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  • Mar 31, 2007, 01:20 PM
    Not married, but with child
    I am engaged to a guy, who has been dating and is in love with our neighbor. We both have been through divorces, and have a child together. I believe that he has hired back his attorney to deal with us and our child.

    During his drunk ordeals he has talked of his plans, to be with this other woman, but still plays the I love you game, to have me help with the bills until the both of them are ready to say hey we now want to be together.

    Even though we are not married, should I hire an attorney? What could be situations that would come up? Our child is 21 months, and since he has the girl, my plans our to move back closer to my children from my previous marriage, about 30-40 miles away, is this OK?

    Please give me some feedback so I can be proactive and not defeated by fear, because of ignorance to this subject.
  • Apr 1, 2007, 08:06 AM
    Hello daisy:

    ENGAGED?? Ok, uhhhhhh, I guess that means you want to marry this flake. And what, you're looking for information on how to make that happen?? Lady, that's like telling us that you're living with a serial killer, but you really want to work it out. It ain't going to happen.

    Don't be scared. Court ain't no big deal. AND, you found this site, so you're not going to be ignorant about this subject any more either.

    Let's simplify the situation (because it IS really simple). You're not married. Therefore, you have no marital rights. IF you are a property owner with him, then you are a business partner. However, you make no mention about that, so I assume you don't own squat with him.

    Next, and probably finally, you have a child support issue with him, and that's it.

    Can you LEGALLY move 30 miles away?? Of course. Do it tomorrow. If he doesn't start IMMEDIATELY paying you an agreed upon amount EVERY SINGLE MONTH, then sue him. I think it's perfectly fine if you include him in your plans.

  • Apr 1, 2007, 08:30 AM
    And why are you helping pay his bills? Please do not do that anymore. He is a big boy now and can manage on his own. You say he has the child - such as permanent custody? Was that done legally? Are you paying child support?

    You should be able to move without any problems. Thrity miles is not long distance and you can easily see your daughter for visitation.

    At the very least, consulting an attorney in regards to your rights and responsibilities, as to prevent any misunderstandings in the future, is a smart thing to do. Knwoledge is power, so the saying goes.

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