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-   -   Invisible flying, biting, and itching bugs into everything in my home. What is this? (

  • Mar 1, 2010, 10:10 AM
    I too am suffering from exposure to this organism... whatever it may be. I have found NO cure and hope that others will continue to post comments here in order to attain advice in combating this scourge.
  • Mar 1, 2010, 02:17 PM

    Originally Posted by heartbeat01 View Post
    I too am suffering from exposure to this organism...whatever it may be. I have found NO cure and hope that others will continue to post comments here in order to attain advice in combating this scourge.

    The problem is that it does not seem to be one organism. Some have found that fungi and molds are causing their problems, others have mites, still others have allergies, and one guy sounds like he has sensitive skin and is getting poked in bed by a loose mattress thread.

    I keep urging people to try to find out which problem they have. Start by setting out glue traps or water traps where the problem seems worst to see if you can catch any insect/arthropod pests. You may need a strong glass or microscope.

    If you can't catch any bugs, you can get agar in petri dishes from a local university and set them out for 24 hours' exposure. Seal them and wait 10 days to see what grows.

    If your environment gets a clean bill of health, see an allergist. Taking the petri dishes with you might point the Dr. in the right direction.
  • Mar 14, 2010, 12:20 AM
    I have had the same problem for several years, tiny white, thread like, flyes, bites, crawls, in my hair, eyebrow, bites on my body luckily since I am dark skinned I don't feel as much but I feel the bites and aggrevation, they come once a year and I experience them 2-3 months then disappear. Fortunately not as bad as some folks here, for people who think we are dillusional we are not, it exists, my girl friend was over and she felt them too, If anyone reads this posts, again they are not fleas, mites, mergollons or whatever they think , I have got a glimps of them at the right times flying but that's it. I use rubbing alcohol on my body they seem to hate the smell or tase it helps for a while but they always come back. IF you found a cure please help. Thanks
  • Mar 14, 2010, 02:33 AM

    Originally Posted by parasitehater1 View Post
    IF you found a cure please help. thanks

    A cure cannot be found until you have identified a cause. I'll try to refine the steps in identification a little further.

    1. Make a list of symptoms. You've got a good start on that.

    2. Set out traps to see if it's a mobile organism. In order:
    a. water or sticky traps at least overnight. May require a microsope
    b. petri dishes with agar for 48 hours. Will require a microscope or a lab (like the local college biology lab).

    3. Have the building checked for environmental hazards such as mold or allergens.

    4. Have yourself checked for allergies or parasites under the skin like chigger mites or scabies.

    If you have noticed the "thread-like" growths from lesions in your skin, get to a physician as soon as the next lesions start up so that you can get documentation and they can get samples.

    Please post here again if any of these suggestions turns up any evidence. As you can see there are lots of people who could benefit from any information you find out.
  • Mar 15, 2010, 11:03 AM

    I can't get any samples, all I see thread of fiber like all over my hair, face my eyes, I feel tiny bites on my body and my eyes are watery, sometimes I see a white thing flies out of head or clothing My girl friend is light skin she feeling it really bad, itching all over , head , nose, legs. Please help, thanks
  • Mar 15, 2010, 03:19 PM

    Originally Posted by parasitehater1 View Post
    I can't get any samples, all I see thread of fiber like all over my hair, face my eyes, I feel tiny bites on my body and my eyes are watery, sometimes I see a white thing flies out of head or clothing My girl freind is light skin she feeling it really bad, itching all over , head , nose, legs. please help, thanks

    Like I said, get to a physician so they can get samples and you can get documentation that it isn't caused by anxiety.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:29 PM
    zara cybele
    I have this infestation too, although it doesn't seem as bad as yours .
    Please go to
    Those folks had to leave their apartments in 3 separate moves and eventually got their lives back. Watch their videos, especially the home self-defense part 1. 09746&index=0&playnext=1

    Consider throwing as much stuff away as you can. Bag clothes or put them in clear bins. Bins are easier because you can see what is in each one. Make sure when you throw out furniture and clothes they are double-bagged and try to make sure to put them out for trash collection as close to pick-up time as possible. You don't want people picking up your stuff and taking it home to infest themselves. If you do throw out furniture, break whatever you throw out, so no one is tempted to take it.

    Take a look at shannons link, she has some very helpful tips. Please note: stay as natural with this as you can and do not use insecticides. These bugs build resistance to them and you poison your home environment as well as your health. I question a lot of what shannon did.

    You can order menthol crystals at (They work). You can isolate some clothes in a closed bin and heat the menthol for two hours or more (I'm still experimenting with time), then disconnect and let the clothes sit covered in the bin for at least overnight. This should kill them. This way you can have clothes you know aren't infested. Do not breathe the menthol for long periods. Not good for you. It's strong. You can air out the clothes before wearing but they will feel like you are wearing a suit of vicks vapor rub. However, it will keep the bugs more at bay.

    I want to stress this very strongly, stop inviting people to stay in your home or visit! You may be spreading this to others. Also, you might not be aware of this, but these bugs do carry disease. They get into the body through the skin and orifices. I am now becoming sick with Morgellons because of them.
    Anyway, a good forum for help is:

    Another thing I do and which I am going to slack off doing, is putting some mothballs in clothing or bags I can't deal with. Make sure you get the kind that have PARA in the ingredients (sorry, I threw the box out and can't remember the word).

    Also, these things are attracted to magnetic fields so if you have a hamper you can isolate things in, I'd disconnect my computer, cables, surge protectors, cords, external Hard drives, speakers... whatever you have. Isolate it in some moth balls for 24 hours. This helped me clear my computer equipment.

    I tented my couch numerous times with heavy plastic and burnt menthol under the tent to clear the bugs. In fact, I think I'll do that tonight. Make sure to keep the windows open so the menthol is dispersed.
    Good luck with this and feel free to contact me.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:29 PM
    zara cybele
    I have this infestation too, although it doesn't seem as bad as yours .
    Please go to
    Those folks had to leave their apartments in 3 separate moves and eventually got their lives back. Watch their videos, especially the home self-defense part 1. 09746&index=0&playnext=1

    Consider throwing as much stuff away as you can. Bag clothes or put them in clear bins. Bins are easier because you can see what is in each one. Make sure when you throw out furniture and clothes they are double-bagged and try to make sure to put them out for trash collection as close to pick-up time as possible. You don't want people picking up your stuff and taking it home to infest themselves. If you do throw out furniture, break whatever you throw out, so no one is tempted to take it.

    Take a look at shannons link, she has some very helpful tips. Please note: stay as natural with this as you can and do not use insecticides. These bugs build resistance to them and you poison your home environment as well as your health. I question a lot of what shannon did.

    You can order menthol crystals at (They work). You can isolate some clothes in a closed bin and heat the menthol for two hours or more (I'm still experimenting with time), then disconnect and let the clothes sit covered in the bin for at least overnight. This should kill them. This way you can have clothes you know aren't infested. Do not breathe the menthol for long periods. Not good for you. It's strong. You can air out the clothes before wearing but they will feel like you are wearing a suit of vicks vapor rub. However, it will keep the bugs more at bay.

    I want to stress this very strongly, stop inviting people to stay in your home or visit! You may be spreading this to others. Also, you might not be aware of this, but these bugs do carry disease. They get into the body through the skin and orifices. I am now becoming sick with Morgellons because of them.
    Anyway, a good forum for help is:

    Another thing I do and which I am going to slack off doing, is putting some mothballs in clothing or bags I can't deal with. Make sure you get the kind that have PARA in the ingredients (sorry, I threw the box out and can't remember the word).

    Also, these things are attracted to magnetic fields so if you have a hamper you can isolate things in, I'd disconnect my computer, cables, surge protectors, cords, external Hard drives, speakers... whatever you have. Isolate it in some moth balls for 24 hours. This helped me clear my computer equipment.

    I tented my couch numerous times with heavy plastic and burnt menthol under the tent to clear the bugs. In fact, I think I'll do that tonight. Make sure to keep the windows open so the menthol is dispersed.
    Good luck with this and feel free to contact me.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:30 PM
    zara cybele

    I have this infestation too, although it doesn't seem as bad as yours .
    Please go to
    Those folks had to leave their apartments in 3 separate moves and eventually got their lives back. Watch their videos, especially the home self-defense part 1. YouTube - "Super Scabies" (GMO or Morgellons) Home Environmental Defense Part 1

    Consider throwing as much stuff away as you can. Bag clothes or put them in clear bins. Bins are easier because you can see what is in each one. Make sure when you throw out furniture and clothes they are double-bagged and try to make sure to put them out for trash collection as close to pick-up time as possible. You don't want people picking up your stuff and taking it home to infest themselves. If you do throw out furniture, break whatever you throw out, so no one is tempted to take it.

    Take a look at shannons link, she has some very helpful tips. Please note: stay as natural with this as you can and do not use insecticides. These bugs build resistance to them and you poison your home environment as well as your health. I question a lot of what shannon did.

    You can order menthol crystals at (They work). You can isolate some clothes in a closed bin and heat the menthol for two hours or more (I'm still experimenting with time), then disconnect and let the clothes sit covered in the bin for at least overnight. This should kill them. This way you can have clothes you know aren't infested. Do not breathe the menthol for long periods. Not good for you. It's strong. You can air out the clothes before wearing but they will feel like you are wearing a suit of vicks vapor rub. However, it will keep the bugs more at bay.

    I want to stress this very strongly, stop inviting people to stay in your home or visit! You may be spreading this to others. Also, you might not be aware of this, but these bugs do carry disease. They get into the body through the skin and orifices. I am now becoming sick with Morgellons because of them.
    Anyway, a good forum for help is: Morgellons-Disease-Research

    Another thing I do and which I am going to slack off doing, is putting some mothballs in clothing or bags I can't deal with. Make sure you get the kind that have PARA in the ingredients (sorry, I threw the box out and can't remember the word).

    Also, these things are attracted to magnetic fields so if you have a hamper you can isolate things in, I'd disconnect my computer, cables, surge protectors, cords, external Hard drives, speakers... whatever you have. Isolate it in some moth balls for 24 hours. This helped me clear my computer equipment.

    I tented my couch numerous times with heavy plastic and burnt menthol under the tent to clear the bugs. In fact, I think I'll do that tonight. Make sure to keep the windows open so the menthol is dispersed.
    Good luck with this and feel free to contact me.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:33 PM
    zara cybele

    I don't know why my post went up three times. I just joined so I could answer you, so maybe all the signing in, caused that.
    Anyway, forgot the link to shannon's site.
    Shanspirations Blog Archive Help! I'm Being Bit By Something I Can't See! What do I do?
  • Mar 27, 2010, 04:46 PM

    Zara, you are treating the symptoms without finding the cause. If that gives you some relief, good. It will not solve the problem of whatever is causing your skin irritation. As I constantly say, you need to find out what it is so you can get rid of it. You cannot find out what it is if you cannot catch it. If it is microscopic, get your doctor to take skin samples and culture them.

    In the meantime, let me provide some facts about menthol crystals: they're not very toxic, but they can cause problems. Here is the MSDS for them.
  • Mar 27, 2010, 05:10 PM
    zara cybele

    I'd love to I.D. the problem, but there is no one that I know of that can help me find out what it is without cleaning out my bank account. This is a bug so small, that I don't see it. Ever! I am dealing with the environment which is in turn making the problem much less problematic. I seem to be making headway in my attempts and am confident that I'll rid my space of this. Others who have not identified the bug have gotten rid of it, so who cares what it is in the end if I can get rid of it.

    I did have a skin sample taken. They couldn't find it. Check out this article about people being diagnosed with delusional parasitosis. The medical community label them as crazy, but there are indeed bugs. This is one of the bugs which is now prevalent and causing health and living problems to many. No dermatologist I know is sophisticated or cares enough to do this kind of test. You need a scientist and a pocketbook full of cash for that.
    It's an important read if you are interested in this subject.

    Thanks for the menthol sheet. Im taking precaution with exposure to it.

    One more thing, as far as I know there is no quick fix solution for getting rid of this bug. Calling in a pest control agency doesn't seem to work (at least according to all my readings). This requires ongoing, diligent interacting with the environment. That is why people end up doing it themselves.

    Have you been able to eradicate the kind of bug we are speaking about? If so, with what method and what kind of application and repeat application?
  • Mar 28, 2010, 03:11 AM
    I would suggest a biologist or a mycologist rather than a dermatologist to examine any further samples. You're not looking for a diagnosis, you're looking for an identification. Try your local college or University. Best would be some grad student looking for a doctoral thesis - they can get grants and they're really motivated.

    As far as my success goes, I've gotten rid of itch mites, bird mites, dust mites, strawberry tick mites, chiggers, bedbugs, and molds in my time, just to name a few. I've also failed to get rid of allergens such as cat dander and tobacco pollen. Let me repeat for the umpteenth time: If you don't know what it is you cannot get rid of it.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 06:41 AM
    zara cybele

    Well thank you for these helpful suggestions. I will look into the college/University aspect first. I'm surprised you mention mycologist. You think this is a fungi and not a bug?

    Morgellons disease has been linked to virus/fungus/bacteria.

    In my case, I was infected by a worm bin (for home composting) that "got sick." It became infested with fungus gnats, fruit flies and drain flies. However, if you are familiar with worm bins, they contain a great deal of life other than worms; mites, fungi, bacteria, collembola... and on. The bins are gone now, but whatever soared from them, entered the home environment and got me sick.

    A question on my mind, since you do pest control is, how do you protect yourself from accidentally bringing these critters home? I've always wondered that.

    Also, a caution. I have heard of one pest control person getting sick with Morgellons. Don't want to get alarmist on you, but do be careful.

    Again, you offered good solid suggestions. I'll start there.
    Thank you.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 07:09 AM

    Originally Posted by zara cybele View Post
    A question on my mind, since you do pest control is, how do you protect yourself from accidentally bringing these critters home? I've always wondered that.

    The answer, in short, is by being careful. Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment, hand sanitizers, hot showers: I do the same things everybody who works in contaminated environments does. It's worked for a couple of decades now, with only the occasional roach or flea hitchhiking home.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 07:24 AM
    zara cybele

    Bless you and I hope you continue to stay protected.
  • Mar 28, 2010, 08:04 AM
    zara cybele

    Catsmine, I didn't realize you were moderating this thread, as I didn't realize what site I was dealing with. I just read through everything and am going to get a petri dish as you suggest. Very concrete good advice.

    May I leave a word for Aundry and to "Parasitehater" who is seeing the white things fly off his skin? I can't seem to email them directly.
    Please check out : Morgellons-Disease-Research

    The signs you are talking about point towards Morgellons. I recently posted a thread up there called "progression of symptoms" because I did not know what I was dealing with and was looking for guidance from the community of sufferers, to help me identify what is going on with me. Progression of symptoms?

    A big tell-tale sign of this disease are the white fibers or dust you are seeing. They start coming out of your skin. A way to identify if you have this is with UV blacklight (make sure it is UV). Particularly, look at your skin after a bath or shower with the UV light. Do not towel dry. Let yourself air dry so you don't disturb your skin and disperse anything. Keep a magnifying glass nearby and magnify anything that is phosphorescent or that glows under the light. These specks, dust and fibers or "lint" you are seeing and maybe believe to be bugs are most likely Morgellon fibers emanating from you.

    I'm not saying there are no bugs, just that you might now be infected.

    Parasitehater... do you experience these 2-3 months where you see the white "bugs" in July and August? That is when others complain that symptoms are the worst.

    Here is a link to a gentleman showing the fibers as they appear on his shaved scalp. Skip right to 1min. And 34 seconds to get into the meat and potatoes of the video. video of fibers on skull

    Catsmine, sorry for the divergence of conversation. I just didn't know how else to communicate with these people.
  • Mar 29, 2010, 04:02 PM
    May I leave a word for Aundry and to "Parasitehater" who is seeing the white things fly off his skin? I can't seem to email them directly.
    Please check out : Morgellons-Disease-Research

    The signs you are talking about point towards Morgellons. I recently posted a thread up there called "progression of symptoms" because I did not know what I was dealing with and was looking for guidance from the community of sufferers, to help me identify what is going on with me. Progression of symptoms?

    A big tell-tale sign of this disease are the white fibers or dust you are seeing. They start coming out of your skin. A way to identify if you have this is with UV blacklight (make sure it is UV). Particularly, look at your skin after a bath or shower with the UV light. Do not towel dry. Let yourself air dry so you don't disturb your skin and disperse anything. Keep a magnifying glass nearby and magnify anything that is phosphorescent or that glows under the light. These specks, dust and fibers or "lint" you are seeing and maybe believe to be bugs are most likely Morgellon fibers emanating from you.

    I'm not saying there are no bugs, just that you might now be infected.

    Parasitehater... do you experience these 2-3 months where you see the white "bugs" in July and August? That is when others complain that symptoms are the worst.

    Here is a link to a gentleman showing the fibers as they appear on his shaved scalp. Skip right to 1min. And 34 seconds to get into the meat and potatoes of the video. video of fibers on skull

    Catsmine, sorry for the divergence of conversation. I just didn't know how else to communicate with these people.[/QUOTE]

    Zara, I don't think I have morgellons disease, I hope to God I don't, I have been experiencing this for several years, but no fibers are coming out of my body. They love hair and I feel that is where they nest and lay eggs. Sometimes I get a glimpse of tiny white bugs flying, I feel them jumping on my legs or hitting my face, I have experience them in month of Dec. through March. I found out they don't like how vicks smells so I put it on me to keep these bugs away, I just start using Lysol spray it seems like it is working to an extend. I keep everyone posted if Lysol is effective.

  • Jun 16, 2010, 04:02 AM

    I believe I have had this disease for the last 6 years, I am from the UK. Symptoms include skin irritation, static sensations, itchy scalp, 'moving hair' wet feeling in ears, brian fog, confusion, black specks on skin, glittery specks on skin will I have seen on other people near to me at times, Gnats shooting from scalp, attracting flies, web feeling on skin, feeling of hair stuck in throat, extremely sensetive skin, dry skin and hair, hair won't hold hair dye anymore and very brittle, tiny white 'flying dandruff' from clothes and skin, when looking at clothes in shops I see them fly from my hands, lots of dust and fibres on clothes and in house, wet feeling on parts of body, green tinge at times to skin (perhaps I am really an alien!) Hair keeps pulling towards my ears and eyebrows which constantly itch, fibre optic sort of lights on my hair at times. But hey! This is my life and I refuse to let this stop me and I am so very very thankful my 9 year old daughter shows no symptoms at all. I really believe we can all get through this.
  • Jun 16, 2010, 04:24 AM

    I also make other opeople itch when I am near them. At the beginning of this I almost got sectioned as the doctor thought I was seeing things but thankfully the pyschiatrist he sent me to (in a locked ambulance) asked me why I had been sent there and did I have the taxi fare to get home! He also said he would be putting a complaint in against the doctor and suggested I did too but that's another story. I believe this started with a tiny gnat or similar that flew into my eye and I never managed to get out, or after buying a second hand suede coat from a shop that supports animal charities. A few hours after wearing it I had a large angry red circle on one elbow. This only lasted a few hours but my elbow is still not as it was before.
    Because of the incident with the doctor I wouldn't dream of asking for help in case I end up almost sectioned again, in fact I don't tell anybody about it and go to great lengths to hide my discomfort. I have found Vicks also works for me, and have had some results with tea tree oil which I sprinkle on a damp cloth to wipe woodwork down. It's a constant battle to keep the home dust free but I do my best. I do get down at times but I only have to look at my daughter and I can feel the strength coming back to me. I have posted so that symptoms can be compared and so that you also know it's a world wide problem, best wishes to you all.

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