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  • May 22, 2008, 05:17 AM

    Originally Posted by busymom

    Just to clarify one thing: I did not ask or tell him to stop talking to the slut- I told him that I was not okay with it and that I felt it was inappropriate. He has told me on numerous occasions that he was not okay with me talking with other male friends or co-workers and has asked that out of respect for him as a husband I cut my ties.

    I don't agree with this either. I think it should be fine for you to have male friends at work and outside of work. You know your boundaries and so does he (at least it seems so by his actions) so there is no reason that you two need to be jealous/nervous about each other.

    It seems that there are underlying trust issues which are making it difficult. I'd have to say that if he expects you to drop ties with men you would be friendly with at work then he should do you the same courtesy - the double standard isn't fair. That doesn't mean I agree, but your right to feel jilted.

    It almost sounds like you each want just a little bit too much control over each other's personal life... relax!
  • May 22, 2008, 05:36 AM

    He has told me on numerous occasions that he was not okay with me talking with other male friends or co-workers and has asked that out of respect for him as a husband I cut my ties. None of these people ever tried to sleep with me.
    I don't think that's very healthy, and is rather insecure of him, honestly. That goes beyond trust and loyalty. That does add something to my opinion though, as its very unfair to ask someone to do something that you wouldn't do. Now I can see the disrespect, and think under those circumstances, maybe a reminder to keep his word is called for. But you know what, the premise you both made the original agreement to respect each others wishes, may not be all that healthy, and based on fear and insecurity, and could very well make you both feed off the others shortcoming.
    In my house we both have many friends of the opposite sex, and know of each others friends. Just me I cannot see, dictating or making demands, on her interactions, as long as they never cross the boundaries we have set for our relationship.
    Maybe you can talk this out, and put things on a more level ground with respect to being a little more liberal, and trusting and not feed insecurity or fear, for the sake of peace of mind.
    He definitely needs to uphold his end of the bargain, and the way you approach it is key.
    Since you have an idea where this is coming from that's where you start, and don't do anything to put him on the defensive, but be firm in your expressions but back off if it gets emotional, and resume at a better time. Do you think he would go to counseling? That would be ideal, as a trained third person can objectively guide you through the process of seeing the best way, to fairly work together. You both seem to need a lot of reassurance, and just like it didn't happen in a day, neither will there be a quick solution, so be patient, with him and yourself, and go slowly. There is no hurry to fix things overnight.
  • May 22, 2008, 05:46 AM

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to talaniman again.
    Again, but I like that Tal. Pretty much sums up the way I was feeling..

    And I'm impressed with your paragraph formations this time around :D

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