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  • Sep 12, 2007, 11:36 PM
    What's the most funniest thing that's happened to you?
    Hey guys just bored and wanted to know what's the most funniest or most emmbarrising that's happened to you?
  • Sep 13, 2007, 06:58 AM
    A "just married" sign on the back of my car in high school.
  • Sep 13, 2007, 08:07 AM
    I was giving a speech in the 8th grade and both of my retainers fell out, right out of my mouth... that was really bad... and just thinking of it brings back that feeling and some really good crack ups... Ha ha ha ha On me... oh geeze...
  • Sep 13, 2007, 08:13 AM
    I was on a first date with this guy who I was really into. I was psyching myself all week for this date and was hoping that something really great would come from this first date. This guy drove that real sporty BMW and its super low to the ground. Well I drive a big ol SUV and wasn't used to have low his car was. After the date he drives me home and he opens my door and I go to get out of the car and do a total face plant. It was like car door open - BAM on the ground right onto my face. I was so embarrassed. I just laid there for what felt like 10 minutes. I don't think he knew what to do. I then decided to make the best of it and just start laughing.

    He actually never ended up going out again. He was a friend of a friend of a friend and it eventually got back to me that he thought I was drunk and that's why I fell! To this day I'm wary of men with sports cars!
  • Sep 13, 2007, 08:15 AM
    Ha, that is a good one Glinda... too funny I think I am really going to like this... I feel like embarrassment makes us stronger...
    No more sports car dude... unless of course it is a 69' Camero and he lets you drive!!
  • Sep 13, 2007, 04:47 PM
    Ha ha that's funny...
    Anyone have anymore stories to tell?
  • Sep 13, 2007, 04:50 PM
    When in high school I wαs cαught in the student pαrking lot with my whαt is now husbαnd three times.. the ride in the security go-cαrt wαs mortifying let since everyone lαughing αt us..

    We were voted "high school's hottest couple"--hαhα

    The thing is we weren't being "inαpproriαte" yet.. people sαid we were well.. ehhemm..
  • Sep 13, 2007, 05:05 PM
    Funniest and embarrassing. Would be when my (now ex) husband and I went to Las Vegas to visit his oldest brother and family. I had never been to a casino, never even seen one before. My brother-in-law told me to go and get silver dollars for a $10.00 bill and put one of the dollars in the slot machine. So I did. The alarms went off and money came flooding out. I honestly thought I broke the machine! I was in tears, wondering how in the world I could ever pay for that. The floor walker came over with a bucket and helped me gather the money. I told him I was sooooo sorry and he said, "for what? for winning?"

    Turned out I won $250.00 with that spin. That was a good family joke for a long time. (1978 when $250.00 was worth a lot more-lol)
  • Sep 13, 2007, 05:27 PM
    This would have been embarrising for my brother.
    When he was younger he went to the mall with mum to see the ninja turtles.
    He had a mask over his face and all dressed up he won a prise the ninja turtle bent down and said what's you name little girl ha ha... well I would have been embarrised :)
  • Sep 13, 2007, 05:52 PM
    Well, since I don't know any of you, here you go:

    In Fourth Grade, at recess, we used to lay down on the swings and twist up the chains so that when we put our feet up, we would spin the other way really fast. I did this, but I fell forward while spinning, which pulled down my pants and underwear, and showed a clear view of my butt. The chain was also twisted up a lot still, so I couldn't escape. I was hanging upside-down, scratching at the ground saying "help me!" I kept walking on my arms in different directions, but I was pulled back like a running dog on a leash. After about 10-15 seconds I finally got free. It was a tragedy.
  • Sep 13, 2007, 06:01 PM
    Ha ha that's a good one. Glad it wasn't me :)
  • Sep 14, 2007, 08:04 AM
    One time I got in a fight with a girl in tenth grade. She was my good friend till I found out she was scamming on my boyfriend and she wouldn't give me back my good pair of jeans. After I confronted her in the hallway, she told me to F off basically. She pushed me and I went CRAZY!@!@!@ I just put my head down and started throwing some punches all of a sudden I hear a pop. I look up and she is bleeding so bad on her nose. My friend yells to me, run, I have your books. NEedless to say, I was running before I realized that my shirt was all crinkled and messed up. She had pulled my shirt up and my bra while I was fighting, so everyone got a good look at my ta tas!! I was mortified when guys were yelling nice show, nice tits!! UGGHH that was so embarrassing. WEll at least I kicked her a$$ right?? LOL I was also called TYSOn for weeks, (MYKE TYSON was good back then)
  • Sep 14, 2007, 08:06 AM
    Oh my goodness Shattered... he he...
  • Sep 14, 2007, 12:07 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22
    He He He....too funny SaraIII! Was he as embarassed as you?.

    No he felt bαd thαt I would get in trouble-- we got like α week on in-school suspension--like time out insteαd of reg. clαss.. hαhα it wαs fun though.. the 2nd time we got suspended αnd the third it wαs suspension with α wαrning of going to detention school αnd we weren't αllowed in the student pαrking lot αgαin---:)teehee

    Security loved us..
  • Sep 14, 2007, 12:48 PM
    Shattered remind me not to start with you! :)

    That is terrible though! I cannot even imagine. I always wondered how the girls felt he would get into the fights in the halls in HS.
  • Sep 20, 2007, 06:50 PM
    Well I was in 10th grade and I was in gym class, talking to my girlfriend and her friends, and I got pants... both layers. It was not a good week.
  • Sep 21, 2007, 06:24 AM
    No honey... it was a very very bad week, Dnovy... ohhhh... I hate the whole depants thing... doesn't anyone know that if they do it they are going to get it too?
  • Sep 21, 2007, 06:32 AM
    My husband and I were with a friend at a bar. I had been a little under the weather with an upset stomach. My friend said something funny and I laughed. As I laughed I farted, which made me laugh harder, which made me fart more. Between the sound and the stench... well everyone knew it was me.
  • Sep 21, 2007, 06:36 AM
    LMAO! Thanks I needed you to say something like that!
  • Sep 21, 2007, 07:22 AM
    I think the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me was when I was dating my husband. We had been seeing each other for about 3-4 months. I lived about 300 miles away from him because we met online. We would meet every other weekend to see each other and I would spend a few days with him. He drove a t-top red camaro. After picking me up at our half way mark we couldn't keep our hands off each other. It was getting close to dark so we decided to pull over at a rest stop and get busy. The rest stop didn't have bathrooms or anything so we didn't think it got used much. We stripped down half way and started doing our thang in the passenger seat with me on top. About 30 seconds into our act, a huge tour bus full of people pull up next to us. We weren't paying attention so we didn't have time to react. The car was so small that I couldn't just get off without flashing my butt in the windows. So I just got down in the floor board to hide. After everyone had got out of the bus and stretched their legs, some guy came up to our window and knocked, hollaring loudly, "Do you know where the bathroom is?" Kevin just hollared back "There is no bathroom!" People kept trying to look in the tinted windows because it was a nice car to see the interior. They finally started going back to the bus and we took off as soon as their backs were too us. I was mortified!
  • Sep 21, 2007, 08:00 AM
    I was only 5 years old, and my older sister brother should make shopping for school reopening, so we went to a big shop with parents, they were taking what ever they need, and put into the trolley, my mom told me I can take what ever I want as well. So I took lot of beautiful erasers, and sharpener, but I put all in my pocket instead. When we back home, my sis ,bro, show each other what they have, and of course my mom was shocked when she saw that I have those stuff in my pocket.
  • Sep 21, 2007, 08:04 AM
    Hahaha cuty... you weren't lyin with your name were you. You are a cuty. Have you done an introduction to introduce yourself sweet. It may be time. Hugs!
  • Sep 21, 2007, 08:20 AM

    Originally Posted by sarah1989
    Hey guys just bored and wanted to know whats the most funniest or most emmbarrising thats happened to you?

    Me and my sister ,brother was traveling from Michigan a few years back, and my grandma cooked me a cake. We were traveling on grey hound and I left the cake on the bus, so when I noticed I didn't have the cake with me I went to get it and fell in front of the bus driver and the passengers. So I turned around and left the cake because I was embarrassed.
  • Sep 21, 2007, 08:28 AM
    Well alot]
  • Sep 30, 2007, 01:27 AM
    [QUOTE=startover22]Hahaha cuty... you weren't lyin with your name were you. You are a cuty. Have you done an introduction to introduce yourself sweet. It may be time. Hugs![/QUOT
    Warm hugs in return:)
  • Sep 30, 2007, 12:55 PM
    I'm a Security Guard, and on my patrol rounds, I was checking an office out, and I saw a figure standing in front of the window, and the lights were off. I said "You normally stand in a room with the lights off"? No response. I looked up at them, and walked up behind them and looked out the window and didn't see anything, so I said "what are we looking at"? Again, no response, so I said "HEY, I'm talking to you, and shoved their shoulder and they fell flat on their back, and I looked down only to see a manaquin looking up at me.

    I felt so stupid, and to make it worse, my boss had the whole thing on camera, so he is always busting on me about it, getting a good laugh at it. I think they have finally forgotten about it. THis happened about two months ago, but once in a while, if my boss needs some cheering up, he says to me "remember when you were talking to that manaquin?"

    As far as I know, he still has it on tape.
  • Sep 30, 2007, 04:19 PM
    Helpme... that is hilarious! I just loved reading it twice! LMAO! A gosh darn fake person... he he... he he... he he
  • Oct 3, 2007, 12:43 PM

    Originally Posted by GlindaofOz
    I was on a first date with this guy who I was really into. I was psyching myself all week for this date and was hoping that something really great would come from this first date. This guy drove that real sporty BMW and its super low to the ground. Well I drive a big ol SUV and wasn't used to have low his car was. After the date he drives me home and he opens my door and I go to get out of the car and do a total face plant. It was like car door open - BAM on the ground right onto my face. I was so embarrassed. I just laid there for what felt like 10 minutes. I don't think he knew what to do. I then decided to make the best of it and just start laughing.

    He actually never ended up going out again. He was a friend of a friend of a friend and it eventually got back to me that he thought I was drunk and thats why I fell! to this day I'm wary of men with sports cars!

    Hey how is going? It think u remember me from asking question about living on-campus. I decidd to do that and my family got OK with that and I am overall satisfied that I made this decision. Regarding your date story, it reminded me somethng that may be also interesting but not sure if funny. Actually it was not date, but sort of I met a guy on the internet , we chatted from time to time and then finally we met with his friend. It was acutally very good opportunity. He is Polish too, and is from Poland but been here little longer and on September he was about to move to the same area, near my campus where I live! So we had casualt talk. And after that came dead silence for 3 weeks until I got message, which part of his message I posted. He wrote " I am not sure if we meet again...I guess I did not pickup a friendly kind of vibe that might develop our aquintance into friendship."? I got little bit consufed. Because this message isn't specific, but I am OK. :)
  • Oct 31, 2007, 04:14 AM
    A girl kissed me when I was a boy.

    But I did not know what to do!

    My mother slapped me for that.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 05:37 AM
    This is a funny thing that happened to me one day, way back...
    I was walking in the grocery store and was looking in the freezer section for some icecream my wife had asked for. I must have been concentrating (they put Ben-n-Jerry's right next to Häagen-Dazs) because a lady pushed one of those huge "theme" carts that looks like a race car, right up next to me. I wasn't paying any attention, being absorbed by the selection in the window, and I didn't see the little girl that was inside the cart, hunched down.
    Well, she popped up and said, "HI!!" Let me tell you, I jumped. And she must have known she startled me, because the expression on her face changed and she sheepily asked, "Are you ok??"
    I was so stunned, all I could do is say, "Im not supposed to talk to strangers" and I kind of walked slowly away. I needed to regroup... :p
  • Oct 31, 2007, 05:46 AM
    One time I walked around school half the day with some page ripped out of a magazine a buddy of mine had stuck on my back, and didn't find out about it or even notice it at first... yeah... it was an advertisement for sperm donation or something. Haha, so it was def embarrassing.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 07:12 AM
    Funny! But yes, a little embarrassing too!
  • Nov 1, 2007, 08:49 AM
    Haha yes, it was def embarrassing. But I can laugh about it now.

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