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  • Jul 11, 2008, 04:58 PM
    Muscle building - creatine
    Hi guys hopefully some people may be able to help me about this any help greatly appreciated

    I'm 20 years old(a guy) and weigh in around 180 lbs. I'm 6 '1 and have a small amount of body fat.

    I have just joined my local gym where they specialise in mostly free weights as well as squat rack etc. .

    I am looking to build a large amount of muscle in a short time and think I have the basics, workout 3 days a week, day on day off, day on etc. train with intensity, up the workload each workout and eat 40% protein 30% carbs and 20% fat of your total calorie intake for each day.

    The thing is this, I haven't done weights before and was told to ease my way into them by working out for 2 weeks to get rid of the soreness etc, before starting to stretch the amount of weight used.

    This is all OK but I was wondering about creatine and if I should use it now just as I'm starting, or wait until I start adding the bigger weights?? After I get the muscle I want I will switch to a cutting phase where I will burn of excess fat to see the muscle(definition)
    If this is my goal is creatine good to use or does it make you look like a giant water filled !"&*!?

    I have also read the pros and cons of using creatine and was wondering if anyone had any information and should I use pro whey etc now or wait until the bigger weights again?

    Thanks for your help
  • Jul 11, 2008, 06:19 PM
    Here is a site on creatine and health food stores like GNC should have pamphlets on it.
    Creatine: Helpful or Harmful?

    Creatine Information Center: Honest and responsible facts about creatine and other nutritional supplements.
  • Jul 11, 2008, 06:20 PM
    Creatine is the most amazing substance I've ever encountered. My friend has done a lot of research on it and it is almost a wonder supplement, we both believe that it has positive properties that extend far beyond building muscles. Experts aren't even completely sure of all its benefits yet. I was an alcoholic for a while and when I started a creatine regimen it completely took away all my desire to drink. My advice would be use it as soon as possible. A good diet and creatine helped me build muscle faster than I could believe. And it also does wonders for muscle fatigue and recovery. You can pump your muscles to their limits and when you wake up the next morning they will feel like their brand new. Don't get the cheap stuff, and don't take more than directed. Stay hydrated too. I use the powdered form. If you use it to bulk up quick you will lose some muscle mass when you quit taking it unless you tone up that bulk. Don't forget simple calisthenics, mix those in with your lifting.
  • Jul 11, 2008, 06:29 PM
    I used to use creatine back in high school... and I won't lie, the effects are incredible. I went up on my bench weight roughly 20 lbs a month, and I didn't even work out that diligently. I also gained mass pretty quickly.

    I would advise, however, to try the all natural way first. Work on your diet, get into a routine, get some multivitamin, flax, protein shakes, etc. Then go into creatine.

    It's almost like getting $800 golf clubs your first day on the driving range, if that makes sense. Granted, that's just me. A lot of people say that people "lose mass quicker" the minute they stop working out or they stop creatine... which I think is garbage, as it makes absolutely no physiological sense.

    Currently, I'm 6 months into training pretty hardcore... haven't taken creatine yet... just working the "all natural" way... so far, so good.
  • Jul 21, 2008, 10:54 PM
    If you want to take creatine, I would suggest using Kre-Alkalyn which is what I'm using now. It is a Sci-Fit product that doesn't have that bad side effects like regular Creatine. You don't have to load it, you don't get bloated, and you only have to take it on the days you workout. Its awesome, I'm actually using Kreation that had a little but of everything in it including Kre-Alkalyn.
  • Jul 28, 2008, 09:46 AM

    Originally Posted by trueorfalse
    hi guys hopefully some people may be able to help me about this any help greatly appreciated

    im 20 years old(a guy) and weigh in around 180 lbs. im 6 '1 and have a small amount of body fat.

    i have just joined my local gym where they specialise in mostly free weights as well as squat rack etc . .

    i am looking to build a large amount of muscle in a short time and think i have the basics, workout 3 days a week, day on day off, day on etc. train with intensity, up the workload each workout and eat 40% protein 30% carbs and 20% fat of ur total calorie intake for each day.

    the thing is this, i havent done weights before and was told to ease my way into them by working out for 2 weeks to get rid of the soreness etc, before starting to stretch the amount of weight used.

    this is all ok but i was wondering about creatine and if i should use it now just as im starting out, or wait until i start adding the bigger weights??. after i get the muscle i want i will switch to a cutting phase where i will burn of excess fat to see the muscle(definition)
    if this is my goal is creatine good to use or does it make u look like a giant water filled !"&*! ??

    i have also read the pros and cons of using creatine and was wondering if anyone had any information and should i use pro whey etc now or wait until the bigger weights again?

    thanks for your help

    First off don't increase your 'weight load' every workout session especially when your just starting. Your muscles need to get used to the weight your using. There isn't an exact date in which you should increase weight but try this ;

    If you can lift the weight 8 reps 3 sets no problem then increase the weight. It is 60-70% of max weight you are lifting inorder to build muscle, correct? Good.

    Creatine is a substance that has never really been proven to be "bad" for you, but it has definently been proven to give you substantial gains. Your just starting.. you shouldn't be too concerned about packin on all the supp's just yet. Go with Whey Protein and a healthy balanced diet. As for the 40/30/20 your pretty bang on there.

    The average bodybuilder would do a "clean" bulk to gain 40-50 pounds of 'lean mass' and then cut 20-30 pounds of it off, bulk again then cut etc... it's the easiest way to build a lot of muscle. I don't do it this way because I like staying cut and I couldn't bare losing my 8 pack. But if you can lose your cutness for a little while then you should be able to build a lot of muscle in a short period.

    Good luck, if you need any help just holla:p
  • Jul 28, 2008, 09:59 AM
    [QUOTE=Rabbit91]First off don't increase your 'weight load' every workout session especially when your just starting. Your muscles need to get used to the weight your using. There isn't an exact date in which you should increase weight but try this ;

    If you can lift the weight 8 reps 3 sets no problem then increase the weight. It is 60-70% of max weight you are lifting inorder to build muscle, correct? Good.

    Creatine is a substance that has never really been proven to be "bad" for you, but it has definently been proven to give you substantial gains. Your just starting.. you shouldn't be too concerned about packin on all the supp's just yet. Go with Whey Protein and a healthy balanced diet. As for the 40/30/20 your pretty bang on there.

    The average bodybuilder would do a "clean" bulk to gain 40-50 pounds of 'lean mass' and then cut 20-30 pounds of it off, bulk again then cut etc... it's the easiest way to build a lot of muscle. I don't do it this way because I like staying cut and I couldn't bare losing my 8 pack. But if you can lose your cutness for a little while then you should be able to build a lot of muscle in a short period.

    Good luck, if you need any help just holla:p[/QUOTE should my diet be pasta tuna wholemeal bread eggs skimmed milk whey protein flax oil and multivitamins? Anythn else?
  • Jul 28, 2008, 10:16 AM
    Pasta? I guess if your daily carb intake isn't enough, then I guess pasta is the way to go... personally I avoided pasta due to high carb intake.

    Tuna... egg whites... skim milk... whey protein... flax oil... multivitamins... fish... chicken breast... don't forget plenty of vegetables
  • Jul 28, 2008, 05:44 PM

    Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny
    pasta? I guess if your daily carb intake isn't enough, then I guess pasta is the way to go...personally I avoided pasta due to high carb intake.

    tuna...egg whites...skim milk...whey protein...flax breast...don't forget plenty of vegetables

    If I needa consume 250-300g of carbs a day wats the best things to eat?

    Thanks for any help
  • Jul 28, 2008, 05:47 PM
    Just to be aware, my husband took it and had some slight changes in personality. i.e. aggresivness, moody, irritable
  • Jul 28, 2008, 06:03 PM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy
    just to be aware, my husband took it and had some slight changes in personality. ie aggresivness, moody, irritable

    Wow affects personality too? Had better be good for it to fcuk your head up
  • Jul 28, 2008, 08:15 PM
    For carbs? For me, my breakfast with oatmeal actually does it for me for the day. If not, the skim milk does it... or the whey protein shake does it. Perhaps potatoes or wholegrain bread.
  • Jul 29, 2008, 03:11 AM

    Originally Posted by ISneezeFunny
    for carbs? for me, my breakfast with oatmeal actually does it for me for the day. if not, the skim milk does it...or the whey protein shake does it. perhaps potatoes or wholegrain bread.

    U get all your carbs frm milk etc, do you not need to take like 300g?
  • Jul 29, 2008, 09:07 AM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy
    just to be aware, my husband took it and had some slight changes in personality. ie aggresivness, moody, irritable

    Must have been the brand he was taking or something else effected his personality/mood. Creatine has not effected me in my personality whatsoever-
  • Jul 29, 2008, 09:15 AM

    Originally Posted by trueorfalse
    shud my diet be pasta tuna wholemeal bread eggs skimmed milk whey protein flax oil and multivitamins? Anythn else?

    Carbs after workout- /Always

    Wholewheat pasta
    Wholewheat breads
    Low fat meats ~ Turkey, Chicken (no skin), Steak
    flax seeds/ flax oil
    fish oils
    skim milk or 1%milk you need some fat-
    multi-vitamins, vitman c,d etc..
    Whey Protein (optional)
    Peanut Butter (not skippy /) oil based ones are good
    Veggies -
    Sweet Potatoes & regular Potatoes
    Water/orange juice/apple etc..

    Don't eat junk food, sugar = bad, open calories = bad, salt = bad etc..

    Its pretty easy to put a good diet together, just follow your country's food guide and you should be all right.

    1.5 - 1.7 grams of protein per kg. It should consist of lots of carbs (glucose mostly) and protein/ good fats.

  • Jul 30, 2008, 06:07 AM
    Just to be aware, my husband took it and had some slight changes in personality. i.e. aggresivness, moody, irritable

    Creatine has nothing in it to make someone aggressive or moody. Steroids on the other hand overload you with testosterone and usually make people more aggressive.

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