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  • Feb 22, 2019, 05:38 AM
    I say give him the death penalty
  • Feb 22, 2019, 05:43 AM
    Here is the difference, Tal. You did not see conservatives leaping to the defense of the Coast Guard officer simply because he was a white conservative. In the case of Smollet however, every liberal in America immediately got on board with him. Same was true regarding the Covington County kids and Dr. Ford. They did not wait to see what the evidence brought forward. Their support was motivated by pure politics and is nauseating in that regard.

    Sharpton's comment is especially interesting considering his support, years ago, of Tawana Brawley and her accusations, false as it turned out, of serious crimes committed against her by a white officer. I wonder if he believes he has any culpability in that case?
  • Feb 22, 2019, 09:24 AM
    They were supposed to leap to the defense of a victim, and have since turned on him after the facts came to light just as Sharpton did decades ago. Got enough facts to condemn the terrorist yet? If I were a judge, or prosecuter, or Empire executive I would have Smollett tested for mental defect and competency. What he did was insane.
  • Feb 22, 2019, 02:16 PM
  • Feb 22, 2019, 03:22 PM
    I hate bullies!
  • Feb 22, 2019, 04:15 PM

    They were supposed to leap to the defense of a victim,
    Well, they didn't leap to the defense of the Covington kids when it became plain they were victims of the insane national media. They did not leap to the defense of the Duke lacrosse team when they were treated disgracefully and then proven to be innocent, They likewise did not leap to the defense of the policeman in Ferguson who was treated shamefully and was the victim of Michael Brown.


    and have since turned on him after the facts came to light just as Sharpton did decades ago.


    Got enough facts to condemn the terrorist yet?
    He is plainly guilty.


    If I were a judge, or prosecuter, or Empire executive I would have Smollett tested for mental defect and competency. What he did was insane.
  • Feb 22, 2019, 04:38 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I hate bullies!

    With you there Tal
  • Feb 23, 2019, 06:38 AM
    It's being reported that the bully who assaulted the student at Berkley has been arrested and will be prosecuted.
  • Feb 23, 2019, 06:42 AM
    other bogus hate crimes allegations in the Trump era where the initial presumption was that it was committed by Trumpsters ,or white supremists :

    Hopewell Baptist Church ;graffiti 'Vote Trump' ,and arson .Later revealed that the crime was committed by Andrew McClinton,an African-American member of the church.
    “Heil Trump” and ”F-g Church” were spray-painted on St. David’s Episcopal Church in Indiana after the election. It was the gay organ player for the chuch who did it.

    Yasmin Seweid, told police that three Trump supporters harassed her and tried to steal her hajib on a NYC subway.Two weeks later when Seweid admitted she made the whole thing up because she’d been out late drinking with friends and was afraid her strict Muslim Egyptian father would be angry.

    Eastern Michigan University was vandalized by graffiti that said, “leave n—-s” and “KKK.” A former student, African-American Eddie Curlin,was eventually caught.

    More than 2,000 bomb threats to Jewish institutions, including the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, were made in the first three months of 2017. The assumption was that a white supremist was involved . The perp caught was
    a Jewish Israeli-American named Michael Ron David Kadar. Kadar had been rejected from the Israeli Defense Forces over mental health issues .
    8 of the threats came from Juan Thompson ,and African-American journalist who was trying to frame a women he broke up with. He had previously been fired from The Intercept for making up sources and stories. In response to his firing, he blamed the “white New York media” and claimed his editors were racist.

    5 black candidates of the Air Force Academy Preparatory School were bombarded with hate speech messages on a message board . Turns out it was done by other black cadets .

    African-American Adwoa Lewis said four teens yelled “Trump 2016!,” told her she didn’t belong here and slashed her tires in September 2018, leaving a note that read “Go Home.” She later admitted to making the story up and putting the note on her car.

    Union Temple in Brooklyn was defaced with
    “Die Jew Rats” and “Jew Better Be Ready” .Again the supposition was that the perp was a white supremist. The perp was actually
    Gay African-American James Polite, who had previously interned for City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and was raised by Jewish foster parents. He was charged for hate crimes for the graffiti and setting fires at four other Jewish temples and schools. But friends and advocates say bigotry isn’t to blame; Polite is bipolar and was convinced that the FBI and CIA had taken over the city’s homeless shelter system.

    More than 100 students marched to demand “safe spaces” after “KKK,” swastikas and the last names of four black and Latino students were scrawled in a bathroom stall at Goucher College near Baltimore in November 2018. But it turned out one of those graffiti’d names, Flynn Arthur, 21, was the person responsible. The biracial lacrosse player explained to cops that “he had been drinking and just did something dumb.”

    7-year-old African-American girl, Jazmine Barnes, was killed in a drive by shooting .Witnesses said a white man in a pickup truck was nearby. “We’ve got to call it what it is. Black people are being targeted in this country,” said activist Deric Muhammad. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee insisted, “Do not be afraid to call this what it seems to be — a hate crime,” But the investigation led to the arrest of two African-Americans, Eric Black Jr. and Larry D. Woodruffe, who police believe shot into Barnes’ car in a case of mistaken identity.

    Three Savannah churches and a civil rights museum were vandalized, raising the specter of a hate crime. But it was an African-American, David Smith III, who had thrown bricks through the doors.

  • Feb 23, 2019, 10:35 AM
    Kind of seems like a trend??
  • Feb 23, 2019, 11:16 AM
    The prevailing right wing trend is taking many anecdotes and making an assumption while ignoring the 10x more opposite stories of REAL victims of hate and bigotry. The Smollett case is a perfect example of one nut gaming the system making it hard on the real victims to be believed.

    Neither of you has commented on the victims of the Acosta deal that let the rich old pedophile and his rich buddies abuse women and girls for decades. Naw you rather look up the nuts and dismiss the real people to justify more abuse of people other than yourselves. Feeding fear, hatred and bigotry is the game of connivers which you have every right to play, as long as you acknowledge the consequences of such bad behavior.

    I dismiss the premise of those trends as faulty incomplete data that skews the bigger picture.
  • Feb 23, 2019, 12:01 PM
    seriously you want us to go after Acosta and not Epstein ...or Bubba and Menendez ,or the many people on Epstein's guest list who were frequent guests to his island of underaged sex debauchery ? Trump may be included too . Take them all down if the charges are true .
  • Feb 23, 2019, 02:48 PM

    10x more opposite stories of REAL victims of hate and bigotry.
    Let's hear them. List them.
  • Feb 26, 2019, 11:46 AM
    another one :
  • Apr 7, 2019, 06:11 AM
    all your fears
    about Kavanaugh
    were for nothing
  • Apr 7, 2019, 08:05 AM
    Like they say in baseball... small sample size.
  • Apr 7, 2019, 09:53 AM
    not really . This goes back to Ike . Earl Warren and William Brennan were both Ike pick and became lib justices . Nixon appointed Harry Blackmond ,one of the most liberal justices ever .He also picked Warren Burger . Reagan picked Kennedy and O'Conner ,both of whom took liberal positions on many issues . GHW Bush selected David Souter who became a consistent voted for liberal causes even as he was sold as a strict constructionist . Roberts has been pretty much a reliable lib vote since he affirmed the constitutionality of Obamacare . Meanwhile ,in every case since FDR that a Dem selected a Justice to SCOTUS ,they have been reliable liberal votes.
  • Apr 7, 2019, 10:01 AM
    Wonder why that is?
  • Apr 7, 2019, 10:33 AM
    because it is more important for them to be accepted into the DC social circuit than to stick to their principles .
  • Apr 7, 2019, 10:53 AM
    You implying the DC social circuit is liberal and conservatives ain't welcome? Why can't they schmooze with their own? Won't the rich wingers notice?

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