New Member
Oct 1, 2007, 08:43 AM
HI, I am a mom , wife , I have a house nice car and I am a good person only thing is I don't have any true friends. I all ways feel like I am cramping peoples style I am a functional addict . And I believe in God even thought I have flaw's I try to be as good as I can be to people . Why doe's no one like me I am not all that bad fairly good looking , friendly and kind and would do any thing for any body. I am confused . I feel God knows deliver me in has time .Lord knows I've tried with his help . Am not exactly where I want tobe but, better than where I was, know one has it all together all of the time .So why does one one want to be true friends with me .
Full Member
Oct 1, 2007, 11:25 AM
Not quite sure how you communicate with others and can't imagine your lecturing. Your term "cramping" gives me an idea or a sense of your style and if your aware of how your doing that (cramping) it's best to think things out a bit before forming the words but on the other hand if you are communicating in a friendly and caring way without any flavor of condescention then your targeting Barbarians, Isolationists and Romulans and best to buy a used "cloaking device" to maintain your entire personage.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Oct 1, 2007, 11:44 AM
What do you mean that you are a "functional addict"?
You sound very much on the defensive (understandable) and maybe too apologetic. When you meet someone or are at someone's house, don't go into any details about your addiction or how people avoid you or any of what you said above.
Ask good questions to start conversations--"Which grocery store has the best fresh vegetables around here?" or "I need to find a good bestseller to read. Any suggestions?" Be interested in what the other person has to say and ask good questions to show your interest. Do less talking than other people. Just look interested and as happy as you can without looking weird (i.e. make good eye contact, smile once in a while, use good body language, etc.).
Full Member
Oct 1, 2007, 11:44 AM
I forgot to mention some basics; No Talky Politics or Religion when there are less than three people present and then only if everyone is comfortable with same subjects. Try to avoid insights gained through your religious convictions, ideas that may spring into your head after a glass of wine and specific theories you may have about the nature of humanity and/or it's shortcomings. Remember this, " When verbally defining the nature of the beast all will turn against you and even your own brother will destroy you to preserve their own laziness."
Uber Member
Oct 1, 2007, 11:56 AM
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