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  • Nov 17, 2009, 06:16 AM
    That was 3 years ago. Nothing to worry about now.
  • Dec 17, 2009, 04:43 PM

    Ok I hope I don't sound uneducated.

    I am on the contraceptive pill, have been for 5 years. I'm 23 and engaged.
    When I was 18 I got pregnant while on the pill and using condoms, but had a miscarriage - that was with a previous partner.

    I always take my pill on time, but I missed it on Friday - (which would have been the first day of my ovulation cycle) then had sex with no condom a few times over the weekend and during the week since, during the time I would have been ovulating.

    I know it's a waiting game really, but I would like to know the chances of being pregnant? Even though I resumed taking my pill?
    I wasn't planning a baby, but now my fiancé and I have talked about the fact that there is a chance I might be, we're both excited - but don't want to build our hopes up just in case.
  • Dec 17, 2009, 04:46 PM

    JayJay, there's no way to predict this. I can't even give you reliable odds.

    The pill is supposed to suppress ovulation but missing one can really mess that up. You definitely increased the odds by not using a condom as well.

    Really, it's a waiting game. There's a chance at pregnancy but that true even if you take your pill religiously and use a condom every time.

    You'll have to wait and see.
  • Dec 17, 2009, 04:49 PM

    I'll have to wait until 2010 to see if I am lol.
    Soooo long!
  • Dec 24, 2009, 06:53 PM

    I am 17 days late for my period I have taken 2 pregnancy tests one when I was 3 days late and another when I was 12 days late and they both came back negative I spotted one time after having sex but I haven't since then.I have been nausea and for a week or so I would feel really hungry but then I would go to eat and I would only eat a couple bites. Earlier today I kind of felt like I was getting a urinary tract infection but right now I don't feel like that I am supposed to go to the doctor sometime next week but I really need to know. Please help mee!
  • Dec 25, 2009, 11:12 PM

    Originally Posted by britt9124 View Post
    i am 17 days late for my period i have taken 2 pregnancy tests one when i was 3 days late and another when i was 12 days late and they both came back negative i spotted one time after having sex but i haven't since then.I have been nausea and for a week or so i would feel really hungry but then i would go to eat and i would only eat a couple bites. Earlier today i kinda felt like i was getting a urinary tract infection but right now i don't feel like that i am supposed to go to the doctor sometime next week but i really need to know. Please help mee!!

    There's really nothing we can help you with. If you are pregnant then the only way to know is to get a positive pregnancy test, be it with a home test kit or at the doctors office.

    The symptoms you're describing can possibly be something else. All women miss a period at least once in their lives without being pregnant. It's a stressful time of year, stress can cause a missed period. Diet change, exercise, illness, all can have an effect on your period.

    It's also cold and flu season.

    Not all women get a positive result right away. It depends on your HCG levels, if you are in fact pregnant.

    Wait another week and then test again, or go to your doctor.

    Good luck.
  • Jul 26, 2010, 11:01 AM

    Well this thread died. Hi Alty! *waves*
    Anyway, here's one for the women who are already very pregnant (like me, at 37 weeks).

    Last night at work I stood up from my chair and my hip felt like someone was trying to pull my leg out of the socket. When I went in for my doc appointment today she examined my leg and told me it was most likely from the hormones my body is releasing to prepare for birth. Now, my question is... after I got home, I went to walk to the bathroom (for the 50th time in an hour) and EVERYTHING in my nether regions hurt. I was just wondering if this could be more of the same thing with my hip/pelvic region, or if it could be because my mini me is head down and knocking to be let out of her cage. I was 1 cm dialated 2 weeks ago.
  • Jul 26, 2010, 01:34 PM

    Likely the pain when you got up was from the hormone relaxin and ligaments stretching. Relaxin does exactly what it sounds like... this can cause hip/pelvic/leg/lower back/etc. pain as the joints in the pelvis become more loose.

    It is not uncommon for women to feel more pelvic pressure/pain towards the end of pregnancy... again part of the body preparing for birth as baby moves down farther. (some women say they feel as though the baby is about to fall out!) If you have one, sitting on a birth ball may help as this provides some counter pressure. It can also help with any hip and back pain and is great during labor too.

    Of course always check back with your doctor if it becomes very painful or causes you concern. Not much longer!
  • Jul 26, 2010, 02:00 PM

    Lol yeah, She rotated my leg until I felt like a pretzel and I had no pain, but oh buddy, as soon as I walk and put pressure on it, I want to scream. I was thinking that that's what it was. Yup... not much longer. I already threatened my poor husband that next time, he better not get me pregnant in the fall cause this has been one miserable summer. Go figure, last year we had 1 frickin day of hot weather and the rest of the summer was spring like weather but this year when I'm carrying an extra 23 pounds, it's been near 90 nearly every day, and that isn't including the humidity (and me, being the genius that I am, live in a house that has a lake in front and a swamp in back)
  • Jul 26, 2010, 02:28 PM

    You must be in the south... :) Two of my pregnancies were in the southwest during summer, but they say it's a dry heat! HA! You might also find using a belly band for support helps... worth a try. Try to stay cool!
  • Jul 26, 2010, 03:09 PM

    Oh I remember that time. Don't remember it with fondness either. ;)

    Chameleon, you're at the "I'd rip off my own arm to get this baby out" stage. Thankfully the end is in sight. :)

    I had both of my kids in the fall, gained 80 pounds with both, and the summer I was pregnant with my son was El Nino. Over 35 degrees every freaking day! I was ready to kill someone.

    This too shall pass. Get your rest, get hubby to buy an air conditioner, he'll do it if he doesn't want to lose a limb. ;)
  • Jul 27, 2010, 12:20 AM

    Doula- depends on your definition of south. I live in Indiana and nope. It isn't a dry heat lol.

    Alty-no not quite to that stage yet. I'm 37 weeks and I'm measuring at 36 but the dr didn't seem too concerned since I'm only 1cm off on my measurments. So far I've only gained 23 pounds but since my meddling husband talked to the nurse before I got in the room, I am now on light duty at work, so that will probably change. Yeah when we moved out our old house our central air unit moved with us, or I'd be more miserable than I am now lol.

    This is why they say it only takes once to get pregnant. I had my period on my 5 year wedding anniversary and had sex only once that month (hubby was gone a lot) and tested positive on 2 different HPT 3 days after Thanksgiving, not even a full month later lol. Didn't even take the 3 minutes. It was showing a blue line before I was even done actully taking the test.
  • Jul 27, 2010, 02:11 AM
    Ugghhh... I wish the docs would get together and STOP measuring after a certain date. It really scares some women when they hear that the dates and measurements don't match up.

    Measuring past a particular point is actually pretty pointless as the measurements aren't nearly as accurate as they are in early pregnancy.

    Grrr, I never measure my patients. I always go by the LMP and the ultrasound report. We don't even get measurements in the copies of our prenatal records the docs send over.

    Oh, oops sorry, went off on a tangent there.

    Chameleon, if you came to my department today, at 37 weeks, I wouldn't stop your labor! ;) You're closer to full term than the 34 week baby I have in the nursery tonight.
  • Jul 27, 2010, 11:24 AM

    Lol I don't think she will either since I'm due August 13th, which doesn't make sense to me. By a calendar, I only have about 2 1/2 weeks left. By the pregnancy calendar I'm 37 weeks, so wouldn't that mean I have 5 weeks left? I'm soooo confuzzled...

    Anyway, I digress... I don't think she would stop my labor, but she also said she will not induce labor before 39 weeks... which is fine. I don't want to have to look at a calendar and go "Oh gee....that day right there is the day I chose to put myself in agonizing pain".

    Speaking of birth control... I've been told (and personally I wouldn't want to risk it) that breast feeding is a natural form of birth control... fact or fiction?
  • Jul 27, 2010, 03:28 PM

    Breastfeeding is a good form of contraception, but only when it is exclusive and frequent... no supplementing. As with any other form of contraception, it is not 100% effective, but it is high up there until you start spacing out feeds or supplementing.

    If you want to increase the odds of not becoming pregnant sooner than you would like to, use another form along with the breastfeeding. Definitely use something else in conjunction with it if you start to supplement and/or when feedings start to become spaced out more.

    Some women will find it works well for them for quite some time, others become pregnant sooner then they had planned to... again, like any other form of contraception... :)
  • Jul 27, 2010, 04:05 PM

    Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
    Lol I don't think she will either since I'm due August 13th, which doesn't make sense to me. By a calendar, I only have about 2 1/2 weeks left. By the pregnancy calendar I'm 37 weeks, so wouldn't that mean I have 5 weeks left? I'm soooo confuzzled...

    My handy dandy Similac Advance Gestation Wheel, the same one the doctors use, put you are 37 weeks and 4 days if your due date is August 13. ;)


    Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
    she also said she will not induce labor before 39 weeks...which is fine.

    All facilities have a policy as to when they will let a doctor induce. For some it's 38 weeks, others 39. However, we are allowed to augment your labor should you come in laboring. The definition of labor, in simple layman's terms, is when you are 4cm dilated and having active cervical changing contractions. This is when we admit you to have your baby no matter how far along you are.


    Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
    Speaking of birth control....I've been told (and personally I wouldn't want to risk it) that breast feeding is a natural form of birth control...fact or fiction?

    As Doula has stated, it is a rather reliable method of birth control, but nothing is 100% effective. There are 365 days in a year... my grandchildren are 349 days apart. My DIL was exclusively breast feeding. ;)
  • Jul 28, 2010, 12:10 AM

    Lol I was already considering an alternative form of because... like maybe abstinence. J/k.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 04:55 AM

    If thinking hormonal type birth control, the mini-pill works well for many women and less chance of issues with milk supply.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 05:27 AM

    Originally Posted by DoulaLC View Post
    If thinking hormonal type birth control, the mini-pill works well for many women and less chance of issues with milk supply.

    Lol actually, we'll probably go back to what we did before we decided to try (well, he tried.. I just didn't prevent)... condoms. Then after the second one, we're done. I'll have 2 and he'll have 3, so a certain someone will be getting a vasectomy (yeah, he already knows this).
  • Dec 21, 2010, 05:53 PM
    I just got a phamplet from the Dr on all methods of because, and according to that the withdrawal (pullout) method is 70%

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