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  • Jun 3, 2009, 10:56 PM
    I forgot to ask how long have you been doing demodex and how long did you have to deal with those itching bumps?
  • Jun 4, 2009, 02:07 AM

    Originally Posted by findit View Post
    been there, done that, this breed/species doesn't need a pond or standing water, just blood bait to multiply. My auto doesn't have a moisture problem.

    Have you talked to the Health Department? A car's interior would be a very strange place for any insects to set up shop. Them getting in the vents as you drive through their habitat and surviving the days you don't drive would seem a more logical course of events, particularly since you get rid of them and they come back.
  • Jun 4, 2009, 02:14 AM

    Originally Posted by mmarsha View Post
    Isn't there something that will kill this s_ _ t immediately because I don't think I can take the thousand red bumps and the itching that Texas was talking after using demodex.

    If lindane won't do it then you can take the skin off or go through a course of treatment. How many Dermatologists have you seen? A doctor with some knowledge of parasites might be able to help, rather than one knowledgeable in acne.
  • Jun 4, 2009, 07:12 AM

    I am now on blood pressure medication because of the stress of this problem. Soon as I have to plan a trip in the car, my blood pressure goes up from the anxiety of knowing that I have to run all my errands at once. I can't wear any of my dressy clothes, just old junk as I can't afford to waste anymore clothes to the trash. Wear a sweater and the pests get into every weave of yarn and can't wash out. After a car trip be ready to go straight to the shower and disinfect myself I know I am breathing these things into my lungs. I cough and sneeze intensly after a car trip. Breathing these in can't be good for anyone. I think I should change my screen name to "over the edge"
  • Jun 4, 2009, 07:14 AM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    If lindane won't do it then you can take the skin off or go through a course of treatment. How many Dermatologists have you seen? A doctor with some knowledge of parasites might be able to help, rather than one knowledgeable in acne.

    He thinks I am imaging things and gave me cortisone cream that soothes the bites but does nothing to repel them from me.
  • Jun 4, 2009, 07:26 AM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    Have you talked to the Health Department? A car's interior would be a very strange place for any insects to set up shop. Them getting in the vents as you drive through their habitat and surviving the days you don't drive would seem a more logical course of events, particularly since you get rid of them and they come back.

    Sure they come back because the eggs hatch. These things have metamorphed themselves to survive (pesticide resistant). These female pests are desperate for food which is me. Whatever, they got in there and now they won't leave and are even more aggressive searching for a host. These pests don't know how to get out and then more eggs hatch and the cycle starts over. Tried the cycling for the larva-pupa... etc. with pesticides and no relief. Even ran the car with insecticide and the heat cranked up for a couple hours on a hot day, kept windows closed to contain heat hoping to bake them to death. But then more eggs hatch.
  • Jun 4, 2009, 02:58 PM

    Originally Posted by findit View Post
    He thinks I am imaging things and gave me cortisone cream that soothes the bites but does nothing to repel them from me.

    Like I said, try a doctor with some knowledge of parasites. Shop around. As far as your super-midges go, you should contact your nearest university entomology department to have them study this species of midge that defies all the literature that all the experts here can find.
  • Jun 4, 2009, 07:06 PM

    Originally Posted by findit View Post
    He thinks I am imaging things and gave me cortisone cream that soothes the bites but does nothing to repel them from me.

    I am so sorry to hear that. I too have been going through the same thing. I am out of money and half crazy. I started school back today and I am so scared that I am going to infect my class or that someone will see a bug on me. I am trying so hard not to completely shut down. Last night I seen a midge for sure.Biting midges... 02 jpg
    400 X 290 - 12.4kBme It looked just like this and it was on my bed. It is the first one that I have seen that big?? I finally got my landlord to fix my water leaking in basement? Maybe the big ones are coming upstairs since the water isn't leaking. Catsmine, if you are reading ,what is your take on that. Findit I hope that you find some relief and I am going to try and pray for us all who are suffering these killer mites. I say that I am going to try because it is getting harder and harder. I feel like I am on the edge of the cliff and I already have one foot off and I say killer mites because they are killing my spirit slowly more and more everyday. If there are any christians out there reading this pray we find the solution.
  • Jun 4, 2009, 07:12 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    Have you talked to the Health Department? A car's interior would be a very strange place for any insects to set up shop. Them getting in the vents as you drive through their habitat and surviving the days you don't drive would seem a more logical course of events, particularly since you get rid of them and they come back.

    They are in my car too.
  • Jun 4, 2009, 11:06 PM

    mmarsha, I have been reading your posts and my husband and I are experiencing these biting mites also. It has only been about a month for us so I can only imagine how you feel. My heart goes out to you because I can truly say I've never been so afraid of anything like I am now. These mites are a really bad nightmare and we have tried different things but to no avail so far. We have 4 children and are afraid they will get them also. I am a Christian and God knows what kind of trial this is for me and my family. He said that he'll never leave me or forsake me and I am looking to him to take these things away. I've read stories online where people prayed and eventually Jesus took the mites away. Maybe I have the mites to help other people deal with it also. I'm crying right now because this upsets me so much. Please keep in touch because there's not a lot of people who can understand or know what this is like. I'm praying for you mmarsha.
  • Jun 5, 2009, 02:58 AM

    Originally Posted by mmarsha View Post
    Biting midges...02 jpg
    400 X 290 - 12.4kBme It looked just like this and it was on my bed. It is the first one that I have seen that big???? I finally got my landlord to fix my water leaking in basement? maybe the big ones are coming upstairs since the water isn't leaking.

    Sorry, the links didn't work

    If the water problem is now fixed, get things dried out as much as possible and then one dose of an insecticide fogger should take care of the midges.

    There are moisture absorbing products at the hardware stores. Brand names escape me right now. They're packs or canisters of gel beads that absorb humidity from the air.
  • Jun 5, 2009, 03:09 AM

    Originally Posted by NatalieR View Post
    mmarsha, I have been reading your posts and my husband and I are experiencing these biting mites also. It has only been about a month for us so I can only imagine how you feel. My heart goes out to you because I can truly say I've never been so afraid of anything like I am now. These mites are a really bad nightmare and we have tried different things but to no avail so far. We have 4 children and are afraid they will get them also.

    mmarsha has been dealing with what I think are midges coming from a wet basement. Hopefully that is in the process of being solved. If you are having trouble with mites, which are different, check this link for pictures that may help you narrow the specific type down
  • Jun 5, 2009, 10:28 AM

    Originally Posted by NatalieR View Post
    mmarsha, I have been reading your posts and my husband and I are experiencing these biting mites also. It has only been about a month for us so I can only imagine how you feel. My heart goes out to you because I can truly say I've never been so afraid of anything like I am now. These mites are a really bad nightmare and we have tried different things but to no avail so far. We have 4 children and are afraid they will get them also. I am a Christian and God knows what kind of trial this is for me and my family. He said that he'll never leave me or forsake me and I am looking to him to take these things away. I've read stories online where people prayed and eventually Jesus took the mites away. Maybe I have the mites to help other people deal with it also. I'm crying right now because this upsets me so much. Please keep in touch because there's not a lot of people who can understand or know what this is like. I'm praying for you mmarsha.

    I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering too. I cried when I read your post. I agree that the Lord can make this go away or help us to find the solution to eradicate it. I keep hearing in my head the verse that say's He will never put more on us than we can bear with out leaving us a way of escape. I can understand your fear Natalie and encourage you to try your best to be brave and keep trusting God. I know that during all this, somewhere I forgot that God is Almighty and All knowing and He did say that He would never leave us or forsake us. Thank you for reminding me. It encouraged me in the Lord and for that I am grateful. I hope you are having a good day. I have stopped trying to think about next week or tomorrow and focus on just getting through today. Some days seem to be better than others?? Thank you for praying for me.
  • Jun 5, 2009, 09:55 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    mmarsha has been dealing with what I think are midges coming from a wet basement. Hopefully that is in the process of being solved. If you are having trouble with mites, which are different, check this link for pictures that may help you narrow the specific type down

    Thank you for the info about midges. Can they infest people? I mean like can they get in your hair and skin? Because if not then I believe that I must have both midges and mites. Can they make your skin itch and feel like its crawling?
  • Jun 6, 2009, 02:41 AM

    Originally Posted by NatalieR View Post
    mmarsha, I have been reading your posts and my husband and I are experiencing these biting mites also. It has only been about a month for us so I can only imagine how you feel. My heart goes out to you because I can truly say I've never been so afraid of anything like I am now. These mites are a really bad nightmare and we have tried different things but to no avail so far. We have 4 children and are afraid they will get them also. I am a Christian and God knows what kind of trial this is for me and my family. He said that he'll never leave me or forsake me and I am looking to him to take these things away. I've read stories online where people prayed and eventually Jesus took the mites away. Maybe I have the mites to help other people deal with it also. I'm crying right now because this upsets me so much. Please keep in touch because there's not a lot of people who can understand or know what this is like. I'm praying for you mmarsha.

    Here is something I thought you should see. Maybe this is a super mite?? I am sitting here with mayo all over my face and hair.:) I just found this Super Lice Not A Myth - CBS News Video It is about super lice and how they are resistant to pesticides. I thought it was pretty interesting as mites and lice seem to be a lot alike, hope this helps.
  • Jun 6, 2009, 03:06 AM

    Originally Posted by mmarsha View Post
    Thankyou for the info about midges. Can they infest people? I mean like can they get in your hair and skin? Because if not then I believe that I must have both midges and mites. Can they make your skin itch and feel like its crawling?

    It is entirely possible and most likely one of the reasons so many people are having so much trouble. They get rid of one and the others continue to attack, giving the first ones time to re-establish themselves, like a week or two if conditions aren't changed. So sufferers go back and forth, not realizing that they have two or more infestations and thinking that nothing works.

    That's why I am so adamant on finding breeding sites and changing the environment. Pesticides will not be the only thing necessary to solve these problems.
  • Jun 6, 2009, 07:19 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    It is entirely possible and most likely one of the reasons so many people are having so much trouble. They get rid of one and the others continue to attack, giving the first ones time to re-establish themselves, like a week or two if conditions aren't changed. So sufferers go back and forth, not realizing that they have two or more infestations and thinking that nothing works.

    That's why I am so adamant on finding breeding sites and changing the environment. Pesticides will not be the only thing necessary to solve these problems.

    Thank you once again Catsmine.:) To update about the mayo, it definitely works.I just put it on my hair and face and neck last night because that is were I feel the most creeping at. I do have some kind of mite in or on my skin because after I left it on the recommended
    2 - 4 hours, I left it on 2, There were what appeared to be lots of eggs and some very small bugs? I did not recognize them as a lice bug or a scabies bug? But I took my fine tooth comb and gently racked them of my neck and face. My neck has been like kind of red and really kind of hurting and immediately after I got that crap off my neck and washed it with soap and water I noticed that the redness was gone and it didn't bother me at all last night. So tonight I am doing my whole body. Who would have ever thought that mayo could kill lice and mites. It works as well or better than lindane in my opinion. Just some food for thought. Have a Great Day Catsmine.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 03:49 AM

    Originally Posted by mmarsha View Post
    Thank you once again Catsmine.:) To update about the mayo, it definitely works.I just put it on my hair and face and neck last night because that is were I feel the most creeping at. I do have some kind of mite in or on my skin because after I left it on the recommended
    2 - 4 hours, I left it on 2, There were what appeared to be lots of eggs and some very small bugs? I did not recognize them as a lice bug or a scabies bug? but I took my fine tooth comb and gently racked them of my neck and face. My neck has been like kind of red and really kind of hurting and immediately after I got that crap off my neck and washed it with soap and water I noticed that the redness was gone and it didn't bother me at all last night. So tonight I am doing my whole body. Who would of ever thought that mayo could kill lice and mites. It works as well or better than lindane in my opinion. Just some food for thought. Have a Great Day Catsmine.

    Be careful, mmarsha. The mayo is a colloid suspension, similar to Compound W@ for warts. I don't really know dermatology, but it seems like the mode of action for drawing them out would be suffocation, in that they cannot get air with a couple millimeters of colloid on top of the skin, so they come "to the surface" and the egg in the mayo convinces them they're still "in" a natural environment.

    If this surmise is correct, a whole body treatment could be dangerous by interfering with normal skin respiration. Maybe top half, groom, then legs, for safety's sake?
  • Jun 7, 2009, 10:59 AM
    Catsmine is correct. The action of mayo is suffocation. It is inadvisable to use in on your entire body.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 11:34 AM

    I asked J_9 to double check me on the safety of the mayo treatment. She did point out that we really should be directing this thread into one of your very own, since the original question was asked a year ago and the questioner never came back. I'm closing this one. Please let me know about the mayo in your own thread, I've opened one called skin mites just for you.

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