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  • Jan 31, 2017, 06:41 PM
    Meet your new Associate Justice of the Supreme Court ,Neil Gorsuch

    During the New Deal, liberals recognized that the ballot box and elected branches are generally the appropriate engines of social reform, and liberals used both to spectacular effect–instituting profound social changes that remain deeply ingrained in society today. In the face of great skepticism about the constitutionality of New Deal measures in some corners, a generation of Democratic-appointed judges, from Louis Brandeis to Byron White, argued for judicial restraint and deference to the right of Congress to experiment with economic and social policy.

    Those voices have been all but forgotten in recent years among liberal activists. It would be a very good thing for all involved–the country, an independent judiciary, and the Left itself–if liberals take a page from David von Drehle and their own judges of the New Deal era, kick their addiction to constitutional litigation, and return to their New Deal roots of trying to win elections rather than lawsuits.
    Liberals & Lawsuits -- Supreme Court | National Review


    What about our criminal justice system, you might ask. It surely bears its share of ironies too. Consider this one. Without question, the discipline of writing the law down—of codifying it—advances the law’s interest in fair notice. But today we have about 5,000 federal criminal statutes on the books, most of them added in the last few decades, and the spigot keeps pouring, with literally hundreds of new statutory crimes inked every single year."
    “Neither does that begin to count the thousands of additional regulatory crimes buried in the federal register. There are so many crimes cowled in the numbing fine print of those pages that scholars have given up counting and are now debating their number."
    “When he led the Senate Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden worried that we have assumed a tendency to federalize, ‘Everything that walks, talks, and moves.’ Maybe we should say ‘hoots’ too, because it’s now a federal crime to misuse the likeness of Woodsy the Owl. (As were his immortal words: ‘Give a hoot, don’t pollute!’) Businessmen who import lobster tails in plastic bags rather than cardboard boxes can be brought up on charges. Mattress sellers who remove that little tag? Yes, they’re probably federal criminals too.
  • Jan 31, 2017, 10:44 PM
    Gorsuch, an extreme rightist, can be considered right after hearings for Garland, a centrist, have been held.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 04:34 AM
    What you call extreme rightist I call a constitutional textualist . But go ahead . You would've painted any of Trump's selections as extreme .

    But since you brought up ideology and called Merrick Garland a "centrist " I will quote the NY Slimes opinion .


    If Judge Garland is confirmed, he could tip the ideological balance to create the most liberal Supreme Court in 50 years. Measures of ideology by four political scientists show where the justices stand in relation to one another. Judge Garland’s score is based on the score of his appointing president, Bill Clinton. This methodology is considered to be a “reasonably good predictor of voting on the Supreme Court,” says Prof. Lee Epstein of Washington University.

    The Slimes doesn't think Garland is a centrist .

    The primary reason I support Gorsuch's nomination was found in the second link I provided.
    He has been a critic of the modern nanny state ,advocating the elimination of the doctrine of "Chevron deferense," which has given unelected and unaccountable federal bureaucrats vast unconstitutional powers over just about every aspect of our lives.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 06:25 AM
    To repeat, Gorsuch can be considered as soon as Garland's hearings are complete.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 06:42 AM
    Hello tom:

    For a never Trumper, you're certainly LOVING what he's doing. What's up with that?

  • Feb 1, 2017, 06:50 AM

    Hello tom:

    For a never Trumper, you're certainly LOVING what he's doing. What's up with that?

    I'll defend him when he is right ;and this nominee is a home run .
  • Feb 1, 2017, 06:58 AM

    To repeat, Gorsuch can be considered as soon as Garland's hearings are complete.

    His nomination was DOA . His nomination was as dead on arrival as Ted Olson's selection to be AG (blocked by Harry Reid ) .Does that name Ted Olson sound familiar ? It should . He was the attorney who successfully created a Federal right to gay marriage . But your side was so biased that they blocked him strictly over perceived ideological differences.

    IT is the Dems who changed the rules . So stuff it . Garland will have to wait for President Elizabeth Warren.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 07:16 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Garland will have to wait for President Elizabeth Warren.

    Hello again, tom:

    Nahhh... She's gonna nominate Barrack Obama..

  • Feb 1, 2017, 07:46 AM
    I hope dems fight the good fight win or lose! We might not even be here if they (dems) had fought a better fight during the mid terms!
  • Feb 1, 2017, 10:38 AM

    I hope dems fight the good fight win or lose!
    They are picking the wrong hill to fight on . This selection does not change the balance on the court . If anything ,it is more likely that he'll side with the ' living breathing ' crowd more often than Scalia ever did .

    You should be girding your loins for the next SCOTUS selection . That is the one that will be a court changer . Imagine a Scalia type replacing Ginsburg .
  • Feb 1, 2017, 10:42 AM
    The best way to gird our loins is to get in the practice of fighting by starting NOW! Repubs started on inauguration day in 2009, and the right wing has NEVER stopped fighting since I've been in the world.

    Look at 'em now.

    PS Some could say the right wing never stopped even after the civil war or when the repubs and dem switched names.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 11:56 AM
    The Dems are still the plantation party . Their big plantation is in Washington.The chains are the programs that nurture permanent dependency . The plantations are the Democrat big city political machines. The Dems have spent $Trillions ,and the lot of the people in the cities are no better than they were in 1965 ...and in many ways they are worse off .
  • Feb 1, 2017, 12:47 PM
    While the repubs suck all the money to the 1% who sock it away overseas and blame dems for the lack of money. Are we going to do this all day?
  • Feb 1, 2017, 01:42 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    While the repubs suck all the money to the 1% who sock it away overseas and blame dems for the lack of money. Are we going to do this all day?

    Would that "1%" be the likes of Bloomberg, Buffet, Steyer, and Zuckerburg?
  • Feb 1, 2017, 02:30 PM
    Nah no need to rehash. I was just thinking about Judge Gorsuch & his wife, and about how they are about to be viciously slandered smeared and 'Borked' . Alito's hearings had his wife in tears .I expect no less this time . They no doubt will drag his mom in the mud too.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 03:17 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    Would that "1%" be the likes of Bloomberg, Buffet, Steyer, and Zuckerburg?

    Just to name a few, YES, and maybe add Trump, and the Koch bros too.


    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Nah no need to rehash. I was just thinking about Judge Gorsuch & his wife, and about how they are about to be viciously slandered smeared and 'Borked' . Alito's hearings had his wife in tears .I expect no less this time . They no doubt will drag his mom in the mud too.

    I am sure they are very nice people, as are many who go through the confirmation process. Though it's a done deal since repubs hold ALL the cards. Let's hope it's a CIVIL thorough grilling since the outcome is already a foregone conclusion despite any theatrics.

    Obviously I think dems should NOT rollover to Trump or the repubs at any quarter for any reason.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 06:11 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Just to name a few, YES, and maybe add Trump, and the Koch bros too.

    You do realize that only ONE of those named are, as you call them, repubs, don't you?
  • Feb 1, 2017, 07:37 PM
    I'd like to know....,if Gorsuch was such a right wing extremist, then why was he unanimously confirmed by the Senate as an appellate justice ?
  • Feb 1, 2017, 08:43 PM
    Well if you insist on technicalities, a bit old, but you can research on your own. Doesn't matter to me what the party affiliations are, just where all the money get sucked to. What's disgusting if you think on it, you can't build roads, bridges, and schools, because they can't afford to pay .5% more in taxes. The Donald doesn't pay any taxes and he said it was legal. Romney didn't pay that much either but at least he showed his tax returns. You tell me what's wrong with that picture, bet Trump gets his wall, and you can bet Mexico, or rich guys won't pay a dime for it.

    And who pays for the military, and the wars? Maybe Tom can help you with that one!
    U.S. "1%" Is More Republican, but Not More Conservative | Gallup


    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I'd like to know....,if Gorsuch was such a right wing extremist, then why was he unanimously confirmed by the Senate as an appellate justice ?

    Doesn't matter he was Trumps pick, and repubs love him. That's all that matters and sorry Trump ain't as popular as he thinks he is or wants to be, and neither are the repubs.
  • Feb 1, 2017, 09:38 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    Doesn't matter he was Trumps pick, and repubs love him. That's all that matters and sorry Trump ain't as popular as he thinks he is or wants to be, and neither are the repubs.

    If Dump wants to be popular he needs to change his attitude, he may have been popular with the red necks but that will wien when they realise he isn't going to bring back millions of jobs, so he needs to sound like a president and not a Yahoo, he behaves like a petulant child

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