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  • Aug 29, 2019, 08:09 AM
    All you have said is possibly true, but you should enjoy this fascism the dufus brings while it lasts, because he is but another of many with more to follow, and the right wing celebrates NOW, but when the political pendulum swings back left, and it always does, you can go back to being the grumpy old coalition of racists and bible thumpers you want the rest of the country to be.

    What you think this lying cheating dufus will get elected again, AND keep enough sycophants to keep doing whatever he wants? Maybe. We'll see. For sure there is a price to pay for getting something to cheer about, and elections do have consequences as we know and we liberals and moderates are paying dearly for this right wing party, and soon it will be your turn to pay the costs of being the boss AGAIN.

    History will tell us what this dufus is or isn't, just as it has for those that came before him, and those that come after him. What you think he and you will be in power forever? Now that's plain UNREALISTIC!
  • Aug 29, 2019, 03:07 PM
    Talanian: I am certainly not part of Trump and nor do I represent him and nor will I campaign for him and nor will I vote for him: Talanian, come on, I'm asking you, please don't lump me with him....I wouldn't lump you in with anyone or even be accusatory of you in any way...its just not the right thing to do: Just because I am laying out a scenario out for Trump's reelection does not mean I support him.

    I do find this era in political history to be a transformative crossroads from which fundamental changes in the traditional way we have conducted "business as usual" will be forever changed, never to return again, likely. All that we have considered to be normal and sound methodologies and adequate predictors of future events and outcomes will pass under the waves only to be replaced by totally "new normals". A lot of what Trump has succeeded in doing is making a lot about U.S. body politic obsolete.

    While I don't support Trump in the next election, I just do not understand why the left continues to call him a "racist": I have never seen an example of Trump being racist....I have heard plenty of examples but never seen the evidence to back the accusations up.

    The fact that the left continues to beat the drum of calling Trump racist and Fascist really shows that there is a developing desperation in their collective psyche that they are going the way of the Edsel, at least in the U.S.....whether or not this is true I have no way of knowing but the left cannot continue to ride these accusations because its getting to sound like the proverbial broken record and the American public is becoming "tone deaf" to it.

    It all comes down to the observation that the Right is organized while the left is disorganized. I don't know when the left went off the tracks but the train cars are in the water and the engine is on its way. The left is not helping itself by having in their ranks socialist and those who have been flirtatious with communism over the years. American have a sense of historical remembrance: The U.S. lost over 100,000 soldiers to wars with communists and for the left to brush this aside is an affront to the sacrifices of those men. Could you imagine what would happen if the right was to overtly embrace Nazis or Fascists? The uproar would be palatable.
  • Aug 29, 2019, 03:20 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    The U.S. lost over 100,000,000 soldiers to wars with communists and for the left to brush this aside is an affront to the sacrifices of those men.

    V - Your last three posts have been so preposterous I hardly know where to begin. This one, however, is beyond challenging. I'm sure you'll say it's a "typo". But it's necessary to point it out so that the rest of your comments can justly be reviewed.

    100,000,000 US soldiers lost to wars with communism! Good grief! I won't even ask you to defend that bizarre statement.
  • Aug 29, 2019, 03:30 PM
    Anthos: Yes, it was a legitimate typo! Meant to say 100,000...….no way I meant 100,000,000! Legitimately Sorry!!!

    And I wish you would tell me why my posts have been preposterous: I listen and don't dismiss anything outright....I have been wrong a lot more times than I have been right in my life!
  • Aug 29, 2019, 05:55 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Anthos: Yes, it was a legitimate typo! Meant to say 100,000...….no way I meant 100,000,000! Legitimately Sorry!!!

    Btw, he's Athos, not Anthos. No "n". Athos was one of The Three Musketeers (not Mouseketeers -- don't get confused) by Dumas.


    And I wish you would tell me why my posts have been preposterous: I listen and don't dismiss anything outright....I have been wrong a lot more times than I have been right in my life!
    You had said, "While I don't support Trump in the next election, I just do not understand why the left continues to call him a 'racist': I have never seen an example of Trump being racist....I have heard plenty of examples but never seen the evidence to back the accusations up."

    You haven't seen any of the videos of Trump spouting racist nonsense at his rallies etc.?
  • Aug 29, 2019, 07:14 PM
    I don't think the right or repubs are more united or organized. That may have been true when they were taking over local and state governments to keep Obama from getting things done but the dufus has taken over and keeps repubs in line by fear of bad mouthed by him during the election.

    The name is Talaniman by the way, and what more proof of the dufus being a racist except what comes from his mouth, his actions and policies do you need? You sure you ain't a right winger? I really would like to take your word for it.

    Trust but verify/Ronald Reagan
  • Aug 29, 2019, 07:19 PM
    Wondergirl; I can assure you that I didn't mean to insult Mr. Athos by intentionally misspelling his name...I don't do that kind of thing, I apologize. I am a gentlemen, Wondergirl and I don't disrespect women, men, or those older than I, just don't do it, I was raised right! I am also fair minded.

    What Trump has said: This is what I have heard "snipits" of, I can't watch political rallies, of any stripe, they drive me insane...especially the conventions! I would rather have a sharp stick put into my eye! The pandering is just too much for a human being to withstand! Back to what I have heard President Trump say: I have heard him "identify" people from foreign nation by the name of the nation or by that nation's general location...and I have heard him speak about a specific religion.....but I have never heard him identify a specific race of people in a xenophobic way, not ever. Can you come up with a solitary example where he used a racial slur or a derogatory word for a specific race?
  • Aug 29, 2019, 07:33 PM
  • Aug 29, 2019, 07:35 PM
    Mr.Talaniman: I suck at spelling!!! I have been spelling Athos' name wrong all this time, too. My APOLOGIES!

    As I was saying to Wondergirl: I never have heard a recorded example of Trump actually using a racial slur or a derogatory word for a specific ethnicity....I have heard him many time use geography to identify, generically, a regional people or even call them from the nation they come from but never in a xenophobic way.

    Talaniman: I am NOT A RIGHT WINGER! I identify closer to a libertarian in my viewpoints: Please trust me!

    And don't get me wrong: I will challenge things said by the left because I want to hear them support their beliefs....I want to hear all beliefs (not necessarily communist's, socialist's, or Nazi's beliefs because these are untenable, in my opinion), that is all sane beliefs.....and I know: that is an open-ended desire on a broad spectrum.
  • Aug 29, 2019, 07:40 PM
    Mr. Talaniman: I watched the video but there still is no clear-cut example of President Trump being a racist.
  • Aug 29, 2019, 07:53 PM
    Use the righ advance arrow there are many videos. If your still not convinced we can reveiw if you even know what a racist is. Personally when the DOJ gutted the civil rights division, I kew what kind of ride we were in for and that's but one example of such policies as well as the cruelty on our southern borders and the dark prisons in the south. I guess not renting to blacks doesn't count and that was before he ran for president, or the birther crap either.

    Maybe you can tell me why racist love him so much. And please don't call me mister.
  • Aug 29, 2019, 08:04 PM

    Those are old ones. There are many more recent.

    Call me WG. Easy to type.
  • Aug 29, 2019, 08:11 PM
    Talaniman: O.K., no Mister......I don't know the answers to the things you ask....but I do not want to use inferences to conclude a man's racial posture, either.

    Believe me, I know racist, lots of them....I swam in them, so to speak: I have an interesting story about that but its much too big for here.

    But you look right now and Trump has the lowest rate of Black unemployment in the history of the nation......and that cannot be racist.
  • Aug 30, 2019, 05:11 AM
    What an insult since it's still twice as high as white unemployment. Let's look even deeper. Unemployment under Obama was over 10% and fell to 4.6%. Under this dufus it has fallen less than 2%, so what's he bragging about? Maybe you have swam with racists but have you ever been a target of one, or two, or more?

    Is it racism to not beleive what nine out of 10 black people are telling you?
  • Aug 31, 2019, 06:17 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    But you look right now and Trump has the lowest rate of Black unemployment in the history of the nation......and that cannot be racist.


    Trump is constantly taking credit for the economy, but it was Obama who began the recovery from the Great Recession caused by greedy banks.

    Black unemployment has nothing to do with Trump - it's part of the recurring business cycle, currently in a long boom after near-collapse. In any case, Blacks are not fooled by Trump. They didn't vote for him in 2016 and won't in 2020.

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