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  • Nov 1, 2009, 04:47 PM
    Invisible flying, biting, and itching bugs into everything in my home. What is this?
    I need your help in reference to an invisible flying parasite of some kind in my home that is literally killing me by the minute. This invisible parasite is biting and itching me everywhere on the body but it doesn't leave any rashes, bumps, sores, or anything on the skin. However, they do attack the back of the hands and wrist causing constant itching, so much so that I have to use a doctor's prescription cream to relieve painful itching hands and to avoid scratching them. If I scratch the hands , it will leave permanent scarring. When these bugs fly into my face or other body parts, it feels like a web like formation of some kind but I also feel single bugs crawling into my nose and other places while causing irritation. They seem to embed themselves deep into things and even my skin where they build a nest, mostly the groin area and chest or hairy parts of the body. They are everywhere and into everything in my home even the walls, ceilings, freezer, oven, and seem to hide more in the closets, cabinets, and dark areas of the home, or places that are not frequented often. Also, if I occupy an area of the home for too long , they will start attacking me like crazy, like maybe to the point where my whole body feels like it's on fire, so if I don't complete this letter, you'll know why. When I'm out in public places, I can feel these bugs flying out of my clothes and sometimes they get into my mouth and I begin to cough and choke. I have tried everything known to man and woman to get rid of these pests but nothing ever works. Currently, I am using a hand held steamer to steam everything in order to keep the germs at bay and to keep these pests somewhat under control but still I feel them biting and itching too often. I have to steam my entire kitchen down every morning before cooking because the bugs are everywhere and into everything and they're biting and itching me all over. My friends and relatives don't want to come over to visit because they claim they have been bitten many times by these pests and they don't want these bugs to attack them and wind up in their homes as well. This bug is contagious and goes everywhere I go. This problem is worst than death itself, and when these bugs attack my legs and other areas , my body feels like it's on fire. It takes me one hour to take a shower because these bugs are embedded deep into my skin. I also feel fatigued and very tired all the time and sneeze a lot as a result of these pests. My electric bill is extremely high because I have to machine wash my clothes and dishes more often. What on earth is this flying bug and how do I get rid of it?. or better yet, is it possible?
  • Nov 1, 2009, 05:15 PM

    Let me refer you to a first step. Please click this link:

    There are some mites small enough to be nearly invisible, but not completely.

    Itch Mites Prevention and Control

    Please go step by step to eliminate environmental causes before going crazy with pesticides.
  • Nov 3, 2009, 09:22 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post

    Let me refer you to a first step. Please click this link:

    There are some mites small enough to be nearly invisible, but not completely.

    Itch Mites Prevention and Control

    Please go step by step to eliminate environmental causes before going crazy with pesticides.

    Hey Catsmine,

    For starters, thank you for trying to answer my question to the best of your knowledge and giving me the steps you provided. However, I have already been through all of these steps seven years ago when I first had this problem with these pests. This issue is much more complex and complicated. This is a new strain of an invisible flying parasite (see article below) which forms a web-like formation and is airborne in mid air everywhere in my home, so much so, that when you walk around my home and walk into this web-like formation of parasites, they immediately attack the WHOLE body and they REMAIN attacking making your whole body feel like it's on FIRE!. while at the same time they concentrate on attacking more so in the nose, thus causing severe irritation there, and the other parts they attack are on the back of the hands and wrist area, chest, groin, and upper legs and thigh area. The web-like formation of these parasites remain in these areas until you take a shower and scrub them out which are embedded deep into your skin , but if you take too long to shower they will build a nest in those areas mentioned above and it will be even much harder to get your body zero tolerance free of these parasites. This is only one of many ways these parasites attack, but there is not enough room here to go more into detail. As I've said earlier in this letter, this bug is very complex and complicated. What I am experiencing has nothing to do with environmental causes or internal illnesses of some kind as you suggested. EVERYBODY who came or comes to my home says they experienced the Same feeling from this bug. This bug does more than just simply bite, it has many different functions and is very hard to get rid of and keep under control. And, the worst part in dealing with this parasite is that no one ever believes me when I tell them about this bug. So now, I tell any and everybody if they doubt or don't believe what I'm going through with this new flying parasite to feel free to make an appointment with me in order to stay at my home for at least one week and then you'll see for YOURSELF how bad this new flying parasite makes you feel. This may seem a bit extreme but I think that it's the only way for people to TRULY believe and understand what I'm experiencing in my home. What I need from you and others on this site is to let me know how to find out EXACTLY what kind of parasite this is so I can eradicate it for good , if possible. If not then it's time for me to move out and start over from scratch, otherwise, this could turn into a serious depression or mental illness.

    Below is an article I found after doing a lot of research on line in reference to this invisible and strange bug. The reason I'm using this particular article is because it closely resembles what I'm experiencing in my home.

    Page 2
    From: Natural



    NOTE: The following article was written by a customer who is suffering from the effects of some type of unidentified parasite. We are grateful for her willingness to share her thoughts.
    “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” Matthew 24:7 NKJV

    In the U.S. unidentified parasites are infesting the cloths of new garment retailers. Shoppers beware! Many textile products are being imported from foreign countries which have lower manufacturing standards. The U.S. inspections and shipping industry have failed to detect parasites. As a result, consumers are contracting parasites from NEW retail clothing and textile products. Any store that sells imported textiles (clothing, furniture, carpeting) can have these parasites. Infested hotels, rental cars, offices, and public transportation can be a source of transmission, also.
    There have been reports of infested clothing in retail outlets on the East Coast. These parasites are not limited to the East Coast. The problem is nationwide. Parasite infested clothing is being sold at low and high-priced retailers. Therefore, people of all economic levels will be impacted.
    The retail garment industry is infested with a parasite that's uncommon to the US. It's not a mite, flea, lice, collembolan, spring tail, sand fly, or anything your doctor would be familiar with. Some retailers mistakenly call it a “cloth flea”. Yet it's a parasite that poses serious health risks.

    Parasites are not bugs or insects. They're organisms that carry diseases and other parasites. Ectoplasm's are external and live outside the human body. People of all ages and nationalities are at risk of being exposed to the unidentified parasite.

    White; usually bright white
    Buff (beige or peach)
    {The original parasite source is WHITE. Yet colors may change over time.}

    1) Tiny and round about the size of a spec of salt
    2) Tiny and oblong shaped (They resemble a tiny piece of thread or fiber.)

    The babies are about 1/16 inches long. Average length is less than 1/8 inches long. (1/8 inches is the length of an extracted ink pen tip. 1/16 inches is one-half of that.) The parasite can grow longer.

    Varies according to parasite's maturity. Average width is about twice the size of sewing thread. It can grow as wide as a grain of rice.
    (# 1 and # 2 could be different forms of the same parasite. # 1 could be an egg. I'm not certain. Long-time infested retailers will have both tiny and larger sizes.)

    You can't see the body of the parasite. The body is hidden by its folded wings. When it's airborne, you see only its fluttering wings.
    Note: The parasite doesn't look like an insect. If it's dormant, people won't notice it.

    Item # 2 (described above) is the main culprit that moves and bites. This parasite can fly, jump, and crawl. It flies real fast. You must look at the right time in order to see it flying. The parasite flies occasionally. **It spends most of its time resting on something. It likes hair, clothing, and dark colored items.
    The parasite's location is not limited to the hair, clothing, and body. It will infest fabric and non-fabric items. Once it gets into a home, the parasite spreads quickly. It will get in every room and everything! IE, wallets, pocketbooks, paper, plastic, boxes, cabinets, etc. Wherever you go, it travels with you. IE, your car, office, school, etc.
    The parasite can travel from shopping bags to your car. They'll spread to the trunk. So exercise precaution when handling newly purchased items.
    If someone has contact with the flying parasite, they may experience the following physical symptoms:
    1) Bites that sting.
    2) Red skin rashes-caused by contact with the parasite and/or its eggs.
    3) Lighting sensations; Victims may feel the parasite or its eggs lighting on their skin.
    4) Itching (optional).
    (Based on the sensitivity of one's skin, some victims have an itching problem.)
    The biting occurs on exposed and non-exposed skin. The parasites get underneath one's clothing and bite everywhere. I've been bitten while shopping in stores!
    Some people may not notice symptoms. That depends on the degree of exposure and their skin sensitivity. Biting is the first symptom that prompts victims to examine themselves. Exposure to heavily infested clothing and environments may increase the severity of one's symptoms.
    An infestation occurs when parasites are transmitted to the body, hair, or clothing of an individual. Within a few days, numerous parasites will appear on the skin, hair, clothing, in the car, etc. They multiply like crazy! Daily visual examinations are crucial.
    **If anyone has the same parasite infestation, their pest description and symptoms should be identical (as stated in the above sections). The only variation is related to itching. Over a period, they may experience disease symptoms. IE, swelling ankles The full list of symptoms can't be assessed until the parasite is identified or a case study is done among infected patients.

    People with less sensitive skin may unknowingly carry the parasite. Some folks can live with an infested person and not notice the parasites. The parasites will be on their clothing, and they'll transfer them other places. I've seen them fly off one's clothing!

    It can be in any public place. Fast breeding allows this parasite to quickly invade ALL environments. IE, a home, car, clothing, office.

    Every time parasites bite, they inject diseases into the body. Some diseases may lead to DEATH.

    Parasite infested people should avoid public contact during heavy infestation. They should stay at home. After a significant reduction, they can go out. Yet their clothing and hair should be sprayed first. The other daily routines must continue. (see below)

    The parasite loves hair, and that's a breeding spot. Parasite victims either shave their head or keep it covered. Hair must be washed daily using a pest killing formula.

    Dry cleaning does not kill the parasite. Instead, it causes the spread of parasites to dry cleaning personnel and other customers. **Do not take infested clothing to the dry cleaners!
    Machine washing new clothing does NOT kill parasites on infested garments. Infestation victims have used Borax, Ammonia, Vinegar, and other chemical products. None of the chemicals yield a complete removal of the parasite including unhatched eggs. After a HOT washing/drying, parasites can fly out the machine. Therefore, infested clothing must be handled very carefully. (Just one infested item can cause your entire closet to get infested.)
    NOTE: Heavily infested clothing should be burned. Get rid of everything that's infested!

    Keep dirty cloths sprayed with RID and stored separately. (dirty = anything you've worn) Wash linen and worn cloths every day (with a pest killing product). Use a soak cycle. **If parasites remain in an environment, they'll get back on you. It's an ongoing battle.

    Infested children must be monitored and treated likewise. Keep them out of school and away from other kids. Place Vaseline in their ears, nostrils, and eyebrows.

    I haven't found a pesticide that completely removes the parasite and its eggs. Yet daily spraying and fumigation is required. Over a period, it will yield some relief. Due to fast breeding, the infestation is extremely difficult to eliminate permanently. It's almost impossible to remove from an infested home (unless you can clean EVERY inch of space using a pest/egg removal product). Your work environment needs extermination, also.

    Infestation victims are often mistreated by the medical community. Doctors often won't touch and examine infested patients. Some have given patients a false diagnosis of scabies. Then they rush the patient out the office or hospital. Others might avoid having the patient visit their office. Discrimination has occurred among non-white patients.
    In some cases, Entomologists and doctors diagnosed patients as having “delusional parasitisms”. That's a “rare disorder in which sufferers hold a delusional belief they are infested with parasites.” (It's easier for professionals to accuse you of being “delusional” than to admit they don't know something!) Parasite victims must be able to handle these challenges.

    Entomologists, Health Departments, medical doctors, and pest control companies are NOT familiar with this parasite! Victims have wasted time sending samples to Entomologists. Some professionals will claim there's no such thing. Health departments rely on information from the Entomologists. They can't offer assistance without confirmation of a parasite infestation. Entomologists can't identify the parasite. Therefore, parasite victims can't get HELP.
    The flying parasite needs to be identified by an Eco-parasitologist. There's a shortest of Parasitologist's in the U.S. They won't respond to individuals who contact them. Without scientific identification, the American medicine and pest control industry won't acknowledge the existence of the parasite. Therefore, adequate treatment can't be administered. As the parasite spreads, the American health community is not prepared for an epidemic!

    Parasite infestation victims have to do their own research. Don't be deceived by Entomologists who say “Parasites don't fly”. Their expertise is insects not parasites. Parasite websites, such as | Skin Parasites | What Is Morgellons | Skin Itching Treatment | Infectious Disease DNA have no ID information.
    The unidentified parasite is not related to Magellan's/Fiber Disease. It's not a nematode. In 2006, it was reported to the CDC Parasitic Disease Branch in Atlanta. Their response was non-chalet and unhelpful. As of today, I've heard no reports about a federal investigation. This parasite may become widespread before officials take a real initiative to investigate it.

    If you're waiting for an official announcement, don't hold your breath! The federal government won't acknowledge anything caused by their oversight or political decisions. IE, NAFTA It's up to YOU to start examining all clothing and textile products. Be vigilant wherever you go.
    We're living in the “end times”. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. {Luke 21:11} You can't avoid the “end time” pestilence--an epidemic outbreak of infectious diseases. So you might as well get prepared to deal with it now. It's even more important that you do a spiritual assessment. Only Christians who endure until the end will be saved. {Matthew 10:22, Mark 13:13} If you die today, where will you spend eternity?
    If you have any identification or extermination information regarding the parasite, please write me asap.
    ~~Please do not write me regarding lice, biting mites, invisible biting bugs, or other parasites. Write only if you have information pertinent to the parasite described in this particular article.~~
    Write me at: Thanks!
    (submitted by a customer and devout Christian, April 2007)
  • Nov 4, 2009, 04:44 AM
    First, the article was written by a con artist who was on here a while back trying to sell colloidal silver to get rid of these "invisible parasites." Not in my house.

    Secondly, if you want to find out what's going on, lose the hyperbole. It sounds panicky and hysterical. I keep this forum rational and scientific, or try to.

    Now, let's address what I can glean from your question.

    The "web like formation" is also completely invisible? Have you ever been able to see it if you clean it with a broom or rag? Some webs are fine enough that they have to be bunched up to be seen. Webbing that fine is normally spider silk. Or did you mean by "formation" that they are in one spot like Mayflies in a thermal current?

    When they "immediately attack the whole body," does it matter if body parts are clothed? It should take some discernable amount of time between bites on bare skin and covered. If bare skin and covered skin are irritated at the same time, you should probably look for an internal cause, possibly being triggered by an outside agency.

    How deep into the skin do you have to scrub to get rid of them in the shower, and how long do you have before they "build a nest?" I don't expect you have a clock in your shower, but is it just a minute or two or several minutes?

    Your situation sounds more fungal than insectoid, here is a website that may help if so:
    Diagnose-Me - Start The Analyst
  • Nov 4, 2009, 08:47 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    First, the article was written by a con artist who was on here a while back trying to sell colloidal silver to get rid of these "invisible parasites." Not in my house.

    Secondly, if you want to find out what's going on, lose the hyperbole. It sounds panicky and hysterical. I keep this forum rational and scientific, or try to.

    Now, let's address what I can glean from your question.

    The "web like formation" is also completely invisible? Have you ever been able to see it if you clean it with a broom or rag? Some webs are fine enough that they have to be bunched up to be seen. Webbing that fine is normally spider silk. Or did you mean by "formation" that they are in one spot like Mayflies in a thermal current?

    When they "immediately attack the whole body," does it matter if body parts are clothed? It should take some discernable amount of time between bites on bare skin and covered. If bare skin and covered skin are irritated at the exact same time, you should probably look for an internal cause, possibly being triggered by an outside agency.

    How deep into the skin do you have to scrub to get rid of them in the shower, and how long do you have before they "build a nest?" I don't expect you have a clock in your shower, but is it just a minute or two or several minutes?

    Your situation sounds more fungal than insectoid, here is a website that may help if so:
    Diagnose-Me - Start The Analyst

    First of all, I'm not going to judge this guys website or his selling practices because that is completely irrelevant to my issue. If you'd READ my letters more carefully, you'd realize and understand what I said. To REPEAT... I said, "Below is an article I found after doing a lot of research on line in reference to this invisible and strange bug. The reason I'm using this particular article is because it closely resembles what I'm experiencing in my home."

    So, there you have it. I have no interest in this guys site or anything else for that matter. All I know is that after reading the Christian woman's article of what she is experiencing, it closely resembles the Same thing I am experiencing in my home. And yes, I do believe everything she wrote. I'm not such a doubting and disbelieving Thomas as you are. I can totally relate to what she wrote in her article because I've been living with it for 7 years.

    Second point, I'm not being hyperbole at all, I'm simply trying to explain EXACTLY the way it is in my home with these pests. Moreover, because you didn't carefully read my letter and you don't believe or understand what I wrote to you in the first letter, I found it necessary to expand on it in more detail, but I see that you still don't get it. Duh... Oh well, maybe I need to start getting HYPERBOLE.

    The "web like formation" is also completely invisible? Again, if you read carefully what I wrote you would know these pests are completely invisible. The web-like formations are completely airborne and invisible and seem to dangle in mid air in different areas through out my home. When I walk into a room or anywhere in my home , and especially if it's a dark room, I can feel them attacking me all over the body with clothes on or off, it doesn't matter. These bugs are like spirits or something, they go right through your clothing very fast and immediately attack the chest, groin and any area they desire to attack. When people come over to visit me they have their clothes on and they tell me that they feel bugs attacking them, which tells me that this is NOT an internal problem of some kind that I'm experiencing. I mean, come on, all of these people, and there have been many who entered my home can't possibly be wrong, or have internal problems. I don't buy that for even a second. Another reason I know it's NOT internal is because when I use the hand held steamer and kill them in the room I'm occupying , I don't feel them any more in that room until they come back to take over that area again which is usually two days or so. Furthermore, I don't feel them while I'm out of my home except for the ones that are flying out of my clothes. So again, it's not anything internal or wrong with me, I can promise you that much!!

    Usually, if I don't take a shower the same day that these bugs attack, which could be several times a day or more, like maybe if I am sick or something and can't get out of bed for a couple of days, the bugs will build a nest in hairy parts of the body where they begin to penetrate deep into the skin, and as a result of that happening it then takes me even longer to shower in order to get them out of those hairy areas. When I turn the water on or off I can feel the bugs attacking and biting me even while in the shower.

    As I've stated in my last letter, this new invisible flying parasite is very complex and complicated, and it is difficult to explain and fully understand. For this reason alone, I have people come to stay at my home for at least a week so they can experience first hand what I go through each and everyday with these pests.

    I spoke with health officials earlier today from the U.S. Health Department and they suggested having someone come out to my home with a microscope with a camera attached and take a picture of this bug and then have it sent to a lab for testing to see exactly what it is . This way I'll know for sure what this bug is and begin treatment in my home if possible. Are you aware of any labs that will take samples in my home to determine what this bug is? Thank you!
  • Nov 5, 2009, 03:24 AM
    Taking pictures from a microscope would probably best be done by someone from your local university's biology department.

    Since you live in the US, you might contact your county Agricultural Extension office. They may not have anyone on staff who can help you determine what it is, but they'll have a better idea of the resources available locally.
  • Nov 25, 2009, 03:56 PM
    I believe everything you are saying as I have been suffering from the almost the same problem. The only difference is I do not detect any web like conditions. But I do detect multiple bites in different locations on my body at the same time. Yes -- it is weird but perhaps some temperature or pheromone or whatever in us triggers the biting.
    I mix over-the-counter 25% deet solution with alcohol and spray everything cloth, especially clothing, with it. I spry the ceilings and walls with an insecticide everyday several times. I constantly wash clothes. I keep clothing in rubbermaid tubs. The number of things I have to do just to be able to survive is heartbreaking. Sleep is so precious.
    I think the real problem is not being able to kill the eggs on these things.
    I, too , have had these things for 6 years. However, I have not encountered anyone else who is troubled by them who has come into my living environment. I have severely limited my contact with others.
    I have lost my job, my home, and most of my belongings. I think I am slowly losing my sanity as I do not have much reason to live in this tortuous way. Doctors, Extension offices, pest control agencies, psychics, the CDC.. . Forget it -- no one wants to help. I've tried hundreds of different solutions, some were mercifully at least temporary and others totally useless.
    I am thinking that these things may be everywhere now, other postings I have seen place this phenomenon we are experiencing in the same time frame -- 6 to 7 years ago. I don't know why. Perhaps only some people attract these things and from what I can tell they love cottony, but actually any, cloth and paper. Perhaps it is the clothing, bedding, and carpets they desire and as a human -- I am just a warm biteable object in the way, they do not seem to draw blood, just bite the skin.
    Please let me know if you find a solution. I am again trying diatomaceous earth and sulphur creams.
    God luck.
  • Nov 25, 2009, 04:00 PM

    I believe everything you are saying as I have been suffering from the almost the same problem. The only difference is I do not detect any web like conditions. But I do detect multiple bites in different locations on my body at the same time.

    Yes -- it is weird but perhaps some temperature or pheromone or whatever in us triggers the biting.

    I mix over-the-counter 25% deet solution with alcohol and spray everything cloth, especially clothing, with it. I spray the ceilings and walls with an insecticide everyday several times. My car as well. I constantly wash clothes. I keep clothing in rubbermaid tubs. The number of things I have to do just to be able to survive is heartbreaking. Sleep is so precious and preparations for it extensive.

    I think the real problem is not being able to kill the eggs on these things.
    I, too , have had these things for a long time -- 6 years. However, I have not encountered anyone else who is troubled by them who has come into my living environment. I have severely limited my contact with others.

    Most because of stress and lack of sleep, I have lost my job, my home, and most of my belongings. I think I am slowly losing my sanity as I do not have much reason to live in this tortuous way. Doctors, Extension offices, pest control agencies, psychics, the CDC.. . Forget it -- no one wants to help. I've tried hundreds of different solutions, some were mercifully at least temporary and others totally useless.

    I am thinking that these things may be everywhere now, other postings I have seen place this phenomenon we are experiencing in the same time frame -- 6 to 7 years ago. I don't know why.

    Perhaps only some people attract these things and from what I can tell they love cottony, but actually any, cloth and paper. Perhaps it is the clothing, bedding, and carpets they desire and as a human -- I am just a warm biteable object in the way, they do not seem to draw blood, just bite the skin and crawl around. HORRIBLE.

    Please let me know if you find a solution. I am again trying diatomaceous earth and sulphur creams as well as the above I described.
  • Nov 25, 2009, 05:37 PM
    Have you looked at this website?

    Home - Morgellons Research Foundation
  • Nov 25, 2009, 07:32 PM
    I have read quite a bit on Morgellons and no it is not Morgellons. I do not have any fibers or tunneling. It is also not lice or mites although the biting areas are similar to sarcoptic mites. [I have been tested for mites].

    These pests are airborne, the sie of tiny dust particles and almost impossible to see. I can see them occasionally in the car in the bright sunlight against a black background. Seems impossible? I have opened rubbermaid tubs of clothing stored for over a year and seen these things fly out.
  • Nov 26, 2009, 03:40 AM
    There are many species of nearly microscopic mites.

    Itch Mites Prevention and Control

    Have you tried to catch a sample for an I.D.
  • Nov 26, 2009, 10:17 AM
    The only way I have read to take a sample is a skin scraping. Since I cannot see them, I do not know where to scrape. I have been tested for scabies and nothing was found. I had my house tested by three pest companies [taking samples from window sills and floor] and they found nothing [I am sure that they were only looking for something that they knew how to treat]. I had a cloth from my car tested as there were thousands of these things in it and three mites were found by a pest company. They said that was not unusual and that there was no way to determine what kind of mites these were because mites are difficult to type. They could not help me as they did not treat for mites. I reiterate that mites do not fly [I know that some travel on air currents] and what I could see that I had flew in definable patterns].

    I brought the car to a specialty company and had the car totally cleaned and ozoned for 3 weeks and my apartment sprayed multiple times for mites and for flying insects although none were found in the apartment. The spraying provided about one day of relief each time. I bought a cold fogger and sprayed the apartment with poisons. That resulted in one day of relief each time.

    I continue to this day of washing bedding and clothing each day, and showering twice a day, coating myself with creams and lotions after each shower. I spray my clothes with alcohol and DEET before and after I put them on, and I spray the bedding with the same before I go to bed and again during the night if I get out o bed for some reason. I wake often and need to reapply lotions.

    Your article says that itch mites cannot live in the home. I have read many articles on mites and it seems improbable that these are mites as it does not seem that mites could live though all the poisons.
  • Nov 26, 2009, 05:46 PM
    You can't find any samples in the house. Has anyone put out sticky trap monitors to catch a specimen?

    Are there any lesions or bite marks on your skin aside from what you leave when you scratch? A rash or pattern of hives could indicate something other than insects, possibly fungal or environmental nerve toxins.
  • Nov 26, 2009, 07:20 PM
    Yes, the pest control people put down sticky traps 3 times: nothing, or so they say.

    Yes, teeny tiny bumps that can be felt more than seen. No specific patterns. Were much much worse when I was in my house. I suppose that they could be caused by other than insects but do fungal and nerve toxins live in fabrics and fly against the skin? Do they fly out of fabrics when stored for a year? Would they be flying around my car, getting tangled in my hair, clustering in my eyebrows? Are they alleviated with insecticides?

    It seems that pest control and doctors only want to find something that they already know about as something different is inconvenient and does not have a predetermined protocol. How I WISH that my problem was NOT an insect of some type.
  • Nov 26, 2009, 08:28 PM

    Originally Posted by nuitgoddess View Post

    It seems that pest control and doctors only want to find something that they already know about as something different is inconvenient and does not have a predetermined protocol.

    What we want is concrete evidence of something. If you can see them you can catch them. If the people you have brought in cannot do it, you will have to. Until you know what it is, you will never be rid of it.

    There are dozens of different types of traps using liquid/color/food/sex attractant pheromones to get insects into the catch area. Start at Wally world, try theirs, then go to Lowe's, then Home Depot, then Tractor Supply, etc.

    Good Luck
  • Dec 11, 2009, 06:02 PM

    I do wish if you find the answer to your problem you would let me know. I have the same problem.
  • Dec 20, 2009, 05:46 PM
    Possibly Morgellons

    Originally Posted by zenalpha View Post
    I need your help in reference to an invisible flying parasite of some kind in my home that is literally killing me by the minute. This invisible parasite is biting and itching me everywhere on the body but it doesn't leave any rashes, bumps, sores, or anything on the skin. However, they do attack the back of the hands and wrist causing constant itching, so much so that i have to use a doctor's prescription cream to relieve painful itching hands and to avoid scratching them. If I scratch the hands , it will leave permanent scarring. When these bugs fly into my face or other body parts, it feels like a web like formation of some kind but I also feel single bugs crawling into my nose and other places while causing irritation. They seem to embed themselves deep into things and even my skin where they build a nest, mostly the groin area and chest or hairy parts of the body. They are everywhere and into everything in my home even the walls, ceilings, freezer, oven, and seem to hide more in the closets, cabinets, and dark areas of the home, or places that are not frequented often. Also, if I occupy an area of the home for too long , they will start attacking me like crazy, like maybe to the point where my whole body feels like it's on fire, so if i don't complete this letter, you'll know why. When I'm out in public places, I can feel these bugs flying out of my clothes and sometimes they get into my mouth and I begin to cough and choke. I have tried everything known to man and woman to get rid of these pests but nothing ever works. Currently, I am using a hand held steamer to steam everything in order to keep the germs at bay and to keep these pests somewhat under control but still I feel them biting and itching too often. I have to steam my entire kitchen down every morning before cooking because the bugs are everywhere and into everything and they're biting and itching me all over. My friends and relatives don't want to come over to visit because they claim they have been bitten many times by these pests and they don't want these bugs to attack them and wind up in their homes as well. This bug is contagious and goes everywhere I go. This problem is worst than death itself, and when these bugs attack my legs and other areas , my body feels like it's on fire. It takes me one hour to take a shower because these bugs are embedded deep into my skin. I also feel fatigued and very tired all the time and sneeze a lot as a result of these pests. My electric bill is extremely high because I have to machine wash my clothes and dishes more often. What on earth is this flying bug and how do I get rid of it?... or better yet, is it possible?

    I am experiencing the same thing you are except they bite me on certain parts of my body, like the sides of my body underneath my arms where my rib cage is and my butt cheeks and under my neck after I shave. I have had these things for now three years and no one can tell me what it is.. They think I am crazy, I have had biospy tried every fumigation there is every bug spray there is nothing helps.. I feel them in my hair like swarms of them and face, at night when I sleep they are there in every nook and crany of my home.. They are in my clothes, furniture, my car anything that is fabric, wood, or metal or human or animal. I noticed when I have sprayed or fumigated when they die they turn from white spiral flying lent looking insect into a round brown tiny dot like insect stuck to my cabinets or light fixtures mirrors any where.. I can shake on my clothes in the sun light and see them fliying off like little specks of dandruff or spiral white lent as I have mentioned.. I am about to go crazy, I have took samples into Vector Control Insect identification but I think the guy who I gave the samples to thought I was crazy and didn't even bother to look under a miscrosope for them.. I can't have no people over to my home now for three years and no dates because I am afraid of them inheriting these somewhat invisible insects. I have moved three times and they follow me, I have thrown all my furniture and mostly my clothes away because they are on them and won't die. I am about to die if there is no cure of them soon.. I can't take it the bites, the infestation, causing me mental problems trying to have someone believe me they are there and getting help to rid them. It is like a curse on me and no way to break it unless I end my own life, which could happen because I can not live with these things forever.. I understand where you are coming from and the torture these things can do upon you. If you ever get an answer please please submit it to this site so I can be rid of them before the rid me.. thanks

    I am experiencing the same thing you are except they bite me on certain parts of my body, like the sides of my body underneath my arms where my rib cage is and my butt cheeks and under my neck after I shave. I have had these things for now three years and no one can tell me what it is.. They think I am crazy, I have had biospy tried every fumigation there is every bug spray there is nothing helps.. I feel them in my hair like swarms of them and face, at night when I sleep they are there in every nook and crany of my home.. They are in my clothes, furniture, my car anything that is fabric, wood, or metal or human or animal. I noticed when I have sprayed or fumigated when they die they turn from white spiral flying lent looking insect into a round brown tiny dot like insect stuck to my cabinets or light fixtures mirrors any where.. I can shake on my clothes in the sun light and see them fliying off like little specks of dandruff or spiral white lent as I have mentioned.. I am about to go crazy, I have took samples into Vector Control Insect identification but I think the guy who I gave the samples to thought I was crazy and didn't even bother to look under a miscrosope for them.. I can't have no people over to my home now for three years and no dates because I am afraid of them inheriting these somewhat invisible insects. I have moved three times and they follow me, I have thrown all my furniture and mostly my clothes away because they are on them and won't die. I am about to die if there is no cure of them soon.. I can't take it the bites, the infestation, causing me mental problems trying to have someone believe me they are there and getting help to rid them. It is like a curse on me and no way to break it unless I end my own life, which could happen because I can not live with these things forever.. I understand where you are coming from and the torture these things can do upon you. If you ever get an answer please please submit it to this site so I can be rid of them before the rid me.. thanks
  • Dec 21, 2009, 03:33 AM

    Aundry, I have merged your two posts in this thread simply because they said the same thing two hours apart.

    Check this website: Home - Morgellons Research Foundation

    It sounds like what you have more than most of these others'
  • Feb 19, 2010, 01:46 PM
    After much prayer and searching, it finally occurred to me that these things have to be very tiny fleas. They are small enough to be carried by static electricity and moving air. The black dots that I've found all over my home have turned out to befeces. This I figured out by placing a number of them on a wet paper towel. The specks started dissolving andturned the paper towal red. That was my blood. I figured that they must belong to a veery small mammal. I started thinking about when I first picked these things up. It was in Stockton, CA. There are a lot of roof rats there and my daughter brought them home after spending the night at a friends house who had left the sofa outside to air out. At first I thought these things might be some sort of midge as I did encounter some while I was bieng attacked. I know that tese things jump because I can feel them. I don't have enough room here to continue but please do some research on fleas. That is how I found that they fit absolutely everything that I had been going through. I took hot baths with dishwashing liquid in the winter and I took cold bathes with the same in the summer. I kept everything dry as these need lots of humidity to live. I used a dust mask and broomed in diatomacious earth into the carpet. I used tiger balm on my bites. I used Gold Bond the blue container on every part of my body as soon as I got out of the shower. I placed all of my clothes and shoes into ziplock storage bags. I put diatomacious earth on my bed and rubbed it in at night. I also put it into my shoes and socks. I used the air conditioner and fans to keep them off. I took advantage of the doctors' ignorance and got perscriptions for anti depressants and anti anxiety because it was the only way to stay calm enough to beat these things. I covered my mattress and furniture in plastic. I later started using fleabusters and broomed it in. I shaved everything in order not to leave then easy places to crawl or stay. I've only been rid of them for about two or so months. I continue to fight the battle as I don't want to give them a chance to return. Also, I wash with borax and Arm & Hammer laundry detergent as this seems to dry them out. I live in the mountains where it snows and the humidity is low so they are at somewhat of a disadvantage here. These guys didn't attack the cat or the dog. I've found that a fleas body temperature is 99 degrees and the dog and cat are 102 degrees. These guys are more active between the temperatures of 70 to 90 degrees and die at temperatures of over 103 degrees if that temperature is maintained for over an hour. God bless all. My prayers are with you and I hope that this may help.
  • Feb 19, 2010, 05:17 PM

    Originally Posted by buggedout View Post
    They are small enough to be carried by static electricity and moving air.

    I have not found any fleas that small, although they can jump high and far enough to make you think so.

    Congratulations on discovering the cause of your troubles.

    I am curious about one other thing. You said


    die at temperatures of over 103 degrees if that temperature is maintained for over an hour.
    Where did you find this out?

    Again, congratulations.
  • Mar 1, 2010, 10:10 AM
    I too am suffering from exposure to this organism... whatever it may be. I have found NO cure and hope that others will continue to post comments here in order to attain advice in combating this scourge.
  • Mar 1, 2010, 02:17 PM

    Originally Posted by heartbeat01 View Post
    I too am suffering from exposure to this organism...whatever it may be. I have found NO cure and hope that others will continue to post comments here in order to attain advice in combating this scourge.

    The problem is that it does not seem to be one organism. Some have found that fungi and molds are causing their problems, others have mites, still others have allergies, and one guy sounds like he has sensitive skin and is getting poked in bed by a loose mattress thread.

    I keep urging people to try to find out which problem they have. Start by setting out glue traps or water traps where the problem seems worst to see if you can catch any insect/arthropod pests. You may need a strong glass or microscope.

    If you can't catch any bugs, you can get agar in petri dishes from a local university and set them out for 24 hours' exposure. Seal them and wait 10 days to see what grows.

    If your environment gets a clean bill of health, see an allergist. Taking the petri dishes with you might point the Dr. in the right direction.
  • Mar 14, 2010, 12:20 AM
    I have had the same problem for several years, tiny white, thread like, flyes, bites, crawls, in my hair, eyebrow, bites on my body luckily since I am dark skinned I don't feel as much but I feel the bites and aggrevation, they come once a year and I experience them 2-3 months then disappear. Fortunately not as bad as some folks here, for people who think we are dillusional we are not, it exists, my girl friend was over and she felt them too, If anyone reads this posts, again they are not fleas, mites, mergollons or whatever they think , I have got a glimps of them at the right times flying but that's it. I use rubbing alcohol on my body they seem to hate the smell or tase it helps for a while but they always come back. IF you found a cure please help. Thanks
  • Mar 14, 2010, 02:33 AM

    Originally Posted by parasitehater1 View Post
    IF you found a cure please help. thanks

    A cure cannot be found until you have identified a cause. I'll try to refine the steps in identification a little further.

    1. Make a list of symptoms. You've got a good start on that.

    2. Set out traps to see if it's a mobile organism. In order:
    a. water or sticky traps at least overnight. May require a microsope
    b. petri dishes with agar for 48 hours. Will require a microscope or a lab (like the local college biology lab).

    3. Have the building checked for environmental hazards such as mold or allergens.

    4. Have yourself checked for allergies or parasites under the skin like chigger mites or scabies.

    If you have noticed the "thread-like" growths from lesions in your skin, get to a physician as soon as the next lesions start up so that you can get documentation and they can get samples.

    Please post here again if any of these suggestions turns up any evidence. As you can see there are lots of people who could benefit from any information you find out.
  • Mar 15, 2010, 11:03 AM

    I can't get any samples, all I see thread of fiber like all over my hair, face my eyes, I feel tiny bites on my body and my eyes are watery, sometimes I see a white thing flies out of head or clothing My girl friend is light skin she feeling it really bad, itching all over , head , nose, legs. Please help, thanks
  • Mar 15, 2010, 03:19 PM

    Originally Posted by parasitehater1 View Post
    I can't get any samples, all I see thread of fiber like all over my hair, face my eyes, I feel tiny bites on my body and my eyes are watery, sometimes I see a white thing flies out of head or clothing My girl freind is light skin she feeling it really bad, itching all over , head , nose, legs. please help, thanks

    Like I said, get to a physician so they can get samples and you can get documentation that it isn't caused by anxiety.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:29 PM
    zara cybele
    I have this infestation too, although it doesn't seem as bad as yours .
    Please go to
    Those folks had to leave their apartments in 3 separate moves and eventually got their lives back. Watch their videos, especially the home self-defense part 1. 09746&index=0&playnext=1

    Consider throwing as much stuff away as you can. Bag clothes or put them in clear bins. Bins are easier because you can see what is in each one. Make sure when you throw out furniture and clothes they are double-bagged and try to make sure to put them out for trash collection as close to pick-up time as possible. You don't want people picking up your stuff and taking it home to infest themselves. If you do throw out furniture, break whatever you throw out, so no one is tempted to take it.

    Take a look at shannons link, she has some very helpful tips. Please note: stay as natural with this as you can and do not use insecticides. These bugs build resistance to them and you poison your home environment as well as your health. I question a lot of what shannon did.

    You can order menthol crystals at (They work). You can isolate some clothes in a closed bin and heat the menthol for two hours or more (I'm still experimenting with time), then disconnect and let the clothes sit covered in the bin for at least overnight. This should kill them. This way you can have clothes you know aren't infested. Do not breathe the menthol for long periods. Not good for you. It's strong. You can air out the clothes before wearing but they will feel like you are wearing a suit of vicks vapor rub. However, it will keep the bugs more at bay.

    I want to stress this very strongly, stop inviting people to stay in your home or visit! You may be spreading this to others. Also, you might not be aware of this, but these bugs do carry disease. They get into the body through the skin and orifices. I am now becoming sick with Morgellons because of them.
    Anyway, a good forum for help is:

    Another thing I do and which I am going to slack off doing, is putting some mothballs in clothing or bags I can't deal with. Make sure you get the kind that have PARA in the ingredients (sorry, I threw the box out and can't remember the word).

    Also, these things are attracted to magnetic fields so if you have a hamper you can isolate things in, I'd disconnect my computer, cables, surge protectors, cords, external Hard drives, speakers... whatever you have. Isolate it in some moth balls for 24 hours. This helped me clear my computer equipment.

    I tented my couch numerous times with heavy plastic and burnt menthol under the tent to clear the bugs. In fact, I think I'll do that tonight. Make sure to keep the windows open so the menthol is dispersed.
    Good luck with this and feel free to contact me.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:29 PM
    zara cybele
    I have this infestation too, although it doesn't seem as bad as yours .
    Please go to
    Those folks had to leave their apartments in 3 separate moves and eventually got their lives back. Watch their videos, especially the home self-defense part 1. 09746&index=0&playnext=1

    Consider throwing as much stuff away as you can. Bag clothes or put them in clear bins. Bins are easier because you can see what is in each one. Make sure when you throw out furniture and clothes they are double-bagged and try to make sure to put them out for trash collection as close to pick-up time as possible. You don't want people picking up your stuff and taking it home to infest themselves. If you do throw out furniture, break whatever you throw out, so no one is tempted to take it.

    Take a look at shannons link, she has some very helpful tips. Please note: stay as natural with this as you can and do not use insecticides. These bugs build resistance to them and you poison your home environment as well as your health. I question a lot of what shannon did.

    You can order menthol crystals at (They work). You can isolate some clothes in a closed bin and heat the menthol for two hours or more (I'm still experimenting with time), then disconnect and let the clothes sit covered in the bin for at least overnight. This should kill them. This way you can have clothes you know aren't infested. Do not breathe the menthol for long periods. Not good for you. It's strong. You can air out the clothes before wearing but they will feel like you are wearing a suit of vicks vapor rub. However, it will keep the bugs more at bay.

    I want to stress this very strongly, stop inviting people to stay in your home or visit! You may be spreading this to others. Also, you might not be aware of this, but these bugs do carry disease. They get into the body through the skin and orifices. I am now becoming sick with Morgellons because of them.
    Anyway, a good forum for help is:

    Another thing I do and which I am going to slack off doing, is putting some mothballs in clothing or bags I can't deal with. Make sure you get the kind that have PARA in the ingredients (sorry, I threw the box out and can't remember the word).

    Also, these things are attracted to magnetic fields so if you have a hamper you can isolate things in, I'd disconnect my computer, cables, surge protectors, cords, external Hard drives, speakers... whatever you have. Isolate it in some moth balls for 24 hours. This helped me clear my computer equipment.

    I tented my couch numerous times with heavy plastic and burnt menthol under the tent to clear the bugs. In fact, I think I'll do that tonight. Make sure to keep the windows open so the menthol is dispersed.
    Good luck with this and feel free to contact me.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:30 PM
    zara cybele

    I have this infestation too, although it doesn't seem as bad as yours .
    Please go to
    Those folks had to leave their apartments in 3 separate moves and eventually got their lives back. Watch their videos, especially the home self-defense part 1. YouTube - "Super Scabies" (GMO or Morgellons) Home Environmental Defense Part 1

    Consider throwing as much stuff away as you can. Bag clothes or put them in clear bins. Bins are easier because you can see what is in each one. Make sure when you throw out furniture and clothes they are double-bagged and try to make sure to put them out for trash collection as close to pick-up time as possible. You don't want people picking up your stuff and taking it home to infest themselves. If you do throw out furniture, break whatever you throw out, so no one is tempted to take it.

    Take a look at shannons link, she has some very helpful tips. Please note: stay as natural with this as you can and do not use insecticides. These bugs build resistance to them and you poison your home environment as well as your health. I question a lot of what shannon did.

    You can order menthol crystals at (They work). You can isolate some clothes in a closed bin and heat the menthol for two hours or more (I'm still experimenting with time), then disconnect and let the clothes sit covered in the bin for at least overnight. This should kill them. This way you can have clothes you know aren't infested. Do not breathe the menthol for long periods. Not good for you. It's strong. You can air out the clothes before wearing but they will feel like you are wearing a suit of vicks vapor rub. However, it will keep the bugs more at bay.

    I want to stress this very strongly, stop inviting people to stay in your home or visit! You may be spreading this to others. Also, you might not be aware of this, but these bugs do carry disease. They get into the body through the skin and orifices. I am now becoming sick with Morgellons because of them.
    Anyway, a good forum for help is: Morgellons-Disease-Research

    Another thing I do and which I am going to slack off doing, is putting some mothballs in clothing or bags I can't deal with. Make sure you get the kind that have PARA in the ingredients (sorry, I threw the box out and can't remember the word).

    Also, these things are attracted to magnetic fields so if you have a hamper you can isolate things in, I'd disconnect my computer, cables, surge protectors, cords, external Hard drives, speakers... whatever you have. Isolate it in some moth balls for 24 hours. This helped me clear my computer equipment.

    I tented my couch numerous times with heavy plastic and burnt menthol under the tent to clear the bugs. In fact, I think I'll do that tonight. Make sure to keep the windows open so the menthol is dispersed.
    Good luck with this and feel free to contact me.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:33 PM
    zara cybele

    I don't know why my post went up three times. I just joined so I could answer you, so maybe all the signing in, caused that.
    Anyway, forgot the link to shannon's site.
    Shanspirations Blog Archive Help! I'm Being Bit By Something I Can't See! What do I do?
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:46 PM

    Zara, you are treating the symptoms without finding the cause. If that gives you some relief, good. It will not solve the problem of whatever is causing your skin irritation. As I constantly say, you need to find out what it is so you can get rid of it. You cannot find out what it is if you cannot catch it. If it is microscopic, get your doctor to take skin samples and culture them.

    In the meantime, let me provide some facts about menthol crystals: they're not very toxic, but they can cause problems. Here is the MSDS for them.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 05:10 PM
    zara cybele

    I'd love to I.D. the problem, but there is no one that I know of that can help me find out what it is without cleaning out my bank account. This is a bug so small, that I don't see it. Ever! I am dealing with the environment which is in turn making the problem much less problematic. I seem to be making headway in my attempts and am confident that I'll rid my space of this. Others who have not identified the bug have gotten rid of it, so who cares what it is in the end if I can get rid of it.

    I did have a skin sample taken. They couldn't find it. Check out this article about people being diagnosed with delusional parasitosis. The medical community label them as crazy, but there are indeed bugs. This is one of the bugs which is now prevalent and causing health and living problems to many. No dermatologist I know is sophisticated or cares enough to do this kind of test. You need a scientist and a pocketbook full of cash for that.
    It's an important read if you are interested in this subject.

    Thanks for the menthol sheet. Im taking precaution with exposure to it.

    One more thing, as far as I know there is no quick fix solution for getting rid of this bug. Calling in a pest control agency doesn't seem to work (at least according to all my readings). This requires ongoing, diligent interacting with the environment. That is why people end up doing it themselves.

    Have you been able to eradicate the kind of bug we are speaking about? If so, with what method and what kind of application and repeat application?
  • Mar 28, 2010, 03:11 AM
    I would suggest a biologist or a mycologist rather than a dermatologist to examine any further samples. You're not looking for a diagnosis, you're looking for an identification. Try your local college or University. Best would be some grad student looking for a doctoral thesis - they can get grants and they're really motivated.

    As far as my success goes, I've gotten rid of itch mites, bird mites, dust mites, strawberry tick mites, chiggers, bedbugs, and molds in my time, just to name a few. I've also failed to get rid of allergens such as cat dander and tobacco pollen. Let me repeat for the umpteenth time: If you don't know what it is you cannot get rid of it.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 06:41 AM
    zara cybele

    Well thank you for these helpful suggestions. I will look into the college/University aspect first. I'm surprised you mention mycologist. You think this is a fungi and not a bug?

    Morgellons disease has been linked to virus/fungus/bacteria.

    In my case, I was infected by a worm bin (for home composting) that "got sick." It became infested with fungus gnats, fruit flies and drain flies. However, if you are familiar with worm bins, they contain a great deal of life other than worms; mites, fungi, bacteria, collembola... and on. The bins are gone now, but whatever soared from them, entered the home environment and got me sick.

    A question on my mind, since you do pest control is, how do you protect yourself from accidentally bringing these critters home? I've always wondered that.

    Also, a caution. I have heard of one pest control person getting sick with Morgellons. Don't want to get alarmist on you, but do be careful.

    Again, you offered good solid suggestions. I'll start there.
    Thank you.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 07:09 AM

    Originally Posted by zara cybele View Post
    A question on my mind, since you do pest control is, how do you protect yourself from accidentally bringing these critters home? I've always wondered that.

    The answer, in short, is by being careful. Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment, hand sanitizers, hot showers: I do the same things everybody who works in contaminated environments does. It's worked for a couple of decades now, with only the occasional roach or flea hitchhiking home.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 07:24 AM
    zara cybele

    Bless you and I hope you continue to stay protected.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 08:04 AM
    zara cybele

    Catsmine, I didn't realize you were moderating this thread, as I didn't realize what site I was dealing with. I just read through everything and am going to get a petri dish as you suggest. Very concrete good advice.

    May I leave a word for Aundry and to "Parasitehater" who is seeing the white things fly off his skin? I can't seem to email them directly.
    Please check out : Morgellons-Disease-Research

    The signs you are talking about point towards Morgellons. I recently posted a thread up there called "progression of symptoms" because I did not know what I was dealing with and was looking for guidance from the community of sufferers, to help me identify what is going on with me. Progression of symptoms?

    A big tell-tale sign of this disease are the white fibers or dust you are seeing. They start coming out of your skin. A way to identify if you have this is with UV blacklight (make sure it is UV). Particularly, look at your skin after a bath or shower with the UV light. Do not towel dry. Let yourself air dry so you don't disturb your skin and disperse anything. Keep a magnifying glass nearby and magnify anything that is phosphorescent or that glows under the light. These specks, dust and fibers or "lint" you are seeing and maybe believe to be bugs are most likely Morgellon fibers emanating from you.

    I'm not saying there are no bugs, just that you might now be infected.

    Parasitehater... do you experience these 2-3 months where you see the white "bugs" in July and August? That is when others complain that symptoms are the worst.

    Here is a link to a gentleman showing the fibers as they appear on his shaved scalp. Skip right to 1min. And 34 seconds to get into the meat and potatoes of the video. video of fibers on skull

    Catsmine, sorry for the divergence of conversation. I just didn't know how else to communicate with these people.
  • Mar 29, 2010, 04:02 PM
    May I leave a word for Aundry and to "Parasitehater" who is seeing the white things fly off his skin? I can't seem to email them directly.
    Please check out : Morgellons-Disease-Research

    The signs you are talking about point towards Morgellons. I recently posted a thread up there called "progression of symptoms" because I did not know what I was dealing with and was looking for guidance from the community of sufferers, to help me identify what is going on with me. Progression of symptoms?

    A big tell-tale sign of this disease are the white fibers or dust you are seeing. They start coming out of your skin. A way to identify if you have this is with UV blacklight (make sure it is UV). Particularly, look at your skin after a bath or shower with the UV light. Do not towel dry. Let yourself air dry so you don't disturb your skin and disperse anything. Keep a magnifying glass nearby and magnify anything that is phosphorescent or that glows under the light. These specks, dust and fibers or "lint" you are seeing and maybe believe to be bugs are most likely Morgellon fibers emanating from you.

    I'm not saying there are no bugs, just that you might now be infected.

    Parasitehater... do you experience these 2-3 months where you see the white "bugs" in July and August? That is when others complain that symptoms are the worst.

    Here is a link to a gentleman showing the fibers as they appear on his shaved scalp. Skip right to 1min. And 34 seconds to get into the meat and potatoes of the video. video of fibers on skull

    Catsmine, sorry for the divergence of conversation. I just didn't know how else to communicate with these people.[/QUOTE]

    Zara, I don't think I have morgellons disease, I hope to God I don't, I have been experiencing this for several years, but no fibers are coming out of my body. They love hair and I feel that is where they nest and lay eggs. Sometimes I get a glimpse of tiny white bugs flying, I feel them jumping on my legs or hitting my face, I have experience them in month of Dec. through March. I found out they don't like how vicks smells so I put it on me to keep these bugs away, I just start using Lysol spray it seems like it is working to an extend. I keep everyone posted if Lysol is effective.

  • Jun 16, 2010, 04:02 AM

    I believe I have had this disease for the last 6 years, I am from the UK. Symptoms include skin irritation, static sensations, itchy scalp, 'moving hair' wet feeling in ears, brian fog, confusion, black specks on skin, glittery specks on skin will I have seen on other people near to me at times, Gnats shooting from scalp, attracting flies, web feeling on skin, feeling of hair stuck in throat, extremely sensetive skin, dry skin and hair, hair won't hold hair dye anymore and very brittle, tiny white 'flying dandruff' from clothes and skin, when looking at clothes in shops I see them fly from my hands, lots of dust and fibres on clothes and in house, wet feeling on parts of body, green tinge at times to skin (perhaps I am really an alien!) Hair keeps pulling towards my ears and eyebrows which constantly itch, fibre optic sort of lights on my hair at times. But hey! This is my life and I refuse to let this stop me and I am so very very thankful my 9 year old daughter shows no symptoms at all. I really believe we can all get through this.
  • Jun 16, 2010, 04:24 AM

    I also make other opeople itch when I am near them. At the beginning of this I almost got sectioned as the doctor thought I was seeing things but thankfully the pyschiatrist he sent me to (in a locked ambulance) asked me why I had been sent there and did I have the taxi fare to get home! He also said he would be putting a complaint in against the doctor and suggested I did too but that's another story. I believe this started with a tiny gnat or similar that flew into my eye and I never managed to get out, or after buying a second hand suede coat from a shop that supports animal charities. A few hours after wearing it I had a large angry red circle on one elbow. This only lasted a few hours but my elbow is still not as it was before.
    Because of the incident with the doctor I wouldn't dream of asking for help in case I end up almost sectioned again, in fact I don't tell anybody about it and go to great lengths to hide my discomfort. I have found Vicks also works for me, and have had some results with tea tree oil which I sprinkle on a damp cloth to wipe woodwork down. It's a constant battle to keep the home dust free but I do my best. I do get down at times but I only have to look at my daughter and I can feel the strength coming back to me. I have posted so that symptoms can be compared and so that you also know it's a world wide problem, best wishes to you all.

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