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  • Feb 25, 2008, 01:43 AM
    Why is the South (of the US) Ignorant?
    Hello, I hope you are doing well. Please, let me explain the topic of this thread before I get attacked.

    As a person living in California, it seems as if many people (not all, of course) who are raised and live in the Southern states of the US are still ignorant when it comes to a variety of issues, even though it is approximately a century and a half since the American Civil War. I am looking for an unbiased answer to this, because I really do not know much about the south and am really interested in finding out. This will be a starting point for much more research that I will conduct on my own.

    Thank you.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 03:07 AM
    Yeah you need to do some more research . Start with changing the premise of the question.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 11:51 AM
    I can't imagine why anyone from the south would attack you for asking why we are ignorant.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 12:00 PM
    Wow, this has gotten out of hand, and I apologize for that. Perhaps I should clarify.

    The idea that people in the south aren't too intelligent is all over today's media, especially in slapstick movies made for teenagers. I really, really hate these types of stereotypes (I do not like stereotypes to begin with), and decided to look into how this stereotype started. In my short search, I realized that many people in the south seem to have ideas that are more traditional, as well as not as liberal and progressive, when compared to people who live in states like California (which is one of only two states I have ever been in, unfortunately).

    I looked into issues such as racism, and statistics show that racism is higher in the south than anywhere else in the United States. Other topics such as religion came up, and study after study I looked at stated that many of those in the south are more on the side of religion and not science (I find it slightly absurd that there should be sides, but that's what I've read). Another topic that comes to mind now is gun control, and laws in the south are more lax, with many in its population who are more pro-gun than most other people in the United States. With all these combined, and many news reports stating that "ignorance" runs deep in the south (not my word), I wanted to look into why this is so, or if it is just a perception.

    I am trying to understand this topic more, so I would really appreciate some help. Thank you.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 12:24 PM
    I was born and raised in NC and have lived in the north since then.

    The "traditional" (as you term it) ideas are basic to rural societies. Religion and one's faith are also important in keeping the rural population together and on the same page. For farmer families, education is not as important as helping out on the farm, since the family farm is the only source of income. My mom, for instance, quit school after 8th grade in order to help on the family farm and do a lot of the cooking for threshing crews, etc. On the other hand, city living produces more liberal and progressive ideas because the work is in factories and businesses that have limited work periods (vs. a farm that is 24/7), and there is leisure time to attend college where a mind is opened up to new ideas in science and the arts.

    Regarding racism -- the black slaves who were brought to this country were put to work on Southern farms and plantations. The white population had to think of them as less than human in order to force them to do all the drudgery. Racism is thinking of someone as less than oneself, as less than human.

    I think much of what you have said here is stereotypical and falsely played up in the media. The South has changed greatly as many immigrants and retirees from the north have made a home there.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 01:03 PM
    I've lived in Florida, Tennessee, California, and now live in Texas. I think I shall approach the question from a slightly different angle.

    I don't believe that the southern US is any of the things that many in other areas think it is. In my travels, I have found them to be much the same as people living anywhere else. However, because of the slower speech patterns and (in some areas) slower lifestyles, many who don't know any better mistakenly label them as "backwards" or "regressive."

    Religion does seem to play a more prominent role in the lives of not only southerners, but also midwesterners and many northeasterners. Why is that? I don't know. Perhaps it is as Wondergirl said, that more rural communities tend to have closer ties with their faiths.

    As for racism, I can only speak for my own observations. In my travels, I have seen more racism on the East and West coasts than I have anywhere in between. The anti-white sentiment is pretty bad in the area around Gallup, NM. New York City seems to me to be the biggest example of voluntary segregation in the country (with some exceptions, of course). West Coast? Don't even get me started. That particular melting pot is about to boil over, methinks, and it won't be pretty. Sure, I've seen some tension between black and white in the south, but it seems to be about on par with what I've seen everywhere else. I'm sure many will rush to say that it isn't true, and maybe in their circles it isn't. I'm only speaking in the most broad sense, and again, based upon my own personal observations only.

    I think that coastal California and New York City tend to be the worst at holding on to outdated stereotypes, as a rule. Why? I don't know. Perhaps it's because they are the business, fashion, media, and entertainment hubs of the country, and those industries tend to be fairly exclusive and insulated. They stay within their own circles, and don't understand why other people not only do not fit inside their circles, but have no desire to fit inside their circles. To me, it's the ultimate hypocrisy: We are tolerant, and if you don't think like us, then you are intolerant. Let's face it: Most big-time entertainment types are the ones who decide what things look like on stage or on camera. Isn't it only natural that their own personal beliefs and biases drastically influence the final product?

    Don't think I'm criticizing. I lived in California for a number of years and absolutely loved it. I'd never seen so many different types of people all in the same place at the same time, and I had a blast. However, as soon as I spoke, regardless of the topic or how skillfully I spoke on it, my accent caused many people to tune me out and disregard my opinion as that of an "uneducated redneck."

    Very tolerant, indeed.

    Keep looking. Keep listening. Spread the word to your friends. Different speech patterns/accents, different skin colors, different values and morals do NOT mean natural enemies.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 02:49 PM
    Sounds like someone is a liberal and doesn't understand how someone could possibly have different views, therefore, they must be ignorant... You know that works the same way on the flip side, right?
  • Feb 25, 2008, 02:58 PM

    Originally Posted by VictorLy
    Wow, this has gotten out of hand, and I apologize for that. Perhaps I should clarify.

    Tis only a matter of asking the question properly. I believe kindj answered your question quite well. I will say though that right or wrong, many in the south have their own perceptions of non-southerners. Movies like Valley Girl, Legally Blonde, Clueless, etc. don't help the west coast's case... or following the exploits of such luminaries as Paris and Nicole. Same goes in the northeast for folks like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan.

    What's funny is when those same northerners, east and west coasters that think the south is ignorant come to visit, they tend to eat up all that southern hospitality. What they often don't know is how much we can play it up for them. You'd be surprised how many of those folks think we still have daily cattle drives downtown or all walk around with boots, spurs and six-guns strapped to our waist. Since we don't we wouldn't want to let 'em down without throwing a y'all, a "dadgum" or a "fixin' to" their way. ;)
  • Feb 25, 2008, 04:36 PM
    Let me see from TV and beleifs, everyone in California are gay or lesbian, all of them are liberal socialists and want to take all of the money from the wealthy and give it to the poor.

    So we have to wonder why all you people can be like that.

    So much for that, I guess southerns like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton are just good examples that they are right.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 05:42 PM

    Originally Posted by VictorLy
    Hello, I hope you are doing well. Please, let me explain the topic of this thread before I get attacked.

    As a person living in California, it seems as if many people (not all, of course) who are raised and live in the Southern states of the US are still ignorant when it comes to a variety of issues, even though it is approximately a century and a half since the American Civil War. I am looking for an unbiased answer to this, because I really do not know much about the south and am really interested in finding out. This will be a starting point for much more research that I will conduct on my own.

    Thank you.

    Just curious, what do you know about the American Civil War? Why would you want an unbiased answer to a biased question? Have you ever visited the Southern states? Yet, you admit "...(you) really do not know much about the south...." A word for the wise: ""I don't like that man. I must get to know him better." Abraham Lincoln
    So, you don't like the South? Perhaps you should get to know it better.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 05:45 PM
    "Wondergirl" gave an excellent historical summary, rural areas, division among poor and wealthy, etc... Both "kindj" and "speechlesstx" added important observations concerning typical stereotyping of southerners, speech patterns and movie dramatizations. Education, transportation technology, the marvels of communication via cell phone service and the Internet, are all part of the dynamics that have helped in overcoming any lingering ignorance, north, south, east, or west. For the first time in history we have candidates legitametly running for the highest office in the county that have broken through the race and gender barriers; both gaining strong support from southern states.

    I'll mention a few accomplishments dear to me concerning my original home state of "Texas."

    NASA? Located in Houston, Texas.

    The most nationally recognized medical treatment centers and surgeons available for advanced medicine? Again Houston, Texas.

    President Lyndon Baines Johnson that was willing to listen and accommodate MLK Jr. civil rights movement is from? Stonewall, Texas.

    Location of the fourth most diverse University in the United States? Austin, Texas.

    True or False: The first Jews arrived in Texas in 1958 because a flight out of New Jersey was redirected due to a radar malfunction? False. My own mother's family, Jewish, migrated to Texas in the late 1800's. Handbook of Texas Online - JEWS
  • Feb 25, 2008, 06:57 PM
    People that live in California just think they are better than anyone else. I know this for a fact because I am from San Diego. I have lived in Idaho for 10 years and I am from Idaho now. No pretenses. When Californians move here, they usually need a good a$$ whoopin (and get it) to get them straight. I look at this post more from a troll's point of view than from someone with enough sense to present an intelligent question.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 07:02 PM

    Originally Posted by VictorLy
    Hello, I hope you are doing well. Please, let me explain the topic of this thread before I get attacked.

    As a person living in California, it seems as if many people (not all, of course) who are raised and live in the Southern states of the US are still ignorant when it comes to a variety of issues, even though it is approximately a century and a half since the American Civil War. I am looking for an unbiased answer to this, because I really do not know much about the south and am really interested in finding out. This will be a starting point for much more research that I will conduct on my own.

    Thank you.

    I'm not sure what you would like to know exactly. You bring up the reference to the Civil War but following this question with further explanation on your part, I'm still a little unclear but would like to help. If I can...

    I live in the heart of self entitlement, pretentious, private school, lacrosse playing, over bearing, arrogant, flaming liberals, with no real clue as to what anybody but them thinks, nor do they care.

    Are there many that do not think that and care what others think, enough to want to hear their voice heard? Absolutely, their called transplanted-Bostonians, kidding.. kidding.

    Seriously there are many caring people. However, do you take notice in the way I started those remarks? Everybody knows how people in the East are. I grew up in the Midwest and there is a huge difference. When I first moved here I would fill up my gas, go to pay and ask the guy behind the counter how they were doing today. You know what that got me? An angry glare, that's what I got. One of those, 'get the hell out of here, what do you want, you over the top, way too happy and friendly, lady? But I still do it, and now they have just begun to realize, I ask it, because I mean it.

    In the Midwest they are extremely friendly but they are also behind the times, slow and appreciate that type of lifestyle very much. So I can appreciate the differences but also respect them. Nobody has to picks sides here. We are all on the same team, living in this great country. A country that allows us the freedom we take advantage of typing our thoughts and opinions, right here and right now on AMHD.

    I think you have to be careful as to what are truly the differences between the Western States from those in the South. Make sure its history that divides us, and not propaganda, or general realizations.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 08:12 PM
    Boy Howdy,

    Now you gone and bit off a fair bit more tobacco than any man ought have a claim to, and surely more'n any good spit calls fer.

    But seeing how's yous brought it up, let's chew on it a bit.

    First, unless that hunk of dirt called Californy fell off into the ocean, I believe the McGuffey Reader showed it as being on the border of Mexico... which would place it along the Southern border of the United States.

    As fer not takin' kindly to do-gooders from far off places, medlin in our affairs, we done been doing that with carpet baggers many a year. Many o' the ancestors of the folks from the south went there with the purpose of finding a place where they could live the way they wanted to without the government or other outsiders imposing taxes or other laws on them.

    Many of those beliefs have done been whittled away a little here and a little there, with outsiders taking advantage of the poor economic conditions as a source to ridicule and justify the need for the ignorant southerner to get the help from the far superior people from other regions of the country. Funny how all that help came with the price of exploitation of natural resources as well as the culture... through the widespread propiganda painting southerners as stupid and ignorant, it became more acceptable to force them into the coal mines, or off their family lands, for economic developments. The practice was much the same as what was done to the Native Americans... and in some ways to African Americans. With people still believing that people from the south are ignorant, it is easier for those people who think their ways are the best to ignore the problems of southerners, caused by outsiders, and blame it on the ignorant rednecks as if they brought it upon themselves.

    I'll be the first to admit that some people in the south are ignorant, but California as well as other states have their share as well. If you want proof, look at the OJ Simpson case, or Rodney King situation... And how come people would be foolish enough to live along that fault line anyway? Hope they ain't too ignorant to learn how to swim for what good it'll do them.

    I'm not even a southerner by birth nor a transplant, but I've got a line of ancestors going back to the early colonies, and don't think you should believe all the hogwash about how ignorant they were. The traditional knowledge that had to have been possessed to live in those times and prosper, could not have been possessed by those lacking intelligence. Consider the sources of those ideas that prompted your question as a lasting result of outsiders with a clear bias and lacking in entirety.

    Mark Twain and George Washington Carver are the first two examples of ignorant southerners I thought you might like to think about related to your question.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 08:31 PM
    I have to spread it around, life1973happened; but your avatar could also include "grace".
  • Feb 26, 2008, 08:31 AM

    BABRAM agrees: Good points. Did I mention my favorite football team is from Dallas, my birthplace?
    I've heard that before, Bobby. :) What do you think about Zach Thomas coming to "America's Team," the most valuable sports franchise in the world, winners of 5 Super Bowls, 8 Conference Championships & 40 Monday Night Football games - the NFL team with the most consecutive winning seasons (20), most seasons with at least 10 wins (24), most postseason appearances, most postseason games (55), most appearances in the NFC Championship Game (14), and the most Super Bowl appearances (8)?


    jillianleab agrees: You mean you're not a real cowboy??
    Only when it comes to football - I don't even own a pair of them there Cowboy boots or a Stetson. I do drive a pickup truck though, it's a Toyota ;)
  • Feb 26, 2008, 09:02 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx
    I've heard that before, Bobby. :) What do you think about Zach Thomas coming to "America's Team," the the most valuable sports franchise in the world, winners of 5 Super Bowls, 8 Conference Championships & 40 Monday Night Football games - the NFL team with the most consecutive winning seasons (20), most seasons with at least 10 wins (24), most postseason appearances, most postseason games (55), most appearances in the NFC Championship Game (14), and the most Super Bowl appearances (8)?

    Zach's experience and leadership is a good pick-up for D'boys. Tom Laundry, whom learned as an assistant under Lombardi, had the vision and determination putting the franchise on it's course to meet the goals of record setting post season appearances. Hard to deny their following and attraction across the United States.

    PS. Dell Computers, Applied Materials, and Advanced Micro Devices.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 09:35 AM

    Originally Posted by BABRAM

    PS. Dell Computers, Applied Materials, and Advanced Micro Devices.

    Let me just round out the list for you:

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union; refer to the Texas- American Annexation Treaty of 1848. We Texans love y'all, but hack us off one time to many… and buh bye. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.

    Remember: if Texas ever left the union: In case of a foreign invasion, we have the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard. We don't have an army but since everybody down here has at least six rifles and a pile of ammo, we can raise an army in 24 hours if we need it. If the situation really gets bad, we can always call DPS and ask them to send over a couple Texas Rangers.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: We have enough colleges to keep us going: U.T. Texas A&M, TCU, Texas Tech, Rice, SMU, University of Houston, Baylor, UNT, Texas Women's University, etc. Ivy grows better in the south anyway.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: We have control of the paper industry, plastics, insurance, etc.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: Computer Industry - we currently lead the nation in producing computer chips and communications: Small places like Texas Instruments, Dell Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor, Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel, Applied Materials, Ball Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel, Alcatel, Etc, Etc…

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: Defense Industry. (We have over 65% of it) The term "Don't mess with Texas," will take on a whole new meaning.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: We are totally self sufficient in beef, poultry, hogs and several types of grain, fruit and vegetables and lets not forget seafood from the Gulf. And everybody down here knows how to cook them so that they taste good.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the United States.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: Health Centers - We have the largest research centers for Cancer research, the best burn centers and the top trauma units in the world and other large health planning centers.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: NASA is just south of Houston, Texas. (We will control the space industry.)

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: Natural Gas - Again we have all we need and it's too bad about those northern states.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: Oil - we can supply all the oil that the Republic of Texas will need for the next 300 years. Yankee states? Sorry about that.

    Remember if Texas ever left the union: since you won't have the refineries to get gas for your cars, the rest of the United States will have to walk or ride bikes. You won't have any TV, as the space center in Houston will cut off your communications. You won't have any natural gas to heat your homes but since we have predicted global warming, you will not need the gas.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 09:41 AM

    Tom Laundry, whom learned assistant under Lombardi
    Not quite . You are talking about the golden age of the Giants . Lombardi was offensive coordinator and Landry was defensive coordinator under head coach Jim Lee Howell. Together the Giants won the championship in 1956 against da Bears . But they lost to the Colts in 58 and 59 . Still the Giants had one of the leagues best defenses during his tenure.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 09:57 AM
    What an ignorant question!
  • Feb 26, 2008, 10:20 AM
    We all should remember at least one thing; The media people characterize ANYONE who disagrees with them as "ignorant".
  • Feb 26, 2008, 10:23 AM

    Originally Posted by OlveraUK
    What an ignorant question!

    Then why did you bother?

    Actually, if you read the follow-ups, the questioner is pondering the obviously misinterpreted actions and attitudes of people living in the southern states. He/she makes a valid point, as the responders have demonstrated by deconstructing the misinformed stereotypes.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 03:15 PM

    Originally Posted by kindj
    Please note that Texas is the only state with a legal right to secede from the Union; refer to the Texas- American Annexation Treaty of 1848. We Texans love y'all, but hack us off one time to many… and buh bye. There isn't a thing out there that we need and don't have.

    Yes. People often forget the historical retrospect that six flags have flown over Texas.

    I've lived in Las Vegas going on 12 years. I can only imagine that many Texans are having some measure of disgust for NAFTA and the Super Highway. What is the consequence and compensation for having property in the mapped path? Are you hearing of fair value offers for loss of land, homes, businesses, and what of the hardships, relocation? I know this a controversial political subject, but my interest is in how the State and/or Federal levels of our government are going to handle compensation packages for those effected with notice of zoning and annexation, etc...
  • Feb 26, 2008, 03:31 PM
    the question is why are people in the south so ignorant. I was born in nc and I have lived in many places, but my home is in Alabama. I despise the thought of slavery. I believe that every man should work, and not spit and kick on someone to do it for them. Oh! What they must have gone through. But, there is ignorance all over. There are things that confuse southerners about the north and northerners about the south. I'm proud to be an american and southern. We tend to have very strong moral values (this is the bible belt) most of our kids still say yes mam and yes sir. Our women are tough and beautiful or men can lead us through any hardship. We are educated and we've got each others back. However I love snow up north and the mountains also.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 04:36 PM
    Or as someone said, "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God."
  • Feb 26, 2008, 08:11 PM

    Originally Posted by VictorLy
    Hello, I hope you are doing well. Please, let me explain the topic of this thread before I get attacked.

    As a person living in California, it seems as if many people (not all, of course) who are raised and live in the Southern states of the US are still ignorant when it comes to a variety of issues, even though it is approximately a century and a half since the American Civil War. I am looking for an unbiased answer to this, because I really do not know much about the south and am really interested in finding out. This will be a starting point for much more research that I will conduct on my own.

    Thank you.

    "bless your heart, " you call Southerners ignorant while admitting that you really don't know much about the South.

    I'm southern born, northeast raised and schooled, back in the south going on 14 years as an ethnic minority.

    - There is as much prejudice and racism in dowstate NY as there is in the South. Personal experience. The difference is that rural prejudice is from ignorance, lack of exposure. In the urban setting prejudice is from ideas despite exposure to diversity.

    - The difference you cited is more rural vs urban. Small town rural upstate NY has more in common with small town rural TN than they do with any of NYC's 5 boroughs.

    - Most Southeners I know actually take the second amendment seriously. Guns are used more so for deer and small game hunting to eat versus inner city gang warfare.

    - Slavery was an issue antebellum because of the economic implications, but the vast majority of the Confederates did not own slaves. This was a state vs federal rights issue.

    - Where recruiting runs strongest |
    40 % of military recruits are from the south.

    - Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were both born in KY
  • Feb 26, 2008, 10:37 PM
    Flying Blue Eagle
    VICTORLY -#1 as you stated ( YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN IN 2 STATES< (NEVER I N A SOUTHERN STATE , I have been every state in the union except for one9 WASHINGTON) I am truly a reble by heart and birth, Above mentioned about some of the presidents of the great USA, there were also some from the great state of TN, I think you have as they say in the south , opened a big can of worms or a real big can of WIP A_ _. THere are more racist in the north then there is in the south, and CITY KIDS ARE downright LAZY , They don't know the real meaning of work, every one of them should put about a month of real farm life in before saying how ignorant we are and stop to realize that us ignorant people help feed them the food that help keep them alive. AS for gun control - Where has all the crazy shootings and killings happen?? Where ever you are getting your facts from, they did not know what the real facts are or you are reading them wrong or are to ignort to understand what you are reading I can't understand where you are getting you ( STATISTICS at) Before YOU DO ANY MORE OF THIS ,I THINK YOU NEED TO GET A HISTORY BOOK AND ENCYP> AND STUDY IT < AND EVEN BETTER YET COME AND LIVE IN THE SOUTH FOR A FEW YEARS AND I Don't MEAN JUST ONE STATE< You'd LEARN A LOT AND CHANGE A LOT OF YOUR WRONG FEELINGS ::: A LOT OF THE THINGS YOU ENJOY TODAY WERE INVENTED HERE IN THE SOUTH OR MADE HERE IN THE SOUTH < THERE ARE MORE SIOUTHERN MEN & WOMEN IN THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES then from the northern states, ALSO DURNING THE VET NAM SO CALLED WAR < THE ONES THAT BURNT THEIR CARDS AND WENT TO CANADA JUST TO KEEP FROM GOING IN THE MILITARY TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM< AND THEIR COUNTRY WERE FROM THE NORTH< THEN CAME BACK TO THE USA WHEN IT WAS OVER AND WANTED AMMESTASTY> WHICH THE PRESIDENT GAVE THEM. IF I HAD BEEN THE PRESIDENT I WOULD HAVE TOIL THEM > IF THEY can't FIGHT < TO MAINTAIN There COUNTRYS FREEDOM <TO GO BACK WHERE THEY HAD BEEN BECAUSE THEY DID NOT DESERVE IT ( FREEDOM ) AND WHAT AMERICA ALWYS STOOD UP FOR . There's an old saying here in the south and that's :: ( REBELS SAVE YOUR CONFEDRET MONEY <FOR THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN>):::! GOOD AND GOOD LUCK ( You'll NEED IT ) GOD BLESS < GOOD OLE SOUTHERN SAYING>:: F.B.E. PS A LOT OF YOU HAVE GIVEN REAL GOOD ANSWERS TO HIS STUPID QUESTION < GOOD GOING:::::!! F.B.E.
  • Feb 27, 2008, 12:56 PM

    Originally Posted by Flying Blue Eagle
    VICTORLY -#1 as you stated ( YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN IN 2 STATES< (NEVER I N A SOUTHERN STATE , I have been every state in the union except for one9 WASHINGTON) I am truly a reble by heart and birth, Above mentioned about some of the presidents of the great USA, there were also some from the great state of TN, I think you have as they say in the south , opened a big can of worms or a real big can of WIP A_ _. THere are more racist in the north then there is in the south, and CITY KIDS ARE downright LAZY , They dont know the real meaning of work, every one of them should put about a month of real farm life in befor saying how ignorant we are and stop to realize that us ignorant people help feed them the food that help keep them alive. AS for gun control - Where has all the crazy shootings and killings happen??? where ever you are getting your facts from, they did not know what the real facts are or you are reading them wrong or are to ignort to understand what you are reading I can't understand where you are getting you ( STATISTICS at) BEFOR YOU DO ANY MORE OF THIS ,I THINK YOU NEED TO GET A HISTORY BOOK AND ENCYP> AND STUDY IT < AND EVEN BETTER YET COME AND LIVE IN THE SOUTH FOR A FEW YEARS AND I DONT MEAN JUST ONE STATE< YOU"D LEARN A LOT AND CHANGE A LOT OF YOUR WRONG FEELINGS ::: A LOT OF THE THINGS YOU ENJOY TODAY WERE INVENTED HERE IN THE SOUTH OR MADE HERE IN THE SOUTH < THERE ARE MORE SIOUTHERN MEN & WOMEN IN THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES then from the northern states, ALSO DURNING THE VET NAM SO CALLED WAR < THE ONES THAT BURNT THEIR CARDS AND WENT TO CANADA JUST TO KEEP FROM GOING IN THE MILITARY TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM< AND THEIR COUNTRY WERE FROM THE NORTH< THEN CAME BACK TO THE USA WHEN IT WAS OVER AND WANTED AMMESTASTY> WHICH THE PRESIDENT GAVE THEM. IF I HAD BEEN THE PRESIDENT I WOULD HAVE TOIL THEM > IF THEY can't FIGHT < TO MAINTAIN THER COUNTRYS FREEDOM <TO GO BACK WHERE THEY HAD BEEN BECAUSE THEY DID NOT DESERVE IT ( FREEDOM ) AND WHAT AMERICA ALWYS STOOD UP FOR . Theres an old saying here in the south and thats :: ( REBELS SAVE YOUR CONFEDRET MONEY <FOR THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN>):::!! GOOD AND GOOD LUCK ( YOULL NEED IT ) GOD BLESS < GOOD OLE SOUTHERN SAYING>:: F.B.E. PS A LOT OF YOU HAVE GIVEN REAL GOOD ANSWERS TO HIS STUPID QUESTION < GOOD GOING::::: !!!!! F.B.E.

    A little harsh but what can we do when we are who we are. I can't say that all of anybody is this or that but I can say, I love that my kids run through the sprinklers, catch lightening bugs, eat watermelon on the tail gait so we can spray it off with the hose, and aren't afraid to get dirty. My little girl can take down a boy any minute if she has to. My son, who's 8 can tell you just when the peas and corn are ready to pick out of the garden and he knows you have to cut the okra off and not pick it or your going to be in some pain. They both are very hard workers. They are a b honor roll students and can come home and take care of more chores ( bringing in firewood, feeding the dog, setting the table, helping there daddy skin a deer or clean and filet a fish)than a lot of kids being raised more modern. We take the boat out to the river when it's warm and swim or fish all day.
    Yes we are fighters, not saying we like to hurt people, but with all of the suing going on, I think a good old fashioned butt kickin' never hurt anybody(it would put them straight faster). I think the reason we are the way we are is maybe the turnip greens, who knows lol. I don't expect other people to understand what I'm saying. I'm living the good life.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 12:23 AM
    Flying Blue Eagle
    Babram- Does Texas still hold the right in its stste const. to withdraw from the USA and dive-ied it self into 3 separate states of it's own?? I left south West Texas when I was 14 and I can remember that being thout in school , My dad was a railroad section forman ot the southern pacific railroad. Do you know where marthon and sanderson Texas is?? The section was just about 1/2 way between them ,out in gods country ( in the middle of the desart. ::: F.B.E. GOD BLESS
  • Feb 28, 2008, 06:38 AM
    Victorly, I glad this is purely for research, however I don't think you're going to get an unbiased response. Most people from the south are pretty sensitive about this. I wonder where this stereotype of southerners being ignorant comes from. My opinion, is that the use of the English language has to do with it. Southerners refer to Northerners as speaking "proper" whereas, proper english may be the difference in inflections, dialect, and so on. Southerners tend to leave off articles, and linking verbs. Also, I would think movies have been influential, such as that movie, can't think of the name, with Spencer Tracey where creationism vs darwinism was put on trial, in the South and the people in that film were portrayed as less than intelligient because they accepted literally the words in the bible.
    Guns... I can't give an unbiased response. Even if some people aren't hunting they seem to like them. I knew an old man who walked around with a pistol sticking out of his belt and no one said a word. Maybe they don't trust law enforcement. I can see why. Also we had a governor once in Mississippi, Gov. Fordice, he routinely carried a pistol in a holster while out walking the dog downtown.
    I hope this helps your research.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 03:04 PM
    From my experience about guns. My Southern Grandma held one under her pillow, while she slept, "just in case- dear", she would say. My Northern Grandma ran from bullets when she got off the train once because of her ethnic background, "that is why I will never be prejudice and neither will you", she would say. To me, I would rather protect myself than to ever try to run from a bullet!
    To me each part of our country has its ignorant and intelligent. I do not believe one has anything over the other. Different lifestyles, different avenues of approach to a subject. From my experience, in the South, men still open the door for me. In the North, they wait till I open it. Or many of them, from my experience. Does that make either ignorant? I guess it is an opinion. For me, I would rather still have the door opened. To me it shows that he is a gentleman. The unspoken shows good up-bringing. The majority of the south are conservatives. I believe this is due to strong religious ties in their communities. Where the North, the majority are liberals. I believe this is due to the experience of different cultures and belief systems. Each have benefits and pitfalls.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 05:43 PM

    Originally Posted by Flying Blue Eagle
    Babram- Does texas still hold the right in its stste const. to withdraw from the USA and dive-ied it self into 3 seperate states of it's own ????

    Hi F.B.E.-

    Yes. But understand that any State could succeed, although that happening more than likely would cause conflicts, skirmishes, and possibly war. Texas has a unique situation because of the agreement in the Annexation Treaty that permits the State to do so legally.


    Originally Posted by Flying Blue Eagle
    I left south West Texas when I was 14 and I can remember that being thout in school , My dad was a railroad section forman ot the southern pacific railroad. Do you know where marthon and sanderson texas is??? the section was just about 1/2 way between them ,out in gods country ( in the middle of the desart. ::: F.B.E. GOD BLESS

    I only know that Sanderson is in west Texas. Marthon I'm not sure the location. Texas in it's vastness has so many towns. I never knew my grandfather, but coincidentally he retired from the RR. And may G-d bless you. :)
  • Feb 28, 2008, 08:46 PM
    Flying Blue Eagle
    BaBRAM - IF you looked on a Texas map and find sanderson Texas, then look to the west about 55m,iles you will find MARATHON TEXAS,ON US 90 HWY. Next is ALPINE, TEXAS. The railroad went from Marathon towards Sanderson but leaveing mathron it went to the southin order to go threw a pass and valley where the section was, it came into the valley in a slight ( S) and went out the eastern end of the valley the same way Then it started swing back to the north towards HWY () AND into SandersonTexasn just mountains and desart, as I always called it ( GODS COUNTRY ) Well GOOD DAY AND GOD BLESS ;;;; F.B.E.
  • Feb 29, 2008, 08:48 AM

    Originally Posted by FeelSoNumbZombie
    From my experience about guns. My Southern Grandma held one under her pillow, while she slept, "just in case- dear", she would say. My Northern Grandma ran from bullets when she got off the train once because of her ethnic background, "that is why I will never be prejudice and neither will you", she would say. To me, I would rather protect myself than to ever try to run from a bullet!
    To me each part of our country has its ignorant and intelligent. I do not believe one has anything over the other. Different lifestyles, different avenues of approach to a subject. From my experience, in the South, men still open the door for me. In the North, they wait till I open it. Or many of them, from my experience. Does that make either ignorant? I guess it is an opinion. For me, I would rather still have the door opened. To me it shows that he is a gentleman. The unspoken shows good up-bringing. The majority of the south are conservatives. I believe this is due to strong religious ties in their communities. Where the North, the majority are liberals. I believe this is due to the experience of different cultures and belief systems. Each have benefits and pitfalls.

    Said so nicely. To me it's hard to beat living in the south. But, there are things that I respect about the north also (broadway, movies, snow, art) but you couldn't pay me a million dollars to leave my roots behind.or God
  • Feb 29, 2008, 05:05 PM
    First off, I am going to admit that I did not read the entire thread. So, my bad if I stepped on any toes, or repeated what anyone said.

    Personally I take offense to this post. I was born in Pennsylviania, raised in Ohio, Michigan, and Alaska, and currently live in Tennessee for the past 8 years. I used to have the same beliefs. As I would be made fun of (I just graduated high school the first time moving to Tenn, in 1982), just because I was a yankee.

    I was harassed about the civil war, blah blah blah... My family was overseas in Poland and Chezolovachia during the civil war. It was just because I moved down below the Mason-Dixon line that I was chastised. No one took it upon themselves to learn about me personally, they just ASSUMED.

    Now, with that said, I have moved all over the State of Tennessee, and I have met some of the smartest, most knowlegable people I have ever known in my lifetime, and I have traveled the ENTIRE United States.

    Have you ever visited the Southern US? Do you know us personally? Or are you just assuming?

    Just because some of us talk funny doesn't mean we aren't educated.

    Oh, yeah, and the Civil War, if it weren't for that, would the US be where it is today? I think not (as I look at the cannon ball lodged in the tree in my front yard for years, and I preen and take care of my slave wall every spring).
  • Feb 29, 2008, 09:44 PM
    Flying Blue Eagle
    J_9 - For several years I worked as a field supt. For a intermational builder out of Detroit, Mich. And I had to work all over the real yanky land Upper Ill. Penn. NEWYORK ,Ohlo,WASHINGTON DC,AND MICH. AND I had to fight the civil war all the time, every time I said anything, or got on the phone , I would hear the same thing, ( YOU are from the South , AND I"D PROUDLY SAY YES< ANMD LIKWE YOU I have been in every state in the USA except one and thats the state of WASHINGTON, but i have flown over parts of it and dropped a few bombs on it over the years, I was USAF,back then, IT was not real bombs ,it was done elect. to certain targets, might be a smoke stack or the corner of a big building diown town. But getting back to the question,about the south, WE may talk funny or different but we get said what we mean, and NOT BE OUT OF BREATH WHEN WE GET IT SAID.::: BUT YOU WILL FIND ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE ALL OVER THE USA < NOT JUST IN ONE LOCAL< JUST AS MANY IN ONE AREA AS IN ANY OTHER STATE OR AREA> I HAVE A LOT OF FRENDS UP IN YANKY LAND < THEY STILL TEASE ME AND I THEM > I ASKED THEM ONE TIME " DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DAM YANKY AND A YANKY< A YANKY COMES SOUTH FOR THE WINTER BUT GOES BACK HOME TO THE NORTH< A DAM YANKY IS ONE THAT COMES SOUTH FOR THE WINTER AND STAYS
    OH well I guess I'D better close now before I start the civil war all over again,;; ( REBELS SAVE YOUR CONFEDERATE MONEY FOR THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN./ Good Day & GOD BLESS
  • Feb 29, 2008, 09:56 PM
    We just is, ignorant. We were born that way.

    (but no more so than anyone else, from anywhere else)
    Lets face it isn't we all.
  • Feb 29, 2008, 09:59 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    (as I look at the cannon ball lodged in the tree in my front yard for spring).

    That is so awesome, I wish I had a cannon ball tree. Lol
  • Mar 6, 2008, 02:19 PM

    Originally Posted by VictorLy
    Hello, I hope you are doing well. Please, let me explain the topic of this thread before I get attacked.

    As a person living in California, it seems as if many people (not all, of course) who are raised and live in the Southern states of the US are still ignorant when it comes to a variety of issues, even though it is approximately a century and a half since the American Civil War. I am looking for an unbiased answer to this, because I really do not know much about the south and am really interested in finding out. This will be a starting point for much more research that I will conduct on my own.

    Thank you.

    I am not from the south but I think by making such a bigotted statement like you just did, you are the ignorant one.
  • Mar 6, 2008, 03:00 PM
    VictorLy, which issues are Southerners considered to be ignorant of?

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