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  • Jun 30, 2009, 01:22 PM
    4 weeks pregnant but nothing showed on ultrasound.scared!
    I recently found out that I was pregnant... (I took 2 pregnancy tests 4 days before my expected period (both positve) 1 -3 days before, and one everyday leading up (I was getting paranoid!) all came back POSITIVE (and I was sure to use different brands just to be sure).. My husband and I are ecstatic!
    I went to the doctors office today (unfortunately she's on holidays so I had to see the nurse practitioner instead) when I told him all of the tests came back positive, he was very surprised, as he said it was so early on to detect... He sent me to get bloodwork as well as an ultrasound to rule out ectopic and to get a better idea of timing... I had an abdominal as well as transvaginal ultrasound... The technician saw NOTHING! I'm really worried! Is it too early to detect signs of pregnancy or could this mean there is something wrong? I was so freaked out, that on my way home, AGAIN, I bought two more tests... and once again POSITIVE... I'm due for my period today and still no sign of it! I haven't had any bleeding, have had diarrhea for the past couple of days, slight cramping (almost period or gas like... nothing major) and many pregnancy symptoms (sore, tender breasts, headaches, lower back aches... positive tests as well as missed period... )
    Any thoughts? :confused:
  • Jun 30, 2009, 01:32 PM
    4 weeks pregnant.nothing showed up on ultrasound.really scared!
    I recently found out that I was pregnant... (I took 2 pregnancy tests 4 days before my expected period (both positve) 1 -3 days before, and one everyday leading up (I was getting paranoid!) all came back POSITIVE (and I was sure to use different brands just to be sure).. My husband and I are ecstatic!
    I went to the doctors office today (unfortunately she's on holidays so I had to see the nurse practitioner instead) when I told him all of the tests came back positive, he was very surprised, as he said it was so early on to detect... He sent me to get bloodwork as well as an ultrasound to rule out ectopic and to get a better idea of timing... I had an abdominal as well as transvaginal ultrasound... The technician saw NOTHING! I'm really worried! Is it too early to detect signs of pregnancy or could this mean there is something wrong? I was so freaked out, that on my way home, AGAIN, I bought two more tests... and once again POSITIVE... I'm due for my period today and still no sign of it! I haven't had any bleeding, have had diarrhea for the past couple of days, slight cramping (almost period or gas like... nothing major) and many pregnancy symptoms (sore, tender breasts, headaches, lower back aches... positive tests as well as missed period... )
    Any thoughts?
  • Jun 30, 2009, 01:36 PM

    Im not an expert, but its not unusual to see anything for several more weeks. When we had our second, they weren't able to find anything until the 8th week,. and no heartbeat until almost 10. I don't know if that is unusual, but it DOES happen.
  • Jun 30, 2009, 01:36 PM
    At 4 weeks it's still too early to see much of anything on an ultrasound. At 10 weeks the fetus is only a few centimeters long. At 4 weeks there still is no heartbeat that is typically detectable.
  • Jun 30, 2009, 01:47 PM

    Thanks... That puts my mind at ease a little... I guess I won't know much until I get the bloodwork back... the waiting is horrible though! :(
  • Jun 30, 2009, 02:05 PM
    All of pregnancy is a waiting game. You have to wait to find out if you are pregnant, you have to wait 9 months of the labor to start, then you have to wait for the baby to be born. LOL
  • Jul 1, 2009, 01:58 AM
    You can't really expect to see a heartbeat until at least 7-8 weeks gestation. I will never understand why doctors do ultrasounds on women so early in their pregnancy unless an ectopic pregnancy is suspected as it just causes uneccessary worry when nothing is seen on the ultrasound. Good luck :).
  • Jul 2, 2009, 11:38 AM

    I agree with the above.

    At 4w, u/s aren't normally done. My first was at 7weeks,3days and we were able to see a little "blob" and hear the heartbeat.

    The heartbeat usually can't be detected until 6 - 7 weeks and even then, its difficult.

    By the time your HCG's are in the 1,000s they should be able to see a tiny embryo. Usually 6+ weeks. Hang in there & good luck!
  • Jul 2, 2009, 11:43 AM

    Thanks for the reassurance! I just called my doctor today to see if they can get the results of my bloodwork asap... Once I know what the levels are, I'll feel much more confident (I hope! )
    I just really wish that the nurse practitioner had never arranged for me to have the ultrasound so early on to begin with... I wouldn't be so freaked out right now! :(
  • Jul 2, 2009, 12:11 PM

    Sooo... Doctors office called back... Bloodwork came back positive... and hcg level was around 370... sooo I'm assuming that would explain why nothing showed up in the ultrasound?. I'm scheduled to go back in on Monday for more bloodwork to check the leves again... think I can breath a sigh of relief for the meantime!~ Thanks for all your help!
  • Jul 2, 2009, 12:14 PM

  • Jul 6, 2009, 06:04 PM

    Any other news? I know this is an exciting time and I am with you trying to not get too excited. We met with the doc. Today and he took an ultrasound, we think we are at about 5.5 weeks. The doctor did see a gestational sac but said it looked very early on in the pregnancy. He scheduled another ultrasound for next week to see if anything had changed. We had a chemical pregnancy last month, so we are hoping this one sticks. It is just a waiting game. We decided to not do another blood test (since last month it was negative and the nurse was not so nice about it). We felt a little better having see a sac this time. Lin22 let me know how things are going, I know how difficult it can be. Take Care and Best Wishes!
  • Jul 8, 2009, 04:26 PM

    Continued well wishes! Keep yourself busy and the waiting will get easier!
  • Jul 12, 2009, 06:03 PM

    Thanks TCHR!. My blood results came back and it's up over 4000.. so the doctor's very pleased! (as are we!! ;) I'm scheduled for another ultrasound on Friday... so fingers crossed it goes better than the first one! I'm finally starting to feel excited and relief rather than worry... I just have to tell myself that what will be will be and as long as I stay positive, I can't imagine anything going wrong! I also started a journal... I must say, it's been very therapeutic! I've decided to write in it and continue on throughout the pregnancy and after. Maybe when my baby turns 16 it'll be a keepsake for him/her... so they'll be able to see how much we loved them even before they were born... kind'a corney... but seems to keep me sane, excited and positive :)
    I'll keep you posted on the ultrasound :) Good luck on yours as well... Let me know how you're next one goes!
  • Jul 12, 2009, 06:09 PM

    That is great to hear! We go in tomorrow to have another ultrasound. I will let you know how it goes! I try not to worry, I know what happens, happens. We are hoping for some more reassuring news. I will let you know! Congrats again!
  • Jul 13, 2009, 12:03 PM

    We are going to have a baby! We got to see what the dr assumed was an early heart beat a slight flicker of white. We had grown almost 8 times the size since last week! We are so excited to finally be pregnant. Still not having any symptoms but I am feeling a lot more reassured.
  • Jul 13, 2009, 12:10 PM
    Absolutely, I was going to say wait on the blood work but you had already updated everyone. Don't stress! I took 13 tests with my daughter and they were all negative, the only way I could find out was to have blood drawn. When the dr called me all I could say was HAH!! Good luck!
  • Jul 18, 2009, 08:09 AM

    Fantastic news! Congratulations!
  • Jul 18, 2009, 10:19 AM

    So I had my 2nd ultrasound yesterday... I am officially 6w5days... and I was able to see my baby for the first time... and it's little heartbeat... what an absolutely magical experience!. I'm so relieved and excited! Thank you all so much for all of your kind wishes and encouragement... It definitely helped keep me sane these past few weeks! Xo
  • Jul 18, 2009, 11:12 AM
    Yay, congratulations! Good luck with the baby!

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