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  • Feb 10, 2006, 10:23 PM
    Does anyone have a ouija board story?
    I have heard some pretty scary ouija board stories in my time. I want to know if anyone has heard of any?
  • Feb 11, 2006, 03:52 AM
    I have had several diffent spirits contact me with the board,sometimes there is one and sometimes more than one nothing weird or scary,always ,always use the prayer of protection.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 09:49 AM
    I heard a story on Coast to Coast AM with George Nory, does anyone listen to this great show at 11:00 PM on AM radio? If not you had better start!! Anyway, it seems a lady was sitting in her living room knitting one night when the rocking chair across from here began rocking. Of course, she was quite taken aback and when it just kept on rockin all by itself, she just started to pray for protection from this unseen entity. Suddenly, she heard voices in the room that seemed to be having a conversation. When she tuned her ears into the voices she heard one say, "No, you must leave this place now!" Then another voice flatly stated, "No! I don't have to leave I was invited and I wish to stay!" After a few moments of this sort of bantering, the rocker just stopped rocking and a wonderful peace fell over the room. The lady gathered her senses and remembered her three children playing upstairs in the bedroom. She flew up the stairs missing a few on her way and bolted down the hall into the children's bed room where she found them playing a board game, a ouija board.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 10:17 AM
    Very interesting. I do not mess with stuff like that. It is to be avoided. In my opinion but at the same time the stories are interesting. I do believe it is not a game but the real thing. The only thing is you never know what your inviting when using it.

  • Feb 11, 2006, 10:34 AM
    If your afraid don't mess with it, if not you may be amazed!
  • Feb 11, 2006, 12:38 PM
    I'm with Jesushelper! I used to fool around with the Ouija Board a lot as a teenager, and I really freaked myself out bad. I don't go near that stuff anymore.

    I do have a weird Ouija Board story for you though... not the usual fare, but I think it's interesting, haha. When I was in Art School, my professor suggested to the class that we each find a very "unique" drawing board to do sketches on, as it might help with our creativity. After searching in lots of different places, I found an old Ouija board in an antique shop. It was made of wood, nicely decorated, and would fit easily in my lap, so I thought it would make a nice and very original drawing board. After I started using it for a while, I would get the urge to sketch monsters and demons, ghosts, or basically anything macabre, whenever I was sketching on the Ouija Board. If the professor said to draw a tree, I would start drawing a tree with a face, evil eyes, teeth, etc, haha. It just came to me in my head to draw those things. Whereas normally my art is pretty "tame". The pictures were good, but it freaked me out and eventually I got rid of the board. That's the whole story. :)
  • Feb 11, 2006, 02:38 PM
    I have watched some documentaries on the super natural and I would not touch those things if you paid me. No no no not here no way. I am with Orange and Jesushelper
  • Feb 11, 2006, 03:16 PM
    I've heard various stories about spirits that won't go away when the game is over. I remember one story about a teenage girl that played the game and the spirit they called up took an infatuation to her and would not leave her alone. I don't remember the final outcome, but I know I would never mess with one of those boards.

    I would really like to hear Father Chuck's take on these things.. :)
  • Feb 11, 2006, 03:52 PM
    Father Chuck would probably say the same. We are taught in the bible to never mess with the spirit world. Not to be involved with those boards. It is not to be messed with. I do not know exactly what verse or what it exactly says but I am sure Father will be able to find it and if I find it I will share with others. I had a cousin by marriage years and years ago tell me that he used the board and freaked him out and they asked questions like how long will I live and it told him he was going to die young and at what age. Guess what got killed instantly in a motorbike accident. He was very young. Imagine that.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 04:05 PM
    Like I said if you fear it don't do it, but I am not afraid and will continue to do so I take my chances!! call me crazy because I am.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 04:45 PM
    If you feel comfortable doing it, that is fine. That is your choice. I am not saying anything to you specifically I was just sharing a story about an experience with it along with my beliefs about it and What the bible says about it. I am not judging you in anyway. We are just having a conversation about the board.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 05:21 PM

    If you feel comfortable doing it, that is fine. That is your choice
    I'm with jesushelper, orange & lilfyre... Just because people don't do something does not mean they are in fear of it... As you put yourself its about choice. I fear no Evil spirts of this earth because I have access to a powerful tool the BIBLE (+Holy Spirt) that demons and spirts fear and flea, just by reading a vs.

    I myself do not beleave that we should play with the spirt world, when you do there are all kinds of things that can happen, maybe not straight away but over a period.

    People have an interest in the unknown, but the answers you will get from using a board are not from a dead rel' or friendly ghost, they are straight from the big Satan himself that will in the end try and take over your mind body and spirt. This is just my take on things, but you are allowed to have your take, that's why we live in a FREE world.

    Most people that play with the board if they use them in there own home, will at some point have a number of things happen in there home that will make them get there local PRIEST to come BLESS there home and remove the evil.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 05:56 PM
    I think if you are interested in these paranormal happenings.. and are at the point of wanting to use a board.. please don't.. its just energies that are "disembodied from the spirit realms" that they can pick up... you may not find comfort in Christianity, but try going to a spiritualist church first...

    These people are experienced at relating with the spirit realms.. so at least YOU would be safe!
  • Feb 12, 2006, 03:45 PM
    I am safe in my own space and mind.
  • Feb 12, 2006, 04:21 PM
    The one thing that I have always been told about Ouji boards are that its not a game. It's a real thing. There is a spirit world, they are around us at all times and the one known way for them to contact us is if we give them a tool and open a door for them to do so. An ouji board is that tool.
    Im sure most of the time what people expirence is pretty harmless but there are dark entites just waiting to be able to contact someone, that's the thing you never know who will come across. You could easily contact an entity that can be very harmful to you. To me I don't think its worth it. When your dealing with the spirit world no one knows what to expect and its something that as us the living don't know how to control. If there is a spirit harassing you because you contacted it, there is no garuntee it will go away.

    I think its just to dangerous. I knew someone that didn't have the best expirence with it. I am fascinated by the paranormal and I believe in it, but I know its not a good idea to get involved with it voluntarily. I grew up in a house that had a lot of spirit activity, and the things that I expirenced involuntarily were enough for me.
  • Feb 12, 2006, 04:38 PM

    Originally Posted by cutiie
    I am safe in my own space and mind.

    Im not going to tell you what to do or not to do, but you should just consider what everyone has posted here. Regardless how you personally feel about it, it is dangerous. You have been lucky so far but that doesn't mean that something more serious couldn't happen next time.

    You say that you are safe in your space and mind. You may think you are and the spirts may say you are, but they can always turn it around where you are not in control of the situation. Don't be fooled. You are dealing with a realm that has its own set of rules, don't ever think for a second that you are more powerful than they are, because your not.
    And if you think like that, they WILL prove you wrong. Things can become very frightening and damadging on your physical and mental well being. Just please consider this, you obviously do what you want in the end but just be aware of the dangers.
  • Feb 12, 2006, 05:22 PM
    I am in control,and what other people post is their experiences,I am not fooled,I know what I am dealing with,I will take my chances,.
  • Feb 17, 2006, 09:48 AM
    Speaking of ages, when I was fooling around with the Ouija board at age 12, it told me I would live to be 87! I'm 26 now, so that's 61 more years... wow. But of course I don't really believe it. I stay away from the board now.
  • Feb 17, 2006, 02:55 PM

    The one thing that I have always been told about Ouji boards are that its not a game. It's a real thing. There is a spirit world, they are around us at all times and the one known way for them to contact us is if we give them a tool and open a door for them to do so. An ouji board is that tool.

    You say that you are safe in your space and mind. You may think you are and the spirts may say you are, but they can always turn it around where you are not in control of the situation. Don't be fooled. You are dealing with a realm that has its own set of rules, don't ever think for a second that you are more powerful than they are, because your not.
    And if you think like that, they WILL prove you wrong. Things can become very frightening and damadging on your physical and mental well being. Just please consider this, you obviously do what you want in the end but just be aware of the dangers.
    This pretty much sums up what everyone has been warning abou the ouji board.


    I had a cousin by marriage years and years ago tell me that he used the board and freaked him out and they asked questions like how long will I live and it told him he was going to die young and at what age. Guess what got killed instantly in a motorbike accident. He was very young. Imagine that.
    Stories like these are not coincidences!
  • Feb 17, 2006, 03:41 PM
    Would you say that these things happened to these kids as predicted by the Ouiji BECAUSE the asked the Ouiji? In other words, had they never fooled with the Board, would their fate be the same?
  • Feb 17, 2006, 04:21 PM
    DrJizzle, if that was referring to my point then I would say it may have still happened. I was thinking about that after I typed it. Evil spirits do not know what is going to happen in the future nor do I don't think they caused it. However, maybe the path of asking this board may have changed his direction a little bit. Meaning it could have been on his mind so he might not have taken the same path if that makes any sense. I'm not sure how, but I think those things are linked sometimes.
  • Feb 17, 2006, 04:42 PM
    It was mostly in general but your post is what prompted the idea in my mind.

    I think I agree with you... it is interesting to think about. Could they have put so much energy into "knowing" this would happen that they brought it on themselves?

    I am a firm believer in the laws that say "we create our own reality" and "where your attention goes, energy flows... where energy flows, things grow" and "what you focus on is what you experience, what you think is what you create"
  • Feb 17, 2006, 04:48 PM
    Not to dispute anyone's stories of death after "prediction" by an Ouija board, but it seems to me that, generally speaking, it sounds like an urban legend. I mean, I've heard many, many people say that a friend of a friend was told they were going to die by the Ouija Board and then died. And urban legends get passed around like that. Just like finding the rat's tail in your burger at McDonalds. ;)

    The other thing is, so many young people play with the Ouija Board... it's unusual to find a kid who hasn't. Statistically speaking, some of those kids were going to die young anyway, due to illness or accident. Them hearing it from the Ouija Board might simply be a coincidence.
  • Feb 17, 2006, 04:59 PM

    Originally Posted by orange
    The other thing is, so many young people play with the Ouija Board... it's unusual to find a kid who hasn't. Statistically speaking, some of those kids were going to die young anyways, due to illness or accident. Them hearing it from the Ouija Board might simply be a coincidence.

    That's a good point Orange but still in most faiths they say that people should not play with spirts. The bible tells you straight that you must not mess around with these things.


    Originally Posted by jduke44
    We can have protection from those things but should not test God on those things

  • Feb 17, 2006, 05:01 PM
    Yup I don't mess with the board at all... it's scary. But I do think there's some "legend" involved in all the stories that go around about it. It's become such a part of our culture or pop culture, especially in the last 25 years or so.
  • Feb 17, 2006, 05:54 PM
    I agree fully... Im sure many of those stories are simply urban legend.

    But if you think about it, Ouiji belief and even discussion are often such "taboo" or even just consideredsuch "hockus pockus" that it may have played a greater role in things than we may ever know.

    I don't know... I once tried a homemade version with my cousin. It wasn't working for me... at the time, I thought I was much too strong to allow a spirit to control me. Im not sure if that was the case or not.

    However, afterward we burned it (it was simlpy a piece of paper) and it burnt into the shape of an angel (like a snowangel). That sounds crazy now that I say it again (after probably 15 years) but it's the truth.
  • Feb 18, 2006, 05:38 PM
    So there could be a lot more than meets the eye... Hey that would have freaked me out seeing it burn like an angel, so was you been looked over and blocked from its harming you if it burnt in that way..?
  • Feb 18, 2006, 10:23 PM
    In the book of Genesis, it tells about the Watchers, or fallen Angels teaching humans about dark, magical things. God even remarked to them that what they did was wrong but that they did not know every trick in the book. God had kept a lot of secrets from them. My point is, could the ouija board be some sort of old ancient "magic" that was used to summon or communicate with the spirirt world? There are more secrets lost in time than we know. As for my experience with the board, which I will not go into-in detail, for personal reasons, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will pearce the vail and bring you into contact with the spirit realm, the lower spirit realm. As for the person that feels they are in complete control while "dabbling" into that spirit realm, you have just been lucky so far.
  • Feb 18, 2006, 10:53 PM
    What about all those people that work in the factory that churned out Ouija boards?? ;)
  • Feb 18, 2006, 11:04 PM
    Slaves... all slaves! Just kidding. I don't know. Maybe they have a lot of nightmares or an unsually high rate of suicide? Maybe they're all possesed. People spittin up green vomit all over the lunch room! Those flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz swooping down and flying away with them when they don't meet their quota. Could happen.
  • Feb 19, 2006, 09:07 AM
    What was that horror film was it the Omen where most of the cast died and weird **** happened to them... I know a little of thread there but hey they pissed off the spirt world and look what happened to them.
  • Feb 19, 2006, 09:39 AM

    Originally Posted by nwsflash
    What was that horror film was it the Omen where most of the cast died and weird **** happend to them....I know a little of thread there but hey they pissed off the spirt world and look what happend to them.

    It wasn't The Omen. Gregory Peck didn't die until a couple of years ago, and Lee Remick died in the 90s. (The Omen was filmed in 1976). The rest of the cast are still alive.

    Maybe you're thinking of Poltergeist? Dominique Dunne, who played the oldest daughter, was murdered by her boyfriend the same year the movie was released. Heather O'Rourke, who played the youngest daughter, died on the operating table... she had a kidney disease. Although I think it's a bit of a stretch to relate her death to the movie, since she died 6 years after its release. The actors who played the parents, the son, and most of the other characters are all still alive.

    Three people, Vic Morrow and 2 child actors, died in a helicopter crash while they were filming "Twilight Zone: The Movie", so maybe that's what you're thinking of. Although, the cast of the Twilight Zone was enormous, so 3 people dying out of a main cast of 20+ is hardly most of the cast.

    I understand your line of thinking and especially in the case of the Twilight Zone movie, it does sort of seem like a curse of some kind... but then again, cast are dying in movies all the time... during filming, right after filming, etc... in all genres, not just horror. I could give you dozens of examples.
  • Feb 19, 2006, 09:45 AM
    Omg Omg Omg
  • Feb 19, 2006, 09:46 AM
    Wow Orange! Did not know you were such a movie buff!
  • Feb 19, 2006, 09:51 AM
    Yup that's why I joined the site in the first place, LOL. But there were not enough movie questions I could answer, so I sort of spread myself out. :)
  • Feb 19, 2006, 09:52 AM
    It may well by the Poltergeist I'm thinking of... I know that there was a horror film that weird stuff happened to most of the cast, I was watching a program about it a few months back that went into detail, but for the life of me can't remember the name of it.
  • Feb 19, 2006, 10:15 AM
    Could be Poltergeist, yeah... like I said, not everyone died shortly afterwards (actually only one person, Dominique Dunne), but I seem to recall there were some strange happenings on the set during the movie, and people had weird experiences. I'll do a bit of research and see if I can find anything else to post here.
  • Feb 19, 2006, 10:32 AM
    Hi I've found this whilst having a look around the web... Some weird stuff, but was it the films, our would this stuff have happened anyway... Intresting that stuff happened to friends and family as well...
  • Feb 19, 2006, 10:35 AM
    Could you post that link again? It's telling me the page doesn't exist!
  • Feb 19, 2006, 10:36 AM
    Is that the one in which the lady keeps saying," don't go into the light, don't go into the light?". Why would you not want the spirit to not go into the light? Unless of course it was to early to end the movie! I don't really get into these movies for the simple reason that they scare the hell out of me! I am one big scardy cat when it comes to the boogy man! The first excorist movie completely changed my life. I almost joined a monastary. For a whole month, every unexplained noise I heard made me jump out of my skin. I just don't like it!

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