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  • Jun 14, 2008, 05:40 AM

    Originally Posted by WVHiflyer
    He certainly does a damn good job of hiding his intelligence....

    That is how Master Yoda talks, ain't it?
  • Jun 14, 2008, 05:44 AM

    Originally Posted by George_1950
    That is how Master Yoda talks, ain't it?

    You mean Puppet Master Cheney...
  • Sep 2, 2009, 11:04 AM

    Ok, I live in California now, but I was born and raised in Oklahoma, a few years in Texas as well. We are not ignorant! You sit there and talk about how you don't like people who stereotype, what are you doing? If you want to research that, than do it. But you need to watch how you phrase your questions. You are sounding like the ignorant one.
  • Sep 11, 2009, 07:04 PM

    My approach as to why that thought still lives on.
    I personally think the biggest reason as to why the north may think the south is "ignorant" is Solely based on the fact that many southerns do talk slower.. This by no means makes them ignorant.

    If you flip the coin around the south could say the north is ignorant because they talk so fast and buy doing so, seem not to think it through well and may miss things.

    If anything the biggest effect of north and south is the Climate itself causing the old saying Lower Slower ( state) I work outside all the time and I couldn't imagine working that fast in a much warmer climate. Just think how hard farming in the south is compared to the north.. That alone would make the human body physically want to slow down and as the body gets tired so does the speech speed.

    Not that long ago Air conditioning was non existent. So think of the 100s of years of the south dealing with the heat just to sleep and wake up still tired. The " Slower" being confused with Ignorance. I've noticed all souther states has there own pace and for many physical reasons. But that's has nothing to do with lack of intelligence. Oops I see this is an old Thread and I'm laughing. ( Tongue and cheek) I must be ignorant and I'm form the North. Or maybe we should mention the body's brains loss by aging becoming slower in thought and speech. And at times I do feel ignorant or down right scared forgetting things.

    I never heard where the Doctors in the south were ignorant. Arrogant I would believe there or here in the North.
  • Apr 6, 2010, 01:56 PM

    Originally Posted by Flying Blue Eagle View Post
    VICTORLY -#1 as you stated ( YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN IN 2 STATES< (NEVER I N A SOUTHERN STATE , I have been every state in the union except for one9 WASHINGTON) I am truly a reble by heart and birth, Above mentioned about some of the presidents of the great USA, there were also some from the great state of TN, I think you have as they say in the south , opened a big can of worms or a real big can of WIP A_ _. THere are more racist in the north then there is in the south, and CITY KIDS ARE downright LAZY , They dont know the real meaning of work, every one of them should put about a month of real farm life in befor saying how ignorant we are and stop to realize that us ignorant people help feed them the food that help keep them alive. AS for gun control - Where has all the crazy shootings and killings happen??? where ever you are getting your facts from, they did not know what the real facts are or you are reading them wrong or are to ignort to understand what you are reading I can't understand where you are getting you ( STATISTICS at) BEFOR YOU DO ANY MORE OF THIS ,I THINK YOU NEED TO GET A HISTORY BOOK AND ENCYP> AND STUDY IT < AND EVEN BETTER YET COME AND LIVE IN THE SOUTH FOR A FEW YEARS AND I DONT MEAN JUST ONE STATE< YOU"D LEARN A LOT AND CHANGE A LOT OF YOUR WRONG FEELINGS ::: A LOT OF THE THINGS YOU ENJOY TODAY WERE INVENTED HERE IN THE SOUTH OR MADE HERE IN THE SOUTH < THERE ARE MORE SIOUTHERN MEN & WOMEN IN THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES then from the northern states, ALSO DURNING THE VET NAM SO CALLED WAR < THE ONES THAT BURNT THEIR CARDS AND WENT TO CANADA JUST TO KEEP FROM GOING IN THE MILITARY TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM< AND THEIR COUNTRY WERE FROM THE NORTH< THEN CAME BACK TO THE USA WHEN IT WAS OVER AND WANTED AMMESTASTY> WHICH THE PRESIDENT GAVE THEM. IF I HAD BEEN THE PRESIDENT I WOULD HAVE TOIL THEM > IF THEY can't FIGHT < TO MAINTAIN THER COUNTRYS FREEDOM <TO GO BACK WHERE THEY HAD BEEN BECAUSE THEY DID NOT DESERVE IT ( FREEDOM ) AND WHAT AMERICA ALWYS STOOD UP FOR . Theres an old saying here in the south and thats :: ( REBELS SAVE YOUR CONFEDRET MONEY <FOR THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN>):::!! GOOD AND GOOD LUCK ( YOULL NEED IT ) GOD BLESS < GOOD OLE SOUTHERN SAYING>:: F.B.E. PS A LOT OF YOU HAVE GIVEN REAL GOOD ANSWERS TO HIS STUPID QUESTION < GOOD GOING::::: !!!!! F.B.E.

    Who the he'll wrote this? If you're going to go off on a ridiculous rant like this, here are a few suggestions. Practice your grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure. On second thought you should probably give up! We all know how well southerners deal with change.
  • Apr 7, 2010, 09:10 PM
    I expect the answer to this question lies in what you consider ignorant. By ignorant do you mean rude and lacking manners? Or do you mean uneducated and lacking knowledge ? Or do you mean of lower intelligence level? Perhaps you mean backward in social development as in a third world country

    Exactly what do you mean?
  • Aug 12, 2010, 09:15 PM
    I'm a resident of Mississippi, my family has been in this area since the late 1700's. My family is well educated, I have had the pleasure of living all over the country and travelling around the world. Most people from this region haven't experienced much outside their area, and seldom do people question anything taught to them by their parents or peers. It some respects it can be nice , for instance our 'Southern Hospitality' , but the negetive can be the resistance to open minded exchange of new ideas. The facts are that my state ranks highest in all things negetive, teen pregnancy, STD's, illegitamacy, spousal abuse, school drop outs, child mortality, obesity,. etc. I was in college before I realized just how many people in my area were incapable of reading or writing. It's very unfourtunate. It can also be a some what frightening place if you move here belonging to a religion other than fundamental Christanity. My family did not endorse organize religion, instead I was taught the beauty of diversity and the empowerment of knowlegde and the importance of tolerance. So, we Southerners come in many varieties. I find nothing offensive about your curiosity; I suppose I would be defensive if I deep down I thought myself ' ignorant' . I'm 40 years old, I spent 12 years in the public Mississippi school system. I attended 7 years of college in state , studies in Art and Cultural Anthroplogy ,also I was an airman in the U.S.A.F.. I currently reside in Southern Mississippi. Keep us in your thoughts, we are going to suffer from this oil spill for a very long time.
  • Aug 12, 2010, 09:15 PM
    I'm a resident of Mississippi, my family has been in this area since the late 1700's. My family is well educated, I have had the pleasure of living all over the country and travelling around the world. Most people from this region haven't experienced much outside their area, and seldom do people question anything taught to them by their parents or peers. It some respects it can be nice , for instance our 'Southern Hospitality' , but the negetive can be the resistance to open minded exchange of new ideas. The facts are that my state ranks highest in all things negetive, teen pregnancy, STD's, illegitamacy, spousal abuse, school drop outs, child mortality, obesity,. etc. I was in college before I realized just how many people in my area were incapable of reading or writing. It's very unfourtunate. It can also be a some what frightening place if you move here belonging to a religion other than fundamental Christanity. My family did not endorse organize religion, instead I was taught the beauty of diversity and the empowerment of knowlegde and the importance of tolerance. So, we Southerners come in many varieties. I find nothing offensive about your curiosity; I suppose I would be defensive if I deep down I thought myself ' ignorant' . I'm 40 years old, I spent 12 years in the public Mississippi school system. I attended 7 years of college in state , studies in Art and Cultural Anthroplogy ,also I was an airman in the U.S.A.F.. I currently reside in Southern Mississippi. Keep us in your thoughts, we are going to suffer from this oil spill for a very long time.

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