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  • Apr 5, 2007, 05:41 PM
    I've been spotting off in on for a month.
    I normally don't have a regular period, but I've had one every month for about 5 months strait, My last period was Jan.11 it is now April 5, I have spotted a little after sex three times in march and once just yesterday, A lot of back pain, no cramps but no period still, I took a pregnancy test April 2 and it was negative. Coul'd I be pregnant.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 07:14 PM
    If your periods are typically abnormal and you haven't had an actual period since Jan 11 with a negative hpt I would say no. Some people don't show positives on hpt's, though so you should go see your doctor. Especially if you are spotting after sex. If you aren't pregnant you could have some kind of problem. Please go see your doctor and find out what's going on. Good luck and best wishes!

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