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  • Sep 16, 2020, 07:32 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Maybe you can come up with five this time that are accurate. And for those who live in Australia and so don't know how our government works, no bill arrives on a president's desk without significant cooperation between the executive and the legislative branches. It's not a situation where the bill arrives by stork.

    it doesn't arrive there at the whim of the president so unless it is one of his announced policies he cannot be given credit for it
  • Sep 16, 2020, 07:36 PM
    Once you learn how our government works, you can comment on that. Plainly you don't know how it goes. There is constant give and take with bills. Presidents typically don't sign bills they have had no involvement with.
  • Sep 16, 2020, 09:08 PM
    Yes, I have observed the too and frow, much frow and very little too. It seems that the only way legislation gets passed is when the same party controls both houses and the presidency. Yes it may be what the President wants and it may be a case of what he has to give up to get it. the Wall is a case in point, the President wants but he didn't get
  • Sep 17, 2020, 06:52 AM
    Good observation Clete. Things tend to stall once a balance is reached and that's what we have now and after the election even if the dufus wins he may face a dem controlled congress, or another divided one, in which case little will get done and during a pandemic and that's not a good thing. Joe has a chance at full control, and maybe people will get a priority over profits, but if not things will likely get much worse.


    Sorry I have no need to retread and repost old arguments and statements at this time, nor make silly lists of the obvious lies that are so numerous they would no doubt wreck havoc with my arthritic hands.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 07:19 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    Sorry I have no need to retread and repost old arguments and statements at this time, nor make silly lists of the obvious lies that are so numerous they would no doubt wreck havoc with my arthritic hands.

    After almost 4 years it's a done deal that Trump is a mental case, attested to by just about every psychiatrist on the planet. The remaining mystery is what is the mental condition of those who have backed and continue to back Trump? They must be aware of Trump's condition and yet they follow along like rats following the Pied Piper.

    It's only a matter of time before they will have to pay the Piper.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 07:31 AM

    Sorry I have no need to retread and repost old arguments and statements at this time, nor make silly lists of the obvious lies that are so numerous they would no doubt wreck havoc with my arthritic hands.
    And yet again, it is plainly obvious that you have no idea. I knew that was the case when I made my post. This has all become so comically predictable. The liberal approach has become so dull. Make accusations, and then when that blows up, just make some more, and hope you can keep ahead of being held responsible. Above all else, avoid any talk of evidence or data. They are so frightened.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 07:56 AM

    Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    After almost 4 years it's a done deal that Trump is a mental case, attested to by just about every psychiatrist on the planet. The remaining mystery is what is the mental condition of those who have backed and continue to back Trump? They must be aware of Trump's condition and yet they follow along like rats following the Pied Piper.

    It's only a matter of time before they will have to pay the Piper.

    We are already paying for his devious lying lunacy and it doesn't take a doctor to diagnosis the orange fool.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 08:01 AM

    it doesn't take a doctor to diagnosis the orange fool.
    Really? So now you think you are qualified to make those judgments without ever speaking to your "patient"? Amazing where hate will take someone.


    attested to by just about every psychiatrist on the planet.
    First you said it was a hundred shrinks but couldn't name even one, and now we have this totally absurd statement. And you want to accuse Trump of lying? He's never told a whopper to compare with these two. And to top it off, there was this.


    He really should not have gone down the road of challenging his opponent’s mental acuity.

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. How much more blatant can it get?
  • Sep 17, 2020, 08:10 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    And yet again, it is plainly obvious that you have no idea. I knew that was the case when I made my post. This has all become so comically predictable. The liberal approach has become so dull. Make accusations, and then when that blows up, just make some more, and hope you can keep ahead of being held responsible. Above all else, avoid any talk of evidence or data. They are so frightened.

    I just chose not to engage in arguments when you revert to silly right wing loony partisan banter. I actually have a real life and a few fantasy sports teams to manage and a huge family that's sometimes as nutty as you are.

    I wish that you would pay attention to all the time money and efforts that sports teams have put in to have a season and maybe schools and businesses could follow that example. Naw, states would rather just open it up and let the chips fall where they as they put profit before the safety of the people. The dufus leads the cheer for that. No point in providing a blind man with evidence he refuses to see so I ain't wasting my time.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 08:21 AM

    I actually have a real life and a few fantasy sports teams to manage
    I hope you see the irony in that comment.

    Look, you can choose to not engage if you wish, but you can't insist on me accepting your bogus excuse. Again, the pattern is established. Make some accusation, and then refuse to provide evidence.

    I don't pay attention to the anti-American groups known as the NFL and NBA. One of my fondest hopes is that they all go broke. As for putting profit before the people, I find that the only people who say that are the ones whose income has not been affected.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 08:51 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Look, you can choose to not engage if you wish

    It's sorta like playing Bible verse bingo or throwing gotcha Bible verses back and forth.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 09:29 AM
    You certainly can't say we are, "throwing gotcha Bible verses back and forth." You don't have any. According to Athos, your view is correct since it came from deep within you and agrees with his view. I suppose that is now your standard of truth. Good luck.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 10:35 AM
    Ignoring the suffering of refugees on the southern border illegal aliens
    Sacked numerous appointed officials, counts as poor judgement in appointing them....that has been explained before . Being an outsider he had to rely on GOP swamp critters initially .So of course as he gained experience he appointed people he could trust .

    Failed to deal with the dreamers crisis which he created.....he did not create the crisis. The emperor for years correctly stated he had no authority to impose a solution . Then he went ahead and made an unconstitutional EO . It is not up to the President to make immigration laws . It is up to Congress.

    Failed to get appropriation for the Great Wall of Trump and therefore failed in border control are funny .1st you sound like a Dem crying about "refugees " as you call them . Then you sound all tough border security . The purse string is in Congress' hand . The Dems lie about how much border wall has been built and /or fencing replaced .He has done well shifting funds for the purpose with money the executive controls .

    Bombed Syria without conclusive evidence....I don't even know what you mean by that .
    Had the streets violently cleared of peaceful protesters so he could take a walk....Bill Barr was on the ground and he tells a different tale . Nonetheless , the 'peaceful protesters' were there illegally and would not disperse when ordered to do so .
    Has been continually aggressive in the South China Sea a place where the US has no territorial rights....we absolutely have the internationally recognized right of freedom of navigation. The US navy conducts 'Freedom of Navigation 'exercises to demonstrate and re-enforce that right from the Chinese aggressors who make territorial claims in international waters and in the territorial waters of other nations in the South China Sea. .

    failed to provide funding to Peurto Rico when it was devastated by a really have difficulty with this concept that Congress controls the purse string of the US .
  • Sep 17, 2020, 11:27 AM
    jlisenbe we're back to needing ten negatives since the first list of ten has been pretty much eviscerated.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 11:53 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I hope you see the irony in that comment.

    Look, you can choose to not engage if you wish, but you can't insist on me accepting your bogus excuse. Again, the pattern is established. Make some accusation, and then refuse to provide evidence.

    I don't pay attention to the anti-American groups known know you know that already so no big deal. as the NFL and NBA. One of my fondest hopes is that they all go broke. As for putting profit before the people, I find that the only people who say that are the ones whose income has not been affected.

    I won't engage with all your BS on your terms irony or not, but I know you know that already. I accept you will dismiss any evidence that contradicts your narrative about anything so again...NO BIG THANG! To each his own.


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post we're back to needing ten negatives since the first list of ten has been pretty much eviscerated.

    Not like your right wing loony list is that solid especially the space force joke. I can get with ideas but it doesn't exist in reality, so NO accomplishment.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 12:32 PM
    If you ever give me any evidence which contradicts my narrative, I assure you I will consider it. To date, you have zero.

    There was a time when NASA did not exist in reality. I think they did OK. This sixth branch actually has quite a bit of resources in orbit. They just have not yet been organized to handle it, but they will.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 12:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    It's sorta like playing Bible verse bingo or throwing gotcha Bible verses back and forth.

    Bible bingo! Perfect description. It's a game the fundie/literalists love to play. Unfortunately for them, it's the ONLY game they know. Listening to their conscience is a distant second to "The Bible tells me so".

    Bible bingo! LOL.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 12:58 PM
    Hmm. So listen to the ole inner voice rather than the Bible? Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Read my response to that on the "Nature of Salvation" thread and see if you have a reply. You have a position that basically cannot be defended. It's like telling a lawyer to just go by his conscience rather than the law.
  • Sep 17, 2020, 01:07 PM
    yes . The beginnings of the space force is scattered amongst the various branches currently ;primarily in the Air Force and Navy . As an example it was revealed in January that Iranian missiles were targeting US fighters in Iraq. That came from an orbiting infrared satellite deployed by the US .That is a crucial early warning system.

    If you recall ;at the time Trump credited early warning systems avoided US casualties when things got hot with Iran ;and Iran had launched more than a dozen missiles against the US Jan 7 10 of the missiles hit Al Assad Air Base.

    It was the 2nd Space Warning Squadron that positioned the satellite . That squad is under the Air Force currently . But it will be moved to Space Force .
  • Sep 17, 2020, 05:01 PM
    Thanks to member who referred this post to me.


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Hmm. So listen to the ole inner voice rather than the Bible? Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Read my response to that on the "Nature of Salvation" thread and see if you have a reply.

    Thank you for your referral to the "Nature of Salvation" thread. I will go there and reply if necessary.


    You have a position that basically cannot be defended.
    You asked me to reply. Are you now retracting that invitation?


    It's like telling a lawyer to just go by his conscience rather than the law.
    Excellent point! It's exactly the same. If the person's conscience tells him the law is wrong or unjust, of course he goes by his conscience. You have proven my point, probably inadvertently, but thank you anyway.

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