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  • Jan 28, 2010, 12:05 AM

    I don't think you should use it ALONE!!
    I used one ALONE when I was 17, I'm 36 now and being haunted by something. From being pushed against the wall when alone on the bed, to being brushed up against my backside, to seeing a full bodied figure with a really scary skeletal look to the face and no feet, to having a full bodied black shadow person looking figure come right up to me when I was wide awake... sitting on the side of the bed.. watching TV WITH THE LIGHT ON, to seeing shadowy figures move around the room (which my boyfriend has seen so I'm not crazy), to hearing growling moans in my ear, to hearing my name in my ear like someone was right next to me when there wasn't anyone there, to having something thrown at me from across the room, to hearing knocking noises on the shelf as I come near to it... sound like someone punched it.

    BELIEVE ME... YOU DON'T WANT TO USE IT ALONE. Also, when I was 17 and used it, I got very addicted... it DID WORK for me, it moved on it's own... which freaked me out... and when my ex broke the board, I hid the triangle and made my own out of paper and used the triangle... IT WORKED... scary.
    Then, when he broke my triangle that came with the real one,I cried for a long time... I felt like someone had taken my life away from me.


    I hope u choose to do the right thing. That is a scary world, that I didn't believe would come true... but it did... it's scary!!
    You don't want to live it. I thought I was connecting to my mom, who died when I was 3, but I think I brought up someone or something scary.
    DON'T USE IT!! I can't say it enough. Look how many years passed, and look what's happening.
    DON'T USE IT!!
    Take care.
  • Jan 28, 2010, 10:13 AM
    Just so people know who continue to post on this thread...

    It's nearly three years old and not visible anymore on a daily basis.

    If you make a comment on it, your comment will most likely only be noticed by those who've already been on the thread. Some of those who've already made comments on this thread, have never returned to this site.

  • Feb 1, 2010, 01:17 PM

    I personally have never used a Ouija board (just the thought scares me), but my husband and his ex wife had one, and returned it to the store the very next day.
    A co-worker and I got into the conversation about the boards at work and she said thatshe used one when she was 16. It told her that her boyfriend at the time was at that moment at another girl's house. She stormed down the stairs and called her boyfriend and asked him where he was and he was getting ready to come see her. SHe slammed the phone down and as they went back up the stairs, she said a few unsavory things about the board/spirit. When they went to use the board again, the pointer flew off the board.
    I did ask for one as a child, and my mother was VERY adamant in her "NO!"
    I believe there are things that we aren't meant to interact with, and that using a board could possibly open you to those things. Why risk it?
  • Feb 1, 2010, 01:19 PM

    Originally Posted by Clough View Post
    Just so people know who continue to post on this thread...

    It's nearly three years old and not visible anymore on a daily basis.

    If you make a comment on it, your comment will most likely only be noticed by those who've already been on the thread. Some of those who've already made comments on this thread, have never returned to this site.


    I noticed it when I popped into the forums. If the original posters don't read this, then maybe it will help somebody else with the same question. Besides, where else can I post my opinion... usually, my husband doesn't want to hear it. :D
  • Feb 22, 2010, 04:53 AM
    OK so me and my buds allways do it and nothing ever happens we use to get spooked but no it like a conversation with anouther humanbeing and to all you theads who think that its not reall and are to far up their own butts to even try it.. go f@ck yourselves

    It is a bit of fun that I think ever one should experience...

    And doing it by yourself is fine.. just be confident and don't show fear ( also just a tip follow the rules)

    Happy ouijing :) xx
  • Mar 8, 2010, 01:44 PM
    I used one last night with my mom and her fiancé thinking it wasn't going to work but a few seconds we asked it "is anybody here with us?' the cup started moving by itself and I freaked out. It said it was my grandma's mom because she died while she was living there but she said she was watching over us and that she wanted to hurt someone and thts when I stared to cry. We have ben seeing flashing lights in our halway like sum1 was taking a picture of us and we asked her if it was her and she said yes. I'm only 13 and I cried 4 like a min then got over it. But imma tlk to her again tonight. I didn't get to meet her she died before I was born I think. I don't think the ouija board is bad unless you know how to use it properly. And don't forget to ask if you can leave and let the spirit say good bye then you can take your hands off it.
  • May 31, 2010, 02:24 PM
    Burn it? My god, you people watch to many movies and believe everytihing you read on the internet about this being bad and being possed. Have you actually use dit or just go along with everyone's percepetion of it? My god, I have used the board for over 30 years and never once had anything "bad" happen. It s a freakin tool not some gateway r portal you read, Get educated and inform before running your mouths, It makes you look stupid
  • Jun 28, 2010, 02:03 PM
    I'm about to do this ouija board alone, so I guess ill tell you how it goes in a while.
  • Jun 28, 2010, 02:04 PM

    Well I'm about to play this ouija board alone, so ill get back to you on how it went.
  • Jun 28, 2010, 05:56 PM
    Very old thread that is now archived. It's no longer visible on the list of currently active threads.

    Most people currently using the site won't be noticing that there's activity on it.
  • Jul 2, 2010, 06:11 PM
    My name is and my friend katlen played the ouije board. We talked to this boy named boe.he was murded by his dad in my house.he is thirteen.his dad murderd his mom to and then he murderd his self.and one day I was playing the board when in the corner of my eye I seen a old laidy I asked boe who she was and he said his mom.I went over to say hi whene the cup flu of the board .

  • Jul 2, 2010, 06:11 PM
    My name is and my friend katlen played the ouije board. We talked to this boy named boe.he was murded by his dad in my house.he is thirteen.his dad murderd his mom to and then he murderd his self.and one day I was playing the board when in the corner of my eye I seen a old laidy I asked boe who she was and he said his mom.I went over to say hi whene the cup flu of the board .

  • Jul 2, 2010, 08:35 PM

    I would discourage any use of Ouija boards. How much have you studied them and their use? Are you putting yourself at risk? Until you are absolutely sure , I wouldn't do it.
  • Jul 3, 2010, 12:34 AM
    Hi, anna78780!

    This thread is really old and is now archived. It's no longer visible on the list of currently active threads. If you would like for what you ask to get the most exposure, it would be best if you would start a new thread. Plus, this place doesn't work the way that a chat room does. New question do need to be asked by starting new threads.


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