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  • Dec 22, 2008, 11:27 AM
    Hi UniversalQuip, I need to get moldavite but I want the real one. I just read that your father is from Bohemia, I want to buy my moldavite so I want to ask you a favor, Can you get the real stone from the Czech Republic then I buy it from you? Or can you give me information of a place o person where I can get it with my eyes close, knowing it is the real one? I live in SouthFlorida. Thanks

    Originally Posted by UniversalQuip View Post
    I just wanted to say something here. I used to astral travel for many years since I was a child. I never went very far and sometimes just traveled through the house. I never liked these experiences and wished they would stop. When I was about 17 years old (now in my 40’s) I told someone about a very vivid astral travel experience and that’s when I learned about astral travel. Leaving my body always during sleep, but these were never dreams and I would crash back into my body and I would vibrate for a while. I hated my experiences. I sometimes would meet very unsavory spirits in the spirit world. I haven’t had an occurrence to my knowledge in about 12-13 years and am very glad. Prayer and other meditations made it stop. I am very open minded, however I did not like some of the things I met in the other world, the spirit world. I recently purchased a moldavite because of its rarity and for its supposed powers. I have had some negative experiences going on in my life and thought maybe this would help. I have been wearing it around my neck for about 4 days now and actually have had some vivid dreams, but I always dream very vividly so it’s not uncommon. I purchased mine from the Czech Republic from people that actually mine the moldavite. Moldavite can only be found in the Czech Republic. Also, both my parents are from the Czech Republic so I thought I should have a piece of my roots around my neck. My Father is actually from Bohemia were moldavite is mined. Now I wonder if my heritage has anything to do with my astral experiences, psychic and clairvoyant abilities, etc. When I started reading about this tektite, I began to wonder if my strange experiences in life had anything to do with my heritage and my Father’s birthplace. Most likely not. If you want to do astral travel, I can assure you it is a dangerous game. I personally hated it. I am excited about my new rock though. Thanks

  • Dec 22, 2008, 05:37 PM

    Is this rock known to help you be closer to a loved one that has passed on?

    I feel him, I just want a stronger connection.

    Thanks :)
  • Dec 26, 2008, 01:32 AM
    Well from what you just said I think you've just gained all abilities in your brain
  • Jan 21, 2009, 08:42 PM

    Your story is amazing, I have purchased moldavite and have only just meditated with it today, I felt something amazing. I cannot wait to put it inside my pillowcase. I would love it if you would contact me, I am extremely interested and would sincerely like to share my up and coming experiences with you and vice versa, thanks
  • Mar 16, 2010, 02:02 AM
    If you are still around I'd like to exchange information about my experiences with moldavites and hear more about yours. As I said before, I purchased my first piece of moldavite in April 2008, so I am getting to the two year mark with moldavites in my house. I mention that because it is said that moldavites provoke profound and necessary changes on peoples lives in about two years time. Do you - or anyone else reading this - have any other experiences or changes you know were brought about by moldavite that you could mention? Thanks in advance for the kindness of your response. If you wish, please do write me at my email: [email protected] Write MOLDAVITE CHANGES in the header, so I know it is not spam. Blessed be always, CAPUTDRACONIS
  • Feb 12, 2011, 01:59 PM
    It can do some pretty powerful stuff. I've worked with many stones over the years and nothing compares to this stone. Just tell yourself that you'll connect with a trusted source to show you how to use this stones energies and you'll be pleasantly surprised. My personal mandra I like to use with this stone is to ask the universe to expand my understanding of it a thousand fold while in company of it. Shoot for the moon and if you make it half way, you rock!
  • Feb 16, 2011, 03:17 PM
    Hi starf0x,

    When you say "I've worked with many stones over the years and nothing compares to this stone" what exactly do you mean? Could you be more specific? Could you describe one or two events that you know happened to you because of the moldavite? As an example I can think of a post I've read in another group where the poster said he/she was visited by an enormous alien. The alien showed up at night in his/her bedroom. This is an extreme experience, the only one involving the visit of an alien I could find on the net.

    By the way, how many carats (or grams) your moldavite weight? Where did you purchased it? Here in the US of from a seller overseas?

    Thanks in advance for the kindness of your response,

    Caputdraconis (Nilsa)
  • Feb 16, 2011, 03:18 PM
    Comment on starf0x's post
    Hi starf0x,

    When you say "I've worked with many stones over the years and nothing compares to this stone" what exactly do you mean? Could you be more specific? Could you describe one or two events that you know happened to you because of the moldavite? As an example I can think of a post I've read in another group where the poster said he/she was visited by an enormous alien. The alien showed up at night in his/her bedroom. This is an extreme experience, the only one involving the visit of an alien I could find on the net.

    By the way, how many carats (or grams) your moldavite weight? Where did you purchased it? Here in the US of from a seller overseas?

    Thanks in advance for the kindness of your response,

    Caputdraconis (Nilsa)
  • Feb 17, 2011, 06:31 AM
    Comment on CAPUTDRACONIS's post
    Aliens huh! :)... I do wish I could say that was a joke as I know all too well what can be encountered with this stone. That's kind of why I said ask for a TRUSTED source to guide you. All crystals are really no different than a tuneing fork to dial into a frequency like a radio station. No different than how 'silicon valley' uses quartz to manipulate electrical impulses to create all the fancy electronics we have these days. This stone from the day I had my first one from a seller on eBay from czechminerals then when I lost that a second from another czech seller overseas, both were legit and powerful. The first day I had it on me I noticed everything about my energy field was amplified. I couldn't even sleep with it in my room without getting strange visuals. I'd basically got accustomed to sleeping with this stone and having non stop visuals only to get up for work and feel rested which was bizare. Most visuals encompased whatever I was thinking about. For instance...
  • Feb 17, 2011, 06:42 AM
    Comment on CAPUTDRACONIS's post
    If I thought of someone in particular I might see a garden scene play out with them dancing through it and as I would focus on someone else everything about the vision would change to say a geometrical dance of sorts. The more I did this shifting of focus on different individuals working with this stone the more it seemed to be conveying some sort of inner dynamic of the personality I was thinking of as the general themes for each individual would keep coming back. I did have contact with other types of consciousness that I really wish I hadn't. They showed me things about how the universe works in ways that honestly scared the hell out of me. The closer I allowed myself to interact with them the more I realized just how intelligent these things were. They gave me the intel I was looking for but used me in ways I didn't realize at the time. The message I got from spirit guides that steered me away from this interaction was to ask the heart to connect to appropriate sources.
  • Apr 26, 2011, 12:59 AM
    A word of warning for those considering playing with Moldavite. This stone can be extremely disruptive, especially for anyone with severe repression. Your life will be forced forward. I can't tell you how many stories I hear of accidents, job losses etc. This is not bad luck; it's clearing, and most people are very grateful looking back but rarely when their lives are being turned inside out.

    Regarding channeling, I thought it was a load of rubbish until I was startled into re-assessing my position on the phenomenon when I meditated with moldavite. If you want to 'see dead people' moldavite probably isn't your stone - you might be contacted from some pretty insistent extraterrestrials who are often curious and also tend to be impervious to 'white light' protection. Side note: some of the most interesting information comes from chipped or otherwise imperfect moldavites.

    Similar to a previous poster, my family is Czech, just miles from where these meteorites are found. Beware any 'moldavites' coming from China. China has beautiful fakes & also its own interesting tektites which feel nothing like moldavite. Buy only from a dealer you've been personally recommended.

    Heaven & Earth Jewelry is great for your first, totally reputable and somewhat pricey. Start by ordering a small moldavite, a couple of grams, to get familiar with the 'feel' of moldavite - no need to spend more than $30 or $40. Then if you feel confident test your intuition to pick the true from the glass on eBay. Seriously, never buy an expensive mold like a Besednice hedgehog from eBay unless the seller's reputation is rock solid beyond eBay ratings. One of the largest, highest rated eBay sellers for moldavites has loads of fakes mixed in with the real. I buy now from 2 eBay sellers who live in the Moldau Valley.

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