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  • Oct 25, 2016, 03:24 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    So you've met him in Person? A highly biased media does creative editing all the time... and when they aren't doing that they are constantly trying to tell you what they want you to believe the other person was thinking. Sorry, I've seen the media stretch the truth and flat out lie so often in the last 35 years I can't trust them when they give the weather report any more.

    It hasn't been Journalism in a very long time...its Propaganda dissemination.

    Notice how they avoid all of Hillary's frequent gaffs and open mouth, insert foot moments. Or her frequent Tirades and angry rages she is famous for by anyone who has been anywhere near her.

    What he says in public (my Republican in-laws quoted him with great excitement after attending his rallies), what he said at the debates, what he tweets.... are all fake? His tv appearances at his rallies? He's on video. Those all have been tampered with?
  • Oct 25, 2016, 04:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    What he says in public (my Republican in-laws quoted him with great excitement after attending his rallies), what he said at the debates, what he tweets.... are all fake? His tv appearances at his rallies? He's on video. Those all have been tampered with?

    At this point of the game.. I don't hold the RNC in much higher regard than I do the DNC.

    Incidentally everything you see on TV is edited. Precious little is actually broadcast live. Raw footage gets filmed on location, it gets sent back to the office where editing takes place to clean it up and make it fit a given time frame all before its broadcast.

    How do I know this, I have a longtime friend (17 years long) that owns a company that does this service for news crews that don't have full support staff locally...I also know half of the employees there. Almost went to work there 2 years ago.

    In fact what little is live..really isn't actually live, but time shifted to varying degrees so someone can dump a determined amount of video in case someone drops an F bomb before it goes out on the air.
  • Oct 25, 2016, 05:56 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    At this point of the game.. I don't hold the RNC in much higher regard than I do the DNC.

    Incidentally everything you see on TV is edited. Precious little is actually broadcast live. Raw footage gets filmed on location, it gets sent back to the office where editing takes place to clean it up and make it fit a given time frame all before its broadcast.

    How do I know this, I have a longtime friend (17 years long) that owns a company that does this service for news crews that don't have full support staff locally...I also know half of the employees there. Almost went to work there 2 years ago.

    In fact what little is live..really isn't actually live, but time shifted to varying degrees so someone can dump a determined amount of video in case someone drops an F bomb before it goes out on the air.

    So Trump has not said anything I've seen him say on tv in real time? Even the debates were shams?
  • Oct 26, 2016, 06:14 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    I tried to watch, but was immediately turned off by all the obscenities. If he can't make a case in plain, educated English....

    Another excuse to hide one's head in the sand.
  • Oct 26, 2016, 07:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    Another excuse to hide one's head in the sand.

    Hide from what?

    And I, a Republican, had high hopes for an outsider like Trump.
  • Oct 28, 2016, 09:17 AM
    A Vote For Hillary is a Vote For World War 3 » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
  • Oct 28, 2016, 03:01 PM
    Wow, nothing on that page is backed but any facts - it's total fear mongering at its worse. I'm ashamed for those that believe anything on that site.
  • Oct 28, 2016, 06:46 PM
    If you believe the media who CLEARLY support ONLY the Democrat candidate ( as proven the last 8+ presidential elections I've noticed) then you aren't getting ANY of the facts.

    They are just part of the Democrat campaign team and the Democrat party should be required to list their work as campaign contributions which clearly would violated campaign finance laws.

    The media aren't held to the truth in advertising laws everyone else is. They commit libel on a daily basis.
  • Oct 28, 2016, 06:57 PM
    NEW YORK – WND’s reporting in late August of a marked classified email Hillary Clinton forwarded to aide Huma Abedin could cast light on FBI Director James Comey’s dramatic disclosure to members of Congress Friday that the bureau had reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server due to new information apparently discovered in the sexting probe of former Rep. Anthony Weiner, Abedin’s estranged husband.
    Comey, however, said in his letter to Congress that he was only ‘briefed yesterday,’ meaning WND readers knew of the potential security breach two months before the director did.
    As WND reported Sept. 8, Clinton forwarded an Aug. 8, 2009, email – clearly marked “Classified” – to a personal, nonsecure email address registered to aide Abedin, [email protected]. Abedin then forwarded the message to another personal, nonsecure account, [email protected].
    In sworn testimony before Congress, however, Clinton declared, “There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”
    The 2009 email, sent to Clinton from longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal, was discovered in a cache of emails obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The exchange concerned the “disastrous nature” of an Obama trip to Germany, charging the U.S. was “totally out of the loop in Berlin – no ambassador,” resulting in the expectation that “Germans and Russians will now cut their own separate deals on energy, regional security, etc.”
    WND also reported two-thirds of Abedin’s released emails were forwarded to personal addresses she controlled and Clinton’s State Department chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, may have received classified information through personal email accounts.
    In WND’s report of the marked classified email, Greg Davis, a U.S. Army veteran with more than 30 years experience as a military intelligence officer, told WND the handling of the message is “an obvious violation of national security regulations regarding the handling of classified information for which people normally go to prison.”
    Sign the precedent-setting petition supporting Trump’s call for an independent prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton!
    Davis, the creator of the intelligence-oriented website, said that typically the Justice Department would grant Abedin immunity from prosecution in return for her willingness to turn state’s evidence against Clinton.
    “If Huma refused to cooperate, the Department of Justice could threaten to seek a maximum prison term for her should their effort to bring a criminal prosecution against her succeed,” he said at the time.
    The email containing marked classified information previously was released by the State Department, but it was unknown until the Judicial Watch released that Clinton forwarded the exchange to Abedin’s nonsecure, personal Yahoo account.
    See the classified email:

    image:’ LinkedIn biography reads: “30+ years in intelligence operations and analysis, with operational experience in every HUMINT (Human Intelligence) capacity including C1 (Command and Control), Special Operations, at the Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA, and analytical positions at Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence Agency, and State Department.”
    Davis also holds a master’s degree in international economics from Georgetown University and the University of Oxford.
    Related stories:
    Hillary sent ‘marked classified’ info to nonsecure Abedin account

    Read more at Hillary sent ‘marked classified’ info to nonsecure Abedin account
  • Oct 28, 2016, 08:51 PM
    Comey came forward today to prevent a public mutiny of seasoned FBI agents, who strongly opposed his handling of the Clinton email investigation. Steve Pieczenik has been saying members of the military, intelligence community, and FBI may do this, in order to save the republic from tyranny under Clinton. We may face a constitutional crisis, if a grand jury is not immediately convened. What the FBI found must be very serious. Carl Bernstein said it must be a "bombshell."

    From the NY Post:
  • Oct 28, 2016, 09:07 PM
    And it's already starting..

    2 woman arrested for election fraud in Miami-Dade County | Miami Herald
  • Oct 28, 2016, 09:19 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post

    Coego committed voter fraud to vote for a Republican, and Curgil for medical marijuana.
  • Oct 29, 2016, 02:32 AM
    The terrible thing about voter fraud is the fraudulent votes won't be disallowed until after the Boards of Elections rule, likely sometime in 2020.State Board of Elections investigating possible voter fraud in Onslow County - WCTI
  • Oct 29, 2016, 01:42 PM
    Hillary to be indicted after election:

    Clinton scrambles following FBI announcement on new email evidence... Hillary To Be Indicted After Election: Trump Responds To FBI Investigation » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
  • Oct 29, 2016, 02:49 PM

    Hillary to be indicted after election:
    Nope, more lies by you.
  • Oct 29, 2016, 02:56 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Coego committed voter fraud to vote for a Republican, and Curgil for medical marijuana.

    The DNC has been arguing vote fraud is impossible despite ample proof its occurring, has occurred and will continue to occur as long as no id requirements are in place at.

    Which is why voter ID requirements exist everyplace in the world except here in the USA and apparently Australia.
  • Oct 29, 2016, 03:25 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    The DNC has been arguing vote fraud is impossible despite ample proof its occurring

    The DNC hasn't said it's "impossible," but it IS unlikely. Various sources cite that only 31 out of one billion ballots have been subject to in-person voter fraud. Each polling place is staffed by members of both parties and pledge to watch for voter fraud plus do whatever they can to prevent it (and report it, if it happens). Of course, like in the case cited, a Miami-Dade Republican voting official committed voter fraud. If you can't trust the officials....

    There has been plenty of time to get voter ID passed. Nothing was accomplished. And even voter photo ID doesn't guarantee there won't be voter fraud. There will still be whining heard in the hallways.
  • Oct 29, 2016, 04:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    The DNC hasn't said it's "impossible," but it IS unlikely. Various sources cite that only 31 out of one billion ballots have been subject to in-person voter fraud. Each polling place is staffed by members of both parties and pledge to watch for voter fraud plus do whatever they can to prevent it (and report it, if it happens). Of course, like in the case cited, a Miami-Dade Republican voting official committed voter fraud. If you can't trust the officials....

    There has been plenty of time to get voter ID passed. Nothing was accomplished. And even voter photo ID doesn't guarantee there won't be voter fraud. There will still be whining heard in the hallways.

    Its not unlikely either... there have been ample situations in previous elections where results were statistically impossible, such as where republicans received ZERO votes... others where it has been proven move votes were cast than there were eligible adults of voting age living, much less the lower number of people actually registered, ACORN, several Democrat Politicians basted voting in two states, the Illinois Ballot box stuffing (what are party officials doing with Ballot boxes in their sole unsupervised posession anyway to "Forget" was in their trunk when they needed more numbers?) etc, etc.

    And statistically a small percentage of those actually committing a crime at any time will actually be caught doing it shows its not impossible OR unlikely.

    If it looks like a duck, yada, yada, yada,
  • Oct 29, 2016, 04:48 PM
    Clinton Coup vs. Intelligence Community Counter-Coup

    October 29, 2016 Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD
    America you are witnessing: Clinton Coup vs Counter-Coup by our Brave Intelligence Community!
    In my last blog, I outlined the different nefarious methods that the Clintons used to initiate a coup against our government. They did not need soldiers or the use of any force. Through lying, obstruction of justice and the eventual compromise of the DOJ, FBI, WH, and CIA, they effectively took over the USG without one shot fired or even one vote for Hillary.

    Trump’s forces understood that the political system was/is rigged. Yet all he could do was to vehemently point out the different parts of our USG which had been co-opted by the Clintons. Simultaneously, I have informally worked with certain elements of our military intelligence across the IC spectrum to use alt-media sources to expose the massive criminal behavior of the Clintons-past, present and future.
    As a way of counter-acting the Clinton’s silent coup of corruption, these brave men and women of the IC have released a series of emails through Julian Assange and Wiki-Leaks which underscore the Clintons’ massive corruption attempts to take over our USG through the rigged electoral system.
    Usually, a military coup presents itself with soldiers in the street and tanks splayed out all over Washington DC and at other key communications points in the USA.This time around there was a new type of Counter-coup, an Info-Counter Coup using Wiki-leaks. Wikileaks disseminates the truth around the world, while at the same time making sure that the FBI Director, James Comey, opened up the Uma Abedin files with regards to national security violations.
    The FBI, with the assistance of their colleagues in the intelligence community, have forced HRC and Uma Abedin to address compromising issues that could eventually lead to the prosecution of Hillary and her staff. If she is elected to POTUS, there will be an effort on the part of the DOJ, FBI and others to impeach her for crimes and treason committed against the state.
    You are now witnessing a new type of American Revolution. The Clintons and Podesta initiated a silent coup to undermine the USG through corruption and co-optation of the elite political leaders. In turn, they were met by the by the silent counter-coup of our civilian/military Intelligence community. In the age of the internet, brave American warriors are everywhere. They monitor any internal/external attempts to undermine this great republic.
    God Bless these Brave Men/Women and Our Great Republic!
  • Oct 29, 2016, 04:51 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Its not unlikely either... there have been ample situations in previous elections where results were statistically impossible, such as where republicans received ZERO votes... others where it has been proven move votes were cast than there were eligible adults of voting age living, much less the lower number of people actually registered, ACORN, several Democrat Politicians basted voting in two states, the Illinois Ballot box stuffing (what are party officials doing with Ballot boxes in their sole unsupervised posession anyway to "Forget" was in their trunk when they needed more numbers?) etc, etc.

    And statistically a small percentage of those actually committing a crime at any time will actually be caught doing it shows its not impossible OR unlikely.

    If it looks like a duck, yada, yada, yada,

    Republicans received zero votes because no one voted for anyone in that party. I'm sure Democrats never get votes in my Republican home town in western NY.

    I sure wish you'd document those allegations (and use reputable, unbiased sources, not Alex Jones).

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