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  • Dec 13, 2008, 09:54 PM

    My boyfriend loves it, I love the smell, but just seems strong... LOL. Just wondered if it self-conscienciousness that makes other women feel that way too.
  • Dec 13, 2008, 09:55 PM

    Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post
    Okay here my question: Female to Female

    Is it self conscienciousness that causes women to feel like their vaginal odor is extremely strong? Not bad smelling but strong smelling. Do other women feel this way?

    You're not alone Justy, I feel the same way, but hubby doesn't, he thinks it smells great. TMI? ;)
  • Dec 13, 2008, 09:56 PM

    Probably, I mean if your armpits smelled strong you would be self conscious right? I think it is just whether you like to smell good or not! I personally don't like it when I smell strong but he does. Pheromones... lol!
  • Dec 13, 2008, 09:56 PM

    Just checking... Glad to know I am not solo.
  • Dec 13, 2008, 09:57 PM

    Heck no Alty, this thread is TMI! Ha ha
    I missed you girl! What's been happening?
  • Dec 13, 2008, 09:59 PM

    Christmas has been happening, and it's driving me nuts. ;)

    I'll catch up with you on the Island thread, or the rant thread, don't want to hiijack this one. ;)
  • Dec 13, 2008, 10:00 PM

    Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post
    Just checking... Glad to know I am not solo.

    Nope, you're not alone. It's our natural odor, there's no getting rid of it completely and the men seem to like it. Myself, I can do without it sometimes, but I guess it is what it is. ;)
  • Dec 28, 2008, 07:05 PM

    I was just wondering (I'm not sure if this belongs here) for those people who have those shower heads that you cannot like... move around, like it's mounted on the wall, how do you wash your genital area well? I always had the ones with the cords, but for those who don't.
  • Dec 28, 2008, 07:37 PM
    Oh and also, you know when you put one of those pucks in your toilet bowl and the water turns blue? Well I had one of those and I was wondering if when you're urinating (or doing the other thing) and the toilet water sort of splashes onto your area, is it harmful in any way?
  • Dec 28, 2008, 07:38 PM
    Is it possible for someone to be so ticklish that they cannot participate in any sexual activity because the touch would make them crack up?
  • Jan 10, 2009, 11:28 AM
    Ok I may seem a bit naïve when I ask this but all well.

    Is it normal to not be able to orgasm at all with one person?

    My last boyfriend was my first and the only one I'd ever had sex with. And I never orgasmed at all no matter how hard he tried. I felt like I would but it never came. But with my fiancé I did on the first try. He is only the second person I've ever had intercourse with.
  • Jan 10, 2009, 12:09 PM

    The ability to orgasm for a female is based on a lot of different factors and it is very common to have difficulties at first because you are learning about your own body.
  • Jan 10, 2009, 12:16 PM

    Some women never experience orgasm, and for others it's not possible during sex itself, but only with manual stimulation.
  • Jan 13, 2009, 01:07 PM

    I have a question... I'm thinking that I already know the answer, but I'll ask for peace of mind anyway. I had an abortion on January 2 and started taking birth control on the following Sunday (Jan 4). I had sex with my husband the following wednesday(Jan 7), thursday(Jan 8), friday(Jan 9), and saturday(Jan 10). I was also taking the antibiotics given to me, but didn't completely finish them as I heard that it could mess around with the birth control. I know that the doctors say not to have sex until two weeks after, or even after the check-up.. but I did, obviously. I did use protection (condoms) most of the time, but one or two times we did not. I am freaking out, I know we should have been more responsible - but my husband left for the Marines and it's no excuse but I won't be seeing him for awhile. There's a huge chance I could be pregnant, isn't there?
  • Jan 13, 2009, 01:18 PM
    My mother said if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all. I am retracting my previous statement
  • Jan 13, 2009, 01:38 PM

    Originally Posted by WifeOfMarine View Post
    I have a question... I'm thinking that I already know the answer, but I'll ask for peace of mind anyway. I had an abortion on January 2 and started taking birth control on the following sunday (Jan 4). I had sex with my husband the following wednesday(Jan 7), thursday(Jan 8), friday(Jan 9), and saturday(Jan 10). I was also taking the antibiotics given to me, but didn't completely finish them as I heard that it could mess around with the birth control. I know that the doctors say not to have sex until two weeks after, or even after the check-up..but I did, obviously. I did use protection (condoms) most of the time, but one or two times we did not. I am freaking out, I know we should have been more responsible - but my husband left for the Marines and it's no excuse but I won't be seeing him for awhile. There's a huge chance I could be pregnant, isn't there?

    I really don't want to answer this because I really can't be nice about this, I really can't.

    You had an abortion, learned absolutely nothing, went home, had sex, not always protected and now you're worried you might be pregnant again? Of course you might be pregnant, sex=babies, if you didn't know that before, I'm telling you now.

    Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control.

    The only advice I can offer you is to have your tubes tied or for your husband to have a vasectomy, this will prevent pregnancy.
  • Jan 13, 2009, 01:55 PM

    Huge chance?. no. A chance?. certainly.

    More than likely you are not pregnant for several reasons. The very recent abortion... using condoms (at least most of the time)... starting the birth control pills (albeit for a short time)... and the fact that the odds of a couple getting pregnant who are actually trying in one cycle are low.

    You will have to wait and see what happens. Not sure why you chose the pill when your husband was leaving so soon, but do be sure you are better prepared when he returns.
  • Jan 20, 2009, 06:43 AM

    OK well I don't know if this is still opened so I will ask my question and if it doesn't get answered I guess its not opened anymore.

    After my daugther was born I breast fed her for 8 months, until my milk dryed up. For about 5 months after I sometime got like clear discharge that came out of my nipple(kinda likeright before my milk came in when I was 35 weeks pregnant) After the 5 months nothing came out anymore. Its been about 10months since I had anything come out of my nipple. Now my husband and I are trying to conceive again and I noticed about 4 days ago I have the clearish discharge from nipple again! I don't know if its because I am pregnant because I didn't get this discharge stuff with my first daugther until I was at least 25 weeks pregnant! What is going on with my boobs?

    I am sorry it was so long!
  • Jan 20, 2009, 06:57 AM

    Originally Posted by EmilyG23 View Post
    ok well i dont know if this is still opened so i will ask my question and if it doesnt get answered I guess its not opened anymore.

    After my daugther was born I breast fed her for 8 months, til my milk dryed up. For about 5 months after I sometime got like clear discharge that came out of my nipple(kinda likeright before my milk came in when i was 35 wks pregnant) After the 5 months nothing came out anymore. Its been about 10months since I had anything come out of my nipple. Now my husband and I are trying to concieve again and I noticed about 4 days ago I have the clearish discharge from nipple again! I dont know if its because I am pregnant because I didnt get this discharge stuff with my first daugther until I was at least 25 wks pregnant! What is going on with my boobs?

    I am sorry it was so long!

    This could be caused by a number of things... infection, rise is prolactin hormone, and pregnancy, among some more serious concerns.

    Usually this does not happen early in pregnancy, but it can. Please discuss your concerns with your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
  • Jan 20, 2009, 06:58 AM

    WifeofMarine you make me very sad! Im not one to judge but how could you abort a child that you and your husband made together out of love? And DO NOT say because your husband is getting deployed because my husband is also a marine and he was gone for my first pregnancy! DO you know how many military wives do it without there husband?! Im sorry but HOW DARE YOU! SO you are right! Him leaving IS NO EXCUSE!

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