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  • Feb 20, 2009, 11:05 AM
    Stories of bigfoot
    Does anyone think that the Bigfoot is a real living creature? I think it could be possible, but with all the evidence I have seen on TV and everything, it all is pretty much fake and a phony. Idk what do you think? I have no idea if I should believe it or not?
  • Feb 20, 2009, 11:22 AM

    In my opinion: No way.
    A family of bigfoots cannot go that long without leaving or showing real proof to us humans.
    .. just me opinion :)
  • Feb 20, 2009, 11:31 AM

    I thinkt hat they may be real. The facts have to be real, but it could become possible. They might be more advanced in the brain thatn what we are. That could be why we can't find any remains of them. I don't know... it could be possible.
  • Feb 20, 2009, 02:45 PM
    Yeah I'm not sure if they are real. They could have a more intelligent and advanced brain, but I I doubt that they would be able to stay hidden that long if they are real. We, as humans, have covered every piece of land on this planet, so I don't think that they are real and all the evidence I have seen is crap. I don't think they are real at all, just stupid pranks and crap.
  • Feb 21, 2009, 09:13 PM

    Since I've never been to Scotland, I didn't comment on the similar question about Nessie. But living in the Pacific Northwest, I'd have to say that so much of the forests in Oregon and Washington have been clearcut (and it breaks my heart to see it), I find it hard to believe there could still be a population of large mammals living out there undiscovered. Canada, maybe. There's still some pretty good wilderness tracks up there.
  • Feb 22, 2009, 10:23 AM

    Maybe bigfoots could be real. I don't really know. I guess we will never know unless we actually find one. Maybe if bigfoots still exist, they are in hiding cause their afraid that if we find them, we will start killing them off to use their fur and stuff and people will start hunting them. I don't know
  • Feb 23, 2009, 06:20 AM

    Do you think that bigfoot are the possible missing link for man and primate?it could be possible right?
  • Feb 23, 2009, 09:36 AM

    Yea they could possibly be the missing link. It would be cool if we ever got to actually see one.
  • Feb 23, 2009, 11:14 AM

    I know it would be really cool because they could walk down the streets with you and become very good friends. That would become a great world. Lol I think I'm going crazy.LOL :D:D:D:D:D
  • Feb 23, 2009, 01:49 PM

    Oscarlicious I never thought of that. I figured that we would display them in a zoo which is what humans do with everything.
    And tamillo, I'm not sure if they are real or not. I'm just saying that there might be bigfoots. Who knows. People in believe everything from God to witches. It could be possible.
  • Feb 23, 2009, 02:01 PM

    I don't think bigfoot is real. Some people who claim they have seen bigfoot probably just saw either a really hairy naked guy, a gorilla that looked like a guy, or a guy that looked like a gollira! Lol! Or maybe he's a cross between a human and an ape. I heard that it's actually possible to cross a human with a gorilla, but I think it's crazy!
  • Feb 23, 2009, 02:49 PM

    Lol amybe so. I've never heard of breeding a human with a gorilla. That would be totally nuts! What species would you call their offspring?- humape, gorillaman,humarilla, or something else wacky lol. The people probably saw a hairy naked guy. Lol

    Ive seen something on medical mysteries before where their was this group of people out somewhere who had hair covering their entire body. The people that lived near them called them werewolvees. Maybe the people saw those people or someone else with a genetic disorder.

    I like the hairy naked guy theory better lol
  • Feb 24, 2009, 06:18 AM

    If they were real (I'm not saying that they aren't or are real) and were part human then why would we keep them in a cage just like animals. They may be hairy but it doesn't mean that they are animals.
  • Feb 24, 2009, 01:49 PM

    I don't know. People would want to study and research them if they were real, and the best way to study a type of species is in a lab or a zoo. I don't know
  • Feb 24, 2009, 06:21 PM

    Alder agrees: "You have a point! I've seen some pretty hairy naked people at Breitenbush Hot Springs!"

    LOL! That's funny. :)
  • Feb 24, 2009, 06:25 PM
    That is funny.
    The news people and the people all over the world who knows of bigfoots have it all wrong.
    The truth is that they are hairy naked men. Lol
  • Feb 25, 2009, 06:26 AM

    That would be funny, watching a REALLY hairy man walk domw the street. You would have to take another glance to make sure that your not going crazy.
  • Feb 25, 2009, 02:11 PM

    Lol id take a picture of it and post it as: the real truth behind bigfoot. Lol that would be awesome
  • Feb 26, 2009, 08:29 AM

    I was going to put a picture of the hairy man, but the pictures were to, well how do I say thing... the pictures were creepy. Lol
  • Feb 26, 2009, 09:35 AM

    They probably were lol : )
  • Feb 26, 2009, 10:33 AM

    This is an awkward tread. Isn't it? Talking about
    Extremely hariy men.
  • Feb 26, 2009, 10:34 AM
    Sorry pressed enter then saved on that last thing.
  • Feb 26, 2009, 10:35 AM

    Lol yuppa, but its funny : )
  • Feb 26, 2009, 10:36 AM

    People think I'm crazy right now, talking about hairy men. Lol
  • Feb 26, 2009, 10:51 AM

    Lol yeah I think your pretty crazy lol but then again I'm also talking about it too so...
  • Feb 26, 2009, 11:32 AM

    Lolo were both weird, but I think I'm more weird than you are.
  • Feb 26, 2009, 02:31 PM

    Thanks for insulting me!

    That's terrible oscarlicious saying I'm weird. And yes you are the super weird 1 for calling me that.
    Lol jk everyone's weird in one way or another : )
  • Feb 26, 2009, 02:34 PM
    Thanks for insulting me!

    That's terrible oscarlicious saying I'm weird. And yes you are the super weird 1 for calling me that.
    Lol jk everyone's weird in one way or another : )
  • Feb 27, 2009, 06:30 AM

    Hey I'm sorry. Didn't mean to.
  • Feb 27, 2009, 02:19 PM

    I was just kiddin. Its all cool lol : )
    I love messin with people : P
  • Jul 13, 2009, 07:26 AM
    Hillbillie Bill
    I believe that Bigfoot is real because I know what Bigfoot is. The film that Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin made in 1967 in Northern California at Bluff Creek of Bigfoot was real. Here is what they filmed on October/20/1967. A few thousand years ago there were thousands of slaves that ran off around the world and started their own countries. When these slaves ran off there was a large group of men and boys of all different ages and sizes that took off and ended up in Africa. Some of them were giants as tall as 9 ft. or even taller. The giant named Goliath that David killed with his slingshot was 9 ft. tall. So there were giant men back in those days. Some of these men and boys went exploring to Borneo and caught female Orangutans and took them to South America and had sex with them and created the Indians. The men and boys that stayed in Africa caught female Gorillas and had sex with them and created the Africans. When scientists found the bones in Africa they thought we evolved from a female Chimpanzee. But it wasn't a natural evolution it was a man made evolution. That's where all the Bigfoot and Orangutan creatures come from. They are half man and half Gorilla and half man and half Orangutan. They use to call the Indians the red man. The Orangutan has reddish hair. When those men bred out the hair the Indian's skin remained red. The Gorilla has black hair and skin. When those men bred out the hair the African's skin remained black. Some of the Indians and Africans are tall. And some of the Bigfoot and Orangutan creatures are tall. They are tall because some of the men that created them were tall. Some of the scientists believe that we evolved from a female Chimpanzee. Have you ever seen an 8 ft. tall Chimpanzee? I haven't either. Bigfoot migrated up through Africa and came into the United States at the top of Africa when the land was connected. The Orangutan creatures migrated up through Central America and came into the United States like the Indians did. The creature that Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin filmed in 1967 was half man and half Gorilla. It was a female Bigfoot that they named Patty. Patty was not a man in a costume, she is not our missing link and she is not a figment of our imagination. Patty was a creature that was created by men that had sex with female Gorillas and Orangutans a long time ago. Believe it or not, man created his own evolution.

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