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  • Jan 23, 2009, 05:20 PM

    Originally Posted by Choux View Post
    I remember that Dr. Phil had a segment a few years ago on Morgellons.....perhaps you can get something off his website.

    The segment came off as Morgellons being a mental illness; that was my concluson.

    There is no reason why no insect or whatever hasn't been identified. That would be very easy to do.

    Best wishes to you, girl, :)

    Wow it is so sad that you all just can't believe someone when they say something is happening to them.

    Actually if you would had researched more you have realized that it is INDEED a disease and it's not psychosis. A medical doctor has identified it as such and now has a potential cure..

    Morgellons Treatment Protocol Completed, Dr. Susan Kolb MD, Research by Trisha Springstead RN

    Take the time to read this. It's such a shame that so many people have closed minds to all this..
  • Jan 23, 2009, 05:57 PM

    Hi choux, yes I didn't have to go back to re-read, I still think from the description it is bedbugs. Why does everything have to be a psychotic disease nowadays?

    Nothing was mentioned about a psychotic ideas until Cinnabar introduced it.

    We are not here, remember, to diagnose. He has to realize that.
  • Jan 24, 2009, 12:28 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    hi choux, yes I didnt have to go back to re-read, i still think from the description it is bedbugs. Why does everything have to be a psychotic disease nowadays?

    Nothing was mentioned about a psychotic ideas until Cinnabar introduced it.

    We are not here, remember, to diagnose. He has to realize that.

    With bed bugs I think they only live in your bed and bite you at night.unless they are badly infested.this sounds like morgellons disease.she might deed a shrink because nodody believes the poor woman,do you what they do for delusions?they give them meds that don't actually help they just give bad side effects.
  • Jan 24, 2009, 12:43 PM

    Originally Posted by plonak View Post
    Wow it is so sad that you all just can't believe someone when they say something is happening to them.

    Actually if you would had researched more you have realized that it is INDEED a disease and it's not psychosis. A medical doctor has identified it as such and now has a potential cure..

    Morgellons Treatment Protocol Completed, Dr. Susan Kolb MD, Research by Trisha Springstead RN

    Take the time to read this. It's such a shame that so many people have closed minds to all this..

    A very good saying is "be open minded...but not so open minded that your brain falls out." Your brain has fallen out. Believing everything you read on the internet is a very dangerous thing. There is TONS of peer-reviewed literature on the topic of morgellon's and all of it points to a psychological issue.

    It's hilarious to think that this is some parasite that can't be identified or even produced for research.
  • Jan 24, 2009, 12:45 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Nothing was mentioned about a psychotic ideas until Cinnabar introduced it.

    We are not here, remember, to diagnose. He has to realize that.

    I have not provided a formal diagnosis(as it's not in my scope). I have disagreed with the nonsense offered up in this thread based on actual peer-reviewed evidence and my skill set, which includes parasitology.
  • Jan 26, 2009, 12:31 AM

    Originally Posted by Cinnabar View Post
    A very good saying is "be open minded...but not so open minded that your brain falls out." Your brain has fallen out. Believing everything you read on the internet is a very dangerous thing. There is TONS of peer-reviewed literature on the topic of morgellon's and all of it points to a psychological issue.

    It's hilarious to think that this is some parasite that can't be identified or even produced for research.

    Such a shame. Did you even read my link to the site of the Doctor that has identified what it is and what the cures are??

    I think it would be such a different story if you contracted the disease yourself.. you would then be left in the dark with no one to believe YOU.. such a lonely feeling huh?

    If this is psychosis.. then how do you explain the physical evidence supporting this disease.. once again you haven't taken the time to READ BOTH CASES.. you just read the side that says these people are crazy.. To make a valid argument one should investigate both sides to the matter. Which I have, and I still conclude that it's a valid disease.

    Like I said SHAME!
  • Jan 26, 2009, 09:49 PM

    Originally Posted by plonak View Post
    Such a shame. Did you even read my link to the site of the Doctor that has identified what it is and what the cures are???

    Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

    I'll also add that being an MD doesn't make you an expert on a topic. Susan Kolb is a plastic surgeon. She is not in the fields of pathology, microbiology, or anything related. I'd hardly take her word over the TONS of available research contradicting what she says.


    Originally Posted by plonak View Post
    Which I have, and I still conclude that it's a valid disease.

    And your expert Google skills certainly make your conclusion worthwhile. Your pursuit of unreliable sources speaks for itself. No offense is intended but you are not adequately prepared to seek out information needed to draw an informed conclusion, much less come to one.
  • Jan 27, 2009, 11:20 AM

    Originally Posted by Cinnabar View Post
    Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

    I'll also add that being an MD doesn't make you an expert on a topic. Susan Kolb is a plastic surgeon. She is not in the fields of pathology, microbiology, or anything related. I'd hardly take her word over the TONS of available research contradicting what she says.

    And your expert google skills certainly make your conclusion worthwhile. Your pursuit of unreliable sources speaks for itself. No offense is intended but you are not adequately prepared to seek out information needed to draw an informed conclusion, much less come to one.

    We are here to offer our opinions to someone asking it.. I had researched the disease for a while and had thought that it matched.

    This poor woman is suffering. What's wrong with offering her a suggestion on what it could be. That's what we're here for!

    Like I said, if you had the condition yourself, I'm sure it would be a whole different story.. I'm done arguing with you. It's all immature. This woman found what she needed and she's happy with what she found here. Just leave it at that
  • Jun 11, 2009, 06:41 PM

    Originally Posted by lela211 View Post
    my psychiatrist referred me to my primary doc to get some blood work done, because this all stared after i got back from the domican republic. I first went to the dermitoligest and he could not get a scrap from any of the bumps because i had scratched them too much. So then i took my dog to the dermitoligest to see about mites and they said they were not sure because 75% of the time you can not see a mite so I spent $400 there got my carpets cleaned and they are still there. then i went to the primary doc and got blood work and he also gave me a cream for the body but not hair or face because it was to strong but lice shampoo only helps for a few days and its killing my hair. they look white and when they fall out of my hair almost like a thin long string and when they get on my clothing and try to pick it out it comes more into the clothing.when i pluck my eyebrows or hair on my face the white thing comes out. sometimes when i can get one on tape its white on one side and the other is black. they bite and sometimes sting. I look on the internet and i am woundering if its a bacteria infection in my mouth from a took that has been hurting for a while now.

    I had the same type of mites.You are not crazy and neither am I or the other hundreds of people that I have come across while researching my own problem. Have you seen what appears to be glitter on sheets or body? I noticed it on my sheets that I was ironing and two days ago I found some type of mite that I believe to be a biting midge in my hair. Anyway I went to the emergency room and they gave me a script for Lindane. The permethrian cream does not work for these type of mites. Anyway when I put this cream on I began noticing those shiny specs where all over my body. It looked like I had used body glitter. They had apparently been imbedded in my skin and the Lindane made them come out. This must be some type of new bug because no one seems to know what it is or how to get rid of it. That was good advice about using the olive oil. There is now some type of super lice out and they are immuned to regular lice shampoo according to CBS news. There is a link for that news segment if you will Google head lice. You can also order Lindane off internet, but I probley wouldn't use it on the child as it is VERY poisonous. Good luck and know that you arenot crazy or alone. mmarsha P.S. I'm still seeking answers.
  • Jun 17, 2009, 09:47 PM

    Originally Posted by lela211 View Post
    I have something that is biting me on my body. It is in my hair and on my body and in my clothing. What ever it is it bites or stings and feels like it buries in my skin. I can feel it walking on my skin. it falls from my hair and I can feel it on my clothing when it falls. When i go to pick it off it goes into the clothing. It looks white and sometimes black. It looks alot like lint. When I feel it biting or a sting it looks like a little black dot. and when I see it in my hair it looks white or shinny. I have used lice shampoo creams. I have been to a skin doc, my primary doc and a vet skin doc for my dog because I thought it might be mites. but I have not been able to get this problem away. Please if anyone knows what this is or a solution that might help please tell let me know. I have been dealing with this for about 8 months now. like I said its in my hair, on every part of my body that has hair even my eye lashes everywhere. please help. thank you

    Here is a good picture site off the morgellons research site, Soil Biology Movies ,Catsmine if you are reading, check this out.:)
  • Jun 20, 2009, 07:24 AM
    Thank you very much for the information you gave me. Im still living with it some days are better then others. I have stopped going to the doc and spending money to say there is nothing wrong. Sorry it took so long to get back but I'm glad I looked this time. If it works even a little I will let you know. By the way when you found one what did it look like and how big was it... Again thank you... :)
  • Jun 20, 2009, 07:30 AM

    Lela, you have to answer under the original posting, otherwise I am lost. No, I never had any of these.

  • Jun 23, 2009, 03:51 AM

    Originally Posted by lela211 View Post
    Thank you very much for the information you gave me. Im still living with it some days are better then others. I have stopped going to the doc and spending money to say there is nothing wrong. Sorry it took so long to get back but im glad I looked this time. If it works even a little I will let you know. By the way when you found one what did it look like and how big was it... Again thank you...:)

    Hi Lela,
    It does sound like you have the same as me and lots of other people. It is called morgellons and if you will go to the Morgellons research site you will find others who have had the shiny specs along with lots of other stuff. Some people on this site think that those specs are a sign that you have a very bad infection with the morg bugs and I agree. There are lots of things on this site that will help you. All sorts of different protocols for easing your symptoms and most of all you will have people that you can relate with and them with you. There is not a cure yet and many theories as to what has caused this terrible disease that makes people suffer so much. For the past several weeks I have been suicidal because I felt like there was no hope for me at all and I couldn't imagine how much longer I could mentally withstand this torture, especially when people think you are crazy or some kind of dirty person because some people think that they would never be in our situation, that they are to clean or whatever but it can happen to even the cleanest person that there ever was. Some people are thinking that morg has something to do with heavy metal toxic levels in our body's and there are some other things as to why this may have happened to us. Please go to that site and check it out. You will find more answers there than I think any where else. There are thing that can help you , some people are beginning to live normal lives again. GOOD LUCK Mmarsha
  • Jun 23, 2009, 10:23 PM

    Originally Posted by Cinnabar View Post
    A very good saying is "be open minded...but not so open minded that your brain falls out." Your brain has fallen out. Believing everything you read on the internet is a very dangerous thing. There is TONS of peer-reviewed literature on the topic of morgellon's and all of it points to a psychological issue.

    It's hilarious to think that this is some parasite that can't be identified or even produced for research.

    Cinnabar, people come to this site for help and hopefully some compassion and understanding. You are not as informed as you think you are and you obviously don't know what you are talking about on the subject of morgellons. If you were as up on your research as you say that you are you would know that the NPA is working with FDA on the subject of collembola infesting humans and the relation to morgellons and as we speak the CDC is conducting a clinical investigation into the disease. The medical community is starting to realize that morgellons is a REAL disease. I don't know where you get your info at but you and others like you better listen up. Morgellons is real and as of right now people are unsure how the actually contract it except that there seems to be a direct link with lyme disease. THIS WOMAN IS SUFFERING SOMETHING YOU Can't EVEN BEGIN TO FATHOM AND HOW DARE YOU TRY AND MAKE SOME KIND OF LAME JOKE and say that there is no such thing. THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT SAID THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED TOO. BUT THE MILLIONS OF JEWS THAT WERE SLAUGHTERED WOULD CERTAINLY DISAGREE. You need to stop and think about someone's feelings and remember that you are not here to make fun of people and to pretend like you know what is going on physiologically with them> answer the question asked or just shut up.
  • Jul 13, 2009, 12:01 PM

    Originally Posted by lela211 View Post
    I have something that is biting me on my body. It is in my hair and on my body and in my clothing. What ever it is it bites or stings and feels like it buries in my skin. I can feel it walking on my skin. it falls from my hair and I can feel it on my clothing when it falls. When i go to pick it off it goes into the clothing. It looks white and sometimes black. It looks alot like lint. When I feel it biting or a sting it looks like a little black dot. and when I see it in my hair it looks white or shinny. I have used lice shampoo creams. I have been to a skin doc, my primary doc and a vet skin doc for my dog because I thought it might be mites. but I have not been able to get this problem away. Please if anyone knows what this is or a solution that might help please tell let me know. I have been dealing with this for about 8 months now. like I said its in my hair, on every part of my body that has hair even my eye lashes everywhere. please help. thank you

    Lela, I don't know if you come to this site or not anymore but if you do I have found something that is helping me. It is called GSE , Grapefruit seed extract. It is inexpensive and it helps. You can get it off the net or local health food store. If you do see this post and use be sure and follow directions about diluting. I put several drops in shampoo and body wash and if I am having more problem with one area or another I soak rag in it (diluted solution) and lay it on problem area. I hope this helps you as well.
  • Jul 19, 2009, 09:21 PM

    Originally Posted by mmarsha View Post
    Lela, I don't know if you come to this site or not anymore but if you do I have found something that is helping me. It is called GSE , Grapefruit seed extract. It is inexpensive and it helps. You can get it off the net or local health food store. If you do see this post and use be sure and follow directions about diluting. I put several drops in shampoo and body wash and if I am having more problem with one area or another I soak rag in it (diluted solution) and lay it on problem area. I hope this helps you as well.

    One more thing Benonite clay, you can obtain it at local health food store. You can take baths with this and sea salt and soak 30 min and then shower using srubby, dry off and mix some clay till putty consistency and pack it on your problem area's. I some times but a bandage over mine. I hope you are doing better. I have thought about you often and wondered how you are?
  • Sep 10, 2009, 12:13 AM
    About 10 years ago I traveled to Belize and came back with severe fatigue, felt that I would faint all the time. After numerous doctor visits, I finally went to a naturopath who did some testing to find I had 5 different parasites. After an internal cleanse I felt better within a couple of days. Sadly, US doctors are not the best at diagnosing parasites. It is likely that you have contracted a parasite from your travels in the Dominican Republic. Especially if you drank or swam in the water. Try to find a doc that can either do some bioenergetic testing to see what's up, or a specializes in parasites. Sometimes if things are left untreated they can have severe affects on your body so it would be good for you to keep going with your battle to discover what's going on. Try googling Domincan Republic parasites, see what you come up with. Although good to do - my family, including my dogs, all do an intestinal cleanse now once every six months with "Parasist" found at Whole Foods type market... sometimes certain parasites need specific treatment, so it is good to see someone who can guide you through these tricky waters. One web site I found... p talks about schistosomiasis, which is common in DR. Prayers with you!
  • Oct 1, 2009, 07:37 AM

    Don't allow people to make you think you are imagining these things. There are so many other people out there with similar problems, myself included. No one who has not experienced such a nightmare can possibly understand the frustration and the isolation from these parasitic entities - whatever they are. Just getting a good night's sleep becomes a primary life issue. You will find yourself trying to find out why and how you got these critters over and over in your head. You mind desperately tries to figure out a solution. There are many temporary solutions posted on various sites -- I have tried a huge percentage of them. Essentially the core prob seems to be killing off the eggs of these things. Good luck on your quest, don't give up.
  • Oct 29, 2009, 10:37 PM
    Killing Mites

    It sounds like bird mites to me except the part about it being shiny in your hair.Why don't you just try a bird mite remedy and see if it helps or goes away,and then you will have answer to your problem.They are really hard to get rid of though,as they get into everything.I doubt you have delusional parisitosis if you can see them,and what you describe sounds just like mites.They aren't easy to kill and they keep coming back after the number are reduced if you find something that kills them but they multiply pretty quickly and they are so small they get into places where you can't spray if you are using a kill on contact spray.Try boric acid and borax,grains or powder which can be left on the carpet.The borax definitely works on mites if you mop them or left on the carpet.I have used it on areas before.But like I said its hard to get rid of because they get into everything.
    You might want to try and get a sample of them too,but using sticky tape taped upside down to a piece of paper and on the edges of each upside down strip of tape,so that they cannot crawl under it,and put that near a heater on a cold night (if its cold enough),as mites don't like the cold much and will gravitate towards a heat source.And you can then take the samples to a bird specialist vet or to an entymologist at a university to find out which variety of insect or mite you might have.The heater might also work on insects other than bird mites,its worth a try.
    I can imagine how hard it must be to be told that you are imagining things.

    Hope it works out for you
  • Feb 20, 2011, 01:24 PM
    Comment on Choux's post
    Insects I know are attracted to each other they leave a scent and they are every where true true even in Utah. I should know I lived in salt like and I have plenty. Theuy are hard to get rid of if you don't take care of the problem right away, bugs can breed rapidly... but it sounds as if she has the same thing as me, and its too bad she dose.

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