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  • Oct 1, 2009, 09:17 AM

    Originally Posted by asking View Post
    You may have missed my point, which is that a local call is usually charged by phone companies as a flat rate. You pay $15 a month (or whatever rate) for as many local calls as you want. I would assume a correctional facility would have such an arrangement. So if you call outside the area--which is often the case for inmates--it would cost extra and they would make you call collect. But, as when I call home from a hospital receptionist's phone, there is no extra charge to the institution and so no reason to make it collect.

    But I agree that the jail ought to be monitoring his calls better. But MAYBE they aren't. I think that you put too much faith in the perfection of an unknown jail and too little in Jennie Pepsi's simple statement of events. I do not feel that she is overdramatizing anything. I am really surprised by the lack of support here. If she says he called her, I believe her. It's not incumbent on Jennie to instantly know how that could have happened. Rules get broken, people make mistakes.

    Maybe she shouldn't have let him talk, but that's another issue, one of setting boundaries and not cooperating when he violates his no contact rule. If all of us were perfect at setting limits at the right time we wouldn't have any problems to share here. We'd all be perfect. :)

    Actually in jail it doesn't matter if the call is local. They are required to call collect. That is all correctional facilities. If they didn't do this then inmates would be on the phone all day, the phone is a privilege. They are the only ones who have that type of arrangement. The calls are always collect - local or not and they all have to state that it's a call monitored and coming from a correctional institution.
  • Oct 1, 2009, 12:13 PM
    Just Dahlia
    For some reason I thought they always had to use a pay phone, like in the movies:rolleyes: and since they don't have any money, it has to be collect.

    But I do know that when the call comes in they say the name of the correctional facilty and that there is a collect call to accept or decline.

    If they can't call on cell phones than I don't have to worry about ever getting a call like that call again.:D
  • Oct 1, 2009, 02:17 PM

    They do not have to be collect calls.

    You can get a phone card specially designed for jail:
    Phone Cards - Jail Phone Cards - Inmate Calling Cards - Prison

    Or you can charge your call to a third party: :)
  • Oct 1, 2009, 02:38 PM

    Originally Posted by asking View Post
    They do not have to be collect calls.

    You can get a phone card specially designed for jail:
    Phone Cards - Jail Phone Cards - Inmate Calling Cards - Prison

    Or you can charge your call to a third party: :)
    Brown County Jail Inmates Accused of Phone Scam - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News:

    The call would still say it was monitored and coming from a correctional facility.

    I didn't say that they can't make phone calls, but the jail is not going to pick up the tab. He was just jailed one week ago and you think he went jail calling card shopping for the occasion? I don't understand what your argument is. Do you just want another side? How are you even relating this back to the situation? The problem is Jennie would have been given information that the call was from jail, she possibly/probably would have had to approve charges to accept the call. I am sure there are other options, would you like to discuss the reasonable or the unrational?
  • Oct 1, 2009, 05:50 PM

    The solution may be simpler than that ladies as with any arrest, a bond can be posted, and he is out. Never heard of the police arresting any one without an arraignment at which time bond is set. He must have made bail somehow.
  • Oct 1, 2009, 11:04 PM

    Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post
    The call would still say it was monitored and coming from a correctional facility.

    I didn't say that they can't make phone calls, but the jail is not going to pick up the tab. He was just jailed one week ago and you think he went jail calling card shopping for the occassion? I don't understand what your argument is. Do you just want another side? How are you even relating this back to the situation? The problem is Jennie would have been given information that the call was from jail, she possibly/probably would have had to approve charges to accept the call. I am sure there are other options, would you like to discuss the reasonable or the unrational?

    My point was simply that prisoners may make calls that are not collect calls. You said that the call had to have been a collect call. The implication was that Jennie received a collect call and did not volunteer this information. That's possible, and she can address that if she likes, but I do not think there was any justification for suggesting that or insisting that ALL prisoner calls are ALWAYS collect. I am sure there are a dozen possible explanations for Isaac's call, not least that he was out of prison.

    I think this back and forth is relevant to the recurring discussion of Jennie's truthfulness as well as accusations that she has "dramatized" her situation. I personally think these insinuations and accusations are unjustified. I am defending her. I hope my intentions are clear now.
  • Oct 2, 2009, 07:17 AM

    Originally Posted by asking View Post
    My point was simply that prisoners may make calls that are not collect calls. You said that the call had to have been a collect call. The implication was that Jennie received a collect call and did not volunteer this information. That's possible, and she can address that if she likes, but I do not think there was any justification for suggesting that or insisting that ALL prisoner calls are ALWAYS collect. I am sure there are a dozen possible explanations for Isaac's call, not least that he was out of prison.

    I think this back and forth is relevant to the recurring discussion of Jennie's truthfulness as well as accusations that she has "dramatized" her situation. I personally think these insinuations and accusations are unjustified. I am defending her. I hope my intentions are clear now.

    Your intentions are clear and understood. It wasn't that I don't believe there are scenerios with which Isaac couldn't have made the phone call if he had been released, although I don't agree that one of the scenerios is that his call was placed from jail and it wasn't a collect call. I don't agree that is the way the correctional facilities are operated.

    The question was simple originally, was he calling from jail? In trying to help Jennie through many difficult times, this isn't the first time the stories have shown inconsistencies. In order to help we need accurate information. His phone call was a violation of the protective order and it would also have been beneficial for Jennie to end the call immediately without giving Isaac an opportunity to apologize. The original question was should she accept an apology, in the end that is the wrong thing to focus on. Accepting/Denying an apology isn't going to change what Jennie has gone through, it isn't going to lessen his charges and it is reasonable to assume that Isaac feels some remorse for his behavior, that doesn't mean a reconciliation is in order.
  • Oct 2, 2009, 10:23 AM

    Perhaps this will help.

    In this thread NM did a very good job pointing out why we're all a bit weary about this situation.

    The fact is that there are a lot of inconsistencies, there have been from the beginning.

    The other fact is that when questioned about the inconsistencies, Jennie doesn't have an answer to the questions.

    Thankfully I've never had to deal with an arrest, or receiving a call from jail or making a call from jail. Here's where I'm having a problem. I've looked into this and yes, all calls from jails are supposed to be collect calls. This is done for the reasons Justy stated and to allow the person receiving the call to either accept or decline. Isaac, if still in jail, should not have been allowed to make this call because of the restraining order against him. Things just aren't adding up.

    If he did make the call, from jail, out of jail, then he is violating the order of protection Jennie has on him. The very least that should be done is notifying the police of this call. Also, as soon as Jennie realized who was calling, she should have hung up, called the cops, told them what happened.

    Either the police in Jennie's town are extremely incompetent or we're not getting the truth.

    I'm sure that something happened, I'm not trying to imply that Jennie lied to us, but we're not getting the whole story, that I'm certain of.
  • Oct 4, 2009, 04:06 PM
    Need a little support about NC
    There is an order of protection (restraining order) against my soon to be ex husband for hitting me and destroying my property.

    I am NOT contacting him.

    But he won't stop texting me. He hasn't called again lately. But he keeps texting me. I report the text messages each time they come. I'm not sure what they are doing about it.

    I will be honest, I'm not a very strong person... today he texted me several times saying 'i will always love you'

    I'm NOT going to contact him. I'm NOT having second thoughts. Or any of that kind of thing... tomorrow morning I'm calling my cell company to change my phone number...

    I'm not sure what the point of this post is except for some support maybe... im having a hard time biting my tongue and NOT replying to him. I have so much I want to say to him. Most of all I want to tell him I couldn't care less if he still loves me or not. But I don't...

    No one told me the No Contact thing would be so hard. Not because I miss him. But because I don't like just sitting around and listening to him go from 'i will always love you' to 'your a f****** b****** and you are going to pay for it'


    Thanks for letting me vent a little.

    Its almost all over. Sometime this week he is going to be served with the papers to sign that he received the paperwork and that he knows he has the right to contest it. Then I get to hold my breath for 20 days waiting to see if he will contest it. If not, they process the papers, and its OVER. *sigh*
  • Dec 2, 2009, 10:29 AM

    No contact is really tough when you're dealing with someone you used to love. I think you're doing the right thing by changing your cell phone number. If he isn't able to contact you, you shouldn't feel the urge to contact him. Breath deep - it's almost over. It'll get easier with time.


    “I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me – I’m going to smile :).” —unknown
  • Dec 2, 2009, 11:05 AM

    Your right, this is a process you have to go through to get to a better place in your life.

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