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  • Oct 23, 2010, 07:55 AM
    What's the norm these days?

    It appears to me, that young couples today are PRESUMED to be having sex. When I was young, it was PRESUMED that they weren't. Are there ANY couples who aren't doing it? Is it NORMAL for high schoolers to be sexually active? Am I showing my age? How come I was born when NOBODY was giving it up? What's fair about that?

  • Oct 23, 2010, 08:10 AM

    I get the impression you are a hot blooded male, but complaining nobody was giving it up when you were BORN is a little precocious in my book.

    I think you need a few hobbies to take your mind off this terrible unfairness that has blighted your life thus far.

    Enjoy the touch of light seasoning herein ;P
  • Oct 23, 2010, 06:12 PM

    When I was in high school there were only 2 couples in the whole school who had had sex. One lost her virginity at 14 and we were all shocked, she was going out with a much older guy.
    The other was around the same age but they had been dating for almost 3 years and kept it very quiet (until the gossip mongers got hold of it)

    Since getting on Facebook I found out that not long after high school at least 3 of my friends have had kids, some have had 2-3.

    Me personally, I just wanted to hold hands with a boy and the biggest thing was wearing your boyfriends jumper at lunch time.
  • Oct 23, 2010, 06:31 PM

    Guys did I just live on the wild side of life in the late 60's and 70's? I am sure there were some in school that did not have sex but the majority had at least once, many on a regular basis.
  • Oct 23, 2010, 06:48 PM

    Yeah, I know the feeling. I went to my wedding night as a virgin. Why, I ask now? What was the big deal? My h.s. classmate Sue married the basketball star right after graduation because she was pregnant. We were horrified! At the Lutheran college I went to, no one had cars back then, so the football field and dark stairwells at night were the two best places to, well, you know. The sounds that emanated from them remind me of part of a terrific story I once read about a Mexican prison.

    I even missed the peace marches and sit-down demonstrations, was too busy studying for finals and in a year or two starting a career.

    No fair for sure!!
  • Oct 23, 2010, 09:17 PM

    The kids in my school were having sex. Quite often too. For some reason or another, when girls became freshmans, they felt very strongly about losing their virginitys before the year was over.

    We even had one teen pregnancy. She was only 15. I remember she would walk down the halls during passing period and it would be quiet. Everyone looked down at the ground. Poor girl, I always felt sorry for her.

    For me though, I lost mine at 25 to my husband and I was very happy about that, and I'm not much older than that now. So I think it's a personal preference, not decade. I think that teenagers were doing it all along, they were just more discrete about it...
  • Oct 23, 2010, 09:43 PM

    I went to a Catholic school, so of course everyone was having sex. At my high school graduation 4 girls graduated pregnant. The rest got lucky.

    We live in a small town, if you're under 18 (which is the legal drinking limit) there's not much to do, other than have sex. Also, the winters are really cold, and sex keeps you warm.

    Why do you think I have two kids born almost 9 months after Christmas? ;)
  • Oct 23, 2010, 09:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    I went to a Catholic school, so of course everyone was having sex. At my high school graduation 4 girls graduated pregnant. The rest got lucky.

    We live in a small town, if you're under 18 (which is the legal drinking limit) there's not much to do, other than have sex. Also, the winters are really cold, and sex keeps you warm.

    Why do you think I have two kids born almost 9 months after Christmas? ;)

    So we should be expecting another pregnancy here in a couple of months, Alty? ;) You naughty girl.
  • Oct 23, 2010, 10:08 PM

    Originally Posted by Enigma1999 View Post
    So we should be expecting another pregnacy here in a couple of months, Alty??;) You naughty girl.

    Lol. Nope, hubby is snipped. This baby factory is closed.

    I don't even really have an excuse for Jared. It wasn't that cold that winter. It was Elnino (sp?) and unseasonable warm. We were still jacket free in January. Of course you Americans would have all been wearing parkas, but for us it was like spring. ;)
  • Oct 23, 2010, 10:33 PM

    I just have to say that I am proud that my daughter who will be 17 in 2 weeks is still a virgin. Yes, we talk about that. I've given her the option for birth control, but she says she doesn't need it. Luckily we have a very open relationship.

    Who says parents can't be friends? It's all in how you parent. Also, all of her friends are virgins. Remember, I live in the bible belt.

    I won't talk about my own sex life. That's a thread in its own.
  • Oct 23, 2010, 10:45 PM

    If I could go back I would have made better choices, but when I was in high school, as a girl, I was lead to believe I was one of the last to lose her virginity at 16.

    Back then, it felt like a label to wear, virgin was like the big X to never having a boyfriend. Now if I could I would go back and wear the X proudly, boyfriend or not.

    I am sorry Exy, I wish you grew up in a looser time, so you wouldn't feel so shafted.
  • Oct 23, 2010, 11:00 PM

    I feel the same way Justy. If I could go back I would wait.

    I had one friend that had a child at 13, she got pregnant at 12. She was a shocker to all of us, not the norm, but not that far off.

    My best friend in high school was 7 months pregnant at our graduation. She got married right away, and against all odds is still married today. Her son (who is now 22) is my Godson.
  • Oct 24, 2010, 08:54 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post

    It appears to me, that young couples today are PRESUMED to be having sex. When I was young, it was PRESUMED that they weren't. Are there ANY couples who aren't doing it? Is it NORMAL for high schoolers to be sexually active?? Am I showing my age? How come I was born when NOBODY was giving it up? What's fair about that?


    How old are you anyway?

    You make it sound as if you were around for the Titanic. Lol
  • Oct 24, 2010, 09:04 AM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    I feel the same way Justy. If I could go back I would wait.


    Originally Posted by Enigma1999 View Post
    How old are you anyway?

    Hello again,

    If I could go back, I'd nail Carolyn Jones when I had the opportunity... In fact, I'm thinking about writing a book, called "The Pu$$y I DIDN'T Get". It would be epic..

    E, I'm not old. I just feel sorry for myself sometimes...

  • Oct 24, 2010, 09:40 AM

    My age is showing too Ex.
    I am assuming you and I are close in age , me being from the Triassic and you seem to be late Jurassic or early Cretaceous. Still a youngster.

    When I was growing up it was always presumed that when you were talking about a couple , that they were different genders. Especially if sex was involved.
  • Oct 24, 2010, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again,

    If I could go back, I'd nail Carolyn Jones when I had the opportunity... In fact, I'm thinking about writing a book, called "The Pu$$y I DIDN'T Get". It would be epic..

    E, I'm not old. I just feel sorry for myself sometimes...


    I'm not old either, it takes this many years to get this good at... things That are worth being good at.
    It is a cruel joke that sexual prime and physical prime take place many years apart.
  • Oct 24, 2010, 01:12 PM

    One in 7 girls in my graduating class had experienced a pregnancy, regardless the choice made (abortion, adoption, parenting) regarding the pregnancy.

    I graduated in a class of 500. So... if you count that each girl got pregnant by a different guy, that's about 70 parents in my graduating class.

    And those are just the ones that got "caught".

    That's not to say everyone was having sex---I know of several people that graduated virgins.

    But... it's a sad statistic.

    And that was nearly 20 years ago.
  • Oct 24, 2010, 02:16 PM

    I graduated a virgin, if virginity is based on vaginal sex (let's not get into that discussion again ;)). But, I was 17 when I graduated, and 17 when I lost my virginity (by that I mean penis in vagina sex. Boy, I'm disclosing a bit too much now, aren't I?).

    A few of my friends were virgins in every sense of the word. A few even married as virgins (it was a Catholic school, a few of them did listen).

    Looking back, a part of me wanted to be pure in some sense of the word, and to me virginity meant hymen intact, no vaginal sex, so the other stuff didn't count. Ya, welcome to being young and naïve.
  • Oct 24, 2010, 07:18 PM

    Well I am I a lot younger then anyone who has posted thus far so my response will be... different.

    I grew up in a town of 1500. Graduating class of 65. Small town, cold nights, cars/no cars, alcohol no alcohol, it didn't matter. We were "bonin'" regardless.

    Different times now! I almost wish I grew up in different times. All the time I wasted worrying about Fridays party and getting laid, I mighta graduated with a higher GPA, gotten into a better school. HAHA :) naw I like my degree.

  • Oct 24, 2010, 08:46 PM

    I graduated college at 16 still a virgin (That's year 12).

    Still held on to it for a few years after that too.

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