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  • Sep 16, 2008, 03:53 AM
    I make them. Beautiful ones. One thing I can't figure out though, is how a plain piece of wood insantly has some spirit living in it. It is only wood,I put it together myself with plain old wood. Anyway, my neighbors 12 yrs. Old and 16 yrs. Old and myself use it all of the time. But there are certain precautions to take and follow without fail while using a Ouija Board. Never ask it for it's identity,and never ask it about a God. If you play,have a piece of sterling silver,such as a silver spoon with you. Allways have a white candel lit. If it starts to follow the letters down through the alphabet ,or the numbers down the line, such as ,"ABCDEF" or "12345" say Good-By and close it up. That means a evil entity is trying to come through. Allways say a closing prayer before ending the session, and tell all the good spirits to go to the white light,and all bad spirits to go away. Also say, protect my friends and family from any evil and never put it away with both the plachete and the board together,only separated. One more thing, do ask it if the spirit you are speaking with had been born to this earth. If it says no, then say go away,and close it down.
  • Sep 16, 2008, 08:58 AM
    I still can't believe people are still posting about this. The Ouija Board is GAME. That's right, it's a G.A.M.E. nothing more and nothing less. The only reason you THINK you're talking to a spirit is because your mind is telling you that you are doing so. If you really want to summon a spirit then study ceremonial magic. Believe me, if summoning a spirit was as easy as using an Ouija Board then this world would be 100x worse than it already is.
  • Dec 6, 2008, 11:03 PM

    Originally Posted by msneed2knownow View Post
    Never ever touch the ouija board!! Its a portal to evil. Lying spirits and lost dark spirits come through and trick and torment. Don't ever play with the dark side. You will lose. Take it back or burn it, while saying a prayer, asking God to protect you and forgive your ignorance. (throwing it away, it could be found and hurt someone else.)
    All truth comes from God, and God doesnt play games. Respect spiritual chain of command. Only the name of Jesus has ultimate authority. "we fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities of the air" (spirits). The bible explains all.

    Everything comes down to how much faith you have...
  • Dec 20, 2008, 08:45 AM

    What these people say is true, about evil spirit. If you want to contact them, use the gifts you have. Psychics have the ability to tap into higher-vibration realms naturally, which allows them to receive good information and spirit.
    Ouija boards are a low vibration device, and only negative spirit will come through. Its not fun and its not a game. It opens a link you do not want, and if you do not know how to protect yourself and close down the link then you may make your life a living hell. Many of my family members played around with it and they had a lot of bad events occur shortly after.

    Myself, I'm so sensitive I get very sick around them.

    If you DO insist on using the damn thing, protect, ground and request only good, positive spirit come through. Talk to family about it too-- they may have info for you.

    Oh and don't use alone. It will drain you completely, because it takes a lot of energy to work it anyway, not to mention the drain of the spirit coming through.
  • Jan 7, 2009, 05:14 PM

    I had one when I was a teenager. I used it with my friends. I heard the whole "be careful what you ask" thing. I felt the same way as the scientist types on here. "Let's test it and see if it's true."

    Well, I had 5 people in my driveway that wouldn't go back into my house. One of them was a 31 year old man. Later, being intrigued, and a pretty ballsy roudy teenager, I tried it by myself. It worked. It worked too good. After what happened that night, I put it under my bed saying I never wanted to do it again. A few months later I changed my mind, but I couldn't find the board. I asked my mom if she'd seen it. She said she threw it away. I asked why. She said she didn't know what happened by she could tell I was freaked out by something and that was the only thing that she could think of that would freak out somebody as wild as I was.

    You want to wild ride go for it. But don't think that after it happens you're not going to say to yourself, "Umm, maybe I shouldn't 'ev done that."
  • Jan 12, 2009, 03:51 PM
    I have been using a board of my own. With and without friends. There is something in my house. Last night my lights came on. I shut them off when I went to sleep. I am very scared. Sunday I went to a church and was blessed and prayed. That night strange happenings in my house. Why would lights come on? Dead people came in my dream they say they are in my house with me. I am real scared I do not know what to do.
  • Jan 21, 2009, 02:15 PM

    Still... you people are still going on about this Ouja board thing. Ok, look at it like this. You can walk into Toys R Us or Walmart and buy an Ouija board. Have you ever wondered why? BECAUSE IT IS A GAME!! A board game, no different than chess or checkers. Can I go into Toys R Us and buy the Key of Solomon or the Grimoire of Armadel (books that show you REALLY how to summon a spirit)? No. Why? Because they are NOT games, they are real. The Ouija board is made by parker brothers... thats right... the same guys who make monopoly. Damn people! I usually don't get upset like this but you guys are making a big deal over things that you THINK are in your house. And even if there is a spirit (evil or not) in your house it has nothing to do with the Ouija board. The next time my lights flicker I'll blame it on my PS3, since games can bring spirits. Jeez. Like I said before, if you want to summon a spirit then study ceremonial magic, not some board game. Take it from someone who actually studies AND practices magic... going on almost 10 years now. I think I would know the difference between a game and reality.
  • Jan 29, 2009, 03:05 PM

    Originally Posted by burn56 View Post
    the ouija board can have dangerous and unforseen results. read here: T A P S - The Atlantic Paranormal
    you could be inviting yourself to become a medium, not nessicarilly right away, but to a host of evil, tormented, or just plain unwanted entities.

    I can't see the site Dx
  • Jan 29, 2009, 03:16 PM
    Black Dragon

    DON'T USE THEM!! I made that mistake once. I edvize you not to make the mistake I did.
  • Jan 29, 2009, 04:21 PM
    What happened to you? ^ O.O
  • Jan 29, 2009, 05:17 PM

    Ok obviously no one gets that it's a game. So go ahead everyone, keep believing that your board games can bring spirits. You know, why don't you throw a party and summon demons using your chess board... since board games are all magical and such. You people need to think logically about certain things. That's not happening anytime soon so I give up. Damn!
  • Mar 12, 2009, 07:59 PM

    Originally Posted by burn56 View Post
    the ouija board can have dangerous and unforseen results. read here: T A P S - The Atlantic Paranormal
    you could be inviting yourself to become a medium, not nessicarilly right away, but to a host of evil, tormented, or just plain unwanted entities.

    That's true ever since I used one 8 years ago Ive been oddly gifted I can read thoughts sometimes I can get gut feelings about the futre and write the future and past on paper its scary I don't do it anymore But I could if I tried
  • Mar 12, 2009, 07:59 PM

    Originally Posted by jammixmaster View Post
    Ok obviously no one gets that its a game. So go ahead everyone, keep believing that your board games can bring spirits. You know, why don't you throw a party and summon demons using your chess board......since board games are all magical and such. You people need to think logically about certain things. Thats not happening anytime soon so I give up. Damn!

    You don't have to use a board u can write the letters on anything and use anything as a pointer
  • Mar 21, 2009, 07:09 AM

    Originally Posted by GNL685 View Post
    you dont have to use a board u can write the letters on anything and use anything as a pointer

    I don't know how I can prove that an Ouija Board is just a game, not anything that can really summon spirits. If we lived near each other I'd show you how to REALLY summon a spirit... and it's not with some board and a pointer.
  • Mar 21, 2009, 11:04 AM
    There's no way you can prove to me it doesn't work because I know for a fact that it worked with me and my cousin.. but then again her house was over 100 years old and was next to an old burned down mental hospital/clinic she lived in what used to be one of the doctors houses
  • Mar 21, 2009, 11:05 AM

    I don't think we summoned any spirits I think they were already there
  • Mar 21, 2009, 04:17 PM

    Well then there you go. The board doesn't summon spirits, you were just communicating with what was already there. So what would happen if there was nothing there? Then nothing would happen. On the other hand... if you really do summon a spirit you can bring what wasn't there in the first place to be there. But I see I have no sway over your belief in the board game so we'll leave it at that.
  • Mar 22, 2009, 09:44 AM

    Yea I agree about that... I don't think it summons spirits either but I think that you can use it to communicate with spirits that are already there.its creepy too becaouse it doesn't feel like someone is moving your hand.. it feels like someone is moving the pointer and if I kept my finger still and my cousin tried to push it it wouldn't budge.. but then sometimes it would move so fast that it would fly off the board.. I don't mess with that stuff anymore they lie and trick you and try to scare you (the spirits) and you never know who you are truly talking to But yea you are right about that.. when I did it in other places it didn't work.. only my cousins house
  • Mar 22, 2009, 03:12 PM

    I see.
  • Apr 5, 2009, 07:12 PM

    I try all the time but it never works.Im atheist but so far I've tried everything to make it work but nothing happened.Maybe its because the partner usually pushes it.

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