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-   -   I like to buy a new camera suggest me one? (

  • May 16, 2013, 04:45 AM
    Film may be near obsolete but when done correctly there isn't a digital camera around yet that can match the quality of good film.

    The best of having digital is no processing. But they still have a long way to go to match the saturation you can achieve from film. The good thing is that all of the training you have gotten and experience you have can be applied to the digital format.
  • May 16, 2013, 07:15 AM
    ... realize now that you will probably want to demonstrate to your parents that photography is a legitimate use of your time and they may be the ones reluctant to allow or buy a better camera for you. Sounds like you might have to learn to become a better photographer with the equipment you have. If you have a budget, resistance seems unusual. $600 to $800 will actually buy you a very good camera. If it is your money and your parents want you to spend it wisely, then you have to convince them without nagging. If it is their money, sounds like you have more to work on and you might have to wait till your older. Learn the fine art of photography with the equipment you possess. Keep up your grades, show improvement in your writing, don't argue with your parents, keep up with your chores while your photography improves and perhaps they will relent.
  • May 16, 2013, 03:39 PM
    ... learning more on the internet about cameras and found that I forgot about an important part of the difference between a DSLR and a point and shoot. A DSLR will have an interchangeable lens. Point and shoots are mostly fixed zoom lens. Is that what you're asking about?

    If you're interested in taking wide angle or telephoto photographs, then an SLR is a must. SLRs are usually better quality cameras, and have more gadgets, bells and whistles, thus can be more expensive to own. Point and shoots are generally better for their price, convenience and simplicity. Professional photographers probably use SLRs when working and have point and shoots for spontaneous pics. Art can happen no matter the medium and because of the medium.

    Film vs digital is nearly the same situation. Film probably does make a better art print, but you have to send the film out for processing, or have your own darkroom if you want full control. Digital pics can be viewed immediately, and the photographer has full control of the digital image.

    Do you school homework frequently in front of your parents. Study about photography and art in front of your parents. Don't ask your parents directly for a new camera, but give hints around your birthday. Show them that you're learning about photography by showing pictures you've taken with the your current camera.

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