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  • Jun 25, 2006, 02:14 PM
    Just for fun
    Just for fun and to have something nice to think about...

    I was wondering what you would do if you won $1,000,000?

    What about $10,000,000?

    I know for me 1 vs 10 million would be much different.

    I think it would be fun to hear what you have to say.
    Dream a little.:D
  • Jun 25, 2006, 07:55 PM
    I would finish nursing school, move back to Alaska and go to work there. During the winter I would work to support the family and spend summers travelling and camping with the family.

    I would also give a couple million to my parents. As most of you know I went home to visit my parents last week. They could really use the money for health reasons.
  • Jun 26, 2006, 02:52 AM
    Buy some land far away from everyone and every thing and build a cozy little cabin. Not leave a forwarding address! Change my phone number, set my kids up with property and housing of their own.
    Travel travel travel...
    Buy some horses and just relax and enjoy what is left of my life.
  • Jun 26, 2006, 03:44 AM
    I would buy a nice boat and sail the world!
  • Jun 26, 2006, 12:41 PM
    I would do a lot ,I mean a whole lot of bar-b-queing..!
  • Jun 26, 2006, 12:56 PM
    I'd pay off the mortgage on our house and my husband's student loans from medical school. I'd add some money to the kids' university funds, and then buy my parents' condo on Vancouver Island. They are trying to sell it and need the extra money for their retirement. I'd buy a house for my friend who is living in a cramped apartment with 3 little kids. I'd give some money to charities that I support. Then my family and I could take a big trip around the world. I've always wanted to do that.

    This question reminds me of a journaling exercise I did once. It was called an "abundance" exercise. Every day you had to pretend that you were given a certain amount of money, that you had to spend within 24 hours. On the first day you had $1000, the second day $2000, thirs day $3000, etc, and you were supposed to keep doing the exercise daily, adding $1000 a day, until you couldn't think of what to do with the money anymore. I did it daily for about 3 months... it was a really interesting exercise, because after a while you really have to think about how you would spend it. It's a good way to help you realize what you really want out of life, too!
  • Jun 26, 2006, 01:01 PM
    Hmm now $10 mill I'd have to treat myself to one of These :D:D:D

    Hey I can dream can't I ;)
  • Jun 26, 2006, 01:15 PM
    1 mil and 10 mil are very different amounts. Lets assume that the amounts are After Tax amounts.

    1 Mil
    I would take 1/2 to 3/4 of it and invest it so that it would provide retirement income for me. The balance I would use to pay off my debts and fix up the house. I MIl doesn't go that far.

    10 Mil
    Now this would give me enough to retire, I would take 1/3 and buy tax free municipal bonds that paid quarterly dividends. This give me a around $150K annually to live on. I would take a second third and use it to pay off debts, fix the house, buy an RV, then travel around. The remaining third I would invest for long term to provide an inheritance for my daughter and/or cover catastrophic illness for my wife and I.

    I'll go one better and add if I got 100 Mil.

    In this case I would put $10Mil into the bonds for my annual income. I would put another 10 Mil into paying debts, the RV, building a new house etc. I would take 30-50Mil and establish a philanthropic trust figuring it would generate between 1.5-2.5M a year which I would then use to establish some scholarships and look for some other chariitable works.

    Oh yeah, I'd build my own Q&A site <eg>
  • Jun 26, 2006, 01:39 PM
    I would live the life :D
  • Jun 26, 2006, 02:46 PM
    Wow, so many different answers.

    I agree that $1 million wouldn't go that far. I don't mean to sound greedy.

    $250,000 would get me a nice paid for set up... house, car.
    $500,000 retirement
    $50,000 per child for education (although I'm not sure that would go very far)

    $10,000,000 all of the above+
    Help parents
    Finally take a vacation
    Travel everywhere
    Travel everywhere else
  • Jun 26, 2006, 03:20 PM
    Scott, sounds like you thought this one through. Maybe I should reconsider what I would do with the money if I were the one to win.

    Sounds to me like you have a winning plan.
  • Jun 26, 2006, 03:27 PM
    How about buying a cell phone to call Donald Trump and tell him to- move over here I come!

    I'm so happy about getting that money I can't think of bills and such!

    Do I have to tell my wife?-That would make a big difference how the money was spent!
  • Jun 26, 2006, 04:05 PM
    Yeah I have thought it out, planning for when (not if) I win the lottery.

  • Jun 26, 2006, 04:31 PM
    So you planned it out well, have you planned on how to win the lottery? God, I wish I only knew how to win. I guess buying a ticket would help, but I don't even buy them. LOL
  • Jun 26, 2006, 04:59 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    So you planned it out well, have you planned on how to win the lottery? God, I wish I only knew how to win. I guess buying a ticket would help, but I don't even buy them. LOL

    NY has 2 main games with 2 drawings each a week. So I usually buy $4 a week. I see people buying over $100 at a time. That to me is gambling.

    My only plan, besides that is to think positively.
  • Jun 26, 2006, 05:28 PM
    10 million, OK I'm working in &#163;...

    &#163;10,000,000... wooo, nice. I think, a pad, a really cool appartment high up, in the city. Hong kong maybe...

    A nice log cabin in a forest in the french alps, and a lovely farm in dorset england :D

    Something every where, that's not greed, that's called, greed.

    Now, cars? Ok, ill learn to drive first, might get one of these

    That would be an aston ****ing martin. Help me, I'm getting turned on by a car.

    And a chance to make my partners, family and friends material wishes come true.

    And give some to cancer reasure too.
  • Jun 26, 2006, 05:46 PM
    I would buy Kitties Bunny Ranch down in Mina Nevada, lay around on a red velvet futon with all the bunnies fanning me and peeling me grapes whilst I sipped ice cold Dead Guy Ale and smoked illegal Cuban Cigars.
  • Jun 26, 2006, 11:56 PM
    Valinors you are definitley invited :)
    Welcome on board.
    Where shall we sail off too?
  • Jun 27, 2006, 12:00 AM
    Sailing through places like that would be great!
    *wets pants* IT WAS THE SEA!
  • Jun 27, 2006, 12:10 AM

    Originally Posted by ndx
    Sailing through places like that would be great!!
    *wets pants* IT WAS THE SEA!!

    Of course you can come ndx, we can sail to exotic places whilst drinking cocktails ;)
  • Jun 27, 2006, 01:06 AM
    I would get out of this place and go somewhere real nice , of course bring a few of my friends and have parties and dance all night. I would buy some new clothes, and jewelly. Would be so cool if I had that much!!
  • Jun 27, 2006, 10:12 AM
    Just to comment on what Val said on my original post...

    In Canada we don't pay tax on lottery winnings.
    I agree that a million is not very much, but I didn't want to be the only one to point that out. Hehehe. I would still love to have it!
  • Jun 27, 2006, 12:22 PM
    Hey a million dollars is better than 2 dollars isn't it? LOL
  • Jun 27, 2006, 12:42 PM

    Originally Posted by Krs
    Valinors you are definitley invited :)
    Welcome on board.
    Where shall we sail off too?

    Thank you kindly Krs...

    Around the entire world, slowly...
    On a boat big enough to hold anyone who wants to come with, eh? :p

  • Aug 4, 2006, 01:29 PM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem
    1 mil and 10 mil are very different amounts. Lets assume that the amounts are After Tax amounts.

    1 Mil
    I would take 1/2 to 3/4 of it and invest it so that it would provide retirement income for me. The balance I would use to pay off my debts and fix up the house. I MIl doesn't go that far.

    Gee, I would settle for 1 mill. It's better than nothing.
  • Aug 4, 2006, 03:13 PM
    :) 1 Mill I would pay off my mortgage and any other small debts that I may have and enjoy what eva was left over.

    10 Mill - I would do all of the above still, but as it's a little more cash, probley invest some of it and try and make a few more bucks on investments. I would also give a chunk of it away to local charities that work hard in my local community.
  • Aug 4, 2006, 11:42 PM
    Jay Jay, that sounds like a great plan.

    I would love to have the problem of trying to figure what to do with the money. Come on, anyone want to test me... LOL
  • Aug 6, 2006, 09:41 AM
    Okay aqua, here's one. You're on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and you are on the million dollar question. You have no mare lifelines. If you guess right, you leave with 1 mill. If you miss, you leave with 32,000. If you walk away, you have a big check for a half a million. What do you do?
  • Aug 6, 2006, 07:32 PM

    That is a good question!

    Personally, I would take the check for $500,000 and run (fast). It's a half million more than I have now and I could sure do a lot with it.

    You? Anyone else?
  • Aug 7, 2006, 10:38 AM
    When I asked this question, I never thought I would answer it. You do have a 1/4 chance of winning it all. But then you have a 3/4 chance of losing. I too would walk away... unless I knew the answer of course!:D
  • Aug 7, 2006, 10:40 AM
    What if you missed, you have 250,000? Would you go with it, or would you still walk away?
  • Aug 7, 2006, 12:31 PM
    Okay, so let me get this straight...

    I have just successfully answered the $250,000 question right.

    I have no life lines left.

    I can go onto the $500,000 question... if I get it wrong, I walk away with $32,000 or I can walk away with $250,000.

    Are we up to speed?

    If this is the case, I think... I would walk away. I think that would be my limit though. I would do what I could to get to the $250,000. I would regret not trying if I walked away before that. I would still get $32,000 so I haven't lost. But I would definitely kick myself if I didn't stick it out (if given the chance) to the $250,000 question.

    No regrets.
  • Aug 7, 2006, 02:45 PM
    Personally, I would decide what my chances are on getting the 500,000 question correct.

    If I felt confident with the answer I had chosen, then I might go for it.
  • Aug 7, 2006, 03:06 PM
    Show Me The Money!!
  • Aug 7, 2006, 04:07 PM
    I'm sorry, I made it confusing. You are at the 1 million question with 500,000. If you miss this time, instead of going down to 32, you would only go down to 250,000
  • Aug 7, 2006, 08:31 PM
    Oh... then I would definitely try it. It goes back to the earlier... as long as I was leaving with $250,000 all would be good. I would DEFINITELY try the $1,000,000 question.

    Sorry I got your question confused, it seems so simple now.
  • Aug 7, 2006, 08:39 PM
    Here's a good one. You're on Fear Factor. What is the worst thing you would do for 10,000. Feel free to tell what you would do for a different amount.
  • Aug 21, 2006, 06:22 PM
    That's incredibly tough. I wouldn't do anything with bugs or creatures, etc. The worst thing... hmmm... I don't even know if I could do the eating or drinking things... YUCK!

    Okay, so I'm a big wuss. I would do the stunts, and that's about it. Anyone else?

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