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  • Mar 21, 2006, 02:45 PM
    My cat had 2 kittens they are 1 day old how long before my cat go's outside
    My cat has just has 2 beautiful kittens she has been with them since she had them but she has come downstairs and seems to want to go outside they are just over 1 day old and both seem fine but I don't want my cat to leave them for to long. I'm not sure if she wanted to go to the litter tray as I moved it upstairs in the room where she had the kittens but when she came down she looked as if she was looking for the litter tray and then started meowing at the door however because we didn't let her out she went into the bathroom and did her mess on the bathroom floor she has now gone upstairs back to them but I'm wondering how long can she leave them for and when she can go back outside or is it best to keep her in until she is sprayed. Any advice is so much appreciated
  • Mar 22, 2006, 07:54 AM
    She can go out now, but you should have her spayed before, you are only adding to the pet population if you do not. The shelters are full of unwanted cats and kittens it is very sad. (O: sorry if it sounds rude, I do not mean it that way, I have listed a site called Pet it will be very helpfuk to you, if in the event you have other questions and no one gets back to you. :)
  • Apr 24, 2007, 09:55 AM

    Originally Posted by kath
    my cat has just has 2 beautiful kittens she has been with them since she had them but she has come downstairs and seems to want to go outside they are just over 1 day old and both seem fine but i dont want my cat to leave them for to long. im not sure if she wanted to go to the litter tray as i moved it upstairs in the room where she had the kittens but when she came down she looked as if she was looking for the litter tray and then started meowing at the door however because we didnt let her out she went into the bathroom and did her mess on the bathroom floor she has now gone upstairs back to them but im wondering how long can she leave them for and when she can go back outside or is it best to keep her in until she is sprayed. any advice is so much appreciated

    The mother cat has a natural mother instinct... its OK when she leaves the kittens to go eat or use the bathroom she will go back to them:)
  • Nov 24, 2011, 12:14 AM
    You cannot let the mother outside until she has been spayed, cats are very fertile for about 4-6wks and can ovulate every 2weeks, also she cannot be spayed until her kittens are fully weaned onto solids (spaying her while breastfeeding will dry up her supply and if the kittens aren't ready for full solids they won't survive). My cat had 4 yesterday, I took her to the vet afew weeks ago and that is what I was told. It will take 6-8weeks to fully wean the kittens onto solids (they cannot start solids till at least 5wkeeks) so you will need to be very vigilent at not letting your cat out during that time unless you want another litter in 10-11weeks.
  • Dec 31, 2011, 12:48 AM
    You should not let her out she needs to stay wit th kittens for 8 weeks and then after you should get her spayed
  • Jul 28, 2012, 01:57 PM
    Absolutely agree with this. Neuter her before she can get pregnant again.
  • Sep 18, 2012, 09:06 AM
    Your cat should not be outside at all. Cat's are household pet's.GET her spayed. Why do you think we have so many in shelters? KEEP her inside,ge her spayed,and teach her to go in thr letter tray. Cat's are smart, not like people
  • Oct 1, 2012, 06:58 AM
    Best not to let her out until they are weaned. What I would recommend is to let her go where she wants in the house, as long as she can hear the kittens that is, but make sure the kittens cannot get out from their "home/nest"

    She can be desexed now even, it's a little bit more tricky (thus costing more) (it shouldn't do ANYTHING to the milk (unless they mess up really bad) Number 1 reason that I can give you is that EVEN human women can lactate even thought they have had a complete hysterectomy) but it is better for her life to be desexed as they end up living longer, the more litters a cat has the shorter her life is. 8 weeks when the kittens are weaned and you should be starting to find homes for them (2 to 3 months is when a kitten is recommended to go to a new home.)

    Remember the mother can get pregnant very quickly and not every encounter with an un-de-sexed male will be good, we just had to remove an eye off a female cat who found her way put of the care's house while she was on heat. A male cat stuck his claw into her eye, and the whole eye needed to be removed.

    The kittens can be desexed at 1kg (2.2lb ish) though the bigger they are the better.

    A good way to get the kittens rehomed is to talk to your vet and ask if they know anyone who wants kittens (my mum runs a rescue group for cat's, the vet redirects them to us) and if you can put a poster up.

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