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  • Jul 24, 2009, 09:53 PM
    The Etymologist was a little puzzeled. He is working with the speicimens and will call me Monday. I sure hope he identifies these things! We have to hold on a couple more days.
  • Jul 24, 2009, 09:53 PM
    The Etymologist was a little puzzeled. He is working with the speicimens and will call me Monday. I sure hope he identifies these things! We have to hold on a couple more days.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 02:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Alllizon View Post
    Checked for dryness. Left it in my room over night and a little bit longer and there was no lost in water at all.

    Ok, dry skin is out. Any mildew growing, like in the shower? That would indicate the presence of fungi and you might be reacting to the spores.

    Check out the other questions on here mentioning "invisible" in their title. There's way too many to list or link to. Nobody seems certain what they've got, but a LOT of ideas have been mentioned.
  • Aug 11, 2009, 03:25 AM

    Originally Posted by jjjaj View Post

    You are correct in your analysis. These are not from new sheets! This is not skin irritation. Thatis someting pest control salesmen have said to me. It is simply that they don't know what they are. As I recently posted, I have caught some of them. It is not hard at 3:00AM when you can literally brush them onto the floor from the side of your bed with a tissue! I have contacted my local university, a national pest control agency to get some help. A zealous student is our best bet! I may have to buy my on microscope! I am not going to let these little critters run me from my home. As I mentioned before, I have hardwood floors and the house is about 80 years old so there may be cracks in the floors. I watched them slowly squeeze themselves through the cracks. I will get back as soon as one of these people tell me what they think these are.

    I am up tonight trying to find an answer to the same problem. I know enough about bed bugs and fleas - to know that's not it. Dry, itchy skin does not jump or bite (like this).
    I can feel something jump or crawl on me and bite! I have tried looking for the itchy little creatures (on white sheets) but never find anything. I have tried a sticky lint roller and only came up with vague traces of lint. I am going absolutely mad! I can get up, brush out the bed and shake out the blankets and I seems to help.
    What is going on - and short of giving my place a an (UN)healthy dose of insecticide - buying all new bedding every month (who can afford that) what can I do?
    Does anyone know anything?
  • Aug 11, 2009, 08:14 AM

    Originally Posted by o00oo00o View Post
    Dry, itchy skin does not jump or bite (like this).
    I can feel something jump or crawl on me and bite!

    Have you actually seen anything? There are some insects/mites that are so small as to not be seen, psocids and springtails for instance.

    Look at this site and see if any of that information helps:

    News - Collembola found in scrapings from individuals diagnosed with delusory parasitosis
  • Aug 11, 2009, 09:05 AM

    Hmmmmm - I searched springtails and saw a picture of them near a penny - those, I would have seen. Next, I searched Psocids and from there - Protura.
    Now, YIKES - I have seen something just like this - they are a silvery/clear and almost microscopic - in my plants (dirt)! I began noticing them after I moved to Northern California.
    The plants that had them had very few roots and didn't grow - they just sort of "clung" to life. These little creatures really liked my spider plants - which I no longer have. It looks like not much is known about them, so they probably don't know whether they like too much on people too!
    I battled those bugs in my plants for several years - repotting, rinsing (even tried really warm water) natural remedies, Diatomaceous earth - and a few more - to no avail - I canned the plants (all but 2).
    I love my plants - but I love my sanity better!
    Thank you
  • Aug 11, 2009, 09:06 AM
    P.S. - These things in the plants are clear - would definitely explain why I can not find anything - and they burrow super fast!
  • Aug 11, 2009, 10:35 AM
    If they parasitize both you and the plants, you might need to report them to the biologists at Stanford. For studying them, they'll probably be able to help you.
  • Aug 16, 2009, 09:03 AM

    Originally Posted by jjjaj View Post
    The Etymologist was a little puzzeled. He is working with the speicimens and will call me Monday. I sure hope he identifies these things! We have to hold on a couple more days.

    These bugs r really annoying & I am having sleepless nights. Please tell us the solution when you find it. Thanks!
  • Aug 16, 2009, 09:58 AM
    JackD, Have you looked at the other questions about these phenomena? There are several possible causes. You will need to figure out which one is causing you problems.
  • Aug 23, 2009, 05:20 AM
    Dear Alllison and jjjaj: I have the little white things too. Has anything helped? I get the translucent rocks also. It's a scary thing. No one believes, I've been to a couple dermotologists and a primary. Am seeing someone else soon, she is receptive to the problem. Let me know if you have any positive results with this. Tigatail
  • Aug 25, 2009, 07:00 PM
    I have the same problem I am getting bitten by something. The bites look like flea bites. But I can't see them. I was in my kitchen one night and I could feel them bitting me but when I look there was nothing there it happen all the time. I started to ware shorts and tang tops to get a faster look and still nothing... what is it and how do I get rid of it.
  • Aug 26, 2009, 01:45 AM
    Girlybite, I just put a note up about all the causes of these invisible irritants. Take a look.
  • Mar 24, 2010, 12:23 AM
    I found this after an entire night of anguish from your guys same symptoms. It is a parasitic infection of our bodies!
  • Mar 24, 2010, 12:23 AM
    I found this after an entire night of anguish from your guys same symptoms. It is a parasitic infection of our bodies!

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