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  • Feb 15, 2010, 05:02 PM

    I'm sorry to be reading all this. I'm so sorry about the surgery results. So often when a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, they find it has already spread by the time they do surgery. There aren't many early warning signs with ovarian cancer. Your aunt will be given some options based on what they found during surgery.

    If it was me, I'd want to know the truth of my condition. You are going to have to be strong now. Be supportive of what your aunt decides for herself. She can only make real decisions if she knows the truth about her condition.
  • Feb 15, 2010, 08:14 PM

    Thanks This.
    Yes she will definitely know what is going on, I think the doctors just wanted to give her sometime to re coup after just getting out of surgery.
    Thanks Wondergirl, we talked a bit more with the doctors, they explained things a little more clearly this time around. I guess we will all have to wait and see what She wants to do.
  • Feb 15, 2010, 08:33 PM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    Thanks Wondergirl, we talked a bit more with the doctors, they explained things a little more clearly this time around. I guess we will all have to wait and see what She wants to do.

    The main thing right now is for her to not be in pain as her body heals from the surgery. When pain muddles your mind, rationality goes out the window. I'll be interested to find out what the doctors have decided as to what's going on in her body. Visualization of your body fighting cancer is just as important as radiation and pills. I'm estrogen receptor positive (ER+), so I will be imagining the Arimidex that I will start taking soon slapping duct tape on the evil little cancer cells' mouths so they can't eat any estrogen and grow.
  • Feb 17, 2010, 05:23 AM

    So last night my aunt started to bleed out, but luckily the doctors were able to repair the stitch and she is now doing fine. I guess they had to remove most of her bowels as well. The other 2 tumuers the docotrs feel confident will be able to be taken care of with chemo. This has been an intense week, and it's only Wednesday!
    I also found out that my daughter has an immune disorder, but I won't know the details until we meet with the peadiatrician.
    All this going back and forth to the hospitals, I think I should sell my house and take up residence there. :rolleyes:
  • Feb 17, 2010, 07:22 AM

    Sounds like you need a vacation! I'm glad they were able to save your aunt, and I'm glad the doctors have a good outlook for her chemo. Sorry to hear about your daughter, how old is she?
  • Feb 17, 2010, 07:31 AM

    My daughter is 2 1/2.
    Seems like she has been sick for the entire time she has been alive. :(
    It seems in my life bad luck runs in 3's... I get a huge string of bad luck, and then things even out for a bit. Hard to stay positive, but life goes on...
  • Feb 17, 2010, 08:10 AM

    Wishing you good luck from here on out!
  • Feb 22, 2010, 08:37 AM

    Well just an update. My Aunt seems to be doing fine. We had a couple of scares. Her lung collapsed, and they had to put the tubes in her chest, but the doc said that was a common thing to happen. They removed her cathader, which she was SO happy about, and they have now removed the tubes that were in her lungs. She seems to be in a lot of pain. I asked her if it was from the staples or the incision, or from the gas, but she said she couldn't explain it. She said it's a pain she has never felt before. She said the pain meds are taking longer to kick in. I was wondering if this was because she was getting used to them? Sometimes her face goes completley green for a few minutes, you can see the agonizing pain she is in, and then it goes away. I suppose the doctors know what they are doing. I just hope she tells them about the pain. She's a toughold brod and doesn't like to complain too much. They haven't told her when they are going to start the chemo, I think she is getting anxious, and just wants to go home. I can't wait for her to get home!
  • Feb 22, 2010, 09:49 AM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    doesn't like to complain too much.

    The one thing I learned during my three stays at the hospital was to tell your nurse or doctor that you are in pain. No one wants a martyr patient on their hands. In fact, suffering with pain will prevent healing. The patient's body is fighting the pain instead of the disease, thus wasting effort and energy. I'm a tough old broad too, but learned quickly to say something if I needed more pain meds. These early days are the worst. It WILL get better.
  • Feb 22, 2010, 10:21 AM

    Thank you, I will definitely pass that message along. So, sorry for my ignorance, but do you think it is the actual tumors themselves causing the pain? Does cancer it self hurt? I know that sounds stupid, but I haven't found much time to research the whole subject, I am only going on what I have ever been told. This month has been crazy for me! I am starting to feel the toll. My daughter has been very sick, and a recent death of a family friend as well.
  • Feb 22, 2010, 10:31 AM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    Thank you, I will definitly pass that message along. So, sorry for my ignorance, but do you think it is the actual tumors them selves causing the pain? Does cancer it self hurt?

    Mine didn't hurt, but because it look up room in my body, it shoved flesh aside and thus gave me an achy feeling. I'm not sure how your aunt's tumors are affecting her. Talk with the nurse or doctor, and definitely Google it. There's a lot of misinformation on the Internet, but also some really good and helpful stuff. I went to official cancer and oncology sites for information.

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