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  • Aug 20, 2014, 10:11 PM
    Earl Swetland
    What's my house's history?
    Hi my name is Earl and I've lived at >My House< for 15 years. My family and I believe and feel that we are living with a spirit or ghost. I've felt strange things in my house such as a tap on the shoulder and nobody being around. I've noticed a funny smell at times and cooler temperature. We think the spirits name is Mrs foster the lady that lived in our house when it was built in 1890. Does anyone have info about the house and the people that lived in it?
  • Aug 21, 2014, 12:09 AM
    This is an International web site and there is no data base of ghost house history.

    Your parents can go to the recorder of Deeds and find who has owned house in the past.

    You can go to the local library and search old news papers for events at your location.

    But feeling like touched, can be many things, getting cold, is common in old houses, as is strange noises.

    Since there is not furniture moving, ghosts being seen, it sounds a lot more like imagination.

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