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  • Feb 11, 2009, 07:41 PM

    When you moved to a new place did you take furniture and clothing with you? Did you move with the same automobile?
  • Feb 11, 2009, 07:53 PM

    The Bifen worked well on the hard wood floor and dipped all nick nacks and cloth flowers, baskets and the devils hate it and stay away from these items. Alas I cleaned these again and packed them away, bagged the plastic bins and the bugs stayed away from these items. Washed curtains and drapes in Bifen and packed them away. Will put in carpet steamer. And yes they hate vinegar like DEET. Salt kills them, dessicates them but you can't salt and vinegar your entire house as it does damage fabrics and furniture.
  • Mar 5, 2009, 10:15 PM
    It's me newt (leslie)... I was just wondering how you are doing? I have been busy lately but I have been thinking about you and wondering if you are doing better. I have been trying some new things that seem to be helping me, I had those new fillings removed too. I want to tell you what has been working for me so that maybe you could try them and they might help you too. Anyway... I'm not very good at working this blog stuff but if you're still out there in cyber land I have some hopeful information I'd like to share with you. Just let me know if you are still using this site. I have no other way of reaching you otherwise. I'll never forget your post. I would have never put those two things together, oh and when the new dentist took out the fillings that Dr Walker did in November she finds that not only did Dr Walker use a cheap sealant but he left the old mercury that he was suppose to take out, sitting on top of decay and then just covered it up with white cheap sealant... it's no wonder I almost died and I did too... ended up in the emergency room one night. But after the new dentist went in and fixed everything I have been getting better... slowly tough. But for sure improvements. But like I said I have been wondering if you are doing OK. Ok... hope to talk to you again.


    Originally Posted by TexasTexas View Post
    Dental Toxicities Parasitology Center Inc. parasite testing parasitology Dr. Omar Amin, Neuro-cutaneous Syndrome (NCS)
    Digestive health starts in the mouth: For many patients, dental and digestive health seem to go hand in hand. Currently there are a multitiude of procedures and materials that have been developed by the dental industry to promote dental health, not to mention to ward off infections and improve oral hygiene. Manufacturers of dental materials spare no effort to provide dentists with the widest array of amalgams, composites, sealants, varnishes, cements, adhesives, pastes, etc. We all know about mercury and heavy metal toxicity; see for example, Ziff (2002). What we did not know about is the involvement of dental sealants (liners in the causation of a newly discovered disorder called neurocutaneous syndrom (NCS) (Amin, 2003, 2004).
    NCS is a disorder that degrades the skin (cutaneous tissue) and neurological system of patients who have been treated with sealants during filling or root canal procedures. Patients sensitive to sulfa are especially susceptible to experiencing the neurological and dermatological toxicity symptoms of NCS. Neurological symptoms include but are not limitited to pinprick and/or creeping, painful, and irritating movement sensations, often interpreted as loss of memory, and light sensitivity may also be experienced. The cutaneous aspects include the development of small itchy sores or inflamed, elevated, pimples that may eventually evolve into painful open lesions with a tendency to spread. General symptoms include compromised immune system, fatigue, and psychological trauma.
    A complete description of NCS symptoms, the syndrome, compounding factors, and the toxic sealants, with case histories and treatment protocols, is given by Amin (2003, 2004) Dental practitioners should be aware of the adverse effects of using sealants, and employ this knowledge to safeguard the well being of their patiesnt.

    Amin, O.M. "On the diagnosis and management of Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS), a toxicity disorder from dental sealants." Explore, vol., 13, no. 1 (2003): pp 21-25.
    Amin, O.M. "Dental sealant toxicity: Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS), a dermatological and neurological disorder." Holistic Dental Association Journal, no. 1 (2004): pp. 1-15
    Ziff, S. Silver Dental Fillings: The Toxic Time Bomb. Santa Fe, Aurora Press, 2002.

  • Mar 6, 2009, 09:54 AM
    I was just thinking about you last night and wondering if that worked out for you. I'm not big on the posting or blogging thing either. I found information on that NCS and just started posting it EVERYWHERE I could think of, I figured it would benefit someone. God works in mysterious ways. I guess he knew you needed that information. :)
    I think what I have is demodex mites. I was going nuts with these biting crawling symptoms for over 2 years and FINALLY found this demodex mite site. Right after I found that NCS site. I've been using their products with Fantastic results. I was thinking that if having your filling removed didn't work... I was hoping you would find the information I previously posted about the demodex mites. The stuff is expensive!! I've been spending $120 a week on it and then I broke out in what looked like a thousand red ant bites on my back, my stomach, my chest... and they itched like crazy but I just kept using their products and now it is clearing up and 75% of the crawling and biting has gone away. I plan on using their stuff for at least the next year. I have no idea how I contracted this. All I know it was after I left my windows open while living in Las Vegas in April 06. I had an exterminator out and they thought I was nuts because they couldn't find anything either but since using the demodex solutions stuff my clothes don't feel like they are alive and crawling on my body.
    :)I'm so happy things are getting better for you!!

    Just a side note ***** The CDC (Center for Disease Control) is utterly USELESS!!
  • Mar 6, 2009, 10:33 AM


    Since you have some down time with your recovery... Go find yourself a shiny new attorney and look into sueing that dentist who did that to you. You deserve to be compensated for your pain and suffering also you will help protect others who he may do or did that to.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 04:27 PM
    Hi Texas,
    I am so happy to hear you are getting better. Yes.. God does work in mysteriou ways. And yes I know what you mean about the CDC, but they did answer me back after I forwarded a link to the NCS website to them. It was very brief saying they will look at it.
    I suppose its hard for others to understand how something like this can effect your whole life. But it looks like we now have some angels looking over us and helping us get better. So this is a good thing. Take care and best wishes to you always.


    Originally Posted by TexasTexas View Post
    I was just thinking about you last night and wondering if that worked out for you. I'm not big on the posting or blogging thing either. I found information on that NCS and just started posting it EVERYWHERE I could think of, I figured it would benefit someone. God works in mysterious ways. I guess he knew you needed that information. :)
    I think what I have is demodex mites. I was going nuts with these biting crawling symptoms for over 2 years and FINALLY found this demodex mite site. Right after I found that NCS site. I've been using their products with Fantastic results. I was thinking that if having your filling removed didn't work... I was hoping you would find the infomation I previously posted about the demodex mites. The stuff is expensive!!! I've been spending $120 a week on it and then I broke out in what looked like a thousand red ant bites on my back, my stomach, my chest... and they itched like crazy but I just kept using their products and now it is clearing up and 75% of the crawling and biting has gone away. I plan on using their stuff for at least the next year. I have no idea how I contracted this. All I know it was after I left my windows open while living in Las Vegas in April 06. I had an exterminator out and they thought I was nuts because they couldn't find anything either but since using the demodex solutions stuff my clothes don't feel like they are alive and crawling on my body.
    :)I'm so happy things are getting better for you!!!

    Just a side note ***** The CDC (Center for Disease Control) is utterly USELESS!!!

  • Mar 7, 2009, 08:08 PM

    I want to pose this to those that have had the invisible mite or insect biting problem that exterminators and doctors can't solve:
    I know that the problem is a type of tiny biting midge. Now consider a cat or dog found that is infested with mites. It happens as the mites multiply feeding off the animal. Why then can't that be considered to humans. Just like lice the biting mites find homes in the scalp and skin and under the nails of humans. Unless all nesting sites including in human beings are irradicated then the problem continues. We have all heard of persons taking months to irradicate head lice because either some are still in the scalp or clothing, bedding, etc. Why is that doctors and exterminators don't believe this as they do about bed bugs and fleas.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 10:19 PM

    Demodex Solutions heals itching, acne, rosacea, swollen nose and other demodex related skin deseases
  • Mar 7, 2009, 10:20 PM
    God Bless YOU too, Leslie! :)
  • Mar 22, 2009, 04:18 AM
    Very interesting thread... We exterminators can be a hard-headed lot, and we do deal with cases of electrostatic and hysterical dermatitis so much that we can mistake mites for those, as can doctors. If your local exterminators and physicians cannot provide you any relief you may have to contact your state University's biology department. Usually the county extension offices are more focused on agriculture than pest control, but they can be a conduit into the local entomology community. DON'T stop trying because you run into a stubborn ignoramus.
  • May 23, 2009, 07:21 PM

    Originally Posted by TexasTexas View Post
    Also look into Demodex mites

    Demodex Solutions heals itching, acne, rosacea, swollen nose and other demodex related skin deseases

    This stuff works. I've been using it with great results.

    I am interested in hearing more about demodex and your experience with it. Please can you tell us more. How long did it take for you to feel a difference?
  • Jun 2, 2009, 05:40 PM

    Originally Posted by newt3057 View Post
    thank you for the link. I ordered some to try.
    This has been a nightmare. Tea tree essential oil
    is the only thing I have found that has given me any
    relief so far. 10 drops in bath water and then after bath apply
    a dab of the oil on each bite. Apply dabs of oil 3 times per day.
    I went to the dentist and we looked up the components of
    what he used in my fillings and he had not used any of those
    components like what was on the Dr. Amir's website;
    he also did an exray to see if any of the old dental work
    was leaking and we found nothing. So then I went
    to the skin doctor where she said she agreed with
    my family doctor;that it looked like scabbies, but
    did not understand why the scabbie cream they had given me
    did not work. Going to do skin scape tests next Tues.
    Anyway ...thank you so for the post and try the tea tree
    essential oil....if you'd like for yourself. I ordered
    it off of ebay. Have a good day.

    Hi Leslie,
    I was hoping you may be able to share the results of your skin scrape? I am having the same problem:( I am really at my wits end . I know mentally I can't take much more of this. Maybe, they will be able to tell you how to get rid of this crap. I have been through a lot in my life, but this has really almost done me in. Please help if you can.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 06:44 PM

    Yep, scabies is the same thing doctor told me and treatment didn't work for me either.
    I tried washing my clothes in an antifungal cleaner called Pro Force at Sam's club and it helps but takes hottest water and soak for at least an hour. The county co-op identified these as midges. No one believes me that they bite, I have been taking pictures of my bites as proof.
    I am over the edge, I am angry and tired of my life being wasted away with this garbage. Where are the "experts," seems to be a dead silence. I am sure there must be some entomologists reading these posts.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 06:52 PM

    Originally Posted by TexasTexas View Post
    I threw out everything I owed and I moved at least 5 times trying to get away from this stuff, which also cost me thousands of dollars. I finally reached the conclusion that the common factor in all this is ME. I don't believe its really in the furniture or so much the clothes as much as the mites are deep in my skin and that is why I stopped moving and throwing stuff out and started completely focusing on the demodex mites solution listed above. I'm not saying it can't infest a couch or bed and if you are worried about that I would get a hot iron and run it over your furniture that will kill anything. Put a sheet on first if the fabric will be ruined.

    I can't run an iron over my car.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 07:06 PM

    Originally Posted by findit View Post
    Where are the "experts," seems to be a dead silence. I am sure there must be some entomologists reading these posts.

    Which one do you have, findit?

    Image Search Results

    Image Search Results

    Image Search Results

    Image Search Results

    Image Search Results

    Image Search Results

    Sorry, there is no quick, simple answer. These are only from the pics I've already searched trying to help people identify what they're suffering from.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 09:13 PM

    First Image Result.
    Image Search Results

    Gross progres... s sand
    375 X 500 - 122.3kB

    500 X 382 - 105.1kB

    Mating biting... dges 2
    500 X 333 - 48.2kB
    (more of a white/grey or tan color)
  • Jun 3, 2009, 02:48 AM
    Biting midges have to have standing water to lay eggs in. Any leak problems? Wet basement? Ponds outside? If you can find their source, there are larvacides you can put in the water (one brand is called Mosquito Dunks, there are other brands) to break up the breeding cycle. If you cannot get access to the source, the local Public Health Department can.

    Home repair/humidity issues can be resolved by a local contractor, either by waterproofing or dehumidifying the affected area. That isn't cheap, but it needs to be done properly.
  • Jun 3, 2009, 05:58 PM

    Been there, done that, this breed/species doesn't need a pond or standing water, just blood bait to multiply. My auto doesn't have a moisture problem.
  • Jun 3, 2009, 07:26 PM

    Originally Posted by TexasTexas View Post
    I threw out everything I owed and I moved at least 5 times trying to get away from this stuff, which also cost me thousands of dollars. I finally reached the conclusion that the common factor in all this is ME. I don't believe its really in the furniture or so much the clothes as much as the mites are deep in my skin and that is why I stopped moving and throwing stuff out and started completely focusing on the demodex mites solution listed above. I'm not saying it can't infest a couch or bed and if you are worried about that I would get a hot iron and run it over your furniture that will kill anything. Put a sheet on first if the fabric will be ruined.

    I agree, because I too have thrown almost everything away and have had professional pest service and I can't get rid of this crap. Texas, I am at my last nerve ending. I don't know how much more I can take. During your going through all this have you ever smelled any strange odors? Last night there was this terrible smell in my house. Like a sick smell?? I have read that bed bugs give off a sick sweet odor but my house has been inspected for b.bugs and they all say I don't have them. I am going back to the doctor and get nerve pills, I feel like I am losing it, "ya know" I think for some reason they are becoming more active. My face and neck are red and burnt from using so much crap on it and I have always been very careful to take extra good care of my skin and now I'm ruining it.
  • Jun 3, 2009, 08:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    Very interesting thread... We exterminators can be a hard-headed lot, and we do deal with cases of electrostatic and hysterical dermatitis so much that we can mistake mites for those, as can doctors. If your local exterminators and physicians cannot provide you any relief you may have to contact your state University's biology department. Usually the county extension offices are more focused on agriculture than pest control, but they can be a conduit into the local entomology community. DON'T stop trying because you run into a stubborn ignoramus.

    My own brother who owns his own pest control business doesn't believe that I have a problem. He thinks that I have lost it. I did get some more samples down to the co-op and they have sent it off. I wanted to tell you about after I read TexasTexas's post I decided to try this sulfur stuff that I got at Mizes and I couldn't believe it, After I tried that stuff I realize that she is right. I think it is demodex mites. I use to work at veterinarians and I know that I have been exposed to them several times but when all this first started I thought that I had scabies and used lindane it seemed to work better than anything else that I had done but it did not kill them all. Isn't there something that will kill this s_ _ t immediately because I don't think I can take the thousand red bumps and the itching that Texas was talking after using demodex. I would have to get myself on some heavy duty medication. I am not far now from a nervous breakdown. This crap has taken over my life. It's all I think about and every day I go through hell. Day after day after day. You know we all have our breaking point and mine is getting closer and closer. If you have any suggestions, please I'm all ears.

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