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  • Jul 6, 2012, 11:25 AM
    Invisible bugs biting & crawling on me
    I been getting bites on my body, face, & head. They also bites during the day. I can feel them crawling under my clothes. I bought new clothes to test if its my detergent. I go out in my new clothes for hrs & I don't have that feeling. But when I got home for like 20 minutes. I can feel them crawling on me. Also on my arms & legs when wearing shorts. But when I look I don't see anything there. The bites are small. It look like flea bites but doesn't have a blister when I pinched it & doesn't itch as much as flea bites. I've seen 1 very tiny, cleared long shaped bug at my old apt. And when I tried to catch it, it disappeared. I haven't seen it since then. I had 4 exterminators came out & they told me I don't have bedbugs. I already knew that. And that I need to find a sample for them before they can treat it. I thought that's the reason I called them so they can find out! One even ripped me off by telling me to have them send a dog (cost me $200) because he couldn't find anything. And that the dog can sniff out other bugs including mites. Then after they sent the dog, I found out their dogs can only sniff out bedbugs. When I already told them I don't have bedbugs! I kept calling tried to get my $ back. Of course they never call back or refund me. I just moved but they followed me to my new home. I been having this problem for more than a yr now. Please help!
  • Jul 6, 2012, 11:36 AM
    If you are absolutely positive it isn't bedbugs (which are light and almost clear like the one you found), I would consider white fleas or mites, both very hard to see. To save money, go to a hardware store and buy a flea bomb for each room and follow the instructions VERY carefully, including leaving all day and washing all dishes and clothes afterwards. You can buy them in 6 packs too.
  • Jul 6, 2012, 11:44 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    If you are absolutely positive it isn't bedbugs (which are light and almost clear like the one you found), I would consider white fleas or mites, both very hard to see. To save money, go to a hardwaire store and buy a flea bomb for each room and follow the instructions VERY carefully, including leaving all day and washing all dishes and clothes afterwards. You can buy them in 6 packs too.

    I have used the foggers probably more than 10 times. I've tried the Raids & the Hotshot foggers. Hotshot spray for outdoor. But none of them work didn't work.
  • Jul 6, 2012, 01:31 PM
    Its probably brujeria! Someone is doing a job on you!
  • Jul 9, 2012, 07:05 AM

    Originally Posted by rbdrbd View Post
    Its probably brujeria!! Someone is doing a job on you!

    I don't think it's that. My sis had used a clean sheet I brought from the old house but forgot to wash it before brought it in the new house & she felt it the next morning. Also, I go over to my bf's on the wknd & I don't feel anything.
  • Jul 12, 2012, 07:29 PM
    Those same bugs are biting me and my dog also. I sprayed raid max, flying bug spray. I sprinkled flea powder on carpet and even used bed bug solution. These bugs seem bite even after I sprayed myself with Off.
  • Jul 12, 2012, 09:59 PM
    JohnDoe, you and you dog have fleas, and you need flea treatment from a vet, plus foggers for you house.
  • Jul 13, 2012, 12:35 PM

    Originally Posted by JohnDoe30344 View Post
    those same bugs are biting me and my dog also. I sprayed raid max, flying bug spray. I sprinkled flea powder on carpet and even used bed bug solution. These bugs seem bite even after I sprayed myself with Off.


    Have you seen at least 1 before? I been doing a lot of research online. It seems like I have springtail. But I'm not sure since there might thousands of mites that look like that. I tried ecaulyptus oil, peppermint oil, & water in a spray bottle. I sprayed my comforter & clothes I wear after shower. I don't feel them until the next day. Been doing his for a few days. I don't know if it repel them or kill them. Im sure they are all over my house & for sure in my clothes. Washing & drying for an hr ( sometimes even longer) doesn't kill them. I just ordered cedar oil fogger. Hopefully it works. Will update on that.
  • Aug 12, 2012, 11:35 PM
    There are so many kinds of mites and many are willing to bite us if their preferred meal is not available like birds for example. I am wondering if you have any openings in your attic where birds can nest or other animals can get in.

    I am thinking you should try dusting everything, bedding, the rugs, couches, chairs, etc with food grade diatomaceos earth as that should handle the mites, as well bed bugs and fleas just in case they are part of the problem. It is often sold in health food and pet stores. Go to: and you will find lots of info on this product or Google food grade diatomacous earth. I have had good results using this to stop being bitten and laying in the DE does you no harm and washes off or vacuums up easily. Good luck.

    PS do not use the pool supply kind, must be food grade and do not buy the stuff they sell in the plant departments as it also has other ingredients that could harm you. Food grade can even be taken internally if you think you might be harboring intestinal parasites.
  • Aug 14, 2012, 12:34 AM
    I know its not from the outside. I had it since I was at my old apt. I just moved a few months ago to get away. They are stuck in my clothes that I can't seem to get rid of. I know for sure its not the detergent. Spraying ecaulyptus oil on my sheets & blanket is the only way I get a good night sleep.
  • Aug 14, 2012, 01:56 AM
    Okay so the infestation came with you, you still need to try the Diatomaceous earth I suggested. Look at the website and see how many critters it takes care of. You can dust your clothes, your rugs, yourself, your bed sheets, & pillows etc. I have done it for myself. You will sleep, wake up and shower as your skin will be dry but the relief is very fast. You can also leave it around your base boards and in the window sills so that it keeps on killing the buggers as you want to get he next generation as they will have laid eggs in your home and everywhere. Good luck.
  • Sep 2, 2012, 04:22 PM
    I have been dealing with this invisible, biting bugs mess since early April of this year... now 5 full months. I have tried Borax, Diatemaceous Earth, Cedar oil fogging (for 4 weeks daily), carpet neutralization/sanitation and still have the problem. It is also significant in my car where I also tried each of these methods at separate times with great effort to be thorough!

    I moved into this apartment over the course of Jan-March, living here only part time in those months. When I started living here full time in early April the crawling, then biting stuff started. I also brought in my cat at that time--a clean, house cat with no problems before here and although he has since checked out healthy 2x with the vet... he is flicking stuff off himself when he is in the apartment.

    Originally I thought that old boxes of paper stuff had been infested with mites and that brought them over from my old place. Now I think that whatever it is it may have been air borne because in my new place that would have been the time when I would leave windows open for long periods and there is often a strong wind from the south that blows in. Sooo, I still know little about the pest.

    I've had four different exterminators come in and none could help because they can't see anything :(

    I soak my clothes in the cedar oil product for laundry and that DOES help. I ended up replacing ALL my previous clothing because the pest problem built up in them. I have been wearing newer clothing now for 2 months I think, and I always soak clothing and bedding for 1 hour before laundering in hot water and drying on High heat. These newer clothes mostly still seem good---I noticed a few problems recently but don't consider it permanent at this time.

    This problem for me is compounded with parasites... unknown to me if it is part of the same bug/cycle or if they are separate entities. BTW: Medical doctors are incredibly unable to help if you suspect a parasitic condition... much better to seek help from more naturopathic type doctors.

    After getting some help with the parasitic problem it is clearer that there is DEFINITELY a biting "something" that lives in the carpet of both my car and apartment. I no longer consider it a possible reaction to anything other than actual bugs... its way to exact... the location of the largest problem, the sensation and related skin irratation----which however, are NOT always a result after the biting sensation. So, of course, that creates another level of confusion around this problem.
  • Sep 5, 2012, 08:01 AM
    I'm stumped... I also have something in my apt. Can't see them, but as soon as I get home they find me. I feel a crawling sensation and an annoying bite. Tried bombing, 20 Mule Borax on brand new berber carpet, which I feel was installed with eggs that hatched during a heat wave. I heard Windex of all things kills them but no luck. I vacuum everyday, to no avail. This SUCKS!! I see my 2 year old scratching and it breaks my heart that I can't help her.
    They also seem to love my crotch area. Lovely... Its too embarrassing to talk about with nieghbors or friends. So now what?
    I ordered a steamer. Maybe that will work. Keep you posted...
  • Sep 13, 2012, 04:50 PM
    Cedar oil did not work for me. I soaked my clothes for 2 hrs in the PCO for laundry didn't work either. What a waste of $500! I'm trying DE now. Will update
  • Sep 13, 2012, 05:49 PM
    Invisible probably means mites. There are thousands of kinds, and many are extremely hard to get rid of, like bird mites. Anyone have birds at your old apt?
  • Sep 17, 2012, 12:12 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Invisible probably means mites. There are thousands of kinds, and many are extremely hard to get rid of, like bird mites. Anyone have birds at your old apt?

    I agree, mites are so tiny and I never could see them but they love to bite you and especially like crotches.. the softer the skin the better is their motto! I used powdered sulphur, sprinkled it on my breasts as that is where they bit me the worse, and my boyfriend's crotch. In the end, we had to find the source which was in a corner eaves where there was a bird's nest... worse there were dead baby birds in the nest, & when they died the mites searched for new blood host... they prefer birds but will use humans if no birds are available. Sulphur is a very old cure... why not try it? I think they sell it at drugstores. Good luck.
  • Sep 28, 2012, 12:44 AM
    No one complain about this problem at the apt. So I'm guessing not. I live on the bottle floor so if something is on the roof they the tenants on the top would have the problem. My apt was not near any trees.
  • Sep 28, 2012, 12:58 AM
    Also I had 4 exterminators came out and couldn't find anything. 1 even told me you can see mites. Even the baby ones. I told him he must have really good eyes and he's like 50 years old. I moved out of the apt but still feel them in my clothes. Sometimes feel bugs jumping on my legs and face when lied down. Currently trying DE powder and boiling some clothes. I shower and got out of the house in the boiled clothes. It felt OK at first then started to feel a little crawly feeling after a while. Don't know if it didn't work or they got on me that quick.
  • Oct 10, 2012, 07:21 PM
    I had the exact, same symptoms. I took picutres of everything, including poop and skin. What I found is unbelievable to Americans, but not in the UK. I had worms, so I did a parasite cleanse. That helped, but I still felt crawling. With the pics, I found out I had been invaded by a cloth moth. Either the Webbing Cloth moth or the Casemaking Cloth Moth. They eat hair and love keratin, protein and vitamin B. That's what I had. If you are still suffering, take pictures and enlarge them. Doctors don't know about this stuff and will call you delusional and won't help you anymore. I use edible organic diatomacious earth fm internet on my skin or Calamine clear with Noxema or face cream on top. Take 1c salt and @ 1c vinegar baths to clean them out 2x or 3x a day. Vacuum EVERY day and throw away the bag so u don't get reinfested. My sister is a clean freak and she got this before I did. Hope this helps.
  • Oct 11, 2012, 09:30 PM
    Buy a microscope for $10 at Walgreens (toy section) and scrape your own skin where you feel something moving to see what you have.

    After treating for mites for months including moving and giving away my dogs... I finally did that and found I have some sort of microscopic worms! Yuck. I couldn't believe my eyes. They were worms. I'm being given two doses of Ivermectin. Cross my fingers this will work. BTW- mine included bites that ran from my tail bone and moved up my spine and then spread out across my back. I don't know what these are but this is awful.
  • Oct 11, 2012, 09:34 PM

    Originally Posted by sft001 View Post
    Cedar oil did not work for me. I soaked my clothes for 2 hrs in the PCO for laundry didn't work either. What a waste of $500!! I'm trying DE now. Will update

    Buy a microscope and scrape your skin - I did and I have worms not mites.
  • Nov 25, 2012, 12:50 PM
    I to have a problem with itching I'm told it could be mites I have spent hundreds on treatments moved home and they came with me, it has made me a nervous wreck,it has gone on for months,aloa veraoil in the bath helps ease the itching on body and I have sprayed it all over the home in warm water it has eased it a bit but at night it starts up again I am waiting for lab results to see what mite it is, I bought a new bed so have been told the mites may have came from the wooden slats,some people have said I won't get rid of them unless I get rid of my stuff in the home and then move and start again,I am seriously considering this as I cannot live like this much more it has affected my health big time .
  • Nov 26, 2012, 04:58 AM
    Hi I am going through same thing at present I have moved to and they came with me,it's a living hell,they are more active at night, I am sleeping on sofa now, I'm told it could be a bed bug mite they are hard to see , I have some samples sent off and waiting for reply,I got some tea tree oil to bath in it does stop the irritation a bitand I add a few drops to my shampoo,I have searched the web for answers to only one I found said she had left all her stuff behind went to a b&b showered put on new clothes then done the same in another b&b.then found a new home sound drastic but I am so thinking on this myself .I have been told I may never be rid of them as they are so small hard to find in home I am trying the tea tree oil in a spray bottle around home its quieter for a while .I will let you know when I get results back and if it can be cured regards Anne
  • Dec 3, 2012, 05:47 PM
    less itchy
    Try Lysol disinfectant spray. The kind in a can that smells strongly of alcohol. It doesn't matter what scent. Spray it with a mist over everything, your carpet, furniture, mattress, chairs, everything. Make sure to not inhale it, use something to cover your face. After spraying, then go outside for fresh air. Then vacuum your rugs, and spray your rugs again. I just do it about a couple feet in the air and let the mist fall on the carpet, furniture, etc. Buy Lysol concentrate. It's in a brown and yellow bottle. The concentrated version is stronger than the regular clear bottle one. Do your laundry and put 1 cup of Lysol concentrate with "Tide with bleach alternative" detergent and wash in hot water. Let me know if this improves. It worked for me. Good luck and hang in there. P.S. I haven't done this yet, but I heard 3 capfuls of Lysol concentrate in a warm full bath will help them out of your skin, hair and face too. I actually had them in my face, on my cheeks. It was "rosacea". Google it, it has now been proven that most rosacea is demodex mites... For one week, I couldn't get them out of my cheeks, because my boyfriend decided to put a pillow case on my pillow that had been sitting in my linen closet. BTW, use white 600 thread count sheets. It is hard for them to penetrate the threading. White, so you can bleach them ;) Anyway, after a week of having "acne" and putting tea tree oil, witchy hazel, coconut oil, anything and everything... Since the Lysol worked I took a Lysol wipe and wiped my cheeks with it and after 1 minute I rinsed it with warm water. No more redness, no more bites, no more itchy crawling on my face. Bleach and lysol kills these bugs. In laundry use Tide with bleach alternative because the bleach alternative is like hydrogen peroxide it fizzles the bugs out of the fabric and the lysol kills them. Good luck and kill these rascals before they spread to other loved ones around you.
  • Dec 3, 2012, 05:52 PM
    less itchy

    Originally Posted by mitebuster View Post
    Buy a microscope and scrape your skin - I did and I have worms not mites.

    Mites are worms at first. They are larvae. Try lysol. It has greatly helped me.

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