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  • May 21, 2010, 03:05 PM

    Have a question... would I just look in the phone book for a Workers Comp lawyer? I worry I won't know exactly the right questions to ask and not sure how to go about it all. If anyone has anything to add, I would appreciate it. THANKS!!
  • May 21, 2010, 03:48 PM

    Call your local bar association, and pick about three and go interview them with a list of questions.
  • May 22, 2010, 02:28 AM
    I found mine through someone who was using him at that time, big name,well advertised,clear on what he wanted me to do,where to go,etc.

    In general,the ones who have dealt with comp cases before will be the ones who you will get the best results from,they will ask YOU questions, they already know the ropes,who to contact,which judge is going to hear the case(or adjudicator), If you don't have any friends who have had any positive experiences with a comp lawyer,the phone book will show you who specializes in comp cases... asking them their case load,experience,what to expect in a settlement, they should be able to answer these basics without too much squirming.
  • May 22, 2010, 09:51 AM

    Well, I have been given advice through family and friends that they won't be able to do anything till they deny me something. I suppose that makes sense.
  • May 22, 2010, 04:12 PM

    And remember each case is different, the one I had 20 plus years ago, took over 5 years to ever settle. ( if was the accident that left me partially disabled to this day) And even then I settled for less than I really wanted to,

    So depending on the type and size of claim they often taken years to reach settlements
  • Jun 9, 2010, 09:40 AM

    I am getting the injection in my sacroiliac joint on Friday. I am nervous as hell, can't wait to get it over with and see if it helps. ONE problem though, I have three different spots that are candidates for the injection, so this may be the first of three... that makes me nervous. I hope it works, I want to get back to doing things that I normally do. I am tired of being bored and the drugs make me tired.

    Thanks for the lawyer info you guys, I am going to wait till I feel
    Like I have been wronged or when the end of all this comes, they do not help with some sort of settlement. Thanks again! XXOO
  • Jun 10, 2010, 05:28 PM
    Sacroiliac joint?(sounds kinky:p)

    And to the lawyer thing, you have already been 'wronged',has your life been turned upside down?Has your income been changed due to this?

    Yeah,it's called pain and suffering,and by your posts,I would say you have had some of that.

    No,I wouldn't judge you as being a bad person to get a settlement for this,why would anyone?You got hurt,you have had pains and suffered,and unless I am wrong,you are not supposed to have this happen to you, you didn't ask to fall..

    And yes,you can get the lawyer involved,you have been denied something,your right to be pain free.

    I guess since I had an OK time with my case(which simply paid for the surgery they were denying me,nothing more),I am an advocate for lawyers getting involved, even if it's just to hear your side of things and advise you.. can't hurt(any more than it already has:D)

    Good luck Starty,I hope the first is the last!:)
  • Jun 10, 2010, 06:02 PM

    I called my lawyer yesterday, They started not allowing me the same benefits ( perks) as all the other people in my position over the last few weeks. They started quoting company policy and procedure. Then the Workers comp case manager has not returned my call in two days. So in my state, the workers comp pays automatically 25 percent for them.

    Sad I tried to explain this before hand to them and give them a chance to do it right but I think someone at corporate was pulling the chains.
  • Jun 10, 2010, 09:43 PM

    Ken, thanks, I am just weary of what will happen when the threat of a lawyer is involved. I am going to go through with the injection, I am so scared, but doing it to "maybe" be pain free for a bit (in that area).
    Chuck, thanks for letting me know that, I will keep it in mind. I hope it goes better for you!
  • Jun 12, 2010, 07:51 PM

    You won't have to remind me NEVER to get the injection again. Hell no. The worst thing I have gone through since child birth, and you know what, I may even opt for child birth, at least you have a fantastic gift afterward. Ten minutes of pure hell... and right now, I am in so much pain. SO, no more of those. I should have known with a week of bad feelings and no sleep over it!
  • Jun 12, 2010, 08:20 PM
    :(,I am so sorry you are in this much discomfort starty.. Pills and many on a regular basis... don't skip a dose till you are really becoming pain free.

    No more reminders about pain and suffering.. (except this one:p), but seriously,I hope this passes for you quickly... I'll be thinking about you:)

  • Jun 12, 2010, 08:27 PM

    Me too Start, I am so sorry that you are in pain.

  • Jun 13, 2010, 12:13 PM

    Thanks guys. Ken, I was actually thinking I would try not to take a pain pill, I wanted to enjoy this beautiful day with a clear mind. I can't think clearly on those and I feel like I am so tired. BUT, as of right now (noon) I am thinking I should take one. I thought this morning I felt better, not pain free but better. I handle pain better than I do meds. Anyway, thank you guys... I am going to go and take the meds and once again be left out of all the fun activities that happen when the weather is this nice! Have a good day!
  • Jul 20, 2010, 11:23 AM

    Ok, going for another test today. They are going to stick needles in my legs and try and find any nerves that were damaged! Can't wait!
    Called a lawyer and he pretty much said until they deny me, there is nothing he can do! I am all right with that:)
  • Jul 20, 2010, 03:21 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22 View Post
    Ok, going for another test today. They are gonna stick needles in my legs and try and find any nerves that were damaged! Can't wait!
    Called a lawyer and he pretty much said until they deny me, there is nothing he can do! I am alright with that:)

    Good luck Start... :)
  • Jul 20, 2010, 07:12 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22 View Post
    Ok, going for another test today. They are gonna stick needles in my legs and try and find any nerves that were damaged! Can't wait!
    Called a lawyer and he pretty much said until they deny me, there is nothing he can do! I am alright with that:)

    They did the same for my hands/arms.. it wasn't bad at all..

    I hope they can find what nerve might be the problem and get you some RELIEF ALREADY!! :D

    Happy(um, 30th) birthday:p
  • Jul 20, 2010, 10:51 PM

    Stay with the program Start...
  • Apr 11, 2011, 08:04 AM

    It has been over a year now. Still down for the count. They haven't denied me anything but the physical therapy killed me. I have had four injections since the beginning. The last one in my spine and it worked for my back. It is wearing off and the back pain is coming back though. My hip and leg are without a doubt a big problem, seems to be taking tooooo long to figure out how to get me HEALED. I feel like a total dork, resting and taking it easy for this long. I am going crazy. This is more of a vent than anything:)
  • Apr 13, 2011, 05:07 PM

    Take a deep breath Start... :)
  • Apr 13, 2011, 05:15 PM


    I hope you feel better soon sweetie. Happy healing thoughts being sent your way.

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