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  • Mar 2, 2007, 10:07 AM
    Dangerous Fumes
    I am going to be removing paint from brick in my livingroom. I am starting with easy off oven cleaner, a suggestion from this website. How toxic is this for my family? Do the need to be out of the house?
  • Mar 3, 2007, 06:24 PM

    Originally Posted by bethbarbier
    I am going to be removing paint from brick in my livingroom. I am starting with easy off oven cleaner, a suggestion from this website. How toxic is this for my family? Do the need to be out of the house?

    I would say so from past experience. Any confined caustic fumes can be a health concern especially for small children. Some do not respond easily, I myself used to like bus exhaust fumes when I was little.
    Wear a respirator while the work is in process. If you can also redirect the fumes up the chimney with a high volume exhaust fan and possibly put up a plasic wall around the brickwork would help. It is easy to put up vertical 2x4's from floor to ceiling and then tack a clear plastic paint tarp sheeting from stud to stud to enclose the area. Use a long 2x4 as a ceiling support of the vertical stud 'kickers' to protect the ceiling from being gouged. Do the same if there is a hardwood floor... Keep that fan going to keep the fumes from getting through the cracks. Good luck, nm
  • Mar 3, 2007, 06:57 PM
    I am not familiar with Easy Off. What do the directions say? Perhaps a safer alternative would be liquid cooking oil. If it doesn't work, try brake fluid. Brake fluid is toxic, but doesn't produce any fumes. Do not let pets or children lick any of it up. Both the cooking oil and brake fluid have to set for a while, but should soften and swell paint. Both will cleanup with soap and water.

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