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  • May 3, 2010, 08:57 PM
    Fell at work March 11, going through physical therapy still...
    My little story... sorry about being boring:
    I was on the phone, turned around and slipped on a puddle of water on the hard concrete floor at work. I slipped so fast, my legs came right out from under me, I have never fallen so fast and hard in my life. I thought at first I broke my wrist trying to stop my fall on the counter. I called my boss, told her I would fill out an accident form and see how my wrist was in the morning and head to to doctor if needed.
    Morning came, swelling was down in my wrist and it was just bruised. BUT, I couldn't get out of bed, my left hip/side/buttock hurt so bad, I almost could not move or walk. Called my normal doctor, she of course prescribed pain pills and muscle relaxers. After two more days having to go through really horrible pain at work, I left early both days. Third day, workmans comp sets in. Pain is so bad they say physical therapy a week later. I went through the MRI and X-rays... nothing significant shows.
    7 weeks of physical therapy later (making me much stronger and some pain has gone away) I am at my wits end. I am just wondering if anyone else has gone through this Lumbar crap and hip joint stuff? I am wondering how long it took to feel 100%. OR if anyone has any tips on what I may be able to do as in maybe go to a specialist or something? I am just tired of wasting time, I need to get my body to move without pain again! Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice!
  • May 3, 2010, 10:35 PM

    I had a car accident in 1994 that left me with a back injury.

    I went through 2 1/2 year of physio, even paid out of pocket after the $10,000 from insurance ran out. Yes, it helped, while I was doing it, but if I didn't go for a week I was back in bed unable to get up. It wasn't a permanent fix at all.

    After I gave up on physio I went to a fabulous massage therapist. He does massage for sports injuries and accidents. I go to him whenever my back is bothering me and I can go months without having to go again.

    I'd love to tell you that you'll get back to 100% Starty, and maybe you will, every person is different. For me that's not the case. I've already lived with this for 16 years and the doctors say it will be for life.

    Right now the only part that really bothers me on a daily basis is the loss of feeling in my left arm. My collar bone "slipped" and is cutting off circulation to my arm. Only surgery can fix it and the even then it's not a sure thing. Also, the surgery is risky. It's worse in summer. I can actually stab myself in the arm and not feel it, but for some reason I have full use of the arm and hand. I don't pick up eggs or anything delicate with it though, because I can't feel how tightly I'm gripping it. ;)

    I'd try massage therapy if I were you. When I had my accident insurance didn't cover massage so I had no choice. They do now, at least in Canada. Shop around though, no two massage therapists are the same. It took me a while to find the one that could help me. Also, don't go to massage therapists that just do sensual massage. Find one that does injury cases. It won't be pleasant. It will hurt. But you'll slowly start to feel better. My first visit I walked in hunched over, unable to stand up. The 1 hour session was pure hell but I walked out pain free.

    Love you lady. Miss you. I hope you're feeling better soon.
  • May 4, 2010, 12:54 AM

    No orthopedic doctor?

    Something seems fishy.

    MRI tends to find soft tissue damage.

    X-rays tends to find bone fractures.

    CAT scans are basically 3-D X-rays and I think would be better looking for fractures.

    Thing someone didn't use the right tool and an orthopaedic doc is in order.
  • May 4, 2010, 07:27 AM

    Alty, sorry to hear about it all with you. I know what you are saying about massage therapy. Workmans comp does NOT cover it, I paid for the first appointment out of pocket! I can't afford to do that if I am at lost wages.
    KISS, I almost feel as if I need to finish up these last two weeks of therapy and then I can say, "see, it didn't work!"
    I will see if I can go see an orthopedic doctor. Thanks
  • May 4, 2010, 10:36 AM

    Update after today's therapy:
    I told her after I was feeling a little better and doing all the stuff she told me to, on Sunday morning I was feeling worse and worse through out the day, night came, no change. Monday was the same. A little bit of pain half way down the back of my thigh, off and on every few days this would go on, but I had been feeling none of the shooting pains in my leg for about a week or a week and a half. And new pain in the middle of my left buttock. She had me lay on my tunny, she poked and felt and one spot in the middle and on the left, tears came and ran down my face. I CAN HANDLE PAIN like you wouldn't believe, but all of a sudden I couldn't. She used some sort of seat belt looking thing and stood above me on the table and did some soft pulling. I am in pain even more now. She advised me NOT to do anymore of the exercises until she sees what happens until Friday. All she wants me to resume is the walking. This frightens me and I am very ready for the next phase in getting better. I need me to feel better, at least to the point where I can pull laundry out of the dryer and sweep my kitchen floor. (going back to work would be nice too! ) KISS, I will call today to see about getting into a orthopedic doctor.
  • May 4, 2010, 08:48 PM

    Start I am really sorry that you are in pain. I wish there were some advice that I could give you but I don't have any. Except that I wish you less pain hon, and do what you have to to feel better.

  • May 4, 2010, 10:39 PM

    Starty, keep us posted. I don't like the fact that you were in more pain after leaving physio. Something is wrong and it sounds like the physiotherapist made it worse.

    I wish you a pain free day tomorrow, the next day, and the next... you get the picture.

    Love you lady.
  • May 5, 2010, 03:36 AM
    I really know the pains, I feel really bad for you that you have to go through this for such a long time,I wish you the best and speediest recovery.

    I have had pains in both wrists in the past year,I had both carpel tunnel surgeries too!

    I STILL go to therapy for 'tennis elbow' symptoms, which are now more than a year old.therapy,the surgery,nothing has relieved the pains, constant, persistent pain can really take a toll on someone.(like I need to tell you that?)

    Workers comp doesn't WANT to do the 'next right thing',they want the easiest fix for the least output of funds.

    My shoulder surgery from back in '03 had comp making me jump through hoops, I finally took out a loan and got the surgery on my own, they paid for it, and more, but the pain was removed and I was recovered by the time they decided to settle,instead of the other way around.(Yes,I am a stubborn German)

    Sometimes I did leave therapy with more discomfort than when I went in, sciatic nerve work on my left side, wow,I was in terrible pains before I went in,and after I could have wet myself with the pain, but all in all,I did eventually recover from it.

    You aren't alone starty,there are a lot of us here to listen to your plight,we'll not let you down, if you need to complain,gripe,moan(especially moan):p, I know we can help,, after all,this is ask me HELP desk!

    Have a better day today:)

  • May 5, 2010, 08:55 AM

    Thank you very much my friends!
    I am just taking it one day at a time. I will see what the physical therapist says tomorrow. I am also waiting on the call from my doc for that gosh darned referral.
  • May 5, 2010, 11:01 AM

    I got approved for the referral! I sure hope they find something that they can treat! I appreciate all of you taking the time to help!! :)
  • May 5, 2010, 06:58 PM

    Hey, I forgot to ask!! Any tips on what sort of questions I should ask that I may not think of? I got the appointment!
  • May 5, 2010, 07:00 PM

    Congrats. That's one step further.

    And.. you know where not to touch. Hopefully the solution is not "Don't touch there".
  • May 5, 2010, 07:01 PM

    Thanks KISS! My hopes are up, but I am a little skeptical!
  • May 5, 2010, 07:03 PM

    Originally Posted by KeepItSimpleStupid View Post
    Congrats. That's one step further.

    And.. you know where not to touch. Hopefully the solution is not "Don't touch there".

    YA, I hope that is not the answer. My dad is worried about that. He is worried that I will get screwed. He thinks I should pay out of pocket, go retrieve all of my xray's and my MRI and have someone else read it.
  • May 5, 2010, 07:04 PM

    Did the workers comp company assign a case manager to work with you and work with the doctors
  • May 5, 2010, 07:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    Did the workers comp company assign a case manager to work with you and work with the doctors

    I just have an adjuster. He is the guy that gives me the info I need. (when I will receive payments, or if I will be covered if I go to a certain doctor or things like that)
  • May 5, 2010, 07:14 PM

    I know ( in our work with patients) most of the ones on workers comp, have a case manager and they are calling about treatments, equipment and more, and if they are not getting it fast, to answer why and threatened with them pulling their workers comp business if we don't.

    Of course here, patients are required to go to specific doctors for treatment of workers injury. So the case manager can recommend to company a change of doctors if they are not getting proper treatmet or satisfied with the company.

    I know for my broken angle and leg, they assigned me a workers comp manager and even the doctor and operation center have workers comp managers that deal with their own patients on workers injury, They make all my appointments for me
  • May 5, 2010, 07:24 PM

    The adjuster is helpful in taking my questions. He answers them clearly and is very nice. I just worry that I won't be saying the right things or asking the right questions to the specialist I will be seeing soon!
    I hope your condition is getting better everyday Chuck!
  • May 5, 2010, 08:53 PM
    The 'specialist' you will be seeing is 'on their side' so to speak.They are on the payroll of the comp company, this is normal.I went to 3 different 'specialists' for my shoulder problem,all three had different conclusions:(

    I got the run around for months(not very encouraging I know,but this is typically the actions of comp insurance),and like I said,I got my own MRI,X-rays,records,etc,went to Rush Presby hospital in Chicago and had a specialist of my own do the work.. and then had my lawyer do the settling with comp.

    I have little faith in workers compensation,they have been through the ringer too many times and now take so many precautions,those of us who are in REAL need get dragged under the bus like anyone else.And the lawyers make too much to settle something that should be simple(at least to me it was simple,I was hurt on the job,did the proper paperwork,reported to all doc appointments,therapy,etc,and waited,and waited,and waited,till I couldn't take it anymore)

    Do you already have representation?If not,I suggest you get some.Not to sue for some exorbitant amount of money,but to have someone who can ask those questions and send you to a doctor/specialist who isn't on comp's payroll or looking out for comp;s interests.

    Hope to hear this gets settled soon:)

  • May 5, 2010, 09:23 PM

    I have thought about weather or not I may need a lawyer, but I figure till I see they are steering me wrong, I should keep my composure. They haven't denied me anything, nor have I been relieved from my job. My boss wants me back, but she wants me to be at the point I was before the injury and she is afraid of me getting hurt if I come back without a full recovery! So as it stands I am ready and willing to do anything to make me feel better. At the same time I am very cautious. I will stand my ground and I may just go get those copies of the x-rays and MRI so I can have them read by someone else of my choice and good stature. Thank you KBC, I will be here asking many questions I am sure!
  • May 5, 2010, 09:34 PM

    I truly hope that everything works out. That you get the healing that you need. The care that will change the outcome. I honestly think that your father is absolutely right about the mri and tests.

    Hoping you get better real soon.
  • May 5, 2010, 09:57 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22 View Post
    I have thought about weather or not I may need a lawyer, but I figure till I see they are steering me wrong, I should keep my composure. They haven't denied me anything, nor have I been relieved from my job. My boss wants me back, but she wants me to be at the point I was before the injury and she is afraid of me getting hurt if I come back without a full recovery! So as it stands I am ready and willing to do anything to make me feel better. At the same time I am very cautious. I will stand my ground and I may just go get those copies of the xrays and MRI so I can have them read by someone else of my choice and good stature. Thank you KBC, I will be here asking many questions I am sure!!

    I guess I am suggesting that you at least SEE a lawyer about this knowing the outcome of ,well,all the cases I know of.

    To get a consult doesn't cost anything,doesn't make you a bad person to ask them for advice,doesn't commit you to taking their advice, it just opens doors to possibilities which you don't have open yet.

    You might be just fine with how things are progressing, then again... (no I'm not paranoid,, are you?? :p)
  • May 6, 2010, 10:56 AM

    I have two more physical therapy appointments next week, I just got back from her. She says it was a smart move on my part to get referred to a specialist. WOW, why can't people just say, "hey go to a specialist"?? Anyway, she is going to do the ultrasound "pain management" next week and thinks we should hold off on any other stuff till I see the Doctor. She did say though that if I felt I could do any of the "easier" exercises, that wouldn't hurt either. She worries about the pain and burning down my thigh more than anything else. I agree, I am worried too! K, till next time.
  • May 11, 2010, 10:17 AM

    Physical therapist did some ultra sound and used the TENS unit on me. I am sitting here waiting to see if it helped. Anyone else ever used one of those things? Did it help? Was it easily covered with insurance? Hmmmm...
  • May 11, 2010, 08:50 PM

  • May 12, 2010, 05:20 PM
    Oh yeah,I have had them on my shoulder,knee,lower arm, with they would have used them on my temples sometimes too:p

    Insurance should NOT be a concern for you,this is all comp paying this, if you think otherwise,call the comp people, they will state this also.. once you are under their care,you are strictly under their care,unless you take matters into your own hands and seek a different treatment,all the treatments you get right now HAVE to be covered by comp.(IMHO, that is the way it is here in Illinois, I had to add this disclaimer so someone doesn't reddie me for some silliness or another)
  • May 12, 2010, 05:28 PM

    Workers comp, any doctor ordered medical item or treatment will be covered, if not that is where an attorney comes in.

    Also depending on where you live, you are either free to go see any doctor you want, or they will provide a list, if you want a second opinion, they have to provide it ( or should) again, if they are afraid to, then the lawyer again.

    When I saw the first doctor, I had a second opinion done the next day and we did it with a clinic I would agree with, they had several, I picked the one I wanted.
  • May 12, 2010, 05:36 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22 View Post
    Physical therapist did some ultra sound and used the TENS unit on me. I am sitting here waiting to see if it helped. Anyone else ever used one of those things? Did it help? Was it easily covered with insurance? Hmmmm...

    Daily use of the TENS. It didn't work for me. :(
  • May 12, 2010, 05:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Daily use of the TENS. It didn't work for me. :(

    You have to turn them ON alty:D
  • May 12, 2010, 05:55 PM

    Originally Posted by KBC View Post
    You have to turn them ON alty:D

    LMAO! I know that silly! :p
  • May 12, 2010, 06:00 PM

    It was covered at my appointment of course. I was hoping to bring the "portable" size home if it worked good...

    The only thing so far that was prescribed, was the massage therapy. At first,Ohhh how I wished it would be covered. But now I feel as if someone wanted to touch my back, I may have to slap em'!
    Alty, I think you got to plug it in before you turn it on!
  • May 12, 2010, 06:12 PM


    Alty, I think you got to plug it in before you turn it on!
    I'm sticking my tongue out at you! ;)

    It did soothe some of the pain in between visits, but it wasn't a long term fix for me.

    Ice really worked well, but it wasn't fun.
  • May 13, 2010, 07:56 AM

    I ice, but I do not like it too much! I think the TENS helped, we will try it again this morning!
    I feel like it has been a year, but it has only been 2 months.
    I am really ready to get my butt in gear, but my body says... NO!
  • May 13, 2010, 08:53 AM

    Originally Posted by startover22 View Post
    I ice, but I do not like it too much! I think the TENS helped, we will try it again this morning!
    I feel like it has been a year, but it has only been 2 months.
    I am really ready to get my butt in gear, but my body says....NO!

    It will get better Starty. Stick with the therapy, do what the doctor tells you, don't rush things, let your body heal. That's an order young lady. ;)

    I hated the ice too. He'd put the ice pack on the bed and ask me to lay down on it. Forcing myself to lay down was really hard knowing that I would be laying on a ice pack for 1/2 hour. Sadly the heating pad didn't work, but it sure felt better. I often fell asleep at physio when I was using the heat. That's when I discovered that I sometimes snore. In fact, my snoring woke me up!

    I can never show my face there again. ;)
  • May 13, 2010, 11:10 AM

    I have been discharged from physical therapy. Today was my last appointment because of my sporadic changes in my getting better and getting worse. SO, she says she will put the order through to get the TENS unit for my personal use at home. She also said after my appointment with the spine specialist, she may see me more after that, it just depends on what is determined. It sure can be frustrating when you really just want to clean your house and go to work, but if you do, you may not be able to move! I will be patient... I will I will I will! Thanks Alty! XXOO
  • May 20, 2010, 09:18 PM

    Got the TENS unit. Not sure it helps much. Got a higher dose for pain pills. Hopefully they will help with getting more sleep. I have a good hour or so, but then I start to feel crappy again!
    I went and saw the specialist, he thinks I may have fractured the sacroiliac joint, he got more x-rays, he couldn't see one. I have a bulged disc (L5)... I don't understand it all, but he says he would like to do an injection at the lumbar joint connecting to the sacroiliac. Sound right? I hope so, that means I know a little about what is going on. LOL! I am scared to death of the injection, but he thinks it will lower my pain and if it doesn't he wants to do another at the L5. We did not get any further than that. After that appointment, I went to see my attending physician, he thinks I should keep going to physical therapy. He said I don't need a prescription for me to keep going, even though I know I do. I may just be talking to myself here, but a little "letting out" helps, so just bear with me, please. :) I am starting to wonder if going back to work is going to be something I can stand. As it stands right now, if I went to work, I know I would be leaving early... probably an hour after I get there, if I can last that long. Not going to work is taking a whole other toll of it's own on me and the house, way less money, so we are really tight now. We are able to keep up, but that is it. I want my life back the way it was before! I am bored and frustrated. I want to lift my kids up and wrestle with them like I always did. They come up to hug me, I have to say whoa, slow down, be soft. I am no good at relaxing. I wish there were something I could do to speed up the whole process. Anyway, I liked the specialist, just scared of what they are going to do to me. Thanks guys!
  • May 21, 2010, 02:56 AM
    YOU are NOT in the wrong, or alone...

    Originally Posted by startover22 View Post
    Got the TENS unit. Not sure it helps much. Got a higher dose for pain pills. Hopefully they will help with getting more sleep. I have a good hour or so, but then I start to feel crappy again!
    I went and saw the specialist, he thinks i may have fractured the sacroiliac joint, he got more xrays, he couldn't see one. I have a bulged disc (L5)....I don't understand it all, but he says he would like to do an injection at the lumbar joint connecting to the sacroiliac. Sound right? I hope so, that means I know a little about what is going on. LOL! I am scared to death of the injection, but he thinks it will lower my pain and if it doesn't he wants to do another at the L5. We did not get any further than that. After that appointment, I went to see my attending physician, he thinks I should keep going to physical therapy. He said I don't need a prescription for me to keep going, even though I know I do. I may just be talking to myself here, but a little "letting out" helps, so just bear with me, please. :) I am starting to wonder if going back to work is going to be something I can stand. As it stands right now, if I went to work, I know I would be leaving early...probably an hour after I get there, if I can last that long. Not going to work is taking a whole other toll of it's own on me and the house, way less money, so we are really tight now. We are able to keep up, but that is it. I want my life back the way it was before! I am bored and frustrated. I want to lift my kids up and wrestle with them like I always did. They come up to hug me, I have to say whoa, slow down, be soft. I am no good at relaxing. I wish there were something I could do to speed up the whole process. Anyway, I liked the specialist, just scared of what they are going to do to me. Thanks guys!

    HI Starty!

    Wow this brought me back to my injuries.

    The boredom,the feeling that I could be more productive,, if just...

    The lack of substantial income(as our comp paid 2/3's the wages)For this reason alone I needed to contact the lawyers.Your income shouldn't be in such disarray because you were injured at work.(IMHO)

    The tens units seem to help some and do nothing for others, I loved it when they used them on my shoulder...

    My brother just got through the disc problems on his back, he did ONLY physical therapy, and pills for the heightened pain.It took a little while, with tension therapy(kind of putting you on a rack and stretching your spine till the disc would re-align naturally)I think he is very happy he didn't get injections.

    I've heard too many horror stories about injections to offer any comfort about them, I even rejected certain work on my back because of the fear of lifetime pains(meningitis and they wanted to spinal tap for testing,, huh uh.. :mad:)

    The pain pills I was taking(although you know I am a total emotional mess on a normal basis anyway... :D), messed my sleep up a lot, it is a side effect of taking pills, some people just don't sleep well on pain pills.Others can sleep like the dead.

    I am one of the first category... are you? Is this what's happening? Or is it the total pain that keeps you from serious sleep?

    Hope you are doing well otherwise(like you can be,right? )and VENT AWAY,, what is this place here for anyway?
  • May 21, 2010, 08:40 AM

    I find myself taking the pain pills to make me sleepy enough to fall asleep. I can't seem to get tired, but when I take the pain pill, it makes me drowsy to fall asleep. AND it helps with calming down the pain. There has not been one day that has passed that I have been pain free. I can't seem to get comfy. He upped the pain pills to Oxycotton. Just that word scares the crap out of me. But I will try it, he thinks I may be able to sleep better, and longer. I am picking them up today. I also take soma for muscle relaxation, it doesn't affect me unless I take the pain pill with it. I quit drinking wine, for the most part. One day on the weekend I will have a glass or two, if I feel I can make it through with ibuprofen and not a prescription pain pill.
    I am scared to death with the injections, I want it fixed, I don't want to cover it up, you know? People around me are saying they have had it done before and it helps. The specialist told me the worries and said nothing through his years has happened yet at the place I am going to. My brother thinks I need to get disc surgery. Everyone else thinks I should stay away from surgery altogether. I am super confused and scared. I may call the specialist and ask him about other options... thank you Ken, as always you are helpful and comforting!
  • May 21, 2010, 09:31 AM
    Your very welcome:)

    A suggestion, don't let that pain get ahead of you, taking those pills for the pain is what they're for.. I once let it get beyond me in New Orleans and it took like a whole day to get things back to tolerable... and down there I was prescribed a very old medication, Darvon Compound, I haven't seen it since then..

    Take your time making the decisions about the treatments, don't let the pain cloud your decision.. making a rash decision just to attempt to 'speed things up'.. you know, caution.

    I realize the patience issue,I had very little when I was in pain every day, much less the moodiness I had(you find out who your true friends are when you are crabby for 6 months:( )
  • May 21, 2010, 10:28 AM

    Good advice Ken, I think I just worry that I will start liking the pills. So I take them only at night around supper time and on.
    As I sit or stand it hurts and so I am always tensing up my muscles to keep my body in a comfy position.
    I am thinking hard on how to go about getting some lawyer or someone to advocate for me. I got the wrong TENS unit, it only has four postitioned spots to use, so I think I need the one that I can place right where the pain is. I just made a call to leave a voice mail to get the right one! As of right now, I feel another opinion is probably necessary. So, I will work on that Monday! I am just missing out on doing things and living the way I was used to living. I can take it, I just don't see why I should have to, considering if that stupid sink was set up safely, this would have never happened! I would have never slipped. I would be working, smiling and in good shape!
    Thanks again Ken.

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