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  • Jul 7, 2007, 04:23 AM
    Female outdoor cat not accepting new male outdoor cat
    I have a 10 year old spayed female cat that has always lived in our garage and is very spoiled. We live out in the country. A male cat about two years old that is very sweet also showed up and is now neutered. He is not dominate to the female and wants to live in the garage also. They each have their own wicker beds and food dishes. Now the old cat will not go into the garage but is not mean to the new cat. She just will avoid being around him. The male cat will follow her around outside and wants to be her friend. What can I do to help them adjust. It has been about a week now. We give them both a lot of attention. The older cat even wants to eat her food outside now. Do I need to do something about their scent in the garage?
  • Jul 7, 2007, 05:34 AM
    Lol she is just being the "queen" cat. Leave her food in there as always. She will go in and eat when she gets hungry. I brought cats in on my tom that I had for 7 years, and he wanted to fight her even though it was a kitten. I just kept them apart for about 2 months till he got used to her. Now they share the same food bowl along with 2 cats that I am fostering. :) But your situation is better than mine was . No fighting that's good. She may not ever befriend him and play but she will accept him. He will probably be the one lower in rank, but that is just the way of cats. I would keep their beds, food and water as far away from each other as possible at least for a couple of months, just to give her space. I am sure they will adjust. Btw you are very nice to take in cats and have them spayed/neutered.
  • Oct 26, 2007, 12:10 PM

    Originally Posted by bahbanjo
    I have a 10 year old spayed female cat that has always lived in our garage and is very spoiled. We live out in the country. A male cat about two years old that is very sweet also showed up and is now neutered. He is not dominate to the female and wants to live in the garage also. They each have their own wicker beds and food dishes. Now the old cat will not go into the garage but is not mean to the new cat. She just will avoid being around him. The male cat will follow her around outside and wants to be her friend. What can I do to help them adjust. It has been about a week now. We give them both a lot of attention. The older cat even wants to eat her food outside now. Do I need to do something about their scent in the garage?

    Give them another couple of weeks and they will be best friends! I took in a stray cat years ago to live with 3 other cats. The other 3 cats kept chasing the other cat so it hid under the bed. When it would come out for food, the other cats would jump on the other cat and it would run away and hide. Sure enough, 1 month later, they all get along. They lay on the couch, roll around and play, chase each other. 4 cats, 4 different breeds.

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