for being poor or disabled or non-white or even female. The stench became white male supremacy.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 11:23 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    The stench became white male supremacy

    He's about Trump supremacy. The "white" and the "male" is incidental.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 01:42 PM
    If he could be supreme by himself he would have done it. He needs co signers.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 03:38 PM
    Trump is extremely lucky.....and you can not put a value on that....You've known the type during your lifetime: The type of guy who falls into a sewer and comes up with a diamond ring.....The kind of person that is easy to dislike.....But don't underestimate him, he orchestrates a lot of confusion and gets his way, anyway. I am not promoting him, I'm saying watch out because he has a history of winning.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 03:44 PM
    big fish in little pond, little fish in big pond, seems to me Trump doesn't know the difference
  • Sep 9, 2019, 03:50 PM
    Wondergirl: Does there exists a candidate for the office of The POTUS who exhibits the qualities you desire: I know of no one even running on the Republican side and I certainly see no one on the Democrat side that measures fact they are all extremely weak, slow, and weird on the Democrat side.....a group of nothings that Trump will chew up in the 2020 Election.

    This is the reason why the MONOPOLY of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM that we have must be broken......It is a monopoly and you all know it: Don't like the Republican, then vote the Democrat in.....Don't like the Democrat, then vote the Republican in! WOW! WHAT CHOICES! So glad we have so much to choose from, don't we? The way this works is that any time a 3rd Party attempts to enter into the fray, the two devote enemies, Democrats and Republics, find common ground in alliance again whoever is the 3rd Party.....the Democrats and Republicans unite long enough to destroy the 3rd Party candidate. This is entirely disgusting! Why is this O.K.? Why aren't people raising unholy hell?
  • Sep 9, 2019, 04:48 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    I am not promoting him, I'm saying watch out because he has a history of winning.

    Are you serious? He has a history of LOSING! Every business he's started (except The Apprentice TV show) has failed. Steak Vodka, Airline, "University", Casino three times, etc. He is so bad no bank in America would provide him with more capital, so he goes to his Russian pals via Deutsche Bank. He gets money out of these failed enterprises by shrewdly playing the bankruptcy game (his own words). His investors take the fall.

    For someone who claims he's not promoting Trump, you sure could have fooled me.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 04:52 PM

    My hope is to elect a moral, honest, empathetic person as our next president. Certainly we can all get behind that idea.
    Who'd you have in mind? HC or BC was certainly not that person. Obama was not that person. Who are you proposing?
  • Sep 9, 2019, 05:20 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Who'd you have in mind? HC or BC was certainly not that person. Obama was not that person. Who are you proposing?

    I'm waiting and watching. I hope you are being as mindful.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 05:25 PM
    Athos: No, not promoting Trump but saying that he is probably going to win....and win big.....He is the M&M Man: He's got the money and he's got the momentum....The POTUS is a lot of things to a lot of people but he is rich....and I don't know how he got all of it but he isn't accepting a paycheck for being POTUS: Nobody in Presidential Office has never accepted a paycheck.
  • Sep 9, 2019, 05:29 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Who'd you have in mind? HC or BC was certainly not that person. Obama was not that person. Who are you proposing?

    HC lost but BC and Obama won TWICE, and they were all more honest, empathetic than the guy we have now, and so is the current crop of hopefuls. The dufus is solid within his party, and the incumbent, but even you guys know he is a lying, cheating dufus, but it's not like you have any other options except do the right MORAL thing and get rid of him.

    No dem is as good? What a joke!
  • Sep 9, 2019, 05:39 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Athos: No, not promoting Trump but saying that he is probably going to win....and win big.....He is the M&M Man: He's got the money and he's got the momentum....The POTUS is a lot of things to a lot of people but he is rich....and I don't know how he got all of it but he isn't accepting a paycheck for being POTUS: Nobody in Presidential Office has never accepted a paycheck.

    You're saying Trump will win because he's rich?(from cheating and stealing)
  • Sep 9, 2019, 07:43 PM

    HC lost but BC and Obama won TWICE, and they were all more honest, empathetic than the guy we have now, and so is the current crop of hopefuls.
    So winning twice is somehow a mark of high character? Nixon won twice. If Trump wins again, then do you give him your stamp of approval?

    You forget that they are all in favor of the continuation of the killing of hundreds of thousands of unborn children in the womb. Empathetic? Honest? Only if you are one whose life was spared.
  • Sep 10, 2019, 06:06 AM
    Read it again, my statement and opinion was those dems have better characters than the dufus, and last I checked our opinions count equally, no matter how you parse it. I get your crusade for the unborn, and can respect it somewhat, if you would put your money where your mouth is after they were born. You don't and have not, so safe to say you are comfortable walking away when that unborn child needs you the most like any dead beat dad, but you have your own moral sense, and others have theirs, and the dufus has done more dirt than BC by my account.

    In my opinion Obama was the better of all 3 mentioned presidents. The dufus dead last so far. They are all humans though, and dems are mostly pro choice with healthcare for poor women, which included prenatal care despite your narrow rhetorical view of the dem platform.
  • Sep 10, 2019, 07:16 AM
    You are certainly correct that everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. As to my supposed non-support of children once they are born, I'll put my record up against yours or anyone else's on this board. I spent 34 years in education, most of it in public schools working with young children. What have you done? Are we back to the basic liberal position which says, "I'm a good guy because I support making other people pay for welfare programs?" I do know that I will not be in the position of supporting those who support abortion. It will never happen.

    As to who had the better character, Trump or Obama, neither one is anything to brag about. Obama let four Americans die in Benghazi and then lied like a dog about it afterwards, so I don't see his character in the same way you do. I don't mind it when dems attack Trump's character issues, which are many, but then want to act like they are the party of the good guys. Really? BC? HC? Obama? Pocohantas? Spartacus? Socialist Sanders? Tell me who these good guys are?

    As for possible alternatives to Trump, I'm looking hard at Mark Sanford. I don't know a lot about him so far, but he is the only one who is talking about the deficit and the need to control spending, so that gets my attention right away.

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