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  • Oct 7, 2018, 06:55 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    “We are elected as politicians and we do at times attack each other from a partisan perspective,I don’t think a sitting judge should have come at us with quite that tone.” Chris Coons
    …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………...
    "I can't imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump...[It's]time for us to move to New Zealand...[Trump is a] faker...He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego."
    --Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 7/14/16

    Please don't inflict this on Kiwi, they have enough weird politics already an in any case isn't it time for the borking to be over
  • Oct 7, 2018, 08:33 AM
    Hello again:

    I've been before judges. Never, absolutely NEVER, did I think my case rested on his politics. Those days are over. The one institution that was DEVOID of politics, is now damaged goods..

    Kavanaugh is IN.. Let's talk about what's next.

  • Oct 7, 2018, 08:48 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Please don't inflict this on Kiwi, they have enough weird politics already an in any case isn't it time for the borking to be over

    NO! We just got started!
  • Oct 7, 2018, 12:27 PM

    I've been before judges. Never, absolutely NEVER, did I think my case rested on his politics.
    I would think that anyone paying attention to SCOTUS the past fifty years knows that politics has entered heavily into their decision making.
  • Oct 7, 2018, 03:18 PM
  • Oct 7, 2018, 05:13 PM
    The never ending stream of hate speech directed at Judge Kavanaugh is really stunning. If we ask, "What is he guilty of?" there is no answer other than he is guilty of being a conservative.
  • Oct 7, 2018, 05:15 PM
    Oh Lighten up! As much as I mistrust him I don't hate him or the dufus. That doesn't mean I cannot express my opinion about their character or performance.
  • Oct 7, 2018, 05:17 PM
    Yet another example of liberal "tolerance". "Stephen Colbert 'Late Show' writer: 'I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life'
  • Oct 7, 2018, 05:17 PM
    Especially if I think it's true!
  • Oct 7, 2018, 05:40 PM
    Thankfully, we do not find a person guilty on the basis of what you or anyone else "thinks" is true.
  • Oct 7, 2018, 05:59 PM
    And we don't dismiss a serious allegation without a real investigation. Oh you called that a real honest investigation? Not even close. More will be revealed later.
  • Oct 7, 2018, 06:52 PM
    Tal, time to move on, Kavanaugh has been investigated up the wahzoo, don't you think that if there was any real evidence it would have been uncovered. It is a she says, he says situation, often in such cases evidence is lacking, but remember the Biblical standard is two or three "witnesses" so why should he be subject to anything less
  • Oct 7, 2018, 07:02 PM

    And we don't dismiss a serious allegation without a real investigation. Oh you called that a real honest investigation? Not even close. More will be revealed later.
    There is no evidence whatsoever to indicate any guilt on the part of BK. This never ending call for a never ending investigation begins to wear thin after a time. To call for more investigation, you would think you would have something more to go on than flatulence in a yearbook. The lady's story doesn't have support. Time to just accept it and move on.
  • Oct 7, 2018, 07:14 PM
    You held your nose and got what you want, so be happy, but don't tell the rest of us what to do about it. FAIR?
  • Oct 7, 2018, 11:19 PM
    In the meantime, Mr. Trump has managed to get the lowest unemployment rate in nearly fifty years. "The unemployment rate fell two-tenths of a percentage point to 3.7 percent, the lowest since December 1969 and one-tenth of a percentage point below expectations." I think we should all wake up every morning and be thankful Hillary Clinton is NOT the president of the United States. So yes, I'm happy about that as well as getting a solid conservative (I hope) on the Supreme Court. I think you will be happy to know that I'm actually only holding about half of my nose now. He is 2 for 3 on my wish list. He's appointed constitutionalists on the Supreme court and seen a upsurge in the economy.
  • Oct 8, 2018, 01:13 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    There is no evidence whatsoever to indicate any guilt on the part of BK. This never ending call for a never ending investigation begins to wear thin after a time. To call for more investigation, you would think you would have something more to go on than flatulence in a yearbook. The lady's story doesn't have support. Time to just accept it and move on.

    That's not what Tal said. You don't need evidence to investigate. You need suspicion. And he didn't call for a "never-ending" investigation - those are your words. WH counsel McGhan restricted the FBI so that its investigation came to nothing. It's more than the "lady's story" - MUCH more which has been reported all over the world in every possible media. Apparently, you missed it.
  • Oct 8, 2018, 01:28 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    In the meantime, Mr. Trump has managed to get the lowest unemployment rate in nearly fifty years. We should all wake up every morning and be thankful Hillary Clinton is NOT the president of the United States.[Trump] is 2 for 3 on my wish list. He's appointed constitutionalists on the Supreme court and seen a upsurge in the economy.

    Trump has little or nothing to do with the economy. He is deregulating like a madman without the slightest concern for the American citizen - it's all about corporate profits. The stock market, built on greed, reflects that lack of concern with health or clean water or pick your poison.

    He's clueless about trade and tariffs. His chief adviser in this area, Gary Cohn, walked out on him when he realized Trump was abysmally ignorant about tariffs.

    After the financial crash during the Republican Bush administraton, Obama did everything possible to save the economy while your Republicans opposed him at every juncture. Obama's strategy worked. Trump now claims the Obama success is his.

    As usual, you can't let a moment go by without trashing Hillary Clinton who has been out of the picture for almost two years now but you people simply can't let go of your obsession with her.

    Your Kavanaugh "constitutionalist" is a right-wing fanatic to thousands of legal professionals country-wide including a previous SC Justice and 2400 law professors. If there was any doubt, one has only to watch his meltdown at the Senate hearing before God and everybody, and for which he tried to walk back the next day with an op-ed in the WSJ.

    As a self-proclaimed Christian and follower of Christ, you should know better than to be supporting the likes of Trump and his cohorts - the most mean-spirited bunch ever to surround a president.
  • Oct 8, 2018, 04:20 AM

    That's not what Tal said. You don't need evidence to investigate. You need suspicion. And he didn't call for a "never-ending" investigation - those are your words. WH counsel McGhan restricted the FBI so that its investigation came to nothing. It's more than the "lady's story" - MUCH more which has been reported all over the world in every possible media. Apparently, you missed it.
    1. I didn't suggest that Tal said that.
    2. The dems called for an FBI investigation. They got one. Now they are still complaining. Truthfully, they just don't want to accept that there is nothing to be found.
    3. Much more has been reported? OK. What was it? What has been reported that directly bears on the alleged incident at a party? I don't mean flatulence and a silly debate about drinking to excess versus staggering around.
    4. Make sure you mention the statements from dozens of professional women who worked with Kavanaugh and dozens of other former classmates who state that they found him to be an honorable man. Also be sure to mention the two women he dated in college who both said he always behaved honorably towards them. I just mention that in case you managed to ignore that avalanche of evidence. Also be sure to mention the denials by the three witnesses named by Dr. Ford who contradicted her version of the story. I know you'll want to mention all of that since you surely did not miss any of it.

    As to your remarks about Mr. Trump, I will only restate the obvious. We have the lowest unemployment in 50 years. If he is clueless, then we need a lot more clueless people.

    You completely misrepresent the views of the 2400 law professors who said nothing about him being "a right wing fanatic". Their opposition centered around judicial temperament, not political views. I thought his response to the Senate and the outlandish, irresponsible actions of the dems was warranted. Any man subjected to the vicious attacks he was subjected to really should be prepared to honestly and aggressively defend himself.

    As a Christian, I find a number of areas with Mr. Trump with which I disagree. I have not set him up on a pedestal and practically worshiped him as so many liberals did, and continue to do, with Mr. Obama. I do appreciate, however, the places where he has performed well. For a peacetime economy to be performing this well is really extraordinary.

    Above all else I abhor the hypocrisy of democrats who have a fit about the tiny slivers of evidence with Kavanaugh, and yet completely ignore people like Cory Booker, Bill Clinton, and Keith Ellison, all of whom have a their own sets of female accusers and very credible evidence to point towards their guilt. You want to show everyone you sincerely support the many women who have been abused? Then clean up your own house and stop pretending to be something that you are not.
  • Oct 8, 2018, 04:33 AM
    Hello again,

    Look.. You can't find corroboration if you don't LOOK for corroboration.. Trump rigged, I mean limited the investigation to 10 people.. If you wanna FIND out stuff, that's NOT how you conduct an investigation.. But, if you're AFRAID of what you might find, you LIMIT it..

    Can Ford SUE Kavanaugh?? I think she can. Certainly, if she does, her attorneys won't be shackled by Trump, and she might find all sorts of corroboration..

  • Oct 8, 2018, 05:21 AM
    "We haven't found any evidence, and we have no real reason to believe we will find any evidence, but we really want to find evidence, so we'll just continue to look forever until we find some. After all, the man did talk about flatulence, and he drank beer in high school, so it just naturally follows that he is a sex predator. And the fact that we hate Mr. Trump and want a liberal SCOTUS of course have nothing to do with our views."

    As to Dr. Ford suing, good luck with that one. She would need something the senate dems seemed to forget about, a pesky little something called "evidence". She has none, and nor does she have a really believable story. I hope the lady is able to get some relief from whatever seems to be disturbing her, but I don't think Kavanaugh did anything to her and there is certainly no evidence to lead a person to believe that.

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