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  • Oct 11, 2012, 09:34 PM

    Originally Posted by sft001 View Post
    Cedar oil did not work for me. I soaked my clothes for 2 hrs in the PCO for laundry didn't work either. What a waste of $500!! I'm trying DE now. Will update

    Buy a microscope and scrape your skin - I did and I have worms not mites.
  • Nov 25, 2012, 12:50 PM
    I to have a problem with itching I'm told it could be mites I have spent hundreds on treatments moved home and they came with me, it has made me a nervous wreck,it has gone on for months,aloa veraoil in the bath helps ease the itching on body and I have sprayed it all over the home in warm water it has eased it a bit but at night it starts up again I am waiting for lab results to see what mite it is, I bought a new bed so have been told the mites may have came from the wooden slats,some people have said I won't get rid of them unless I get rid of my stuff in the home and then move and start again,I am seriously considering this as I cannot live like this much more it has affected my health big time .
  • Nov 26, 2012, 04:58 AM
    Hi I am going through same thing at present I have moved to and they came with me,it's a living hell,they are more active at night, I am sleeping on sofa now, I'm told it could be a bed bug mite they are hard to see , I have some samples sent off and waiting for reply,I got some tea tree oil to bath in it does stop the irritation a bitand I add a few drops to my shampoo,I have searched the web for answers to only one I found said she had left all her stuff behind went to a b&b showered put on new clothes then done the same in another b&b.then found a new home sound drastic but I am so thinking on this myself .I have been told I may never be rid of them as they are so small hard to find in home I am trying the tea tree oil in a spray bottle around home its quieter for a while .I will let you know when I get results back and if it can be cured regards Anne
  • Dec 3, 2012, 05:47 PM
    less itchy
    Try Lysol disinfectant spray. The kind in a can that smells strongly of alcohol. It doesn't matter what scent. Spray it with a mist over everything, your carpet, furniture, mattress, chairs, everything. Make sure to not inhale it, use something to cover your face. After spraying, then go outside for fresh air. Then vacuum your rugs, and spray your rugs again. I just do it about a couple feet in the air and let the mist fall on the carpet, furniture, etc. Buy Lysol concentrate. It's in a brown and yellow bottle. The concentrated version is stronger than the regular clear bottle one. Do your laundry and put 1 cup of Lysol concentrate with "Tide with bleach alternative" detergent and wash in hot water. Let me know if this improves. It worked for me. Good luck and hang in there. P.S. I haven't done this yet, but I heard 3 capfuls of Lysol concentrate in a warm full bath will help them out of your skin, hair and face too. I actually had them in my face, on my cheeks. It was "rosacea". Google it, it has now been proven that most rosacea is demodex mites... For one week, I couldn't get them out of my cheeks, because my boyfriend decided to put a pillow case on my pillow that had been sitting in my linen closet. BTW, use white 600 thread count sheets. It is hard for them to penetrate the threading. White, so you can bleach them ;) Anyway, after a week of having "acne" and putting tea tree oil, witchy hazel, coconut oil, anything and everything... Since the Lysol worked I took a Lysol wipe and wiped my cheeks with it and after 1 minute I rinsed it with warm water. No more redness, no more bites, no more itchy crawling on my face. Bleach and lysol kills these bugs. In laundry use Tide with bleach alternative because the bleach alternative is like hydrogen peroxide it fizzles the bugs out of the fabric and the lysol kills them. Good luck and kill these rascals before they spread to other loved ones around you.
  • Dec 3, 2012, 05:52 PM
    less itchy

    Originally Posted by mitebuster View Post
    Buy a microscope and scrape your skin - I did and I have worms not mites.

    Mites are worms at first. They are larvae. Try lysol. It has greatly helped me.

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