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  • May 10, 2008, 03:58 PM
    Quote: I didn't suggest you told her to kiss his butt but by avoiding the conversation is essentially what she would be doing.
    She doesn't avoid the conversation, just picks her battles wisely, and at the best times.
    I agree they need to spend time together. I didn't suggest she "throw in the towel" immediately, if he is a good husband.
    They are married, and despite the ages, and the difference, they must work together on some level. I assume he can be a good husband, and she can be a good wife. Time, hard work, and honest communications, is all these two need, and if it doesn't happen .................................!!!!!
    I don't know her life and can't assume what her husband is really like.
    Most males, don't do windows. But one factor is her age, maturity, and the fact she has small babies that have to be a load on any young inexperieced female. Takes getting use to.
    But I stand by what I previously said, try to work it out but if he isn't going to try she should leave.
    This could take a few years, whats your timetable?
  • May 10, 2008, 04:06 PM
    Well while of course the husband should be helping around the house, I have to also look at a husband who is at work supporting the entire household and the wife is taking care of the home and the children,
    So most certainly she should be doing the larger share, I would see him helping with the children some in the evening, but a lot has to do with time management and understanding duties and responsibilities,
    If she was a working mother, then spliting all the duties in the evenings wold be right
  • May 11, 2008, 01:41 AM
    This is why premarital counseling is so important. It is also why before marriage every male and female should live ALONE FIRST. It is a time for adjustment from Mom & Dad's to your own household and sowing those ole wild oats as well as getting your party at the club time in.

    Marriage is meant to be a permanent arrangement FOR ADULTS ONLY. It requires commitment, honesty and HARD WORK. It is not for the faint at heart or those with no life experiences.

    I lived as a single mother for 19 years between husbands. It was not easy but I found the courage to do what was required for the survival of my child & myself--he NEVER paid any child support!! You do not want this life for yourself!

    Get up with your husband & make breakfast. He needs to know that all his hard work & dedication is going to a worthy cause--you & the kids. Walk him to the door & hand him his lunch. Tell him you love him & wish him a good day. Kiss him goodbye & close the door shut. Get the kids up & feed them. Sit them down @ the table and you sit with them. Dress them, give them something safe to do & start cleaning the house.

    How to keep the house clean? One room at a time.

    Until you DEVELOP the skills needed for multi-tasking, concentrate on one room at a time--t.v. off, phone off the hook if needed--you are much too busy with your responsibilities right now, OK?

    By the time husband returns, you should be done & be presentable enough for him to want to kiss you hello.

    Be a loving & GRATEFUL wife. The rewards are huge!
  • Jun 5, 2008, 08:08 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    Well while of course the husband should be helping around the house, I have to also look at a husband who is at work supporting the entire household and the wife is taking care of the home and the children,
    So most certainly she should be doing the larger share, I would see him helping with the children some in the evening, but alot has to do with time management and understanding duties and responsiblities,
    If she was a working mother, then spliting all the duties in the evenings wold be right

    I am a working parent I do family day care from home and I have five chldren here every day so I do have a full time job people thing it is not a job and I'm still at home but I would like people to have day in my shoes and tending the needs to five children there is not enough hours in the day mind you I love my job I love kids but it is the same as if I was working full time away from home,
    I just wanted to add that I just found out my husband has been in contact with an ex with out telling me I have told him that the problem I have is not that he is talking to them but the fact that he does not tell my until a long time later and it makes me fell like he has something to hide he is also texting other women and although he says they are only friends I feel like he is cheating on me by doing this can anyone tell me what they think about this
  • Jun 5, 2008, 09:57 PM

    My husband and I have been married for two years and have two young children,
    If your ready to quit after only two years, because its harder than you thought then you are not giving yourself a good chance. That's what marriage is... very hard work.
    Keep talking and know that you must communicate and work through hings.
    You both work so it needs to be shared, leave his share and let him do it.

    As for him talking to his exes, don't get carried away by jealous, or insecure emotions, just try to build the bonds of dialog, so you both can express yourselves, and even if no changes come overnight, stay with it, and be patient. This is a life time thing to be worked on. Your husband may not be perfect but you chose him.

    Tell your mom to stay out of your business.
  • Jun 6, 2008, 05:23 AM
    I know see why divorce rates are so high, no one wants to stick it out through the tough times. Seek out some counseling, it's wrong of your mother to get involved on this matter and simply say leave him.

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